Contract for Marriage (13 page)

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Authors: Barbara Deleo

Tags: #Barbara DeLeo, #reunited lovers, #billionaire, #Greek lover, #marriage of convenience, #sexy romance, #unexpected pregnancy, #New Zealand, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Contract for Marriage
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Gently, he pulled away and stared deep into her eyes, and Ruby wondered how something so false could make her body burn and bend like molten glass. Over and over she told herself this wasn’t real, but if it was all a lie, why was each nerve ending in her body aching to be close to him again?

When he moved his gaze from her to their families behind them and then reached down to squeeze her hand, she realized the feeling wasn’t stopping, no matter how much she wished it would.

“Great evening.” Christo tossed his house keys and suit jacket on the hall stand after the limousine had dropped them back at the house. “It was good of Lorenzo to host us all at the restaurant.”

Ruby smiled. Christo had planned to helicopter everyone to Waiheke Island for the reception, but when her uncle said he wanted to cook them their first meal as a married couple, Christo had readily agreed. The Italian food, the dancing—the evening had been surprisingly lovely.

She moved to the sitting room and turned on a single lamp before pulling off the heels that were making her feet ache. “I hope your mother is happy staying at the hotel,” she said. “It doesn’t seem right that she stays away when it’s only her second day in the house.”

Christo followed her into the room and moved to the antique walnut table where liquor bottles sat on a silver tray. He poured himself a scotch. “It’s her last night before Aunt Kiki goes back to Greece,” he said. “Nicer for them to have the luxurious night in a hotel suite.”

Ruby thought about the little smiles her aunt and cousins had given her at the mention of her wedding night and the protestations from Stella when Ruby had tried to insist it was fine if she come home to the house tonight. None of them could have known that their reactions had caused the tangle of nerves in her body to pull tighter at the thought of spending a night—her wedding night—in the house alone with Christo. Even though she and Christo had spoken so openly about a physical relationship this morning, in the sultry evening after they’d vowed to love, honor, and cherish each other, it all felt different.

“Today wasn’t so bad, was it?” Christo lifted the glass of amber liquid to his lips but held his gaze on her face. “Fire and brimstone weren’t cast down upon us for what we did.”

Ruby shifted on the couch. “No, it was fine.” She thought about the image from the registry office window and swallowed. “I was glad we weren’t being dishonest in a church.”

“More people should do what we did today.” Christo placed the stopper on the crystal decanter. “A transaction between two sane and consenting adults without the complication of a romantic relationship.” He moved across the room and sat beside her on the couch, removing a cushion that had rested between them and tossing it on a nearby chair. “Could save many people a lot of trouble.”

Ruby tucked her feet up beside her as the tension of the day eased from her body. “You think we’ve put our past behind us enough that we can keep emotions out of our arrangement?” Her fingers fluttered to her lips. “I mean, given that we parted on such bad terms, do you think we’ve hit the middle ground enough to get past all that?”

“We’re at a distinct advantage.” His mouth lifted. “There are no surprises with us. From experience we know why a romantic relationship wouldn’t work so we can enjoy the civilized relationship of friends.” The grin became sexier. “And lovers.”

“You think we can be friends?” She studied his face. The possibility hadn’t occurred to her.

“It’s a necessity for parenting.” He twisted toward her. “I’ve observed how some women treat their friends better than they do their husbands, and I’m all for being treated well.”

Ruby thought of her friends in New York and trapped her lip between her teeth. They’d been such an important part of her life, and she’d miss them desperately, but she could never imagine Christo being a friend like one of them. For starters, she trusted herself around her friends. She knew they’d have her back and help her make the right decisions. She didn’t have the same level of trust in herself around Christo. A part of her always needed to be on guard, watching to make sure she stayed alert to his actions and that she didn’t slip so far under his spell she’d start making the wrong choices. “I want to make this arrangement work.” She spoke the words to herself as much as to him.

He put his glass on a side table and leaned closer. “We have the best of both worlds. We’ve made a commitment to stay together to raise our baby, and we have a mutual respect for each other’s individuality.” He took her hand in his and drew circles on her wrist with his thumb. “And we know our shortcomings.”

The softness of his stroking thumb caused shivers down the length of her body.

“We’re open enough to share our needs with each other also.” His eyes darkened. “Seeing you in that dress today, those flowers in your hair, my needs were
much on my mind.” He placed a finger on her arm and drew a soft line to where the ring he’d given her today circled her finger. “The next celebration we’ll have is the birth of our baby.” He leaned closer and drew her to him.

She could’ve pushed him away, held his face softly in her hands, and eased him away from her. She could’ve said this was too far, too fast. But she didn’t. Instead, she twined her fingers through his glossy black waves and held his face before guiding his lips to her mouth. Every cell of her body that had been aching for him since this morning rushed to have its release. The moist warmth of his lips on her hungry mouth mirrored the burning racing through her veins, and she leaned into him, pressure building deep inside.

“Ruby.” He whispered between kisses as he traced a finger along the top of her dress, dipping into where her breasts pulsed with heat then teasing across to her shoulders and pushing down the straps as they got in his way.

His gaze burned into hers before she dragged him to her once more. Kissing him hungrily, she pulled the shirt from his suit pants and ran her fingers across the warm skin at his waist. Memories of making love to him last night rocketed through her, and in reflex the muscles low in her abdomen pulled tight. His smell and the warmth and firmness of his kiss were what she’d ached for today.

“Not here,” he moaned. “You’re my wife now. I want you in my bed.”

Her skin chilled, and she drew back. Although she wanted, more than anything, for Christo to make love to her tonight, it wouldn’t be in his bed. That was too intimate. Too personal.
too much.

“I can’t wait that long,” she murmured as she looked into his face.

He stilled, and his hands circled her wrists, his eyes searching hers. “I want to lay you out, Ruby, see every perfect part of your body. You belong in my bed.”

“You can see me here,” she whispered and eased her hands from his. “Take me here. Now.”

For a heartbeat he stayed motionless, his eyes scanning her face, until his mouth lifted at the corners, and he helped her ease the shirt from his back.

Now his bronze chest, lit only by the soft light from the lamp, was in touching and kissing distance, and she trailed one finger down the length of it, his abdominal muscles dancing as she moved her touch across them slowly. His skin was silky, and she imagined the length of him pressed against her body.

“Christo,” she said, placing both palms flat on his chest and kissing every scrap of him she could lay claim to. Tiny groans left his lips as she trailed down his chest to his waist, meeting his belly button before he drew her up again.

“Slow, slow,” he said, his voice graveled and strained. “I want to see you first.”

As he stood before her, the lamp shadowed his tall frame. The promise of his body kicked deep, and goose bumps swept her from head to foot. He knelt down and slowly unzipped the side of her dress.

In that second she reminded herself that this was her husband—the man she would spend her life making love to. The thought sent a deep, delicious thrill through her. As she looked down at his ebony hair, his squared shoulders, and his bare, broad back, she felt the caress of his palm from her ankle up the inside of her leg, and she groaned.

Carefully, he took the hem of her dress in both his hands and peeled it up her body, all the while holding her gaze, a soft smile touching his lips. As more and more of her skin was kissed by the warm night air, shivers of need raked her body. When Christo lifted the last of her dress over her head, he snaked an arm around her waist.

“God, you’re beautiful,” he whispered, pulling her closer so their bodies melded. Every inch of her skin ached to touch him. He eased her back onto the couch.

Cupping a breast in his hand, he grazed his thumb across the fabric of her bra then kissed her deeply as her nipple grew hard. Warm sparks blossomed from her chest and moved rapid-fire to the place between her legs that was beginning to pulse.

Desperate to feel more of him, Ruby reached for his belt and tugged it open. Gently he removed her hand and placed it on the smooth plane of his torso. As she held him there the tips of his fingers found her nipple, and slowly he began to squeeze.

Explosions ripped through her core, and she waged a battle between succumbing to the agonizing ecstasy he was creating or pulling him to her, having all of him.

With his other hand, Christo worked the clasp of her bra. In moments it was blessedly released, and the skin of her breasts was ready for his mouth and his hands to roam wild across them.

“I can’t wait,” she managed through parched lips. “I want to feel all of you.” Christo stepped back and wrenched off his belt. In two simple flicks his buttons were undone, and he was standing in his shorts.

She reached up and pulled him to her, wriggling her hands under the elastic of his shorts till they reached two hard buttocks. As he braced himself, arms on either side of her, he trapped her gaze, and she stretched to meet his kiss, but he stopped inches from her lips. “I want you, Mrs. Mantazis. Tonight and every night of our lives together, I want to see that sparkle in your eye, that flush across your breasts. I want to hear that little sigh in your throat when we kiss.”

As if her blood had stopped moving in her veins, Ruby remained motionless. This feeling of desperately wanting to be closer to Christo was something she knew like the beat of her heart, and she gave in to its power.

Swiftly she pushed the shorts down and he dragged them off.

“There’s something in my way,” he growled. He slid the tip of his finger under the side of her panties and stroked. Sparks became explosions and she couldn’t wait any more. She dragged her panties off and in a second Christo was inside her.

Every empty part of her, every lonely place, was instantly filled, every neglected need righted, and she let herself drown in the perfect moment of togetherness.

Bittersweet pleasure raked her body at the feeling of his skin against hers. His body joined with her own, and he showered a thousand kisses across her face. As she flew higher and higher, she surrendered to every sensation and to the knowledge that regardless of where it happened, making love with Christo
mean something—and she never wanted it to end.

Chapter Ten

The following morning, Christo searched the house for Ruby, his stride lengthening with the discovery of each empty room. Since they’d gone their separate ways after breakfast he’d been restless, listening for her movements and wondering where she was. The scent of her from last night still lingered on his skin, but it wasn’t enough. He needed her close again.

As he was officially on his honeymoon, it would look odd if he went into the office, and work was the last thing on his mind. The sense of satisfaction he’d imagined when the marriage was completed and the property agreement finalized
there, but only in some small part. Odd, considering that for so long he’d wanted to put right what was done to him and his mother here.

The thought of becoming a father was certainly part of the reason that feeling of achievement was lessened. Every time he imagined throwing a ball to his child or helping him or her learn to ride a bike, a sense of completeness overcame him. Whatever the reason for these indefinable feelings, the future for everyone in his newly-formed family was looking bright.

He hadn’t counted on one thing, though—the satisfaction in being with Ruby again. Perhaps it was the fact that she appreciated the practicalities of the arrangement as much as he did, or maybe it was the knowledge that they were the perfect physical match.

Overanalyzing anything with Ruby was dangerous. He’d let himself feel too much for her once before—let himself become so distracted by her that he hadn’t seen the truth of their relationship. Yesterday she’d said she’d lied about using him, but she’d also said actions were what counted, and her lack of belief in him back then spoke volumes. Keeping things simple, open, and uncomplicated was the key.

He stopped in the housekeeper’s stairwell and listened. Ruby was humming softly in one of the tiny sun-filled rooms at the top of the house, and a new urgency to be near her coursed through him. He took the stairs to find her.

“Want company?” he asked at the open door.

Ruby sat in a rocking chair, her head bent over a large tray. She looked up and smiled, the sun throwing a crown of light around her head, and he etched the image in his mind. “Sure,” she said. Beside her on a table lay small pliers, some wire, and tiny bottles of brightly colored beads.

“What are you up to?” He stepped into the room and leaned against a large set of antique drawers. The way she sat, bare feet crossed in front of her, flowery dress draped over slim legs, made her look relaxed, content. The thought that she was now his wife sent a shot of pride through him.

“I’ve been itching to start on a nursery for the baby, but somehow it feels like bad luck.” She bent her head once more. “I thought if I put my creative urges into jewelry I might be able to pass the time quicker.” She picked up a gun-shaped object and concentrated on a brooch she was holding.

He pulled up a footstool, sat down, then picked up another perfectly round brooch from the table. Delicate pink ribbon spiraled around it, and tiny, lime green beads lay at the center. It reminded him of a bag she’d made when she was younger—a bohemian-looking thing that he’d teased her about though it had suited her perfectly. “I can help,” he volunteered as the tip of her tongue poked out from between her lips.

“Sure, if you…owww!” She dropped the gun and sucked at her finger.

He lurched forward. “Are you okay?”

She laughed—a light, tinkling sound—as her eyes sparkled. “Looks like I’m out of practice with a hot glue gun,” she said. “Could you please hold this straight?” She held out a piece of turquoise ribbon, the same color as the dress she’d worn the first night he’d seen her again, and he couldn’t drag his eyes from her face. The memory of her that night, delicate but defiant, caused blood to pump harder in his veins. How far they’d come since then.

“What is it?” she asked and he realized he’d been staring at her.

“I was thinking about how surprising you are.”

Again she laughed but kept her gaze down as she twisted the ribbon onto another brooch. “What do you mean, surprising?”

He fed the ribbon through his fingers, its slippery softness reminding him of her long hair against his chest when they made love. Of the aching anticipation as she trailed those locks over his hungry body. He shifted on the stool. “At times I think you’re nothing like the girl I remember, and then you do things like this—making jewelry again.”

She kept focused on the brooch, pulling more of the ribbon toward her. “What makes you think I’m so different from the way I used to be?”

“Because you fought so hard for this house.” He watched a blond ringlet fall across her face.

She stopped for a second as her chest rose and fell, then she tucked the piece of hair behind her ear. “I think I even surprised myself with that. It wasn’t until I stood on the front lawn in my bare feet on the afternoon of Mum’s funeral that I realized how much I wanted to be back here.” She brushed at a damp spot on her cheek, and every cell in his body reared up, ready to comfort her, but she shook her head in the tiniest movement then picked up the brooch and started work again. “And the more I’ve thought about bringing my baby up here, the more I’m convinced it’s the right thing to do.”

“Of course it’s right,” he said. “This baby will be adored. Treasured. By all three of us.”

A soft smile touched Ruby’s lips. “I think Mum would be happy to think of us all here together.”

“It must be tough being without her, especially at a time like this.”

She lifted her gaze to look out the window, and Christo wished she’d turned to him. “Yes,” she said quietly. “I find myself wishing that I’d talked to her about things earlier. Made our peace. But I don’t want to live with regrets.” Ruby placed her hand on the bump at her waistline and finally turned to him. The soft sincerity on her face clutched his chest. “I’m so very glad that she had you and Stella to talk to after everything she went through. And I’m glad we can fulfill her wish for Stella to live here for the rest of her life. I just wish Mum could’ve met my baby.” She stroked her belly. “I have my first appointment with my midwife next week.”

“A midwife? Not an obstetrician? I have contacts at the hospital. I’ll arrange for a specialist.”

She regarded him for a moment. “I’ve chosen a midwife. I’ve thought about it carefully, and I don’t want an obstetrician.”

Ruby was keeping her distance when it came to talk of the baby, and it wasn’t surprising. It was still early in the pregnancy, and they had enough to do just working out how to live in the same house.

“Let me know the time of the scan.” He stroked her small hand with his thumb.

She swallowed slowly, her gaze trained on his face. “You’ll be back at work by then. I wouldn’t expect you to be there.”

“I’ll be there.”

Her lips lifted in a quivering smile, and when tears began to glitter in her eyes, he squeezed her hand once more.

“It’ll be nice to share it. Of course you should be there,” she said.

A week later, Ruby pulled into the hospital grounds, parked her car, and stepped out, ready for her first ultrasound.

The rhythm of her life with Christo had fallen into a predictable pattern. He’d gone back to work after a self-imposed honeymoon, and she’d surprised herself by looking forward to him coming home at nights so that they could take a swim together or maybe walk in the garden in the evenings. They’d talked about cribs and strollers, hobbies and sports, and although Ruby had been touched by his level of input and interest, a niggling emptiness had begun to grow inside her, too. This
what she’d signed up for when she’d agreed to the marriage, but she hadn’t counted on the feelings for Christo that were building below the surface—the way she looked forward to their talks, the way she’d missed being in his arms since their wedding night. Keeping her body from him was supposed to help her have emotional distance. It wasn’t working.

On her way to the market, she’d stopped for gas and found a message from the hospital on her phone. They’d rescheduled her ultrasound scan and needed her this afternoon, so she’d hurried straight here, hoping her midwife would be there to meet her.

Christo had been asking all sorts of questions about the scan in the last few days, and he’d be disappointed when he came out of his all-day meeting to find the message that she was on her way. And she was disappointed too.

Taking a path that looked as though it led to the main entrance, she placed a hand above her eyes, and the shape of a man in the distance caught her attention. Drawing closer, her heart thudded. Tall frame, sharp business suit, cellphone clasped in his hand…

“Christo!” She couldn’t hide her joy that he was here. “What happened to your meeting?”

He pulled his signature Ray-Bans from his face and gave her an easy smile. “It’s still going. I told them I had a more important place to be.”

Ruby focused on the relaxed set of his features, and a sense of warm relief played through her. It would be such a special moment—the first time she saw her baby—and she’d only ever imagined it with her mother beside her, and when that wasn’t to be, alone. Having Christo share it with her would make it even more special. Something they could talk about in years to come.

“We’d better go.” His palm found the familiar place on her back, and instinctively she relaxed. “We don’t want to be late. Are you comfortable enough? I Googled baby scanning and it said you needed to drink a ridiculous amount of water before they could screen you.”

“I’m fine.” Ruby smiled. “That’s only for the optional early scan. What with everything that was going on those first few weeks, I didn’t schedule one.”

They walked through the automatic doors and headed to the elevator.

As the doors slid open and then closed behind them, Ruby was caught by a potent memory of Christo’s lips on her neck, and of her fingers tangled in his hair the night of the ball. An unbidden bolt of desire coursed through her as he leaned against the elevator wall and watched her while the car began to move. His whole body had become so familiar to her since that day, and she was missing it. Missing the exquisite sensations as he caressed her naked skin, missing the way he moaned her name when she caressed his, missing the powerful and frightening connection when he looked into her eyes as their bodies joined. But they’d become closer in other ways, in the soft security of day-to-day life, in the predictable comfort of a new, uncharted type of relationship. Now it felt dangerous to mix the two.

“I’ve arranged for us to meet with one of the country’s top obstetricians today,” he said. “She’ll give us all the information we need.”

Ruby stood straighter. “I have my midwife, Christo. I’m very happy with her care and I won’t be changing.”

He slung a hand in his trouser pocket. “The midwife won’t be required anymore. Dr Glazer comes highly recommended and will provide the best care for you and our child. I’m not taking any chances.”

A tightness began behind her breastbone, and she had to steady her breathing. She’d seen that ruthless, take-no-prisoners look on his face many times before, but she’d foolishly believed they were working together now—that since the marriage they’d work at respecting each other’s needs. Christo obviously didn’t see their relationship like that at all.

She clasped her hands together. “So you organized all this today? With total disregard for my wishes? You’ve made the decision about my medical care

“For you and the baby.”

She let out a tight breath. She’d allowed herself to be maneuvered and manipulated by Christo out of necessity these past weeks, but this was going against her express wishes. He still didn’t trust her or her judgments. He was removing himself, running away from communication and compromise as he’d done before, and it caused her blood to chill.

She lifted her chin. “If you’re concerned, I’d expect you’d at least consult me before making decisions about my welfare.”

Christo leaned against the wall of the elevator. “I want to be fully involved in this baby’s life, Ruby. And if that means making a call on what’s best, then I’ll do it. Whenever I need to.”

She placed a steadying hand to where a pulse drummed in her throat. “What about
choices? When, in any of our
, have you considered what I want?”

He lifted a strong shoulder. “You won’t need to choose. I’ll always give you the best.”

Her jaw ached with the effort to suppress her anger at his cool dismissal of her. This arrogant sense of entitlement, his idea that he would always do what was right and that she never would, burned inside her. “You honestly think the best thing for our relationship is to make decisions without consulting me?”

“Our relationship? You mean our

Heat rushed to Ruby’s cheeks at his correction.

“Honesty is what will get us through in this arrangement, Ruby, and I’m being honest about what I require. We’re a realistic couple and we’ll be a realistic family,” he said as the elevator announced they’d arrived at the ground floor. “We can be honest.”

A realistic family
. The words sounded again in her mind, sending a chill down the back of her neck. This was all so practical and convenient for Christo, and for her and her baby. But families were so much more than practical arrangements, convenient connections between people. It was fine that Christo saw the two of them as being a realistic couple, but what about her baby? If he couldn’t love
, couldn’t respect
wishes, couldn’t
with her, then how could he ever really love her child? Ruby took a steadying breath as reality, cold as a metal blade, sliced through her.

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