Control Me (3 page)

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Authors: Shanora Williams

BOOK: Control Me
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“Why do you say that?”

“Because if you remembered, you would’ve known this meeting was being held with

“You? Wait…
Carlos Montero?” I asked, astounded.

“Don’t act so surprised. I told you my full name and what I did for a living.” He smirked.

“I just thought… I don’t know. I figured you were a part of his team or something,” I laughed stupidly, stumbling to my right. He caught my arm, reeling me into him. Our chests bumped, and I breathed erratically, tilting my chin. “I should go,” I mustered. It was hard to say with him so close, taking up so much precious space.

He ignored my statement. “Come out with me tonight.”

“That won’t happen.”

“Why not?”

“It just won’t. It can’t. I have a lot of work to catch up on.”

His eyes studied my face. It was as if he’d never seen me up close before. From what I could recollect, we were pretty up close and personal at that party, and especially in that hotel room. Although the party room was dim and it only took a few drinks to get out of my element, I could see him rather clearly—that is, until he began to fizzle into a blur.

He roamed my face with his chocolate eyes for a mere moment, and then he whispered something I didn’t expect. “You felt so fucking good that night.”

I swallowed audibly.

“Your pussy,” he murmured, running the tip of his nose down my jawline, “…was so
. So ready. I
to feel that again. I’ve never needed to feel a woman twice. Once is always enough.” He was getting straight to the point, just like I had the previous weekend.

Words like this didn’t usually flatter me, but the way he spoke—so deeply and provocatively—caused my walls to clench. This man had a voice made of pure silk. This man was a god.

“I know you remember,” he said into my ear, his facial hair rubbing across my cheek. “The way I made you come apart in so many ways—ways you never thought possible. You gave me credit for that, actually. Many times. You couldn’t stop saying it.”

How could he remember so much? I could hardly remember half the shit I said, but I did remember most of the moves we made in that hotel room. I didn’t want to admit it to him, but it was the best sex I’d ever had. And I thought Terry was my best. Terry wasn’t even close. This man, Carlos, did things to my body that I didn’t even know could be done—as he knowingly said, things I thought were impossible.

Tipping his head back, Carlos peered deep into my eyes. His were low and heavy. A fuller smile graced his lips, and slowly, his free hand traveled down to my hips. He was bold; I gave him that, but I refused to indulge. I was at work. I could get caught, possibly fired.

But he felt so good.

His touch.

His smell.

Everything about him was heightening my arousal all over again, and that was saying a lot considering I felt like dog shit.

Just as I was about to call it quits and give into his temptation, the bathroom door burst open, and Claire stomped in. She started to speak, but her lips immediately sealed as she spotted the two of us pressed together against the wall. Carlos looked back but didn’t make a move. I tried getting from between his arms, but he didn’t budge.

“Mya… um… Green is downstairs. I overheard Jessica on the phone…” Her voice was out of range, which proved she had a million questions to ask and she was going to do so as soon as she had the chance. I nodded, my cheeks burning, but she continued to stare at us, eyes wide and blank.

“Okay. Claire,” I said, demanding that she get out with my eyes and a quick tilt bob of my head.

“Oh. Shit. Right.” She turned quickly, and Carlos finally eased up, taking a step back and running his fingers through his hair.

I stepped around him and adjusted my teal blouse and grey slacks. I checked the mirror, but I couldn’t ignore the heaviness I felt on my backside. Turning slowly, I folded my fingers and said, “I should go.”

I started towards the door and pulled it open, but before I could set foot out, Carlos asked, “What time will you be off of work?”

“Not sure,” I responded.

“I can easily find out, Mya. You know that, right?”

I glanced over my shoulder. “Is that a threat?”

He shrugged, sliding his fingertips into his front pockets. “More like a promise.”

I released the door and turned his way completely. “Look, Carlos, what happened between us can’t happen again. It was one night. I can’t risk anything more.”

“Your body spoke otherwise moments ago.” His gaze traveled down the length of me. “And it seems like you could use another night like that after the way you just vomited all over that toilet.”

“No. I’m sorry.” Shaking my head, I turned for the door and hurried out. This was absurd. Of all the places… of all the people. I couldn’t believe this guy was actually here. My pretend Enrique was supposed to stay an Enrique— a fantasy I’d fulfilled. One I’d conquered. He wasn’t supposed to become real. He wasn’t supposed to enter my life ever again. He wasn’t supposed to be
Carlos Montero

And what the hell was I thinking back there? I almost gave in. I was weak. Being weak is what got me into this shit in the first place.

I sped down the hallway and entered the conference room. Claire spotted me through the glass door before I could get inside and hopped to her feet with a heavy frown. “What the hell was that?” she whisper-hissed. “Who was that guy? And seriously, in the men’s bathroom of all places?”

“We didn’t do anything,” I said, walking around her.
Well, not today.

“It doesn’t matter. What if Mr. Green would’ve caught you? Or worse, Jessica’s spiteful ass? You know she wants us fired! This could’ve cost us both our jobs.”

I took a seat in the chair, hiding my shaky fingers. Anxiety coursed through me. What the hell was wrong with me?

“Mya, damn it, talk to me. Who was he? Tell me something.”

“You won’t believe me if I did,” I said, meeting her eyes.

She narrowed hers in return. “Try me.” I met her eyes. They were serious.

I sighed. “He’s… Carlos Montero. He’s who this conference is being held with.”

She gasped, her eyes expanding. “What!? Shit!” She cupped her mouth immediately, looking me over with disbelief. “But… how? How do you know him?”

“I guess that’s the kicker of it all…” I paused. “Remember that one night stand I told you about? Last weekend?”

“Yes,” she said, leaning in. “You said it was the best thing you ever could’ve done.”

I looked at her for a few seconds, hoping she’d realize what I was getting at.

Although it took a few seconds longer than I expected, she finally figured it out. She stood up rapidly, staring down at me with her wide green eyes. “You’re kidding. That’s him!?” she shrieked.

“Shh,” I hissed, yanking her back down. “Yes. That’s him.” I pressed my palm to my forehead, briefly closing my eyes.

“I can’t believe it,” she breathed.

“I can’t either,” I groaned.

“No, I mean you didn’t mention he was so fucking hot.” She playfully slapped my shoulder. “What did he say to you? Why was he so close? Most men usually pretend a one-night stand never happened when they have run-ins, especially when it involves work.”

I decided it was best not to tell Claire the details of Carlos and I’s conversation. I’d had it in my mind that I wasn’t going to see him again, no matter how mighty my lust was. That night was a test. I was testing myself. I wanted to be confident and outgoing. I wanted to be someone other than myself, and thankfully, he allowed me to accomplish that, but afterwards, I felt kind of ill. I’d never let a man use my body in so many ways before without getting to know him first. I was always the goody two-shoes kind of girl. I was the kind of girl that only showed her body to men that worked for it, or men I trusted. Not complete strangers. I’d slept with a total of three men: Johnny from twelfth grade (I’d dated him since my freshman year), my ex Terry, and Carlos.

“He didn’t say much,” I said. “Just that he had fun last weekend.”

“Wow.” She tossed her hair. “This is going to be one awkward conference,” she sang.

Claire was right about that one.

Mr. Green barged into the room several minutes later, and he and his team set up with haste. I poured his coffee, and moments later, in strolled Jessica, escorting Montero. Two men followed behind him with briefcases and took a seat at the end of the long, mahogany table. I avoided his eyes at all costs, and I wanted to avoid having to go near him period, but Mr. Green demanded in a hiss that I give them coffee, even if they didn’t want it.

I poured Carlos’s coffee last. He watched me fill it up, and I asked if he’d like any sugar or crème. “Sure. Make it taste as sweet as you did,” he murmured so only I could hear.

I dumped two sugars and a teaspoon of crème in, doing my best to ignore the frenzy of nerves I felt swarming throughout my entire body. Mr. Green started the meeting with a sincere apology about his tardiness—well, to Montero and his men it seemed sincere. To me, it was utter bullshit. Mr. Green was never apologetic, but his excuse was reasonable. His daughter had a field trip that he’d attended and it ran longer than it was supposed to. Daddy duties.

The conference went on for about an hour, and during most of it, a heavy gaze weighed on me. Claire cleared her throat, nudging me with her elbow. I refused to look at her because I knew what she wanted to say. He was staring at me. I could feel it.

I hoped no one around the table noticed. It was highly unprofessional of him, and it would’ve been even more unprofessional if I stared back. So I kept my head down, and I only interacted whenever Green asked me to take a folder away or answer a question.

The conference was finally coming to a close, but just before it ended, Carlos spoke up. And what he asked caused me to spit my coffee back up. “Your assistant… how long has she been working with you?” he asked, switching his eyes between Green and me.

Green looked my way, wiping the sweat away from his meaty neck with his hand towel. “You’re talking about Sterling?” he asked.

“Sterling… Yes,” Carlos replied, as if fascinated by my last name.

“Oh… uh… Sterling, how long has it been? About six months now?” Green questioned.

“Nine, Mr. Green,” I responded.

“Nine,” he said to Carlos, as if he’d said that the first time.

“She seems very knowledgeable. Smart as well. And determined.” Carlos leaned back in his chair and folded his fingers on the table.

“That, she is. I only hire the best,” Green said with way too much confidence.

“I tell you what,” Carlos said, looking me over briefly and then meeting Green’s eyes. “You send her over to Montero to help with this project I have my team working on, and I’ll be more than happy to do whatever you need me to do to get things in gear for your architecture plans. Everything seems to be in order. Your team obviously knows what they’re doing. I’m sure having Miss Sterling aid my team for a few days won’t be a problem, will it? Plus, this project is also benefiting you. We will run this by your team as well to make sure it’s top-notch. It would only be wise to have someone you know working with us to update you and make sure things are running smoothly before it’s put into your hands and becomes your responsibility.”

Oh. My. God.

I couldn’t believe him. Was he really pulling this stunt? What made him think I even wanted to work with him? And yes, I loved architecture, but I wasn’t the best at it yet. I’d just graduated only eleven and a half months ago. I was at Green & Arc to learn, not be dragged off to Montero’s company to do shit I hadn’t mastered yet. I was an assistant now but I knew sooner or later I’d advance to a better position.

Green’s face lit up, and he sat forward, a full smile on his face. “That’s no problem at all, Mr. Montero. You have yourself a deal. Sterling will be ready whenever you need her.” He pointed his gaze on me and asked through clamped teeth, “Isn’t that right, Sterling?”

I had the urge to object—hell, the objection was right on the tip of my tongue— but Claire nudged me in the ribs, and I finally nodded, biting back on my acidity. “Yes, Mr. Green. Working with Mr. Montero and his team is no problem whatsoever. In fact, it would be a delight.”

“Great.” Carlos pushed out of his seat. The other two men stood with him. “I’ll have a flight ready for her in two days. All the information she’ll need will be sent to your secretary for your records and then forwarded to her.” He started towards Mr. Green who pushed out of his chair as well and held out his chubby fingers. “It was a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Green.”

“Likewise, Mr. Montero.”

Carlos turned and started towards the door. Just as he pulled it open, he glanced over his shoulder at me and winked. Sneaky bastard. This was his way of getting me into bed with him again? I still couldn’t believe it.

Carlos and the two men drifted down the hallway, and Green turned in my and Claire’s direction, but his eyes landed on me. “That’s one of the greatest businessmen I’ve ever met walking out of this building, Sterling. Having him as a partner will put Green & Arc all over the map. Everyone will want to work with us after he’s given a recommendation.
Do not
screw this up for me,” he said, pointing a finger my way. “Make sure these files get to my office before noon.”

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