Convenience and Compatibility (7 page)

Read Convenience and Compatibility Online

Authors: Emily Jones

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #sexy, #seattle, #girlfriend, #boyfriend, #nurse

BOOK: Convenience and Compatibility
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I move my hand to the top of his underwear
and linger at the waistband, waiting for him to calm a little,
anticipating my next move. I move my hand slowly under his
underwear down to his cock. He moans in my mouth when my hand
reaches it. I explore, moving my hand a bit faster and matching the
intensity of my kissing and the flick of my tongue. I’m craving the
texture of his penis in my mouth and I break away from his grasp,
and move down his body with small kisses. I look up at Dean’s face
to see his eyes wide open and a look of amazement on his face.

He holds his breath when I get to his
underwear. I look up again and see a combination of shock,
anticipation, and longing on his face. I stare into his eyes,
showing no emotion, and pull his underwear off. I look down at his
cock and my first thought is perfect. I hold it by the base and put
my mouth on the tip. Dean lets out a low guttural sound and I know
I’m doing it right. I tease his cock, slowly up and down, a little
further each time, until I put all of it in my mouth – down my
throat as far as I can. My hand follows the motion my mouth is
making, a little twisting motion I’m hoping for added pleasure. I
move my other hand to his balls, they are high and tight and I know
he must be close. I’m so turned on and I want him to come in my
mouth. I pick up my pace and Dean puts his hands on my head,
pushing me into him.

“Uh, Mallory!” Dean lets out a cry followed
by his warm cum shooting down my throat. His cock convulses in my
mouth and I know he’s done. I lightly suck on him and release.

Moving up in bed I look at his beautiful face
– his eyes are closed and his face is flushed. Dean rolls to his
side and holds me close. “Oh Mallory, that was amazing,” he says
sleepily. We lay snuggled for awhile, and I think he has fallen
asleep. I try to remove myself from his grip and he holds me
closer, grunting in protest.

“Please take my bra off, it’s a little
uncomfortable,” I ask.

“Hmmm, yes,” Dean murmurs and fumbles with
the clasp momentarily until it releases and he pulls it off. He
pulls me close, “Oh Mallory, you’re intoxicating.”

He starts nibbling at my ear and moves to my
neck. I move my hands down his back to his perfect ass. I put my
leg over his hip and push to roll him onto his back. I whisper in
his ear, “Dean, I really need you inside of me.”

He rolls over so he’s hovering on top of me
now. Wow, he’s strong. I guess he has been working out.

Dean pecks me on the lips, “I’ll be right

And I’m suddenly left alone on the bed, half
naked. I hear him rumbling downstairs, in the kitchen? Then there’s
running up the stairs and suddenly he is back on top of me,
slightly out of breath. He attacks my neck and grabs my tits, his
erection pushing into my leg. I arch my back in response to his
touch and grab his ass to pull him close – I want him inside,

“Oh please Dean.”

I feel him smile on my neck and he moves onto
his side, putting the condom on. Dean’s hand goes for my pussy. I’m
so wet I can feel the moisture dripping down to my ass. He looks up
at me in surprise – fuck ya I’m ready for you. I have been since
yesterday. Dean positions himself on top and I hold my breath,
anticipating the feeling of him inside.

I spread my legs and wrap them around so my
feet rest under his perfect ass. He slowly enters me and I close my
eyes – the aching I had just had a moment ago has been filled and
it feels exquisite. Dean leans close and kisses me tenderly while
he slowly moves in and out. It’s like a massage simultaneously to
all my senses and I’m lost in him.

He picks up the intensity and I respond by
pulling him into me with my feet and rocking my hips so he can fuck
me deep. We stop kissing now, unable to keep up with the thrusting.
The angle is perfect for stimulating my clit and I pant as my body
tenses. Dean continues thrusting into me and it’s all too much – I
cry out and dig my nails into his back. Dean comes a moment later,
calling my name. He shudders and falls on me; cradling me under
him. My vagina is still contracting around him and I hold tight – I
never want to let go.

We stay like this until my body relaxes. He
then moves away, taking the condom off and blowing out the candles.
Dean pulls me to him and we snuggle, my head tucked under his chin.
We stay like this for awhile and I’m afraid I will fall asleep soon
if I don’t get up.

I contemplate leaving or staying. I slide out
of his grasp and he makes a small noise, but is otherwise still as
I walk into the bathroom. I shut the door and turn on the light,
feeling something I’ve never experienced before – intimidated by a
bathroom. I find what I need and clean up as best as I can before
emerging from the bathroom. I stand in the bathroom doorway for a
moment and let my eyes adjust to the darkness before looking for my
clothes. I hear Dean’s soft rhythmic breathing from the bed and am
pretty sure he is asleep. Quietly I search for my belongings. I
easily find my jeans and my socks, but rummage through a pile of
clothes on the floor looking for my underwear and shirt.

“What are you doing? Come back to bed.”

I hesitate a moment and then drop my clothes
and climb into bed next to Dean. He pulls me close and murmurs
something into my hair. I guess I’m sleeping here tonight.



I’m awoken by the feeling of suffocation.
Dean is practically on top of me, his breath making my head hot. I
pull away a bit in order to look into his face. He’s absolutely
beautiful while he sleeps but last night was amazing and I want to
do it again. I lay back and snuggle closer, my back to his, and I
feel his hard-on on my ass. I know that this is just a biological
result of him being a 24 year old boy, but it still turns me on. I
push my ass into him and moan. Oh please wake up and fuck me!

Dean responds to my prodding and moves his
hand around my body and down my stomach to my clit. I moan some
more and push harder into his erection. Dean starts sucking and
nibbling on my ear lobe.

“Dean… please fuck me like this.”

He moves away swiftly and returns with a
condom, and I hear him put it on. And all of a sudden he’s in
control. I gasp as he gets to his knees and pulls me onto mine,
mounting me. Oh Lord, he’s fucking me hard like his life depends on
it, his hands on my hips with a vice-like grip. It hurts but feels
so good and I bury my head into the bed, enjoying the sensation. I
grab his legs in order to pull him into me harder. It’s so hot and
he doesn’t last long.

“Mallory, I’m going to come.”

“Okay, harder. Harder!”

I move one of my hands down to his balls and
fondle them with my fingers, knowing that there is no time for my
orgasm and I might as well make the most of his. This seems to put
him over the edge and he comes hard, thrusting into me and crying
out loudly. His cock spasms inside of me one more time before Dean
pulls out and we fall onto the bed next to each other.

“Oh, Mallory, that was amazing.”

He puts his arm around me and moves some hair
from my face.

“Can I make you some breakfast?”

I still lay unmoving on the bed – I’m so

“Yes. That would be lovely.”

We lay motionless and I sit up on one elbow
and look at his face.

“I really love your penis.”

He grins, “I love everything about you.”

I raise my eyebrows. Oh really?

Dean recapitulates, “I mean, well, you know
what I mean.” He gets out of bed quickly and takes the condom off.
“I’ll get breakfast started. I have a robe on the back of the
bathroom door if you’d like.”

I smile at him as his hastily exits the room;
his face red from embarrassment. Even when he fumbles he’s cute. I
hop out of bed, elated. I clean myself up in the bathroom that
makes a little more sense this morning and find the robe. Making
myself as presentable as possible, I head downstairs.

Dean is at the stove making pancakes and
talking on the phone. I sit opposite him at the bar and watch him
cook. He’s adorable wearing pajama bottoms and a T-shirt with
just-fucked hair. He motions to me asking if I want coffee. I shake
my head no and mouth tea. Dean nods and starts pulling out the
implements, placing them in front of him on the counter. I make
some tea and find some cream in the immaculate fridge. Dean
finishes his call and grabs a tablet from the counter.

“Sorry Mallory, I just have a little more
work to do, then we can have breakfast.” He looks up apologetically
and smiles.

“No problem.” I sit down at the bar and savor
the tea and the moment, knowing I have to return home soon.

He looks deep in thought, scrolling and
tapping on his tablet. He frowns, “Just one more call.”

Dean gets on the phone and I feel awkward,
like I’m inadvertently eavesdropping. I decide to get dressed while
he’s on his call. It takes me awhile to find my clothing, but when
I get back downstairs Dean is setting the table.

“There you are. Sit down and I’ll serve

I sit at his huge wooden table. It’s modern
and looks like a slab of wood, glossed to a shine, but with rough,
irregular edges. Dean brings me my tea from the bar and produces a
huge stack of pancakes. He shrugs.

“I wasn’t sure how hungry you were.”

I smile and shake my head. Funny boy.

“You’re very quiet this morning.” He looks at
me, popping a bite of pancake in his mouth.

“I’m just exhausted, and a little sore. I
think I need a nap already.” I tease.

“If you want, we can head back up to

“Oh no, I know what would happen. I think I’d
better go home after breakfast.”

Dean frowns at me, “Really? I was hoping you
would stay all weekend.”

I think Dean is joking but I study his face
and see all seriousness.

“Yea, I don’t think so. I need to be able to
go back to work on Monday.”

“Can I see you later today then?”

“Sure. How about dinner with Tara and Adam? I
sort of already have plans with them.” He’s looking down at his
food when I ask him. He raises his eyebrows in surprise and I know
I shouldn’t have asked.

“I’m not sure if that is such a good

I furrow my brows at him. “What do you

I watch him play with this food a bit,
stalling. “Well, if Adam doesn’t like me too much, then I’m sure
Tara doesn’t.” He looks up into my eyes. “They want you back with
the ex-boyfriend.”

I spit back, “I thought you had bigger balls
than that.” His eyes open wide. Yea, I did just say that. “In fact,
I happen to know that you have big beautiful ones.” I smile,
hopefully to lessen the blow.

He smiles back. “Touché. Okay. Let’s do

“Great. Now I’d better get home.”

Dean’s phone starts ringing and he looks to
me for permission. “Go ahead.”

He gets up and answers the phone. I can’t
help but listen to the conversation, but I have no idea what he is
talking about. “Yea, GEA at 2.3. I’ll take two thousand of those.
Stop at 5.1.” He drones on and on like this and I’m feeling awkward
again. Should I just leave?

“Okay, we’ll talk then.”

I look up from playing with my nails and Dean
sits down next to me again. He takes my hands and kisses my palm,
closing his eyes.

“Dean, I really need to go. Walk me out?”

He looks up, “No, I’ll drive you.”

“No really, I only live about a mile from
here. And you look busy with work.”

“Mallory, no.”

I cock my head to the side and give him my
‘don’t fuck with me’ look. He holds his hands up in the air, giving
up, and we walk to the door.

“Call me later with details, okay?” Dean


We kiss briefly and I’m off, doing the ‘walk
of shame’ in his conservative neighborhood. I’d forgotten how hilly
this part of Laurelhurst is, and my feet start hurting after a
couple of blocks. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. I finally
make it through the residential part of the neighborhood and am
waiting at the light to cross the busy street. I can see my
apartment from here and am visualizing taking these boots off and
rubbing my feet. A SUV pulls over to where I am standing and I feel
a pang of fear as I reflexively take a step backward. The passenger
black tinted window rolls down and there is Greg, clad in his sexy
as fuck aviators, smirking at me.

“Get in sexy.”

Without thinking I get in the car – I’m sure
these boots have given me blisters. Greg speeds off and looks over
to me, “Where we goin’ hot stuff?”

I roll my eyes; he’s making fun of me

“Home please,” I reply and start taking my
boots off.

“Oh yea, take it all off baby,” Greg jokes. I
roll my eyes at him again. “So just going for a walk this

Oh shit, what do I tell him? Tara and Adam’s
words from the other night play back in my head and think carefully
before answering. “No,” I pause, choosing my words cautiously. “I
was just walking home from a friend’s place.” I look at his face,
gauging his reaction. We both know that my “friend” was some guy I
just fucked. His reaction is not good. His jaw is tense and he’s
holding his breath.

“And he made you walk home?” Oh shit, I guess
we’re not being playful and vague anymore.

“No, it was my idea.” I answer quietly and I
know my voice is heavy with guilt.

We sit in silence while he drives the rest of
the way back to the apartment, parking by the front door. I
hesitate before getting out - I have no idea what to say to

“Um… well, thank you for the ride.”

Greg turns to face me and takes off his
sunglasses. “Anytime. How have you been?” He asks with a smile. His
anger has suddenly been forgotten and I can tell he is trying to
make a good impression.

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