Conviction (Consolation Duet #2) (33 page)

BOOK: Conviction (Consolation Duet #2)
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“I love you, Natalie.”

She huffs and puts her hand on my face. “I love you.”

“Push!” the doctor yells and sheer determination covers Natalie’s face.

She does what she’s told and then I hear the most remarkable sound ever.

My son’s first cry.

I look down as the doctors and nurses start to clean him and then they place him on my wife’s chest. I stare at him in wonder. My son. A boy. Natalie cries as she holds him and touches his hands, feet, and face.

She looks up at me with tears and a smile. “He’s perfect.”

“He came from you; of course he would be,” I reply and press my lips to hers. Then I touch my son’s fingers. He’s here and has all his fingers and toes. He’s got the most important part too.

The doctor comes over and cuts the cord after I refuse. No, thank you. They weigh him and clean him up as I watch over him. I don’t think my eyes leave him for even a moment.

Once he’s wrapped in a blanket, the nurse extends her hands and places him in my arms.

I look at Natalie and then back to him. Tears fill my eyes as I hold my son for the first time. My heart just grew twice the size as I look at him, half me, half Natalie. I walk over and sit next to Lee as her hand touches his arm.

“Hi, Shane. I’m your dad.”




Beloved (Book One in the Belonging Duet)

Purchase Beloved from Amazon


Not enough.

Catherine Pope has never been enough.

She repeatedly lets men in—only to be left broken.

Then Catherine met Jackson Cole.

Jackson makes her feel alive, desirable, and consumes her with a fierceness she’s never known.

But Jackson struggles with his own past. His training as a Navy SEAL never prepared him for the battle to win her heart. He’s different, honorable, and worth the chance…but he must prove it.

If she gives him what’s left of her heart—will he protect it? Will she get the one thing that has always evaded her – to finally be someone’s beloved?



Beholden (Book Two in the Belonging Duet)

Purchase Beholden from Amazon


Catherine Pope got a second chance at love, only to have it ripped away—again. She should’ve known better.

But she dared to hope.

She refuses to let fate take the reins this time. Catherine decides she’s going to fight.

Jackson Cole risked it all.

He thought this time would be different.

With his loyalties pulling him in two directions—it’s time to make a choice…his past or his future.

Will they be beholden to their fears or will they both fight against their demons and finally find the love they both long for?



Consolation (Book One in the Consolation Duet)

Purchase Consolation from Amazon


Liam wasn’t supposed to be my happily ever after.

He wasn’t even on my radar.

He was my husband’s best friend—forbidden.

But my husband is dead and I’m alone. I ache for him and I reach for Liam.

One night with Liam changed everything. Now I have to decide if I truly love him or if he’s just the consolation prize.


Coming Soon

Finding Serenity

(A Contemporary Standalone Romance)


More to come from The Salvation Series


(Mark & Charlie)


(Ashton & Quinn)

Corinne Michaels is the USA Today Bestselling Author of The Salvation Series (Beloved, Beholden, Consolation and Conviction). She’s an emotional, witty, sarcastic, and fun loving mom of two beautiful children. Corinne is happily married to the man of her dreams and is a former Navy wife. After spending months away from her husband while he was deployed, reading and writing was her escape from the loneliness.

Both her maternal and paternal grandmothers were librarians, which only intensified her love of reading. After years of writing short stories, she couldn’t ignore the call to finish her debut novel, Beloved. Her alpha Navy SEALs are broken, beautiful, and will steal your heart.



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My attempt to keep this short and sweet should be interesting.

My readers: I can never fully explain what it means to me that you not only took a chance on me, but that some of you have stuck with me. I know I tend to keep leaving you with these crazy cliffhangers and you still love me. The support that you give me is astonishing and humbling. I love you so much!

My beta readers: I really am the luckiest person because of you. Jennifer, Melissa, Katie, Roxana, Linda, and Mandi . . . you make me laugh, keep me on my toes, and always striving to impress you. You are some picky bitches but I wouldn’t know what to do without you.

My early readers: Melissa & Alison, you guys are the first to get a full glimpse and each time I bite my nails. Thank you for dealing with my neurosis and messages. I love you to the moon!

Laurelin Paige: Without you, my world would be a dull place. Your support, friendship, and wisdom are insurmountable. You make me a better person and writer. You deal with my insecurities and constant crying but still love me and for that I’m eternally grateful. (I hope you at least pricked a damn tear at this.)

Christy Peckham: No words can explain how much your friendship means. None can come close. You make me smile daily, put up with my hilarious messages <-- admit it they’re funny, and still stick around.

Melissa Saneholtz & SFab Team: The word publicist doesn’t seem fitting for what you do. You run my life pretty much and I couldn’t imagine anyone else doing this with me. To the team . . . oh, how we laugh. I love you guys and can’t thank you enough for all the support.

Stabby Birds: You guys are the best people I know. You’re my sisters through and through. We laugh, cry, and bond together like nothing I’ve ever seen before. I love you!

My Fairy Godmothers: Laura, Lauren, and Christine . . . you are the true meaning of friendship. You were behind me each step of the way. Cheering me on, messaging me, and making me smile. I learned so much from you and love you three!

FYW: The writing world could only be so lucky to know people like you. Thank you for being who you are. #WednesdaysWeWearPink

Claire Contreras, Mia Asher, Whitney Gracia Williams, Rebecca Yarros, Mandi Beck, Kyla Linde, Kennedy Ryan, SL Scott, Lucia Franco, EK Blair, Kristy Bromberg, Pepper Winters, Elisabeth Grace, Livia Jamerlan, & Angie McKeon—thank you for making me smile, laugh, talking through one of my crazy ideas, and just being my friends. I’m truly blessed to have you in my life.

Jesey: I haven’t been able to do this until now. Thank you. Because of something we dreamt of two years ago, look where we are. It’s amazing to think the friendship we’ve had has somehow twisted our worlds to this place. I love you!

My Instagram girls: You make the absolute most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. EVER! I love you all so much!

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