Cops 02 - Love on the Run (5 page)

BOOK: Cops 02 - Love on the Run
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“Well, I still appreciate your help. I’m sure you had better things to do on your Saturday night than spend your time with me.”

“Trust me, Bianca, spending my evening with you was no hardship.” There was that look again, the one that made Bianca want to clench her thighs tightly shut and fan herself.

Before she could think of a response, she heard the distant ringing of a phone. Tony didn’t move and for a moment, Bianca thought he was just going to ignore it. His gaze remained on her. The look on his face left little doubt about what he was thinking.

Finally, he stood. “Excuse me for a second.” Once Tony was out of the room, Bianca closed her eyes and leaned her head against the back of the chaise. Thank God for interruptions. That was definitely her cue to leave. At some point while they’d been talking, they’d moved from a bottle of water to a glass of wine. Tony even managed to find some pretty impressive finger food for them to eat. Hell, she’d even taken her boots off and curled up on his chaise.

Yep, Bianca was enjoying herself just a little bit too much. She knew it was because of the company as much as the conversation.

She’d sat there for as long as she could and had tried to pretend that she wasn’t moved by the sight of Tony sitting across from her, that huge mound between his legs still captivatingly, temptingly, seductively obvious in spite of the loose clothes he wore.

Of all the men Bianca had ever known, none had the ability to affect her as deeply as Tony did. Everything about him — from the way he looked to the way he smelled — was intoxicating. Just the sight of him made her heart race, her legs weak, and her panties wet. It took all of her self-control not to rub against him like a cat in heat whenever she was around him.

Every time Bianca looked at him, she got lost in his deep brown eyes, her mouth watered at the sight of his smooth, cocoa-colored skin, and she hungered for a taste of the only man she’d ever known who looked good enough to eat…and lick…and suck.

Bianca sat up straight and grasped her laptop bag. She needed to leave and put some space between them before she lost what little control she still had and gave in to the urge to drop to her knees, crawl across the floor, and remove those sweatpants with her teeth.

The faint sound of Tony’s voice drifted down the hall. It was time to make her escape, while he was busy. She stood up and sat her bag on Tony’s desk while she put her boots on.

Zipping the last boot, she reached for her bag and inadvertently bumped his computer.

Suddenly, the screen saver disappeared, and what it revealed left Bianca speechless.

Bianca stood there trying to comprehend the image she was seeing. The woman, her torso, wrists, and ankles firmly bound by rope, was suspended upside down as a man struck her with a whip. The image managed to capture the exact moment when the whip made contact with her ass, as well as her reaction to it.

It was the woman’s face that paralyzed Bianca. Despite the pain the lash was certain to have caused, an indescribable pleasure filled her face, a look so intense that Bianca could almost feel it herself.

Bianca’s heart started to race, her hands began to shake, and she knew that she needed to walk away, forget that she’d ever seen any of this. But her legs refused to move, her eyes refused to look away.

Despite her efforts, her hand reached out, grasped the computer mouse, and slowly scrolled down the screen. And Bianca could feel herself getting more aroused, more excited with each new image that appeared on the screen.

“Do you see something you like?” The sound of Tony’s low, rumbling voice made Bianca jump, and she spun around to face him. He was standing in the doorway watching her, his expression filled with so much heat, it was practically blistering.

“I’m sorry. I…I didn’t mean to look through your things.” Her voice sounded breathless, even to her own ears, and she couldn’t get enough air into her lungs.

Tony shrugged, as if unconcerned. “They’re amazing to look at.” He never blinked; his eyes never wavered, never looked away from her face. Tony started to move in her direction, and Bianca’s heart beat harder in her chest with every step he took closer to her. He continued to approach her until her breasts pressed against his chest.

Bianca was vaguely aware of him removing her bag from her shoulder and sitting it down on the floor before placing his large hands on either side of her, trapping her between him and the desk. She gripped the desk for dear life, terrified that if she let go, she would rip off his clothes.

“You still didn’t answer my question.” His voice was like gravel, his eyes like hot coal as he stared down at her. “Do you see something you like?”

“I’m not into that.” Her words sounded thin to her own ears.

Tony leaned toward her until his mouth was next to her ear. “I see,” he rasped. “So, I take it you’ve tried it before.”

“I…no,” she finally managed.

Tony’s husky laugh filled her ear. “Then how do you know you won’t like it?” His tongue traced along the inside of her ear canal.

Bianca’s eyes rolled back, and she bit her lip to hold in her moan. “I’m not a submissive.

I’m not weak.” She wasn’t sure who she wanted to convince of that more; Tony or herself.

“Ahh.” He pulled back and looked down into her face. “Is that what you believe being a submissive is?”

“Isn’t it?” she countered with as much bravado as she could muster.

“Oh, baby,” he purred, and the sound made Bianca tremble. “You have no idea.” His mouth came down on hers, and Bianca went completely numb for one breathless moment as the feel of Tony’s lips against hers shocked her all the way to her toes.

His mouth suddenly disappeared, and Bianca’s eyes fluttered open to see his lips hovering just above hers.

“You know I want you, Bianca.” He stared down at her, his expression a mixture of hunger and heat. “And I know you feel the same way. We’ve been tiptoeing around our attraction for each other long enough. I think it’s time we did something about it. I can see how much those images excite you; I can tell how badly you want to experience what she’s experiencing, feel what she’s feeling.”

“That’s not —” Tony’s mouth silenced her, his kiss drowning out her protests. He pulled back slowly, and Bianca looked into his lust-filled gaze.

Oh, God, how did he expect for her to think clearly when he kept looking at her like that, when those amazing lips kept stealing her breath away, when his hard body — and even harder cock — kept brushing against her and driving her out of her mind?

“Tony.” She made one more feeble attempt to dissuade him. “I really don’t think…”

“Shh.” His lips found hers again. “Stop thinking so much. Spend the rest of the weekend with me. Let me show you what true submission is like, how good it can be…how good it can feel. And, if you decide that you don’t like it, or it’s not for you, it’ll never happen again, and we’ll still be friends.”

“And…if I do like it?” Bianca managed to whisper.

The look on Tony’s face was pure sin. “Then I’ll show you things you’ve never dreamed.” Tony nuzzled his lips up her neck. “Make you do things you’ve never imagined.”

He kissed along her jawline. “And you’d love every minute of it.”

Tony stared at her intently, as if he could actually see the internal battle she waged.

“Listen to me, Bianca,” he finally said. “I’m not proposing marriage here. I’m not expecting a lifetime commitment. I’m just offering a weekend of pleasure, a chance for you to explore something new, maybe even discover a part of yourself that you didn’t know existed. We can worry about all of the ‘what-ifs’ later. Let’s enjoy ourselves now and see what happens.”

Even as the voice in Bianca’s head screamed for her to leave, warned her that this was a bad idea, a big mistake, something she’d end up regretting later, the ache in her body whispered for her to stay, begged her to ignore that voice, and enjoy the pleasure that Tony promised.

Bianca met his eyes and saw the same passion, the same need burning in them that had her on fire, and the last of her resistance slipped away.

She lifted her head until their lips met, and she kissed him. Her tongue slid between his full lips, searching, finding, and mating with his until he was groaning and she was practically vibrating with need.

Suddenly, Bianca couldn’t hold back a second longer; she urgently needed more than just his lips touching her. She began moving, her hands frantically clutching at Tony, one hand sliding over his closely-cropped hair, pulling his head toward her, desperately trying to get closer to him, wishing she could crawl up his body and deep inside of him.

Tony groaned and pressed her back against the desk. One hand tangled in her hair, and Tony held her head steady as his lips devoured hers. Bianca couldn’t kiss him hard enough, couldn’t get her mouth open wide enough, couldn’t take his tongue in deep enough to satisfy the insatiable need that raged through her. Tony’s free hand cupped her ass, and he lifted her as if she weighed nothing. Her legs opened immediately as he pressed his hard, thick erection between her spread thighs. Bianca moaned into his kiss, and she rubbed her jean-clad pussy against him. He had her so hot and horny, her entire body rocked with spasms as she inched closer and closer to an orgasm.

Slowly, Bianca dragged her lips away from his. “I think I’m officially out of arguments,” she panted.

Tony looked at her through heavy-lidded eyes. “It’s about time.”

Chapter Four

Since the moment Bianca first entered his house, Tony had come to several realizations. She was even smarter than he gave her credit for, she was funnier than he would ever have guessed, and she was sexier than any woman had a right to be.

When he saw her standing there, almost mesmerized as she stared at those photos, her face flushed and filled with need, her body so turned on she practically trembled, Tony also realized that there was no way in hell he wasn’t going to have her.

He was reminded again of Bianca’s reaction to the sex toys at Jack and Clarke’s house.

He would never forget the look of yearning on her face that day, so similar to the one she wore right now. Tony understood the cravings he saw burning in her eyes, had seen them too many times before not to recognize a woman with submissive desires when he saw one.

Even if she didn’t know she possessed such desires.

Even more than her physical beauty, it was that quality that attracted Tony to her.

That submissive desire called out to his dominant nature, and it drew him to her more strongly than even the most potent aphrodisiac.

Hell, even her voice had the ability to make him hard. The unmistakable sound of her slight Latin accent always reminded him of tropical islands, sandy beaches, and warm breezes. Bianca was what fantasies were made of, and she’d definitely been the star of every one of his fantasies of late.

Now that he’d finally gotten a taste of what he’d craved all this time, it was so much better than he’d ever imagined. He could hardly wait, could barely keep his hands off of her.

Tony leaned down, and his mouth covered hers, the kiss hard and deep. “Bedroom. Now,” he growled against Bianca’s lips. Her green-eyed gaze met his, and she nodded slowly as he carried her down the hall toward his bedroom. Once they were inside his room, Tony finally put her down. He saw her slowly opening her eyes, trying to focus on her surroundings. It didn’t take long before he noticed her focus was fixated on something across the room. He looked in the same direction.

“It’s called a love seat,” he whispered in her ear as he led her over to the piece of furniture that looked like a cross between a chair and a weight bench and was large enough to accommodate two people at once. “It’s one of my favorite toys. I can’t wait to show you the things we can do on it.”

Finally, he gave in to the need to touch, to feel, to hold. His mouth immediately found hers again; his lips, teeth, and tongue ravaged her. For a man who prided himself on his ability to stay in control — especially with women — Tony knew that his self-control was practically nonexistent when it came to this particular woman. He felt so desperate, so out of control for her, he knew he could never get enough, never be satisfied until he’d completely consumed, possessed, and owned her.

His urgency to be with her, to be in her, was so excessive, so intense, and so extreme, it was frightening. He was teetering on the brink of totally losing it, throwing her to the floor, ripping off her clothes, and rutting into her like a wild animal.

He finally managed to separate from her and place some distance between them by sheer willpower. Tony closed his eyes as he tried to regain some of his self-control. He’d wished for this moment more times since he’d met her than he cared to admit. And now that it was actually happening, he refused to rush, refused to race. He was determined to take it slow, make it last — even if it fucking killed him.

When he opened his eyes again, his hand reached out to caress her face; his thumb slid across her swollen lips.

“Take these off. Slowly.” His hand trailed down her body. “I want to see what I’ve dreamed about all these months.”

He saw Bianca tremble. Her green eyes hungry and needy, she began removing her clothes agonizingly, painfully, torturously slow, and revealed herself inch by breathtaking inch.

By the time the last article of clothing hit the floor, Tony’s cock was like a steel pipe in his sweatpants. The sight of her standing before him, looking so incredible, and so fucking unbelievable, riveted him. He wondered if she had any idea just how amazing and desirable she was.

Tony walked a slow circle around her as his eyes feasted on the sight of her. He stopped behind Bianca and pressed his clothed body against her bare skin, his lips against her ear.

“So fucking sexy…” Tony whispered as his hands reached around her to cup her firm, round breasts. “So perfect…” He met her gaze in the mirror that covered his wall closet.

They both watched as he slid one hand down her smooth, flat stomach, over her bare mound, and between her slightly parted legs. “So wet for me…” Tony groaned at the sight of his two fingers sliding through her slick folds and disappearing into her wet heat. Bianca’s head fell against his shoulder, and his lips found hers. His tongue fucked her mouth, and his fingers fucked her pussy until she sagged against him.

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