CORAL - Fallen (A Romance Trilogy, Book 2) (38 page)

BOOK: CORAL - Fallen (A Romance Trilogy, Book 2)
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“It’s not so much I can't have them,
because I actually think that everyone should adopt or at least foster one
child. Especially when you hear about how many couples are desperate for kids
and spend thousands on fertility treatment when there are millions of kids out
there that are desperate for a good home, for loving parents. It’s more the
fact that they took that option away from me you know, that’s the part that
hurts the most,” I manage to croak out.

The tears start rolling down my cheeks,
thick and heavy, one after the other, dropping like rainfall. I try to fight
it, to get angry about it instead of tearful, but it’s too late. I let out a
strangled sob.

“Baby, oh baby…” Tristan crushes me into
him, wrapping his arms tightly around me. I’ve never allowed myself to really
let it in before, what it meant to have that honour taken away from me, and for
the first time in my life, I cry like I’ve never cried before about it.

Tristan rocks me gently, keeping his arms
securely wrapped around me. “I'm so sorry baby,” he whispers over and over
again which makes me cry even harder, long cathartic sobs.

I finally let it all out; everything – I
cry for what my parents did, my sister, my abusers; the guy who raped me, I cry
so hard I don't think I'm going to be able to stop, it feels like it’s a
lifetime of unshed tears coming out in one go.

I don't know how long we sit there for, but
Tristan doesn’t move an inch, he just cradles me in his arms and I fall deeper
in love with him than I ever have before. And I know in that moment of complete
vulnerability, that he’s the one, my soul-mate; and that I'm going to marry him,
sooner rather than later...


first thing I see is Tristan gazing down at me. He’s sitting cross legged next
to me and he’s in his sweats and a t-shirt, looking fresh and clean. He’s
evidently showered as his hair is still wet, and he smells divine.

Reaching down to me, he softly strokes my
cheek. “Hey beautiful,” he softly says.

“Hi,” I croak and close my eyes to the
feeling of his hand touching me. I feel so lucky to be with such a sweet and
attentive man, then I realise something.

My eyes dart open. “Were you watching me
sleep?” I whisper.

“Yes.” He answers firmly.

“Why?” I choke incredulously.

Tristan’s eyes darken and he leans down to
me, his face inches from mine. “Because I wanted to,” he tells me firmly. “Did
you sleep ok?” He adds his voice a worried whisper.

I narrow my eyes at him. “Why would you ask
that?” Tristan’s brows pull together and he shakes his head slightly-Maybe I
should move on?

I stretch out then wrap my arms around him.
“What time is it?” I whisper, staring out at the night sky.

“Half past nine,” he says.

“How did I get up here?” I question looking
up at him.

“I carried you of course,” he chuckles

I chuckle back. “What?” I say, seeing the
look on his face.

“Well it was either that, or I used magic,
or I have a teleporter device secretly hidden somewhere,” he answers dryly.

“Oh ha, ha,” I banter back. “Thank you,” I

“For what?” he asks his eyebrows knitting

“Everything…” I breathe.

“Everything?” He questions, his head cocked
to the side. I nod solemnly at him.

He smiles his sweet boyish smile at me. “Want
me to run you a bath?” he asks sweetly.

“Yes please, that would be nice,” I say
gazing up at him.

“I’ll go get it started,” he says, leaning
down he pecks me on the lips, then walks across the bedroom to the bathroom. I
hear the bath start to fill, and a gorgeous, sweet scent starts to fill the
room. I get up off the bed and pad into the bathroom to find out what it is.

Tristan is leaning over the bath, pouring
something into it. He suddenly turns and sees me watching him, feeling awkward
and geeky in his work shirt, I smile shyly at him.

“Hey,” I whisper. He smiles sweetly at me,
then stands and walks over to me.

“I got this for you,” he says passing me a large,
heavy, red bottle with Champneys written across the front. “I was going to give
it to you earlier…” His lips set into a hard line and he turns away from me.

“Tristan,” I pull on his hand, he turns and
looks down at me with big wide eyes. “Are you ok?” I ask. He stares down at me
for the longest time. “Getting there,” he finally says.

I nod and stare down at the floor. A part
of me wishes he didn’t know, but the other part is glad it’s over, that it’s
out there. I can only wait and see what he does with it.

“Thank you,” I gush. “For being so patient,
so kind and loving with me,” I whisper.

He closes his eyes for a moment, I think in
annoyance, when he opens them they are blazing brightly for me. “I love you
Coral, that’s what you do when you love someone,” he slowly tells me, as though
he’s speaking to a child.

I nod again smiling shyly at him. I still
can't believe that he does, but maybe, over time, I’ll come to believe it. “So
this is for me?” I say lifting the bottle in my hand.

He nods solemnly at me. “It’s smells gorgeous,”
I say then I turn the bottle in my hand so I can read what it says.

‘Champneys Spa Indulengce, Oriental
Opulence Bubble Heaven’…
ooh, I already like it

Then I turn the bottle around and read the
description. ‘Inspired by traditional oriental
wonderfully indulgent bubble heaven leaves your skin feeling soft and pampered.
The oriental blend of aromatic ylang ylang, calming sandalwood and exotic
patchouli essential oils encourage feelings of wellbeing and tranquility’

My heart melts, he really does care.
why, I don’t know?

“Oh Tristan,” I croak. “That’s so sweet,
thank you baby.”

He leans down to me and kisses the tip of
my nose. “You,” he kisses my cheek. “Are,” he kisses my forehead. “Very,” and
lastly he kisses my lips. “Welcome.”

I throw my arms around him and squeeze him
tight. I have no words. At least none that would explain the depth of feeling I
have for this man, I am so in love with him. I would do anything for him,
anything, lay my life down for his.

“Hurry baby, your bath is nearly ready,” he
softly says.

“Ok,” I squeak and pad over to the mirror.
my god!

I cringe with embarrassment; I cannot
believe Tristan has seen me like this.

My make-up is all gone, well apart from the
smudged mascara, and I have red cheeks and bloodshot eyes. I quickly cleanse my
face, removing all traces of make-up clip my hair up on top of my head, then
turn to Tristan, who is patiently waiting for me.

“May I?” He asks.

“What?” I say.

Tristan chuckles at me. “You still have my
shirt on. I meant may I undress you,” he says.

“Oh!” I smile up at him and nod, feeling
like a complete idiot.

Tristan steps forward and starts
unbuttoning his shirt, when he’s done, he slowly pulls the shirt across my
shoulders and lets it fall to the floor, then he bends down and gently peels my
knickers off me. Standing back up he smiles at me, then his eyebrows pinch

“Here baby?” Tristan holds his hand out to
me. I place my hand in his and step into the warm water, it’s the perfect
temperature. I look up at Tristan and smile broadly at him.

“Thank you baby,” Tristan leans down and
kisses me then turns to walk away. “Don't leave me!” I squeak. “I don't want to
be alone right now,” I whimper.

“Ok,” he says, turning to take my
outstretched hand and squeezing it tightly. “Want me to join you?” he asks his voice

“Yes,” I whisper. “If you don’t mind, I can
see you’ve already showered.”

Tristan rolls his eyes at me. I lean back
and watch the strip show…
Hmmm yummy!

“Don’t look at me like that Coral,” he scolds,
slipping in behind me.

“Like what?” I breathe turning to look at

“Now you
being obtuse,” he says
frowning down at me.

“Your kind of hard not to look at you
know,” I huff, turning away from him. I guess he’s not ready for anything like

“Baby, I want you too,” he whispers huskily
in my ear. “I just want you to eat first, ok?”

I swallow hard. “Ok,” I whisper back, my
belly clenching.

“Would you like a massage?” he asks, kissing my hair, damp
from the steam.

“If you don't mind,” I softly say and turn my head to look
up at him. He leans forward and softly kisses my forehead. Then his hands begin
their tender massage across my shoulders, up and down my neck.

As I
lay my head against his broad chest
and let the warm water relax my tense muscles, I can't help thinking about all
that’s gone on tonight – I still can't believe that he knows and he’s still
here – Even after telling him about not being able to conceive, he’s still

What did I ever do to deserve this?

“I know it’s trivial,” Tristan says
interrupting my musing. “But how did your week go? Did you enjoy spending time
with Susannah?”
Damn it!

I purse my lips together, trying to prevent
any brain to mouth blurting. “Um, sure yeah, it was ok,” I say lightly.

“Then why am I not convinced?” Tristan says
his hands stilling against my neck.
I was enjoying that massage!

“Tristan,” I moan petulantly. “I don't
really want to be talking about work right now. It’s not really important in
the scheme of things,” I say hoping to placate him.

Tristan is silent for a moment –
Then he kisses my hair and continues massaging me –

“You’re right baby, not tonight,” he softly
says. I sigh inwardly, glad for that conversation to be over. If he knew what I
was up to, if he knew what Susannah has done…I close my eyes and push the anger

“Ok, well how about what you’re going to do
with the money you’ve been given. Any plans?” Tristan asks, his voice sounding
all deep and husky – My insides swim with desire.

“No, I'm still thinking about it,” I say my
mouth dry.

“Coral.” Tristan pulls me to the side so we
can look at one another. “You still want to marry me?” He asks, his expression

“Yes,” I gush, even though I’ve been so
confused about it, but since tonight…and telling Tristan…I feel different about
it. I really want this. I want him, always.

“Sure?” He questions. Tristan you have no
idea how much I do! I nod, grinning like a fool. “Then will you move in with
me?” he asks nervously.

“Um...yeah, I suppose so...I…I haven’t
really thought about it,” I say.

“You haven’t?” He asks a little surprised.

“Not really, I’ve had a very busy week and
not much sleep and...” I gasp aloud – I haven’t given Tristan his presents!

“What’s wrong?” he asks, his hands frozen
in place.

I can't believe I’ve forgotten about it,
but then again, with what’s gone on…I decide later, when I’m done in the bath,
I can give him them then.

“Nothing, I just remembered something. Why
do you ask anyway?” I say trying to change the subject.

Tristan sighs heavily. “Do you want to move
in with me Coral?” he asks in a firmer tone.

I close my eyes and ask myself the same
question – A clear resounding yes echoes around my head. “Yes, yes Tristan I do.”
Leaning up I kiss his lips.

“What do you want to do about your studio?”
he asks.

“I’m not sure, keep it I think,” I muse.

Tristan looks heartbroken but he’s trying
to hide it.

“I know it sounds strange but having
somewhere that’s just for me, that I can go to whenever I want’ – “You want an
escape,” he interrupts, his voice low, his eyes boring into mine. Hit the nail
on the head, again!
How does he keep doing that?

“You feel like you’d be trapped, living
here with me?” He adds.

My mouth pops open. I wonder if that’s come
from George?

“I...Tristan, I love you, more than...” I
sigh heavily. “It’s not you, it’s me, and it’s not necessarily that I’m
escaping,” I say, then shake my head. I’m not explaining myself very well. “I guess
it’s more...I don’t know…that it’s just for me. A place where I can just sit
and be still, do my meditating and yoga, and try to sort out what’s going on in
my head, and I have Bob too. I feel like he’s my responsibility now. Besides,
you know what they say ‘absence makes the heart grow stronger’ right?” I look
up at Tristan feeling slightly guilty.

He smiles down at me, but it’s off. Which
begs the question, would I like it, if the person marrying me wanted to keep
their own place, and the answer is no, I don’t think I would.

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