Corporate Ties (Silken Ties Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: Corporate Ties (Silken Ties Book 1)
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"Right. Maybe it means he's okay."

Brian lifted just his gaze. "Or someone at the bureau sent it knowing it's what he wanted. I don't want you to get your hopes up, Olivia."

"You said you had other information to share with me. What is it?"

He chuckled, "I did get distracted, didn't I?"

The corner of her mouth turned up. "Yes, we both did."

His face felt warm. "
God, was he actually blushing like a teenager?"
He cleared his throat. "Uh, do you mind if I forward this to my office computer?"

"No, no of course not. Well, are you going to tell me or not?"

"Contrary to what his official biography puts out, Matasuki's mother isn't dead and he has a brother. I just don't know why he's hiding it."

"Really? It seems obvious to me."

Brian frowned. "What's obvious?"

Olivia adjusted herself on her seat and handed her coffee cup to Brian, who filled it and handed it back.

"It makes sense. In my mind he's a predator. When he finds something, a company, for instance, he finds a way to get it by any means necessary. I spoke to a friend of mine who worked for one of those companies. The owner, Mr. Billingsly, didn't want to sell. Actually he refused Matasuki’s offer and cut off further negotiation. Later, this perfectly healthy man, who, by the way, had just had a thorough physical exam, just happened to have a stroke and die. And although his son was set to take over, the same one that stood by his father’s decision to refuse Matasuki’s offer, he suddenly and totally unexpectedly, accepted and sold off the company. You'll see instances of this same pattern all though those records. There’s another pattern, the bodies of his adversaries are always cremated, even in instances where such practice is incompatible with the decedent’s religion."

Brian frowned now and urged, "Go on."

"Matasuki is merciless in his business dealings and probably his personal life as well, and since he judges everyone by his own example, imagines everyone else is as ruthless as he. He’s either denying his mother and brother’s existence because having them alive, makes him vulnerable or he is trying to protect them."

gorgeous,” Brian sighed exaggeratedly, “so few of us."

Olivia chuckled. "I've heard that."

"But why not just take his mother and brother in to live with him, thereby bringing them under his umbrella of protection?"

Olivia shrugged. "I'd say ‘ask them’, but if I'm right, we can’t risk tipping our hand by doing that. He'd know we were onto them."

Brian took a sharp breath in. "Yeah." He clicked a few keys sending the file to his computer. "I’d better go. This is much more complicated than I thought."

"Hmm, and the case too."

Brian smiled. "Us? We're not complicated at all."

"Good, I just don't want things getting all weird between us, now."

Brian laughed. "Isn't that a guy’s line?"

She shrugged.

He stepped around the counter and took her hand. "Look, I don't have any expectations, you don't either. We like each other, and it's nice. Am I right?"

"Yes." She ran her fingers down his face. He really was just what she needed. A ‘no complications, no commitment’ type of a guy.


Her touch caused his spine to tingle. He had to admit, he was more than infatuated with her, but he'd deal with it. Right now, they were both all about the job. Right now, he had to get back to it, before he screwed things up in more ways than one. He leaned down and kissed her sweetly.

"I’d better go. I'll talk to you later. I put all my info onto a folder on the desktop of your computer."

She grinned. "What's the folder called?"

"Stud muffin," he said with a wink, and walked back toward the bedroom.


Once back in his own apartment, he threw the tux jacket, shirt, and socks he’d carried down the hall under his arm, in a heap at the foot of his bed, sat, stripped off the tux pants and boxers, added them to the pile and threw his shoes in the closet on his way to the bathroom. He shaved, showered and still wearing a towel around his waist, called Jimmie.

"I know it's early. Did you send your contact to check out Matasuki's mother? You did? Well, tell her to be subtle. I don't want it getting back to the mother’s son that someone questioned her. They may very well have hidden their connection and together maintained the subterfuge. I have some new files to go over. I'm sure they have a computer in their hotel room and I want in."

Brian’s company occasionally found it necessary to side-step the law, but such incursions most often led to a legal means for law enforcement to catch the bad guys. Matasuki was dirty and Brian was going to expose him before he or anyone associated with him tried to hurt Olivia. He spent the next few hours scouring the FBI files. Finally he picked up his cell phone.

"Hey, you want to get some breakfast?"

"How did you get my...never mind. Yeah, I guess. You going to pick me up or should I meet you somewhere?"

"You're funny. I'll pick you up."

He changed into jeans and a t-shirt and grabbed a light jacket. With only four apartments between them, it was mere minutes before he knocked on Olivia’s door. She opened it and Brian swallowed. He hadn’t thought it even possible she could be prettier than last night. But here she was: hair pulled back in a pony tail, minimal make-up, wearing skinny jeans, a belted sweater and boots. They stood in the doorway for a moment.

"Deli or diner?" she asked, breaking the silence.

Brian smiled. "We're in the heart of food truck heaven. Let's just see what we find."

"I like the way you think."


"Breakfast burritos?"

Olivia smiled. "Sounds great."

"I'm thinking hot."

"You think right."

He smiled and stepped up to the food truck window. "Two 'bring the heat' burritos, and two coffees, please." He looked over to Olivia. "Sour cream?" She nodded. "Yes, thank you." He paid as Olivia watched and waited under the cover of the building. With a bag of food in hand, the two headed to a nearby park and sat together on a bench. Nearby, church bells rang out for the eight o'clock, services that would begin soon.

"Really good," Olivia decided, holding her hand to her mouth.

Brian grinned and handed her another napkin. "You're something, you know that?"

"Okay, what do you mean, exactly?"

"I mean. You look like filet, but you're okay with ground beef. You're smart, but you don't shove it in anyone’s face. You're beautiful, but you don't seem to notice, or care."

Olivia reached over and wiped a drip of sauce from his lip with her thumb.

"That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. I'd think you were trying to get me in bed, but..."

Brian dipped down and stopped her with a kiss. The heat from the food mixed on their tongues. The heat from their connection would have to be savored in another way. Brian's phone buzzed and he pulled away from Olivia. "Sorry."

She shrugged. "It's fine."

He pulled the phone from his pocket. "It's one of my guys. What's up?" Olivia noticed his expression change and knew it wasn't good news. Her first thought was they’d found Paul and he was dead. She put the remnants of the burrito back into the sack, suddenly no longer hungry. "Okay keep on it. Make sure we have them each covered, pull in anyone you need."

He glanced over Olivia's shoulder as he pocketed his phone.

"We were being followed. Or should I say, shadowed."

Olivia's eyes widened. "You mean Matasuki's shadow?"

"We have a name now, and finger prints, thanks to you. We'll keep watching her."

"She's seen us together, is that going to be a problem?"

"If they look at me personally, or at my business they’ll find I'm just what I say I am - a security consultant."

Brian could almost see the wheels of Olivia’s turning. She took the burrito out of the bag and took a big bite, chewing as she continued to think about the situation.

"They're going to try to hire you."

"What? Why would you say that?"

"Because it's what I'd do. It's what you'd do. You're looking into anyone associated with Matasuki, right?" Brian nodded. "Why would we think they aren't doing the same thing? Why wouldn’t they want to investigate us? I entered the game late. They have to make up for lost time with me and now you."

Brian chuckled and shook his head. "You should come work for me."

She smiled and then looked down at her food. "Paul always said I would have been a good FBI agent, that I have great instincts for the job." She looked up. "Do you think there's any chance he's alive?"

Brian looked out onto the quiet street just beyond them. "There's always a chance."

"What's your gut telling you?"

He sighed and shook his head, as he looked back at Olivia. "That he's dead."

Hearing him confirm what she was feeling made her twist inside, and she swallowed hard.

Brian saw the color drain from her face, and he wanted to help her cope with what he'd said. "Come on; let's go up to the park or something. Get your mind off things and relax a bit."

"That sounds nice, actually." He stood and pulled her up. "You're pretty great."

He glanced around again. "Don't tell anyone. I've been working for years on my asshole persona."

They started to walk and she looped her arm though his. "Your secret is safe with me."


Kimiko followed the pair first with her eyes, and then the small rental car. She didn't know who the man was. Not yet, but this woman had Matasuki's interest and she needed to know everything about her. Anyone associated with her, family, friends and associates. There was nothing she wouldn't do to protect Isamu, or her place beside him. Kimiko smiled. This woman wasn't interested in Isamu, lucky for her. She drove past and headed back to the hotel. She'd make sure Isamu didn't want for anything. Not in any way. He was everything to her, something which would never change.



The room was sealed by heavy, black-out shades. There was no light save the blinking of the clock on the far table as she entered the room. "Where were you?" Isamu growled.

Kimiko froze, wincing as she bowed her head, and stood perfectly still. Isamu rose and began to circle her.

"I was attending to business."

"What business, Kimiko?"

"The woman. We know so little about her."

"You leave her to me." He stepped closer. Close enough for her to feel his hot breath against her neck. "Did you have my permission to take on a project on your own?

Kimiko’s shoulders drooped. “No, Sir.”

“Do you need to be taught a lesson?"

Kimiko's lip quivered. Not from fear, but from anticipation of the physical punishment she knew would come. "Yes, Sir," she responded.

"Then you know what to do."

She bowed lower and repeated, "Yes, Sir."


Jimmie noticed the flashing red light signaling a recording, and swiveled as he pressed the button to pull up the Plaza hotel room. His eyes widened and he pressed the button several times to lighten and zoom the pictures being received.


The scene was like nothing he'd witnessed before, stuff he'd only been told or read about in steamy novels. His finger hovered over the button, but he couldn't rip himself away. The woman they'd been watching and who had been, in return, watching Brian, sat on her haunches completely naked, her arms spread above her head, each tied to the post of the headboard. Her torso was a mass of red welts, some more fiery scarlet and raised than others. Jimmie watched as Matasuki struck her with a multi-lashed flogging whip. With each blow, she arched and writhed, loudly counted out the strokes. Then he heard something that floored him.

"Please, Master, may I cum?"

"No, you may not." Matasuki growled, giving her yet another sharp lash. Jimmie leaned forward, it turned him on more than anything he'd ever seen or heard before. He squirmed in his chair and adjusted himself, his hardening shaft suddenly uncomfortable in the confined place in his pants. Just as he was about to do more than that, he heard the door squeak open.

"Anything new?"

"Yeah, this guys into some shit." Jimmie pointed to the screen. Brice squinted, and then stepped closer.

"'re recording this right?"

"Of course."

"We a...probably shouldn't be watching this," Brice added, but neither of them moved. "Okay, Jimmie, let it record, but if I watch anymore of it, it's going to get messy in here and that would be embarrassing for both of us."

Jimmie nodded, clicked off the screen and slumped back in his chair.

"That's some crazy hot stuff. I wonder what Brian's going to say about it?"

Brice was still staring at the screen, even though it was blank. "I don't know. I've got some things to go over with him too. Why don't you give him a call, so we can see when he wants to meet?"

BOOK: Corporate Ties (Silken Ties Book 1)
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