Read Corps Security: The Series Online

Authors: Harper Sloan

Tags: #Corps Security Boxset, #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary Fiction

Corps Security: The Series (95 page)

BOOK: Corps Security: The Series
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“Calm down, you beast.” Melissa laughs.

“Calm down? Melissa, I hate to break it to you, but I don’t think he’s ever going to calm down when it comes to you.” I look over at Izzy, smiling my thanks for her rational thinking.

“I know. Isn’t it adorable?”

My head shoots back to Melissa.
Puppies are adorable. Babies are adorable . . . I am not adorable.

Bringing my lips to her ear, I lick and pull her lobe in my mouth before whispering softly and reminding her just how much my adorable tugboat can’t wait to get her home, naked, and screaming in pleasure.

Fucking adorable.



“Deeper . . . Harder, please.”

I pull back slowly, feeling her walls clamp down on my dick before pushing forward again. Not as hard as she wants, but deep enough that I can feel her womb kiss the tip of my dick.

Looking down at my dick as it slowly pushes in and out of Melissa’s soaked pussy has my balls drawing in tight, begging for release.

“Please, Greg, I need it deeper.” I ignore her begging, continuing my slow and torturous ministrations. God, I love the feeling of her walls hugging my dick. Feeling her body take mine is the most incredible sensation in the world. Having her slick walls clamp down when she’s as close as she is right now, the wetness from her arousal coating both of us . . . Yeah, it doesn’t get any better than this.

With one more push, I bury myself to the root, rolling my hips and groaning when I feel a surge of wetness. She’s close. I could end this right now. I’m that close to finding my own release, but I want to make her scream again before I take mine.

I move my hands, which were tightly holding her hips, and run them up her spine. The feeling of her silky smooth skin under my fingertips has me rocking my hips, grinding against her body. I’ll never get enough of this woman. My hands finish their journey when I reach her shoulders, curling my fingers, letting her know that I want her to come up off her elbows.

We don’t need words anymore. Our bodies know each other so well that all it takes is a few touches, and the rest follows. She comes up on her knees, bringing her arm over her head and grabbing the back of my neck to bring my mouth to hers. Our kiss is nothing short of brutally crazed. Our tongues and teeth nip and lick in a fierce battle of control. Our tongues duel in a dance that sends tingles straight down my spine and wraps a claw-like vise around my balls.

I bring one arm around her chest, palming one perfectly full breast and tweaking her tight nipple with my thumb. My other arm snakes around her middle, caressing her belly lovingly before trailing down her tight skin until I hit her slick heat and her wetness leaks around my fingertips. Giving her a few quick thrusts, I feel myself glide into her welcoming body effortlessly, causing a growl to rumble from deep within my throat.

“Nothing feels better than your pussy soaking my dick.”

She moans against my lips, whimpering when I pull out again. “Please, baby, take me harder.”

“No.” I know what she wants, and I also know that it’s killing her not to try and take control. I put the brakes on our rough lovemaking almost two months ago. I don’t care what the doctors say. There is no damn way I’m going to chance taking her too roughly and hurting my girls. No. Won’t happen. It’s been the only sore spot between us the last few weeks. Melissa wants it hard, and I won’t . . . I can’t give that to her.

“Greg . . .” She tries to push back, but my arms hold her firm.

“Hush, Beauty, and let me love you.”

I continue to love her, pushing in with an achingly slow pace before pulling out almost to the point of falling free from her body before repeating the process. I know that she’s enjoying it. I can feel the proof running down my shaft. Her moans don’t lie. She might crave a rough roll in the sheets, but as long as I can make her scream, I’m still doing it right.

“Greg . . . killing me . . . Need you . . . hard.” She gasps between thrusts, her cunt gripping me tight with each begged word that crosses her lips, testing my patience like none other.


The rumble of her protest vibrating against my chest is the only warning I get before she stuns me to my ass. Literally.

She pushes back hard, her ass hitting my hips and my dick falling from her warm body. In a move that shouldn’t look that easy for a seven-months-pregnant woman—with twins, no less—she has her body turned around and her small hands pushing against my chest until I fall to my back. Right there in the middle of our king-sized bed, I watch as my woman comes to life above me.

We’ve been as conservative as it gets the last month or so of her pregnancy. The bigger the girls get, the harder almost every position gets. It’s pretty much down to me taking her from behind, standing beside the bed so that I don’t crush the girls, or lying there while she rides me the best she can with the weight of her belly throwing her off balance. You won’t hear me complain. I’ll take it however she wants to give it to me. Except for the one way she’s been begging to for the last three weeks.

My girl wants me to fuck her brains out. No more of this slow and torturous lovemaking. Not for Melissa. No, she wants me to fuck her raw, and it scares the shit out of me.

“I’m sick of you treating me like I’m spun from glass. News flash, Greg Cage—I’m not going to break. Your massive dick isn’t going to thump a baby on the head, scar her for life, or poke a hole in her head. But what your dick is going to do is get the hell inside me and fuck me hard!”

I stare up at her as she climbs onto my body. Her face flushed, tits full and swaying with her movements, and her gorgeous body ripe with pregnancy, as she moves over my throbbing dick and impales herself roughly. She throws her head back, her hands going to my thighs and her pussy clenching and rippling around my straining erection.

“Shit . . .” I hiss, my hands shooting to her hips to help steady her movements. She doesn’t even notice me, her body using mine for everything she’s been craving.

I watch, fighting my body to not come instantly as she lets loose and takes what she wants. Her body rides me with ease. With each downward grind, she rolls her hips, and I feel her walls quiver. It doesn’t take long before I can feel her cream leaking out and running down my balls, her movements becoming choppier. Her breathing speeds up and her rhythm falters. I quickly take over so that she doesn’t overdo it.

Holding her hips steady, I begin pumping my hips with the powerful thrusts she’s been begging for. Her arms shoot forward, bracing her weight against my chest when she can no longer hold herself up without help. Her fingers curl, and her nails break the skin, instantly my balls start to pull tight at the blinding pleasure her pain causes.

“Give it to me. Let me feel you suck my dick deep with your tight pussy. Come on . . . Give it to me, Beauty.”

She sucks in a shallow breath, her eyes locking with mine for a second before she throws her head back and screams her pleasure. I pull her against my dick, her wetness soaking me as I erupt deep within her tight body.

I move us so that we’re both lying on our sides, my dick still hard and hugged by her body, and enjoy the way she comes back from a hard orgasm. Her glossy eyes struggle to focus, her mouth is open slightly, and her tits rub against my body with each deep pull she takes.

“I love you, my Beauty.”

She smiles, her hand coming up to my cheek before pressing a kiss to my lips. “And I love you, my Beast.”

Knowing that she isn’t far from falling asleep, I pull her in tight and enjoy the feeling of her in my arms and her swollen belly pressed against my abdomen. Feeling each roll and kick my girls offer brings a smile to my face. With all my girls in my arms, I fall asleep with a full heart.




I’m going to piss myself if I can’t figure out how to get out of Greg’s arms soon. He sleeps like this every night, with my body pulled tight to his and my back against his chest. His arm is around my belly, and his palm is holding firm against the girls. Even in his sleep, he’s protecting us. I would smile and think about how it’s the sweetest, most loving gesture ever if his heavy-ass arm wasn’t pressing against my body in a way that has my bladder, which is already fighting for prime real estate, threatening to burst.

Yeah, this would all be the best in the world—if I weren’t about to wet the bed.

Maybe I need some Depends?
God, soon I’m going to be walking around in adult diapers with the way the girls are growing. I’m not sure there’s much more room left for them to grow! Greg loves my pregnant belly, and I bet if he had his way, he would keep me pregnant year round. As much as I love being pregnant, I’m ready for this to be over.

Unfortunately for me, there isn’t an end in sight for at least another two months. Even with as uncomfortable as I am, and as much as I wish I knew what my damn pussy looked like, I’m happy to bake my little princesses for as long as I can.

“Greg, wake up, baby. I need to pee.”

He doesn’t move. His arm doesn’t let up.

“Greg, please. I need to go.”

Squeezing my legs together, praying that I can hold it, I try and wiggle free with no luck. His arms pull me closer and my already screaming bladder starts blaring the warning alarm.

“Oh, God.” I try moving his arm again, but he grumbles something about tugboats and yachts before pulling me even closer. “Shit.”

This isn’t going to be pretty if I can’t get up in the next minute. I try to wake him up gently a few times with no luck. Finally, left with no other option, I pull my arm up before bringing my elbow down, driving it back into his gut. He jumps up with a shout, his feet tangling with the sheets before he falls flat on his ass over the side of the bed. I don’t even have time to enjoy the hilarity of the situation before I’m over the edge and wobbling to the bathroom in a sprint that I’m sure makes me look like a penguin running a marathon.

I close my eyes and moan with the pleasure of an empty bladder. I lean back against the toilet and rub my belly while I finish my business. When I finally finish and open my eyes, I see that I’ve gained an audience.

“You couldn’t try a simple wake-up, babe?”

I cock my brow, ignoring him while I finish up in the bathroom. He just stands there, no shame in his mouthwatering nakedness, rubbing his stomach while his eyes take in every inch of my body.

“God, you look good enough to eat.”

I laugh, washing my hands before turning around and closing the distance between us. “You’re impossible. The next time I spend ten minutes attempting to wake your ass up while you try to hold my body captive, I’m just going to piss all over you.” I smile sweetly at him, laughing when his eyes widen.

“I love it when you talk dirty to me, wife.” He smiles down at me, pulling me closer before lowering his mouth to mine. Our kiss is slow and teasing. I can feel his length hardening against my belly, my hands wrapping around his body before gripping his firm ass in my hands and squeezing him closer. He doesn’t waste a second before pulling me back to the bed and showing me how good slow and lazy lovemaking can be.


By the time we finally fall asleep, the sun is starting to peek through the blinds, and I thank my stars that Dee and Beck took Cohen home with them last night.

I fall asleep with a smile on my face and my husband’s arms wrapped tightly around his girls again.

Only to wake up ten minutes later, fighting free of his hold before I wet the bed . . . again.

* * *

“What’s your plan for today?” I ask Greg when he walks into the kitchen later that morning. His worn jeans are hugging his ass perfectly, and his arms stretching the limits of the University of Georgia football tee he’s wearing. I’m half tempted to drag him back to bed.

“Figured I would run over to grab Cohen, but Beck just called and said they wanted to take him to the aquarium today and they would have him home before dinner. You’re stuck with me, woman.” He bends down and gives me a quick kiss before walking over to the coffee maker.

“Good. You have a full day of putting the girls’ cribs together then.” I beam up at him when he groans. We’ve been putting off the assembly of the girls’ cribs for a few weeks now. Greg took one look at all the “damn little pieces” and put it aside for another day.

“And I don’t suppose you plan on helping with this adventure?”

“Nope. I have a full day at the spa. Remember, Sway gave it to me for a baby shower gift? All the girls—well, and Sway—are coming. I’ll be gone all day, at least.”

“Spa?” He folds his thick arms across his chest, and my mouth waters from watching his shirt stretch tight against his arms.

“Uh . . . yeah.” I clear my throat, looking up into his knowing eyes. “Manicures, pedicures, a pregnancy massage . . . The normal spa type stuff.”

“Massage?” The edge to his voice clues me in to just where his mind has drifted.

“You don’t need to go all caveman on me, Greg. It’s perfectly fine for pregnant women to get massages. No one is going to touch me like you’re thinking.”

“If you want a massage then we can go back upstairs and I’ll give you one.”

“I love you, but I’m going, and I’m going to enjoy the hell out of Lars rubbing my stiff muscles.” I shouldn’t joke, but he really makes it too easy.

“Fucking Lars.” He takes two powerful steps towards me before gently pulling me up from my chair. “Fucking
better not touch any part of your body.
better go ahead and go to another state while you’re inside that spa. No way in hell do I want
anywhere near your body. This is
body, Melissa. If anyone is going to rub your stiff muscles, it will be
” His deep voice grinds out the words, causing my panties to flood with my wetness and my pussy to clench. I shouldn’t provoke him, but hell, this is so hot.

“But, Greg, they say his hands are magic.” I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing when his growl rumbles around me. His blue eyes darken to the navy color I love, the color that means my beast isn’t far from the surface. I’ve got him right where I want him. My pregnancy hormones are making me almost ravenous with my sex drive.

BOOK: Corps Security: The Series
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