Corrupt Cravings (14 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Salaiz

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Corrupt Cravings
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“God, yes. I don’t want to fight with you, Donavon.”

Slow thrusts pushed even deeper. Every inch of him rubbed against her insides, sending pleasure bursting through her body. Thoughts wouldn’t come with how consumed she felt at having him fill her. Biting into his shoulder, she tried to contain the screams that were threatening to come out. Upon contact, electricity shot through her. It almost felt like she had bit onto tinfoil. Jerking back, she stared up at him, stunned. “What was that?”

The increase in his thrusts doubled in speed. No answer came from him while he pushed harder. Caught off guard by the orgasm, Marcella quickly covered her mouth. Teeth pierced her shoulder, and once again, currents coursed through her entire body. A small cry came from her mouth at the surprise.

Before the feeling could end, hot cum shot inside of her. Bewildered, Marcy angled his face to look at her just as he pumped the last of his release inside of her. “Donavon, what was that?” Fear began to overpower everything while she tried to deny what she already knew.

“Didn’t you recognize it? You marked me. I just finalized it. We’re mates.”

“Oh…God!” Marcella pushed him off of her. Jumping from the bed, she lunged for her bag of clothes. She needed to get to Dom and explain what happened.

“What’s wrong? It was wonderful. Perfect, actually. I didn’t want to admit there was something about you. I guess this was it.”

“No, this is not perfect, Donavon. I already have a mate.”

“What!” The table beside the bed crashed against the wall at his push. “What do you mean you already have a mate? You cannot have two. It’s impossible.”

“I assure you, it’s not.”

Pulling the shirt over her head, Marcella grabbed another pair of jeans for her bag. “I’ll be back soon.” Her legs were shaking so badly, they were barely keeping her upright. Fuck, what the hell just happened? How could she have two mates? Why? It wasn’t fair. If she had to pick, it would have been Jason. She liked Donavon, but her other half should have had the option first.

“You can’t leave. Where are you going?”

Stopping, she looked at him, annoyed. “Where do you think I’m going? I won’t lie to you. I have to see Dom.”

“Don’t even think about going back to him. You belong to me now.”

“I am no one’s possession,” Marcella bit out.

“I won’t let you leave.”

“You can’t stop me. I’ll scream for Luis if you do.”

Donavon jumped off the bed and stalked toward her. His nude body shook with anger as he stared down into her eyes. “Do you think I fear him? Other way around, sweetheart. The only reason I don’t run this pack is because of the woman I look for. Now, thanks to you, I guess that search is over. Do you want this pack? Tell me, I’ll give it to you right now. I’ll go down there and take it. Say the words.”

“Don’t you even think about it! Why in the hell are you making things so hard? Just let me fucking leave, and I’ll be back in half an hour.”

Running his fingers through his blond hair, he looked at her uneasily. “You have half an hour. If you’re ten seconds over that, I hunt you down and kill this supposed mate. Let me smell him on you, and I can promise he won’t live to see the morning. Now go and end it.”

Fury burst through her, nearly bringing out her collector. “You will not tell me what to do! And you will not threaten one of my men.”

“Oh, that’s right.” He laughed. “I forgot you have more than one. So, let me make this clear.” His face sobered instantly. “They all will die if one of them so much as places a hand on you.”

Marcella narrowed her eyes and stepped forward. “They would gut you alive. You know not what you speak, wolf.”

“What was that? Are you threatening me? Do I need to prove it to you? You’re
mate, Marcella. No one else’s.”

“I was Dom’s mate before I was ever yours.”

Walking around him, she made her way to the door on aching legs. She didn’t even look back as she slammed it closed. The stairs proved to be a pain in the ass, but she got down them faster than she hoped.

“Where are you going?”

Marcella turned toward Luis. “They gave me pads. I need tampons.” She pushed the door open and didn’t wait for a response. Walking to her car as fast as she could, she sighed in relief when no one followed.

The Civic quickly jumped to sixty while she tore down the road. She didn’t stop until she reached the first hotel she could find. Running in, she paid for a room, rushed inside, and locked herself in. Feeling for their connection, nervously, Marcy pulled. Dominic dropped to the bed, startled.

“What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

Instantly, she burst into tears. Dominic rushed to her, but she stopped him before he could make contact with her body. “Oh lover, it’s horrible. He’s horrible. I”

“What, tell me? Did he hurt you?”

The anger in his voice couldn’t be mistaken. “No, he’s just possessive. Way too possessive. He almost didn’t let me leave. Oh God, Dom. I fucked up.”

“What do you mean?”

An agonizing cry left her mouth as she looked at him. “I marked him. My wolf fucking marked him! How is that possible?”

He grew rigid while looking at her. “It shouldn’t be. But I don’t know everything there is about collectors. Are you sure?”

“Yes. I’m positive.”

“Fuck. Loverboy isn’t going to like this one bit.”

“If I could pick someone besides you, you know it would be him. I love Jason. Donavon isn’t what I expected. He knows of me, bears my tattoos, and I think he remembers more than he’ll tell me, but he’s way too fixated with the memory of me. If I said obsessed, it wouldn’t even be the right word because I think he’s beyond that.”

“Come home. It’s not worth risking. Leave Donavon here. We can do this without him.”

“No. You know I can’t do that. Abandoning one of my men is out of the question.”

“Marcy! Listen to me. This isn’t a good situation. Leave him, and come back with me.”

Pounding erupted on the door. Marcella jumped, looking wildly in the direction. “Oh God, he must have followed me. Dom, you have to go.”

“No. Not without you. Or at least not until I talk to him personally.”

“Please, I beg of you!”

The door sounded like it was going to cave in under the strength as another round of banging filled the air. “Open the door, my sweet mate, or else I break it down.”

“It hasn’t been a half hour yet. You said I could have it. Now give it to me.”

“No. Open up or I destroy it. You better hope you’re not standing in the way, either.”

Marcella watched Dominic rush forward and unlock it, nearly ripping the wooden divider off its hinges. The vision of them facing each other looked like a reflection of one person. They both stared for all of five seconds before Dom took a step forward.

“What the fuck do you want? I think I’m trying to have a conversation with
mate. Is there a fucking problem?”

“Yeah, there is. She belongs to me.”

Dominic laughed. “Not technically. She was mine first. Plus, if you think I’m going to stand around and let,” her demon mate looked the other man up and down, “some punk ass, sorry excuse for a wolf talk to her like that, you have another thing coming.”

Donavon took a step closer. “Are you trying to tell me how to handle my mate, demon? At first I couldn’t tell, but that’s what you are, right?”

“Wow, you must be a smart one.” Dominic let the sarcasm drip from his words.

“Wolves don’t mate with demons. So try that story on someone else. Marcella, let’s go.”

“You’re right, wolves don’t—”

Marcella cut him off. “Dom, enough.” She walked up to him, cautiously eying Donavon the whole time. “Tell everyone I’m fine.”

“I will. You sure you don’t want to come back with me? We’ll leave right now.”

“The hell you will.” Donavon’s low growl carried all the warning it needed.

Marcella turned back to Dominic. “I’ll be okay. I promise.”

Dom nodded once and shot Donavon an evil glance as he disappeared. Fear laced with sadness raced through her chest. Damn it, she did want to go home! Already, she hated it here.

“You tried to pass the demon off as your mate? You could have at least found another wolf.”

“He is my mate,” Marcella spat. Walking past him, she climbed into the car. Ugh, she couldn’t wait for this to be over. The need to scream made tears come to her eyes. The black SUV trailed behind her until she pulled into the barn. Not even waiting, she made her way back to the house.

Pushing herself one step at a time, she wasn’t halfway up the stairs before energy from her new mate pushed against her back. Turning, she glared at him. “If you ever lie to me again, I’ll leave you in a heartbeat. I don’t like liars.”

Marcella walked into the room and sat on the bed, crossing her arms over her chest. Donavon shut the door and locked it.

“First off, you won’t ever leave me. I won’t let you. What part of mate do you not understand? This was supposed to be a happy day, like a wedding day, but no. You ruined it by wanting to rush into the arms of another man.”

“That other man is my mate, Donavon. Of course I would want to go to him. I was scared at what happened.”

“Jesus! He is not physically able to be bonded to you. What part don’t you comprehend?”

“What if I told you it was possible and we are. What if!”

“Then I’d say we were in one hell of a predicament. But since it’s not possible, I’m not worried.”

“You should be. Did you notice how much you two looked alike?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Marcella laughed. “Oh, yes you do. You know exactly what I’m talking about. Don’t try to deny it, Donavon. I saw the way you and Dom looked at each other. He was just as shocked as you were.”

Donavon walked to the bed, sitting on the end. “So what if we slightly resemble each other. He’s a demon. I’m a wolf. We’re not related.”

“If you say so.”

A sad look passed over his face as he stared into her eyes. “Why did it have to be like this? Do you know how long I’ve waited to be paired with someone? Can’t we start over? You said earlier that you didn’t want to fight. Well, neither do I.”

“I wish more than anything we could get along, but that’s not going to happen until you accept that other men are in my life.”

“That life is over now!”

Marcella clenched her fists. “I’ll give you only a few more days to change this behavior, or I’m out of here. My patience is running very thin with you, wolf.”

“Why the fuck do you keep calling me wolf? Just realize that I’m not letting you go anywhere. Didn’t I already tell you that? If you run, I’ll track you. You’re mine, Marcella.”

“Take my warning well. I won’t repeat it again. A few days, that’s all you get. There’s not enough time for me to break you of your jealousy. You either share me or you can’t have me at all.”

Donavon stood from the end of the bed and walked over to the side, throwing himself down. Marcella bounced up at the force of the air mattress. Landing on her side against his waist, she glowered at him. “Oh, and we’re getting a new bed. Today!”

“No, we’re not. This is my room, my stuff. Therefore, we’ll sleep on whatever I have in here.”

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