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Authors: John Dickie

Cosa Nostra (63 page)

BOOK: Cosa Nostra
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report on mafia

Notarbartolo trial

Sant’Elia (nobleman)

Santapaola, Nitto (“the Hunter”)

Santino, Umberto

SS (liner)

Scaglioni, Pietro


Scarpato’s (restaurant; Coney Island)

Scarpinato, Roberto

Scelba, Mario

Schifani, Rosaria

Schifani, Vito

Sciascia, Leonardo

The Day of the Owl

Scopelliti, Antonio

Scorsese, Martin

Senate Special Committee to Investigate

Crime in Interstate Commerce (US)

Servadio, Gaia

“Sheets Committee” (antimafia organization)

Sicilcasa (building company)

Sicily: psyche and culture

cattle and grain trade

citrus trade

early history

emigration to US

Fasci (peasant movement)


sulphur industry

Post-WWI mayhem

post-WWII separatist movement

Siino, Filippo

Siino, Francesco

Sindona, Michele

Sing Sing (US prison)

SS (liner)

Socialist Ideal, The

Socialist Party (Italy): political manuevering

and demise

Berlusconi link

mafia overtures

Sonnino, Sidney

Spadaro, Tommaso

Spampinato, Giovanni

Spanò (Sicilian restaurant)

Spatola, Alfonso

Spatola, Rosario

St Valentine’s Day massacre

Stella, Don Constantino


Sullivan, Tim (“Dry Dollar”)


Tajani, Diego

Terranova, Cesare

Terranova, Ciro

terrorism, right-wing: “strategy of tension”

Times, The

tobacco trafficking

Torretta, Pietro

Trapani basketball club

Tribuna, La

Truman, President Harry S.

Ucciardone (prison; Palermo)

United States of America


Democratic Party


Kansas City

Las Vegas

mafia mobility

mafia “trademark” control

New Orleans




San Francisco

Sicilian immigration


see also
New York

Ustica (prison; Italy)

Valachi, Joseph

The Valachi Papers

Vassallo, Don Ciccio

Verga, Giovanni

Verro, Bernardino

Verro, Giuseppina Pace Umana

via dei Georgofili (Florence): car bomb

via dei Gladiator (Rome): bomb

via Palestro (Milan): bomb

Villa Deliella (Palermo)

Villabate (town)

Villalba (town)

“Operation Husky”

wounding of Li Causi

Vitale, Leonardo

Vizzini, Don Calogero (“Zu Calò”; US codename “Bull Frog”)

“Operation Husky”

Miccichè (estate) takeover

Vizzini, Monsignor Giovanni

Vizzini, Raimonda

Wagner, Richard:

Whitaker, Audrey

Whitaker, Effie

Whitaker, Joseph (“Pip”)

Whitaker, Joshua (“Joss”)

Zaza, Michele (“Mad Mike”)


Copyright © John Dickie, 2004.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

First published in hardcover in 2004 by Palgrave Macmillan

First PALGRAVE MACMILLAN™ paperback edition: October 2005

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eISBN 9781466893054

First eBook edition: March 2015

BOOK: Cosa Nostra
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