Cosmic Bounty (3 page)

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Authors: Unknown

BOOK: Cosmic Bounty
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Kat now knew it was
hand that had been stroking her, making her body tingle.

What is a fuck droid, and would they fuck her? They were so big, if the rest of them were in proportion …
Oh, god

Hearing footsteps and a whoosh of the door, Kat hoped she was alone, but from the movement around her she knew she wasn’t.
both excited and unnerved her.

Damn it, she couldn’t pretend to be asleep forever! The deep, gnawing hunger in the pit of her belly compelled her to act.

She drew in a deep breath and cracked open her lids a little, pleased to find the lights weren’t bright and blinding, but soft. She blinked several times to clear her vision, bringing into focus the same handsome, red face of the alien, who had bought her in the market.

His golden eyes regarded her with a mixture of curiosity and raw heat.

Her tongue darted out to lick her dry lips; she was desperately thirsty. She also noted his gaze followed her movement. She swallowed, but ended up coughing, leaning over the bed in an attempt to clear her throat.

“Easy, little pet, here.”
Big Red Alien Man lifted her head, pressing the rim of a container to it. Sweet liquid rushed over her tongue and down the back of her throat. She found herself clutching the bottle and gulping the liquid down greedily.

“Not too much, I fear you may bring it up.” There was humor in his deep, rich tone.

Breathing heavily and with slight irritation at his amusement, she handed back the red bottle.

She cleared her throat. “Thank you.”

His clean-cut jaw and full, sensual lips twitched up into a full grin, making what was left of her brain short circuit. Kat swallowed hard, trying to recover her wits. Damn, who knew big, red aliens could be so damn sexy? Kat was certain if he were human with paler skin, he’d have every human woman panting after his innately masculine beauty.

“Hungry now?”

Kat nodded enthusiastically, and she was rewarded with another broad smile. With apparent ease, he leaned over the bed, scooping her up into his strong, muscular arms, carrying her over to a table, which jutted out from the ship’s bulkhead.

Instead of setting her down in the overly large chair, obviously designed to accommodate their large frames, he sat down and settled her on his lap.

“You’re my chair?” She twisted her neck to peer up at him.

“You’re too small for our chairs. You will be more comfortable this way. Go ahead, eat your fill.”

It wasn’t hard to turn her attention to the large platter of food before them. She had no idea what anything was, but didn't care, grabbing the strange utensils lying by the plate’s side. She scooped up a pale, yellow substance which looked much like scrambled eggs. It tasted like beef and coconut. Strange, but food was food.

She ate half the plate before her stomach felt stretched and contentedly full.

“This is good,” she mumbled, trying not to talk with her mouth full.

“I am pleased you enjoy it. My brother tells me your name is Kat, and you are from a planet called Earth.”

'Brother,' the word bounced around in Kat’s mind. “Which brother are you?”

“I believe you have already met
. I am
, designated quad healer.”

Her head throbbed with the knowledge, quads,
… one, two, three….

“So, you’re like the family doctor? Are you all identical?”

His smile was friendly. “Yes, I am the family’s doctor, and yes, all quads born on
are identical.”

“All quads, just how many quads are born on your world?”

“All males are born in quads, only the females are born singular,”
informed her, matter-of-factly.

While it seemed unimportant to him, it felt very important to her. It was a hard concept to wrap her mind around, but hell, after being kidnapped by aliens and sold in an alien market, she was beginning to realize her knowledge of the universe was extremely limited and almost anything was possible.

“That’s, um, amazing. Multiple births on Earth are not uncommon, but rare.”

“Tell me about you world, little pet. How was it the
managed to capture such a beautiful, little one as you?”

Kat should have been offended he kept calling her ‘pet’, but was instead charmed about being called beautiful.

A mixture of anger and grief rolled through her, thinking back over her abduction.

Not that her life had been a breadbasket of happiness on earth either.

Newly divorced, due to her ex-husband preferring to fuck skinny women rather than her rounded, size fourteen figure, Katrina decided to leave city life behind and take a simple job as nurse’s aide in a remote, mining town in outback

It grew dark when
beat up, old Holden blew a tire. She was stranded in the middle of nowhere. She thought her luck had changed when what she thought was a helicopter landed not too far from the roadside.

Kat grabbed her suitcase from her car and walked towards the chopper, only to realize from the size and shape of the craft, it was unlike anything she had ever seen. Not to mention the creatures emerging made her
and run in the other direction. The little, rat bastards hit her with some kind of paralyzing gun.

Quickly, they slapped a collar around her neck and bands on her wrists and ankles.

Whatever they were, it made it impossible to fight. Like a remote controlled doll, she was marched into their ship and into a cage, where she was left with one bowl of water.

By the time they dragged her from her filthy cage, she went through every range of emotion; shock and denial of being abducted and that aliens existed and they were not friendly; pain and guilt, wondering if there was something she could have done to avoid being kidnapped; and then mulling over her life, and how and where it had gone so wrong. Finally, she sank into a pit of despair, her hunger growing and no food forthcoming.

But deep in the back of her mind, she would not give up hope she would somehow find a way back home and she had a glint of revenge for those who took her.

“I was alone and stranded; he shot me with something, and I couldn’t move. Then he put a collar around my neck.”

nodded in understanding.

“You were left unguarded by your family?”

“I don’t have any family. I was traveling to a new job when my car broke down.”

“No family? Who guards you?”

“Women on my planet don’t have guards. Well, I don’t. I had a husband, but not anymore.”

“You have a strange world, if females are unprotected. I see how easy it is to capture them.”

“Does that mean you’ll take me back to Earth?”

“Only the
, who stole you, would know the location of your home world. But have no fear. You will be guarded with us. You are not alone anymore.”

“What is a
?” The question was out, before she could stop it.

chuckled in amusement. “I knew you had awakened during our discussion. Did you hear it all?”

There was no way Kat was going to have this conversation with
huge erection poking into her backside.

She shoved off his lap, her bare feet touching the vibrating metal of the spaceship’s floor. He made no move to stop her, only watching.

Her legs were weak, but she locked them together to face him, glad she still had her clothes on at this point.

“I heard the ‘mounting’ part. So, what am I to be, your brothers’ sex slave?”

may have bought you, but you are not a slave, little pet.”

She noted he left out the ‘sex’ in his sentence. She hooked her hand on her hip. “Then let me go.”

“And where would you go? Your planet is sure to be far from the
galaxy. Females who are unprotected are quickly stolen, as you have already experienced, and are sold, used and badly mistreated. Feel grateful that it was
who found you in the
or your fate may have turned out dire indeed.”

There was no way Kat could argue with that, well, with almost all of it. “And who’s to say you’re not going to be as bad as any of those other aliens? You’re big, red giants compared to me.”

“Does the color of our skin offend you?” he asked, the first look of concern marring his handsome features.

Kat snorted. She had never been accused of being racist and wasn’t about to start, just because they were aliens. Hell, they were the sexiest aliens she’d ever laid eyes on to date.

“No, it doesn’t, but you’re really big and I’m so small. You could hurt me.”

Kat could have laughed at calling herself small. On a human scale she was overweight and unattractive. But here, next to this red giant, she was small. She felt delicate and very feminine next to their hard toned masculinity.

rose to his full height and took a step forward. Kat took one back.

“My brothers and I are soldiers. The only creatures who should fear us are our enemies. We care for what belongs to us, little pet. We fight to protect what is ours and what we care about.”

She couldn’t help but be stunned by the passionate way he spoke. “To ease your fears about us, you may ask any questions you wish. But you do belong to us, is that clear?”

He’d made it very clear. Kat swallowed, pondering the implications of his words. Neither he nor his brothers would hurt her, and she believed them. But being called property grated against her humanity and pride. She could argue until she was blue in the face, but it didn’t change the fact she was stuck here and depended upon these Demos aliens for her survival.
She hoped belonging to them wouldn’t be too bad.

Hold on, belonging to
? Something here wasn’t quite right.




Chapter Three


“So, I belong to
, right?” she asked, after a moment of hesitation, wanting to be clear, and half accepting the fact she was ‘owned.’

But it didn’t mean she had to just lie down and take whatever they were going to dish out.

“You belong to all of us; none of us has a single possession. All our actions impact on our brothers. When he bought you, he bought you for us all.”

“Oh shit!” The impact of his words sank in. “Four…” Her breathing became rapid, and she shivered in fright. It was bad enough contemplating having sex with one of these huge, muscled, albeit hunky, alien men, but all four!

Are you ill?”
quickly grabbed her upper arms, before she sank into a puddle of panic on the floor. He gripped her around the waist, his other large hand spearing through her hair, holding her head firmly in his grasp, as he studied her face.

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