Cosmic Sex (7 page)

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Authors: Karen Kelley

Tags: #Police, #Paranormal, #Fiction, #Romance, #Human-Alien Encounters, #General, #Love Stories

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Not that he was that worried. They wouldn’t find anything because there wasn’t anything to find. He wasn’t on the take and had never been on the take. Hell, they could check his bank accounts and see he didn’t have that much money, and he damn sure didn’t have any hidden in his mattress.

It seemed Kia was now his responsibility, though. Sure, she handled herself pretty well at the bar, but there was something vulnerable about her.

Duh. Like maybe this was her first visit to Earth?

Yep, he was in deep shit.


Chapter 7

A tall, thin woman went inside the dress store as Kia approached the door. Kia watched carefully as the lady pulled on the handle, then repeated what she had done. Most everything on this planet was manual, it seemed. How disgustingly archaic.

The sights and smells assaulted her senses as soon as she stepped inside. The shop was a fantasy world of colors, sights, and sounds that she’d never experienced on Nerak. For a brief moment, she regretted the stark whiteness of her home.

Maybe she wouldn’t describe this place to Lara.

“May I help you?” A young girl with pale blond hair approached her. The tag on her shirt identified her as Sherry. A worker in the establishment?

Her hair wasn’t as long as Lara’s, but the girl reminded her of her little sister. Maybe it was the smile on her face, but Kia felt an instant liking toward Sherry.

“I wanted to see inside your building,” Kia told her.

The young woman’s smile grew wider. “Is there anything in particular you wanted to look at?”

Kia glanced at all the clothes hanging on circular chrome pipes. “Clothes. I need more clothes.”

The girl nodded. “You just flew in, right? The airlines lost my luggage when I went to Cancun.” She rolled her eyes and shook her head. “What a pain.”

“You were hurt?”

The girl laughed. “I’m sorry. You must be from another country. What I meant is that I had to buy enough clothes to last me while I was there. It was... bothersome.”

“Bothersome. I know this.” She would like to go home but it looked like she would be stuck here for a little while at least.

“I bet we can take care of all your needs. Will you be here long?”

“I’m not sure.”

The girl took a step back and studied her for a moment. “Nice outfit. Kind of Goth. I don’t think I’ve ever seen material that exquisite. It shimmers in the light.” Her mouth twisted to the side of her face. “You look like you’re a size six. We can start there.”

“Do you have food?”

The girl had started toward one of the racks but turned back around. Before she could answer, a woman a little older than Sherry joined her. The name on her tag said Manager Aims. Her name wasn’t nearly as nice. Kia had a feeling their names suited their personalities.

“Will you be paying by credit card or check?” Manager asked.

Kia didn’t know what “credit card” or “check” meant. Maybe she should’ve stayed in the car. “I don’t know these things you talk about.”

Manager gave Sherry a knowing look before turning back to Kia. “Do you have any way you could pay your bill? You know, coins?”

Kia shook her head. She didn’t like the way the woman snickered. It sounded very rude. Females on her planet didn’t treat other females as if they were lesser Nerakians. Every woman was equal except for the Elders and their direct descendents, and of course, healers. Lara was a healer, therefore, highly respected. She didn’t think Manager ranked very high.

“Maybe you have precious gems?” The older woman laughed outright. “You know, diamonds? Rocks? Stones?”

Kia straightened to her full height of five foot eight inches. “I have promise stones.” She pulled her pouch from her pocket and opened it. Raising her palm, she dumped the contents into her hand.

Deep purple, brilliant blue and green stones as big as her thumb flashed under the bright lights. Ten sparkling gems. She had more at home, but these were her favorites. Out of these, she liked best the clear ones with yellow and blue colors hidden deep within.

Manager choked. “Are those real?”

“Yes.” Her promise stones were quite dazzling. She’d collected them over the years. They were easy to find on her planet, but you did have to know exactly where to look.

Sherry turned toward Manager. “That princess from another country is visiting. I saw it on the news last night. I didn’t get a good look but she was tall and had dark hair. I bet it’s her,” she whispered.

Kia wondered if a sudden illness had stricken Sherry that she could no longer speak in a normal tone.

“So where are her bodyguards?” Manager asked, her eyes narrowing as she glanced around the store.

“Didn’t you see that show where the princess escaped... ”

Manager’s eyes grew round. “... and fell in love with the reporter.”

They talked as if she weren’t there, and now they stared at her as if she were an alien. Oh, right, she was an alien. A frown furrowed her forehead. But they didn’t know she was from another planet.

“Uh,” Sherry began. “Where exactly are you from?”

Kia doubted they would have heard of her planet. She didn’t see the harm in mentioning the name of her home. “I’m from Nerak.”

The younger woman jumped up and down. “It sounds foreign! I knew you were from another country!”

The older woman still looked skeptical. “There’s a jewelry store next door. Do you mind if I take one of your... stones in for a quick appraisal? Just so we’ll know how to adjust your bill.”

Kia didn’t like her attitude, but the younger woman was bobbing her head up and down until Kia thought it might come unhinged. She held out her hand and the woman took one of her clear stones. As soon as she went out the door, Sherry turned back to her.

“You might want to put them away for safekeeping.”

Sherry eyed another customer, the woman who came in right before Kia. She seemed interested in their conversation. The woman quickly turned away when she was caught eavesdropping.

Kia returned her stones to the pouch and tucked them away in her pocket.

“Why don’t we look at some clothes? I’m sure there won’t be a problem with payment. I’m sorry, I didn’t get your name... ”


Sherry covertly looked around the interior. “No last name,” she whispered. “I understand.”

Last name. Of course, the woman called Manager had more than one name. On Nerak they only had one name and it worked fine since they were basically related in some way to each other.

When one strayed, as Mala had, then they were erased from memory to ease one’s pain, every trace of them forgotten, but maybe because the family units were critical to everyone’s well-being, Kia hadn’t been able to let go of Mala. Family was important and nothing to take lightly. If she couldn’t convince Mala to go home, then and only then would Kia permit her memory to be obliterated.

“What about this?” Sherry held up a bright yellow top and a pair of white slacks with yellow pinstripes. “You can try it on in the dressing room.”

The color was pretty. So different from her monochromatic black wardrobe.

“It would look really good with your dark coloring,” Sherry prodded. “And you can try this silver number, too.” She held up a dress that glittered. “Is it sexy or what? No man will be able to resist you.”

Maybe that was her problem. Right now, Nick was able to resist her. If she wore the silver dress he would want to have sex with her again.

For just a second she closed her eyes and remembered his hands on her body. The way he’d lightly pinched her nipples, rubbing them between thumb and forefinger. Ripples of pleasure ran through her.

Her eyes flew open. “Yes, I will try everything on and you will tell me if I’m irresistible.”

Sherry smiled knowingly. “Ah, so there is a man involved. I thought so. Your secret is safe with me,” she whispered.

Sherry hung the clothes up in a small room, then stepped out so Kia could go inside, shutting the door behind her.

Kia almost had the silver dress on when she heard a bell jingle. The same one that jingled when she’d entered the store.

“It’s real!” Manager whispered, but her words traveled into the changing room.

“I told you so!” Sherry said.

“No, there’s more. It’s the finest cut diamond the jeweler has ever seen. She can buy almost everything in the store and still have change coming. And that was the smallest of the stones. I think you’re right about her being this princess who’s visiting.”

“And there’s a man involved. I knew there would be. Maybe they’re planning on running off and getting married. Isn’t it romantic?”

“Where is she?”

Kia listened, but apparently they had lowered their voices or walked farther away from the changing room. Odd how the mention of money had put Manager into such a state of excitement.

Nick had asked if she had money last night. Money so she could get a motel room. Then again, he’d handed the woman paper and round metal disks for their food this morning. Apparently this money was held in high esteem on Earth.

Her stones were much prettier.

She stepped out of the changing room. Sherry smiled warmly. Manager’s smile was much more calculating. Apparently, the thought of owning one of her stones was very important. Not that it really mattered as long as she had the right clothes—clothes that would entice Nick to have sex again. And maybe she could use Manager’s greed to her own satisfaction.

“Sherry, you didn’t say if you have food.”

“We’ll order anything you want. Do you have a preference?”


Manager and Sherry looked confused. Didn’t they know what pancakes were? A shame they were missing out on such a delicious food. But Manager said she had plenty of money now.

“You will order pancakes for everyone... thank you.”

Today was going to be very good. She had money. She had clothes to seduce Nick. And soon, she would also have pancakes.

“And lots of the topping, too!” Maybe she would order extra for when she seduced Nick. She could drizzle it all over him, then lick it off.

He was going to be so pleased with her!


Sam caught up with Nick as he rounded a corner. “Hey, it’s only for a few weeks. They won’t let an officer with your reputation for catching the bad guys stay on ice very long. Besides, we’re short handed. They need you on the streets.”

Nick slowed his steps. “Yeah, I know. I guess I’m just pissed I screwed up.”

“Hey, you got the girl. The good guy always gets the girl.”

“Yeah, and she’s in the car waiting for me.”

“I saw her. We spoke briefly before I came inside. Damn, she’s a looker. I don’t know how you always manage to get the sexiest women on the planet. So what are you going to do about her?”

Nick started walking again. “I think she may actually be telling the truth,” he mumbled.

Sam grabbed his arm. “What?”

Nick looked around the hallway, waiting for a curious clerk to pass out of hearing range.

He shrugged, feeling like a complete idiot. “I think she might be telling the truth.” He’d known Sam would look at him as if he was crazy. Hell, he sounded crazy.

“You’re serious?”

Nick frowned. “She has a little black box that makes things disappear. I’ve never seen anything like it. She calls it a phazer. I dropped it off with Weldon. He’s checking it out, seeing if he can discover who made it. I’ve never seen Weldon as excited as when I handed it to him.”

Sam raised an eyebrow. “Weldon? The computer geek?”

“Yeah. He said he’d never seen anything like it.”

“That still doesn’t prove anything.”

“Then when she eats there are all these flashing lights... ”

Sam looked at him as if he’d lost his mind. A blast of heat flooded Nick’s face.

“It’s possible. Who’s to say we’re the only ones?” Why did he feel like the hole he’d started digging was only getting deeper?

Sam raised an eyebrow. “The only ones? Do you hear what you’re saying?”

Nick turned on his heel and marched toward the front door. Why did he even think Sam would believe him? Straight-and-narrow by-the-book Sam. Yeah, of course his best friend would believe in aliens—not! “Yes, I know what I’m saying, but everything she says points in that direction. My list of logical explanations gets shorter by the second.”

“She could just be crazy.”

Nick glanced at Sam.

“Okay, I admit, she doesn’t look or sound crazy, but it doesn’t mean she didn’t escape from the state hospital. Look at some of the criminals who are locked up in the loony bin right now. They look perfectly normal. It doesn’t mean they are, though.”

“I know. But she insists she’s from another planet.”

Sam’s eyes narrowed. “Do you think she might be a spy? Undercover operative?”

“I thought about that. It still doesn’t explain the bizarre lights.”

“Have you slept with her?”

Nick stumbled.

“Ah, geez, why’d you want to do that?” Sam ran a hand through his hair. “This complicates everything.”

“You think I don’t know that?” He blew out a breath. “Kia didn’t mention she was from another planet until after we’d had sex. But no matter what, it was the most incredible sex. She was so... ” He swallowed hard. “I’ve never had... ”

“Oh, shut up! You don’t have to rub it in.”

Nick grinned. “Yeah, I do—it was that damn good.”

They walked out the front door and started down the steps. Nick looked toward his car and came to a grinding halt. Kia was gone—and so was his passenger-side door.

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