cosmicshifts (13 page)

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Authors: Crymsyn Hart

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: cosmicshifts
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“Are you okay?” Phillip asked.

“I am thanks to our host.” She glanced at him and felt her cheeks burn, thinking about the kiss they had shared. It would be nice to get him alone so she could thank him for rescuing her.

“He has been very gracious and honestly this is just so very strange.”

“Of course it is, you never thought of traveling beyond your planet. Humans have only just started exploring the galaxy, but it will be years before they get out of their solar system. Sorry, I

m not trying to put down your race, but you

re very primitive, and there’s a reason why we don

t stop on your planet for potential mates. Can you tell me something about what happened?”

He curled his hand into a fist and squeezed his eyes shut as though he fought the shift back into his beast form. All the while her inner feline paced back and forth ready to pounce and romp across the planet until she found
. Then she would figure out a way to get off this rock. Phillip shook his head. “
I don’
t really know. I woke up, and the alarm was going off.
ran to the cockpit to see what was going on. She was busy pressing some buttons and talking to the computer. You were screaming at it, but I don

t know what you were saying; you were both going too
; the translator

t catching everything.”

She hung her head. They had planned to replace the broken one that
had implanted inside of Phillip’s head with a newer version, but they

t gotten around to it. The voyage was supposed to be uneventful. When she had gone to sleep, they had two days before they arrived back at
. She remembered a little bit more of what Phillip had told her. She recalled being at the navigation screen with the alarm sounding and the view screen had pulled up. Something had gotten in her way. Something that

t supposed to be there that

t been there on the way to Earth, but on the way back something had gone wrong. She

t remember exactly what. It was still a bit blank.

“I remember the computer warning that we were on a collision course. I

t stop it. No matter how much we tried.
…” She tried to recall more but couldn’t.

felt a hand on her shoulder. When she looked over, Phillip had smiled at her. “It

s okay. We have to find her. That’s the most important thing. Then we have to leave this ball of ice they call a world. Of course I have no idea how we

re going to do that.”

Ball of ice.
Did I hear him right?
If that was true, then they were on a planet they

t supposed to be on. It was forbidden.
The world was exactly what Phillip had said, a big sphere of ice with nothing except large hairy primates. They had procured some mates from
years ago before they had started fighting back. She

t want to think about the idea that
had been captured and was being dissected by the apes. And one of them had rescued her.
Although she had never heard of them shifting into another form.
From what she knew they were only single formed like humans, but Phillip was an exception.

“This place is all ice. Did this translate correctly?”

He nodded. “Yes. Everywhere I looked it was frozen. The driving blizzard wasn’t letting up. I was lucky the earth elements here are similar to those on Earth. Some of the elements here didn’t want to cooperate. The element led me into a cave. I followed it deeper and found the system that led me to Herman.”

The skin rippled on his body, and he squeezed his eyes shut. It appeared he was fighting the transformation. He had explained to her that by day he was a man and by night he was a Bigfoot, but he retained his human intelligence. She had found it interesting there was something of a bit of magic on Earth because she had thought it was something that had died out eons ago. At least that was the story told on
about earthlings. Humans were technologically slow. They were advancing, but they had lost touch with their elemental side. They had magic on
through the goddess they worshipped and also embraced technology. Their major problem was their declining male population.
had prayed to the goddess she would find a male who would love her, but she had never been so lucky. That was one reason they went off world to find mates. It

t matter what species they were because most males were able to reproduce with
women. She had never met any children who had not inherited the ability to take on the
beast form of their dual nature. It just depended on what part of the planet one grew up on that made one into a certain kind of shifter.

Elarna was from the south where they were more trees, and her dual form was a large feline. Alika was from the west continent with open plains. Her tribe had in
herited more of the canis trait, what Phillip called wolves. Once she had rescued them, Elarna had learned more about Phillip. She found him interesting and learning how he was transformed into the beast was heartwrenching. It had called to her. He had fal
len in love with a woman, and the father didn’t approve. Even being on the ship in his beast form, she couldn’t help the attraction she felt for him. However, Elarna didn’t want to approach Alika about the possibility of sharing her new mate. And she

t sure that the big hairy man would want to share with her or any other women.

It was tradition on their planet that one male would service eight to ten females. It might be that he had one or two specific mates that he spent time with, but because men were in such high demand, they were expected to divide their attention. Not too many women went out to procure males from other planets. There was the danger of ships crashing or getting caught by the inhabitants of the worlds they went to. Another scientific avenue was that they were searching for a genetic solution as to what was wrong with their population. Some
blamed the heavy gravity of the planet to the amount of rain. Others accused the gods and begged them for help.
wanted to be of service to fellow
. After thirty successful missions, they were able to choose a male. Sometimes this took years. It was a tough mission and more worlds were becoming off limits because of their technological advances, disease, or some other reason. On one world she traveled to, the males were
. Many of the females desired males with hair on them.

That was one reason that the ice planet was targeted for a couple of hundred years. It

t like they were taking numerous amounts of males off the planet. They took two or three at a time, and the rule was to always ask them. Rules stipulated that they only took unattached males. They

t taken against their will. She understood how other cultures would think they were kidnapping their men.
was deemed not accessible because several of the procurers had made it back barely alive with tales the
started killing some or catching them for experimentation. Now there was an edict not to go to the planet.

She had allowed
to be taken. They were going to do horrible things to her. She thought about Phillip and knew he was worried about her. When
looked up the wolf animal from Earth it had some similarities to

legends about their dual forms was that the goddess gave the power of the animals to all walk upright on two legs, but they still had to fit into their respective environments. Others that said it all came down to two species cross-mating. She

t care about any of it;
just wanted a male in her life so she’d stop feeling so lonely. There was only so far that she could take a pleasure device. Yeah, it was great for getting her off, but no matter how many appendages, tentacles, or vibrating brushes it had, it

t the same thing as a good old fashioned male prick.

When she thought about Phillip, all the hair got her going. Even in his human appearance there was some heat between them, but she

t wanted to take it up with
because they were still cementing their relationship. And she wasn’t sure if he was ready to eventually take on another female. He wanted to stay with
. Apparently, on Earth, they did not take multiple mates.

Whenever a species was brought to
they were categorized, blood was taken, and they were assigned women over time.
had been with other females before. She and
had gone on long distance journeys and with nothing to do in space at times they engaged in sexual acts. Her friend was attractive and again served a basic need. She

t mind being with a female, but it was all about the males. Something about how they smelled made her all gooey inside. Between Phillip being on the ship and her waking up in the cave permeated with the heady scent of the
made her dizzy. Then he had touched her. It

t matter if he was learning more about her anatomy. It had kicked her libido into high gear.

All she wanted to do was
him on the floor and feel his cock inside of her. She wanted him hairless or with hair. It

t matter until she was riding him. She was wet just thinking about him. Hair, tall, and running his claws down her back while his dick filled her.
had fucked some
who were scaled, some with feathers, others with barbs, just so long as she was fulfilled. Phillip moaned in agony as his features shifted. His nose and mouth had lengthened a bit and his forehead had grown larger. A fine layer of brown hair had sprouted on his skin.


t worry, Phillip. Just let go. I can talk to Herr…man,” she pronounced out the
name, but it

t sound right on her tongue. There seemed to be a syllable or two missing, but with Phillip’s translator malfunctioning he might have missed part of the name.

He nodded. Phillip’s other form came through. His grew until he was over seven feet tall. His hands were clawed, and he was covered in matted, brown fur. He definitely was more attractive when he was hairy.
Something about those claws and his feet.
It was strange he had five toes though. All
had six. How could he keep his balance with just five toes? He flashed
her a
grin, showing her his long, curved canines. His muzzle

t as pronounced now that he had fully transformed. She compared him to her host and realized the
muzzle was more oblong and pointed.

Phillip left the space, and her caretaker came back in. He carried something in his hands that smelled like meat and made her mouth water. Herman handed her a bone plate and made the motion that she should eat. She nodded.
ripped the meat from the bone with a tug. The game was cooked and had a salty flavor, but she could taste the blood within it that made her inner cat emerge. It moved underneath her skin as she swallowed. She took another bite and felt her nails elongating into claws. The heady smell of Herman enticed the animal in her more. If her feline came out, there was no telling what would happen. She closed her eyes and breathed in. It was never this arduous to keep the cat under her skin. She was the one who controlled it and not the other way around. However, the need to mount this male drove the beast. Maybe it was because he said they were connected.

“What is it?” her host asked.

She opened her eyes and saw he was a beast no longer. “Why are you like that? I thought you could only be that way when you needed to heal someone?”
forced out.

“True, but I just chose not to because of all of the things that it implies. I felt your pain so it triggered me to switch my forms. What’s going on?”

She shook her head.
How can I tell him about how I’m feeling and the only thing that will stop it is being with him?
How will he react when I shift?
This great need for a sexual release was not something she had experienced before. His influence over her was stronger than it appeared.

“You don

t want to know. I need you to…” She arched her back as the vertebrae in her neck popped.
lunged forward, going down on all fours. The plate of meat clattered to the ground. Her nails dug into the soft earthen floor. The cat was really pushing its way out. Herman ran his fingers down her back and she shook as his energy ran through her once more.

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