Coto's Captive (10 page)

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Authors: Laurann Dohner

BOOK: Coto's Captive
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He paused. “Magic?”

“You’re supposed to be a leprechaun. I feel lucky. Never mind. Bad timing for a joke. Don’t stop.”

He resumed licking and suckling her clit. It drove her mindless. It might be his first time, but he seemed determined to do it right.

She panted encouragement. “Oh, yes. Just like that. A little rougher.”

Coto took orders incredibly well, continuing with the sweet torment until she cried out his name, climaxing hard. He eased his hold on her thighs and straightened his upper body. Lynn met his gaze and smiled.

“You’re a keeper.”

He cupped her hips, sliding her ass to the edge of the bed. “Say yes to being my bound.”

“I’ll marry you.”

He rubbed the crown of his cock against the slit of her pussy and gently entered her. “I’m claiming you right now.”

She nodded. She wrapped her legs around his hips as he came down on top of her, his chest hovering over hers. “Give me everything you’ve got.” She cupped his face, pulling him in for a kiss.

He drove in and out of her, increasing the pace. She loved the feel of him and how incredible it was, having him inside her. The mushroom-shaped crown of his cock hit her G-spot. She clawed at his biceps and had to break the kiss, afraid that she’d bite him.


He buried his face in her neck, lightly nibbling on her skin. “You’re mine. Always. I’ll never let you go.”

Lynn climaxed a second time. Coto snarled her name, finding his own release. He didn’t pull out that time. He came inside her. They held on to each other while they recovered. Lynn ran her fingertips over his back, knowing she’d never get tired of touching him.

“We need to go,” he finally grumbled. “I don’t want to move but we must.”

“I know.”

They untangled their bodies with regret and dressed. Lynn took one more look around her house, knowing it would be her last. Coto strode to the door, waiting for her.

“I’ve got one more bag to grab. I hope three isn’t too much. I didn’t know what to pack.”

“You won’t regret this.”

“I know.” The reality of it hit. “Marriage is forever to you, right? It would suck to go there and get divorced in a year.”

He pulled her closer. “Forever. I’ll never let you go.”

“Good. I’m giving up everything for you.”

“I appreciate that. We will be happy.”

“I have faith. I don’t ever want to lose you.”

“Where are the rest of your things? Can you take us there by your vehicle? It would be faster than walking.”

“Of course.”

He let her go and she rushed back inside her bedroom. He followed, seeming to really take in his surroundings for the first time. “Your home is small. Our home on Zorn is larger. You will like it.”

Nerves struck. “I hope so.”

He took the duffle bag from her and they walked out the front door. She closed it but didn’t bother to twist the lock. She had everything she wanted. Coto loaded her things into the back of the SUV and Lynn climbed into the driver’s seat. Coto filled the passenger side with his tall frame.

“Where are we going?”

“Where we set up camp. It’s been taken down but it was a good spot for them to pick us up.” He removed the communications device from his pocket. “I retrieved this from your home. I didn’t want anyone to find it. I’ll inform them we are on our way.”

“They won’t leave without us, will they?”

“We have plenty of time.”

Lynn started the engine and backed out of her driveway. “This planet of yours…” Dozens of questions filled her mind.

Coto reached over and took her hand once she was driving on the road. “You will love it, Lynn.”

“I can breathe there, right?”

He laughed. “Yes. Earth is a lot like Zorn. The colors are different.”

“Really?” She was intrigued.

“It’s beautiful. I am looking forward to showing it to you.”

She was excited. “This is going to be an adventure.”

“It will be.”

She smiled, letting some of the worry ease away. Coto was at her side, holding onto her.
It’s going to be okay.
She had to park her SUV by the cabin where the dirt road stopped. Coto took the two heavier bags and she shoved the strap of the duffle bag over her shoulder. They walked together through the woods. She really hoped they didn’t run into any wildlife.

The first glimpse of the ship had her heart racing. “Are you sure we’re all going to fit in that? It’s about the size of a motor home. It kind of looks like one too, minus the wheels and windows.”

Coto nodded. “I don’t know what a motor home is but this is a small shuttle to fly us into space where a larger ship waits.”


He chuckled. “No fear, Lynn. I will always keep you safe.”

“What did you do with your other ship? Were they able to fix it or something?”

“No. This shuttle landed while it was dark still. They arrived before dawn. At nightfall, we’ll lift off and take what is left of our other ship with us. They can attach it to the bottom of the hull. It will be discarded deep in space, where no one from your planet will ever come across it.”

“Why not leave now?”

“Humans would see it if they were watching the sky. We’ll make a larger object with the shuttle hauling the damaged ship.”

“Oh.” She felt foolish for asking. It made sense now that she knew the answer. “Of course. This thing can take that kind of extra weight? Are you worried about radar detection? We have that.”

“Yes, it can take the weight. We’re aware of how you track objects in your sky but the shuttles are designed to warp the signals around the bulk so we’re not traceable.”

Two aliens greeted them. She hadn’t met them before. Coto handed her bags to one of them. “My woman’s belongings. Lynn is coming with us.”

“Of course.”

Lynn felt warmth. She was Coto’s woman. He was her alien man. He took her duffle bag and passed it over to the second man. They carried her things inside the shuttle and she bit her lower lip.

“Easy,” Coto rasped, pulling her into his arms. “I’ll hold you.”

“I have a feeling you’re going to be doing that a lot. I’m not a fan of heights.” She peered up at the blue sky. “And we’re going really high tonight.”

“It’s going to be fine,” he promised.

She stared into his beautiful eyes. “I trust you.” She did.

“You are of my heart, Lynn. I will take care of you and we will be happy.”

“I know. I believe that.”


Exactly one year later


Lynn moaned, reaching down to stroke Coto’s silky hair. He growled against her clit, the vibrations adding to her pleasure. He had her legs pinned open with his arms, his hands firmly cupping her ass. He used the flat of his tongue to torment her.

“You’re going to kill me if you get any better at this.”

He grew more aggressive with his mouth until she was crying out, coming hard. Coto lifted his head, a satisfied smile curving his lips. “Is that a complaint? I was determined to learn. It is our anniversary of when I made you my bound. I am showing you my appreciation.”

She let go of his hair and stroked her fingers over his cheek. “It’s the best decision I ever made. I love you.”

He eased his hold on her ass and unpinned her legs, climbing up her body and settling his hips between her spread thighs. “I feel gratitude every day that you took a chance. I feel that same love. It is so strong it is almost painful.”

“I know what you mean. I never thought I could feel this much about someone before.”

He brushed his lips over hers. “Any regrets?”

“I feel guilty about my dad and some of my friends,” she admitted. “They had their own full lives though. I left them that note on my fridge, swearing I was alive and well, just taking off with the man I fell in love with who needed to keep off the grid. They probably think I joined some cult.”

“What is that?”

She grinned. They were still working out some words with the translator but she doubted Zorn had a definition in their language that would fit. “A criminal,” she improvised, amused.

“I can be very bad,” he teased. “You tell me this all the time.”

“In the best of ways.”

He lifted up a little and glanced down between their bodies, adjusting his hips. Lynn moaned when his stiff cock nudged her pussy and he slowly filled her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and gripped his shoulders.

“You often say this feels so good it should be illegal.”

“That’s so true.”

A knock sounded on the door and Coto groaned. “Go away.”

Another knock sounded.

He twisted, grabbing hold of the covers and jerking them over their lower bodies. He withdrew his cock from Lynn and sat up a little. “Damn. Come in.”

Lynn sat up too, clutching the sheet to her breasts. “So much for sleeping in a bit.”

The door eased open and the white-haired older woman peered in. “Sorry for interrupting your love time but someone is hungry.” She stepped inside, cradling a wrapped bundle.

Lynn grinned. “No rest for the wicked.”

Coto chuckled, opening his arms. “I know what that means. Give him to me, second mother.”

The woman approached the bed and handed over their son. “I will cook a feast of all your favorite foods. I know today is important.” She fled.

Lynn leaned against Coto, peering at the miniature replica of the man she loved. “He’s just like you.”

“He has your hair color.”

“I meant about always having an appetite.”

He glanced at her breasts. “Always.”

wants milk. I know what you want, and it’s not milk,” she teased. “I’m glad we have Arnia to help us. Your grandma is a lifesaver.”

“Not at this moment.”

Lynn laughed and took the baby. “I’ll feed him, then we’ll give him back to her. The morning isn’t over yet.”

Coto grinned. “It isn’t. I have a lot of things planned to do to you today.”

“You mean

He shook his head, amusement gleaming in his beautiful eyes. “No. To you.”

“I really love you.”

“I’m really going to love
. This one needs a brother or sister.”

Lynn turned her body, pressing her back against Coto’s chest, and he snuggled her close. “At least our second child will be conceived on Zorn.”

“I kept you distracted from your fear of heights and traveling through space in a ship.”

“You most certainly did. Thank you.”

“For what?”

She turned her head, holding his gaze. “For capturing me on that riverbank and keeping me with you.”

“You did escape while I was sleeping.”

“But you found me and later talked me into making the best decision I ever made.”

“I was prepared to throw you over my shoulder and carry you back to our campsite if you said no. I couldn’t let you go. It would have destroyed my heart.”

“Mine too,” she admitted.

“Now we’re both whole and happy.”

“Yes, we are.”

Their son chose that moment to let out a tiny roar.

Lynn laughed. “He’s just like you, only not as loud when he’s frustrated.”

“Feed him so we can return him to my second mother. We have plans.”

“Yes, we do.”

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