Read Country Roads Online

Authors: Nancy Herkness

Country Roads (27 page)

BOOK: Country Roads
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“I thought about the fact that you’d be naked too.”

“When you say things like that, I have to kiss you.” He sank one hand into her hair and turned her head toward him, slanting his mouth across hers and tracing the seam of her lips with his tongue.

She twisted to grab at the muscle curving over his bare shoulder. His skin was warm and smooth, and she wanted to feel it against more than just her palm. She whimpered against his lips.

He sat back, and she could see his chest expand and contract with his quickened breath. “Have you ever made love in the water?”

She shook her head.

“Then I’ll be your first time,” he said, pulling a condom out of his jeans pocket and laying it on the stone.

She glanced down at the foil wrapper. “Will that stay on underwater?”

“With you in nothing but a smile, there’s not a chance it will float off.” He stood and stripped off his jeans and briefs before reaching down to pull her up beside him. “Let me give you a hand.”

He snagged the hem of her T-shirt and dragged it up over her head as she held up her arms. When his eyes alighted on the lacy white bra she wore underneath, they burned even hotter than before. “Maybe we’ll leave that on. It will look mighty sexy when it’s wet and clinging.”

He tossed the T-shirt on the blanket. Then he locked his eyes on hers and set to work on the button at the waist of her jeans. He slid one index finger down between the denim and her skin, making the muscles of her abdomen contract and a pool of heat start to glow low in her belly. He held her gaze as he maneuvered the button out of its hole and slowly dragged the zipper downward, his fingertips grazing the lace of her panties, lower and lower until he was nearly at the vee of her thighs. Her lips parted on something between a gasp and a sigh as he pressed a finger
right there before he slipped her jeans down to her ankles. He held out his hand to steady her as she stepped out of them and stood, mesmerized by the slow scan of his silver eyes over her body.

Her gaze drifted down to his erection. Clearly he liked what he saw. “This way,” he said, scooping up the condom and turning as he laced his fingers with hers.

“Paul.” She stopped. “I just, well, I’m not a strong swimmer.”

He laughed. “Sweetheart, what we’re going to do doesn’t involve much in the way of swimming. We’ll stay in the shelter of the rock where the current’s weak, and I’ll keep you afloat.” He lifted her hand to his lips, his eyes glinting over her knuckles. “It’s in my best interest to make sure you don’t drown.”

She started in the direction he’d been leading. Now that Paul knew she needed watching, he’d take care of her.

“Let me go first,” he said, as they reached a series of ledges on the edge of the rock.

“Go right ahead. I’m enjoying the rear view,” she said, lifting her eyes from where she’d been ogling the play of muscle in his tight buttocks as he walked.

“Stop objectifying me and pay attention to where I’m putting my feet.” He deftly stepped from one ledge to the next until his feet were inches from the water’s surface before he turned to hold both hands up to her. With his steadying grip, she followed in his footsteps until she stood beside him. She noticed the condom in his hand and realized he didn’t have any place to put it. “Why don’t you give that to me since you don’t have any pockets?”

“And you do?”

She reached for the foil envelope and slipped it under the lace of her bra, using the strap to anchor it.

His eyes went incandescent. “I didn’t think you could look any hotter, but that has definitely turned up the temperature.”

Gratification zinged through her.

He took the last step into the river, the water hitting him midshin before he turned his back to her. “Why don’t you climb aboard, and I’ll piggyback you out to deeper water so you don’t have to walk on the rocks?”

The mention of deeper water doused some of the excitement surging through her veins. Then he repositioned his arms to allow her to clamber on, and the muscles of his back flexed and shifted under his skin. She wanted to feel that against her breasts so she leaned against him, winding her arms around his neck and giving a little hop to get her legs up. He caught her under the knees and bounced her a little higher, making her already-hardened nipples drag against his shoulder blades.

She hissed as lightning flashed from her breasts straight down to where her thighs were spread against his waist.

Her toes brushed into the water and she squealed. “It’s frigid! Aren’t you freezing?”

“Not with you wrapped around me.”

As the water reached their waists, she shivered with equal parts cold and anticipation. He kept going until the ripples lapped at him midchest, then he released her legs and floated her around him until she was against his front, held there by the slight current still flowing through the pool in the lee of the giant stone. He bent her legs around his waist so his erection was locked between them, pressing hard against her clitoris. She twined her ankles together behind him and pulsed against him, stoking her own pleasure.

“Whoa, take it easy on me. I want to have time to enjoy you being wet, both outside and inside.” As he said it, he slid one hand between them, pushing aside the lace covering her crotch so he could slip a finger inside her. “Oh yes, definitely wet on the inside.”

She clutched at his shoulders as his stroking sent her arching backward. “That feels…unbelievable.”

“Mmm, now let’s get you wet on the outside.” He sank downward, carrying her with him. She barely had time to suck in a breath before the cold water closed over her head. A jab of fear made her tighten her grip on his shoulders and waist, but she relaxed as she felt his arms envelope her like a living lifejacket. Realizing she had her eyes closed, she forced them open to see his face right in front of her, slightly blurred by the sediment in the water. A school of tiny silver fish skittered past behind his head, and then she was rocketing back toward the surface.

“You dunked me,” she sputtered as she released one hand to push back the strands of hair plastered to her face.

“I reckon I did. That’s kind of what you do to your girlfriend when you’re swimming together.”

“Maybe if you’re in high school.” She gave his bicep a light smack.

“Sweetheart, that’s how you make me feel. So I’m going to dunk you again.”

He dragged her down. This time as she felt him start to push upward again, she took in a mouthful of water. When they broke the surface, she spouted it right at his forehead.

“Oh ho, you want a fight,” he said. “Bring it on.”

She noticed he moved into water where she could easily stand before he set her down, and submerged. She tracked him in the semiopaque water, the extraordinary picture he presented as the lean lines of his nude body played against the curves of the river stones arousing her artist’s instincts. The olive of his skin, greened slightly by the dark-jade water, made her long for an array of paints to capture the subtle shades of both.

Then he exploded up out of the water with a splash that drenched her and made her blink and spit water. “You are going to pay for that,” she said. She couldn’t outswim him, so she reached for her only leverage, his erect penis.

He groaned as she closed her fingers hard around him. “You fight dirty, woman.”

“We biker chicks do that.” She stroked firmly downward, savoring the jerk of his body.

He let her play with him for a few seconds longer, then he stepped in and hooked his fingers into the sides of her panties, sliding them down her thighs and following them underwater until she stepped out of them. As he came back up, his fingers grazed between her legs and she shuddered at the delicious contact. After tossing the ball of wet lace onto a ledge, he plucked the condom from her bra, brushing the back of his hand over her cold-tightened nipple.

A current of pleasure went straight down to her gut, and she gasped.

“Okay, biker chick, let me show you the pleasures of making love in the water.” He ripped open the foil and rolled the condom on, flipping the wrapper onto the rock too. Then he lifted her up, dragging her breasts up his chest and the vee of her legs up his erection until she was above it. “Put your legs around me,” he commanded.

She opened her thighs and bent her knees around his waist, feeling the head of his penis pressing against her. He wrapped his fingers around her thighs where they joined her buttocks and spread them even farther as he positioned himself. He thrust upward as he let her slide down so he was seated deep inside her.

“Oh dear God!” she moaned as the exquisite ache of arousal was partially slaked by the feeling of him filling her.

“Now lean back and let the water hold you up,” he said. “I won’t let go of you.”

A shimmer of nervousness amplified the sensation of being joined with him so intimately. She slowly eased backward, sliding her grip down his arms until she was perpendicular to him, touching the surface of the water. She felt her hair drift out from
her head as the current caught it. The chill of the river water contrasted sharply with the conflagration pulsing between her legs, making her shiver with sensory overload.

“Is it too cold for you?” he asked, concern making him frown.

“No, no. It’s just, well, a lot of different feelings all swirling around together.”

The shadow on his face vanished. “Then I’ll have to give you something to focus on, won’t I?”

“That might help.” He flexed his hips, and the small movement centered all her attention on the place between her thighs. “Yup,” she gasped. “Totally focused now.”

“Good.” His voice had turned raspy, and she suspected his focus had gotten pretty intense too. “Sweetheart, I’ve got you, I promise. Let go. You’ll float.”

“What? Oh.” She released her fingers, which were clamped around his wrists, and felt the water cradle her, rocking gently in the wavelets that lapped at her sides. Her arms floated outward as she relaxed into the sense of being anchored and free at the same time.

“That’s it,” Paul crooned, bending over to suck at first one nipple and then the other. His motion changed the angle where they were joined, sending a tremor through her. The warmth of his mouth seeped through the wet lace of her bra, igniting a slow burn that spread over her skin and sank deep inside her. She expected the water around her to start boiling at any moment.

“Do that again!” She started to arch into him but it tipped her head underwater, so she forced her muscles to relax and do nothing but receive the sensations as he dragged his mouth over the swell of her breasts, up to nip at her neck, down to lap the water from her navel. Trusting him. Letting go.

“Time for this to be removed,” he said, flicking the front clasp of her bra open and peeling the cups away from her breasts.
His eyes were hooded as he looked down at her, and she saw the flare of his nostrils as he breathed in sharply. “So beautiful.”

He brushed one palm over her bared nipples, making her gasp and writhe. His touch tightened the coiling tension between her legs to the breaking point.

“Paul, please, I need to come now.”

“Thought you’d never ask.” He took hold of her waist, his thumbs pressed against her hipbones, and began to move, guiding her body in the water so as he thrust forward he brought her in against him. As he withdrew, he pushed her slightly away. The motion sent little crests of water washing gently against her sensitized clitoris, driving her arousal higher and higher without releasing it.

“Oh yes, please. Oh please. Oh please.” She begged for her climax, even as she wanted to prolong the extraordinary sensations.

He increased the tempo and ground against her each time they came together. That was all she needed to explode into a screaming, writhing mass of orgasm, the muscles inside her clenching into a hard, tight fist before opening to fling exquisite bursts of pleasure through her body. She wondered why she hadn’t swallowed gallons of water in her thrashing before she noticed Paul had slid his hands and forearms under her back to keep her afloat. His cock still filled and moored her to him.

She lay half in the water, half in his arms, as aftershocks danced through her. Once her body quieted, she opened her eyes to find him gazing down at her, his expression a combination of arousal, satisfaction, and tenderness.

“Paul, you didn’t finish.”

“I don’t need to,” he said.

“That wouldn’t be fair. You worked hard.”

“Damn straight,” he said, “but I got my reward.”

She started to shake her head before remembering she’d get water up her nose. She lifted her hands to his shoulders. “Help me up.”

He obliged by tipping her up against his chest while she kept her legs locked around his waist.

“Now take me over to that ledge.” She pointed to a shelf of the rock that was almost level with the surface of the water.

He carried her to the stone and eased her bare behind onto it. She unhooked her ankles, sliding her knees up onto his hips and leaning back against the boulder so her pelvis was tilted up for him. He started to pull out but she clamped her knees in hard. “No, do it here.”

She could feel his erection swell, but he looked torn. “Are you sure you’re ready?” He framed her face with his hands, scanning it.

“Born ready,” she whispered, turning her face to give his thumb a playful bite.

His restraint evaporated at that. He whipped his hands down to her hips and angled them to his satisfaction before he let go to brace his hands on the rock above her. He withdrew almost completely before slamming back into her, his eyes locked on the place where their bodies came together. He dropped one hand to feather his fingers through her pubic hair. “Ah, I love the color of this. It glows as brightly as the rest of you.”

His finger slid lower and she jerked in surprise as her body reacted with a leap of pleasure.

“Oh, I see,” he said, gently massaging the sensitive spot. He moved his finger in rhythm with his thrusting hips until his control snapped and he clamped his hands around her thighs and pounded into his own orgasm. He shouted her name so loudly, it echoed back from across the river. As he pulsed against her, her inner muscles fired once more, sending her sighing into a climax of rippling, delicate shudders.

BOOK: Country Roads
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