Courted by the Vampire (22 page)

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Authors: Sandra Sookoo

BOOK: Courted by the Vampire
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Moving on to a new plane of existence where his dark genes would take
over and he would become the monster she’d seen during her visit with Danu did not appeal to him. Hannah made all the difference. Just knowing her for the brief time that he had gave him a tiny glimmer, enough shards of hope that he would carry that piece of her with him into oblivion. Because of that, he could endure the loneliness and the terror.

Realization crashed into him at the thought.
His life had no value unless Hannah was with him. It humbled and empowered him at the same time. If he could not have her for eternity, he would cling to the memories and somehow survive the endless night.

’s so interesting about me that you feel compelled to stare?”

He focused on the woman next to him. “Do I really need to answer that
question?” He tried to temper his body’s response when she touched a finger to his dimple, but it was an impossible endeavor.

“Why do have to be so damned handsome? It’s not fair.”

“A question within a question.” He pressed gossamer kisses along the column of her throat, pausing briefly over the pulse that fluttered under her skin. “You fascinate me. You are an intriguing woman and it makes you mysterious and beautiful.” He licked a meandering path between her breasts to her navel.

“As for the way I appear, I could not say why. It must be the genes.” He sighed
against the soft skin of her stomach. The unique, feminine scent of her assaulted his nose, feeding his arousal. “It is unfathomable how I have come to care for you in such a short span of time.”

“Sometimes we don’t get to choose who we love. It just happens. Like
destiny, I guess.” She threaded her fingers through his hair. “Does it bother you I’m so irresistible?”

Her insecurities swirled through his mind as gray corkscrews. “You know
me better than that, Hannah.” He shifted so his body fully covered hers, and then stared into her eyes, until he thought he would be lost. “I consider myself lucky to have found you. My life would be bleak indeed without knowing you.”

slipped her arms around his neck and held him close. “Tomorrow night we will be back in civilization.”

“I am aware of our plans.” His sadness mirrored hers until fat, silvery
clouds filled his mind. “The business card Corinne gave me mentions an address in a high-end neighborhood just north of Indianapolis. That is where we will find Andre.”

“Will we go straight to his home?”

“Not until I am certain that is where we will confront him. I thought we would overnight in a hotel on the same side of town in order to unwind and relax in preparation for the battle.”

“I see, then our mission is almost at an end. For better or for worse, it
’ll be over soon. We could both die.”

He heard the catch in her voice and hated himself because he was the
cause of it. He pressed a kiss to the tip of her nose. “Life will surprise you. The ending you see could very well be wrong or merely a new beginning.” He wished he believed those words.

She stirred beneath him. “Maybe.”
Andre had better be prepared because I’m coming, and I’m fighting for my man. The saying “Hell hath no fury…” will be an understatement.

“You are truly one of a kind,
.” He deposited another kiss on her cheek. “I am going to shower. Please refrain from borrowing trouble until I get back.” He levered off her soft curves, pleased when her gaze followed his every movement. It fed his ego to see how much she admired his form.

“I don’t borrow trouble, bounty hunter.”

His laughter echoed off the rock walls of their sanctuary. “You create great piles of it for me to sift through and pull you out of.” He grabbed his duffle bag. “I mean it. Behave yourself.”

As he picked his way down the slope, Hannah’s sadness permeated his
consciousness. How could he comfort her, or even set her mind at ease, when he did not know what awaited them? But like her, he would fight with every ounce of his being for the future.




While Edwin showered, Hannah foraged for food, using the excuse to banish her restlessness. Chilly, she rushed into her clothes then ran her fingers through her hair. She made her way out of the shelter, waving merrily to the naked vamp as she went past. When he waved back, she smiled, tamping the urge to do wicked things with all that exposed flesh. Hunger overruled the need for adult play.

Careful to stay on the path and not stray too far, Hannah couldn’t help but
notice the sky. Vivid pinks, purples, and golds streaked across the horizon as fluffy clouds passed through the glorious color, transforming into dark boats on HD stream.

Night insects came to life in the environment around her, calling to their
mates, locked in a timeless dance to pair off, reproduce, and die. Rustles in the underbrush signaled the stirring of smaller four-legged life, searching for sustenance. She breathed deeply in then let the breath out at her leisure. As much as she hated outdoor living, she’d be sad to leave the forest. Against her will, she had become accustomed to the cadence of the nighttime world.

Not giving her destination too much thought, she closed her eyes and
hummed a few bars of a popular swing number. Swaying to music only she could hear, Hannah pretended she danced with Edwin at a jazz club. A 1920’s inspired speak-easy, in her daydream, he wore a classy suit and fedora.

“Someone as striking as you should not be dancing alone, especially in
this part of the forest. Has no one told you the woods are enchanted and dangerous by turns?”

Spinning around,
she spotted a man. Dressed in baggy jeans, a red hoodie, and a ball cap with the brim turned backward, his presence didn’t blend with the backdrop. Blond curls gleamed in the dying sunlight, a faint smile played about his lips framed by a goatee.

“What makes you think I’m alone?” Darting a glance about, the only
familiar thing she saw was more trees. The thick canopy of leaves waved gently in the breeze, the stagnant smell of the humidity-drenched forest flowed around her to clog her nose.

Exactly how far had I strayed from the waterfall?
She cocked her head. She couldn’t hear the crashing water nor could she discern a trail, let alone one she followed, only rotten vegetation and the ever-present blend of dirt and sand. “I’m not alone, if that’s what you’re thinking.” Hannah warily eyed the intruder, stood her ground until she could determine if he were a threat.

“You would not be wandering the forest at this time of night if you were
with someone.” The stranger’s voice was as smooth as melted chocolate and just as rich. When he smiled, the strongly chiseled features of his face relaxed. His eyes burned with yellow intensity. “Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Xavier Leighton.” He executed an elegant bow from the waist.

Both her senses and feelings remained neutral so
she thought it appropriate to proceed. His old-fashioned greeting amused her. “I’m Hannah Weybourne.” She returned his grin, surprised to note nothing, but a muted apple green color swirled into her mind. She couldn’t identify the emotion. “Pleased to meet you.”

The man exuded charisma and power. As he circled around her,
he traced the dark blond goatee that marred the perfection of his face with a finger. “I wonder what you’re doing here, Hannah Weybourne?”

She shrugged. He appeared to be relatively harmless. “Looking for food.”
She tried to keep at least five feet of air between them. Her glance fell to the expensive leather loafers on his feet. Why would a man wear footwear like that with street punk clothing? She narrowed her gaze.

When he grinned, he reminded
her of a wolf, as his perfectly straight, perfectly white teeth gleamed in the fading light. “What a coincidence. I am searching for food as well, albeit not the simple fare you’re after.” He continued to circle but his eyes never left her face.

“Well, good luck to you.” She left him standing in the middle of the small
clearing, confusion on his lovely face. Pity surged through her stomach. What if he was lost? Too many things walked the forest for him to be on his own. At least she had Edwin. He was only a mental call away if she felt threatened. With a sigh, Hannah made her way to the newcomer. “Is there something I can do to help you?”

met her gaze with those strangely intense eyes then nodded. “You would not be so eager to help me if my true identity were revealed.”

can’t a hiker just be a hiker?

“Why don’t you cut to the chase and tell me your secret? I don’t have the
energy to play guessing games with you.”
On second thought, I’ll cut out the middle man and do it myself.

Lifting the Mirror of Truth from her chest, she held it at eye level. “Show
me Xavier Leighton.”

The murky glass came to life, revealing
his true persona in living color. A werewolf stood in the mirror, white blond hair covered his body, and his snout brimmed with wickedly pointed white teeth. He walked on his hind legs, snarling at the moon, a large bushy tail wagging behind him. With a heavy sigh, Hannah dropped the mirror and frowned.
Why do all the paranormal beings I meet have such handsome features and tortured souls?
“You’re a werewolf.”

Xavier nodded. “Does that surprise you?”

She laughed in spite of herself. “Hardly. After the week I’ve had, nothing surprises me anymore.” She continued to comb the bushes at the edge of the creek, a triumphant cry escaping when she found a few blackberries. “So, why are you in the form of a human at the moment? Aren’t you supposed to turn into an animal at night? Howl in the light of a full moon? Threaten livestock and farms, or at least run in a pack, etcetera?”

It was his turn to laugh, and the sound was sarcastic and bitter. “That
would only be true if I resided in popular novels of fiction.”

ate a few more berries, chewing thoughtfully as the sweet juice coated her tongue. “So then, you must have been cursed or born with the problem. I remember Gramma said something about werewolves.”

He skulked around her. “I’m willing to bet you know next to nothing
about the werewolf population.”

She snorted. “Long ago, St. Natalis supposedly cursed an illustrious Irish
family. The members were then doomed to be wolves for seven years. Gramma never alluded to why the family was cursed, and frankly, I never understood why a saint would curse someone to begin with.”

His eyes betrayed no emotion. “Curses are still alive and well in today’s
society. Trust me.” He drew to a halt and the fingers of one hand twitched by his side. “Why are you not afraid of me?”

“That’s a long story.” She popped the last berry into her mouth. Sucking
the juice from a fingertip, she shrugged. “Let’s just say you’d have to look more threatening if you wanted me to be afraid.”

A grimace distorted his serene features for a moment then vanished.
“Were I to show my true self, you would stand no chance of escape.”

Tremors of alarm danced over Hannah’s skin as she considered her next
move. “If you aren’t in a hurry, do you mind telling me your story? I’m a very good listener.”
Edwin is going to be so angry with me when he finds out I’m talking to a werewolf.
She reasoned Xavier appealed to her curiosity, and if she could help him, she would. “Please.”

The expression of astonishment that crossed his face succumbed to
shadows as the sun finally sank below the tree line. “You couldn’t possibly care why I’m a werewolf.” His words were flung as if they were darts. When she didn’t answer, his shoulders slumped with defeat. “What does it matter now?”

He paced and ripped the ball cap from his curls, hurling it into the bushes. “I
know who you are, Hannah. I have been tracking you for the better part of three days. You saw me in the bushes right before you fell down the ridge. The bounty hunter and I fought that evening as you made camp.”

The worry in the pit of her stomach flared to life once more. She
contemplated running but thought better of it. Chances are he would be faster than she would. He could tear her to shreds before she could get five feet. Swallowing hard, she wiped sweaty palms on her jeans. “What do you want with me?”

His eyes flashed in the faint light and he began to pace, resembling more
of a wolf. “Originally, I planned to deliver you to Horace the Black. It seems the goat man desires you and will pay enormous sums of cash for your capture. But, I’m not hurting for money. Then I had a run in with the bounty hunter.” A ghost of a smile flitted over his features. “He warned me away from you in no uncertain terms. I was intrigued at his interest in a mere human. He’s never done that before.”

“Why? What difference does my mortality make?”
She warily stood on the balls of her feet, her body tensed for flight.

“Edwin and I go back a long time. I’ve never seen him so happy or so
completely agitated. My old friend completes a task with little or no emotion and always in the most efficient manner possible.” He drew a hand over his face but continued to pace. “I followed you, determined to find out what it was that fascinated him.” When he looked at her, a haunted smile flirted with his well-shaped lips. “Did you know he throws a wicked right hook?”

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