Cover Up (16 page)

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Authors: KC Burn

BOOK: Cover Up
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The statement seemed to truly puzzle Parker. Ivan continued to hold his palm against Parker’s warm stomach and stared into his eyes.

“Oh, but you are. This is the one part of you that’s not perfect.”

Parker gasped as the red in his cheeks dialed up.

“Anyone would be lucky to have you. You’re sweet and good-hearted and so damned gorgeous you could be a model.” Ivan let his gaze rove over those perfect features. The ones that resonated inside him like a gong. If there was a way to set Parker on the right path, keep him from being a full-fledged criminal, Ivan would do anything. Prison would kill Parker; he’d be ripped to shreds. As much as Ivan wanted to say it was his humanitarian nature to protect Parker, it was more visceral, more primitive than that. Parker might not be his in truth, might never be his, but heart and soul, Ivan wanted him. Wanted him enough to toss his morals and principals out the window, both professional and personal. And all the goodness in Parker? He wasn’t meant for a life of crime. Whatever choices he’d made so far had to have been mistakes. Somehow, he’d convince both Parker and Martelli of that.

“But I’m… not perfect.” Parker sounded breathless and strangled, those riverbed eyes wide, pupils dark. Heat from Parker’s bare chest kissed Ivan’s, and he wanted to touch more, like he had earlier. He wanted to be as close as they’d been on the couch, but with only skin between them. He wanted that more than he wanted his next breath.

The ravages of tears were still visible around Parker’s eyes and nose, redder than his flushed cheeks, and Ivan wished he could take Parker’s pain away.

Ivan bit his lip and stared into those warm eyes, wanting more than anything to convince Parker he was perfect. Perfect for him. Neil should be the one here, comforting Parker. Ivan should feel guilty; he wanted something that didn’t belong to him. And if the touch of Parker’s smooth skin burning like a brand was all he’d ever have, he didn’t want to step back. If Parker looked, though, he could probably see in Ivan’s eyes everything he didn’t dare say.

As Ivan continued to stare, Parker’s eyes flared. Parker stepped closer, trapping Ivan’s hand between them, and cupped Ivan’s cheeks in his hands. Lowering his head, Parker pressed his supple, full lips against Ivan’s. It was every bit as glorious as Ivan had imagined. Ivan debated with himself for all of half a second before he deepened the kiss, allowing Parker’s response to escalate, become frantic. Ivan slid both hands around Parker’s slim waist, reveling in the sensation of the satiny skin of the younger man. Parker pushed his hips into Ivan’s, and Ivan groaned into the kiss.

Knowing Parker was as hard as he was sealed the deal. He’d take what Parker offered. He’d try to provide the solace Parker needed. There would be plenty of time in the morning to hate himself for making Parker break faith with his boyfriend.



had never been kissed like Ivan kissed him. Voracious and sweet at the same time. Soft lips, hot tongue, eager hands, and a hard body all came into play. Warm under his palms, Ivan’s skin was supple and covered with springy hair. The few guys he’d slept with had been waxed within an inch of their lives, but Ivan’s hair made him shiver. This was a man wrapped around him, a man with his tongue exploring Parker’s mouth. A man that said Parker was perfect, and—although Ivan must have imperfect eyesight—there was no mistaking his hunger. No mistaking the hard cock pressed against him.

Ivan guided their kiss, lightning hot and electric, and Parker did his best to meld their bodies. As much as he disbelieved Ivan’s assertions of his perfection, the wariness he’d had with Neil’s friends didn’t exist. All he wanted was more.

“Hey.” Ivan separated their lips and pulled back an inch or two. His eyes were a stunning blue this close up, and his lips were reddened and every bit as delicious as they looked.

“Yeah?” This wasn’t all he was going to get, was it? Then again… Ivan was straight. Straight or not, Ivan could fucking kiss.

“You okay with this?” There was a weird look in Ivan’s eyes, but it sure wasn’t confusion.

“Yeah.” Apparently he wasn’t capable of any other words. The skin just below Ivan’s lightly stubbled jaw caught his eye, and despite the fact that he’d never been the aggressor with anyone, Parker licked the spot before he scraped his teeth gently downward and sucked.

Ivan groaned and gripped Parker tighter. He didn’t stop tasting Ivan, but the reaction warmed him from the inside out, and if his mouth hadn’t been busy, he would have smiled.

Parker could feast for days on Ivan’s salty, soft skin. He moved his lips back up to Ivan’s jaw and rubbed his lips over the stubble, enjoying the rasp and tingle. Ivan slid a hand under Parker’s waistband to grip his ass, and it was his turn to throw his head back, gasping.

When Parker bent his head again, intending to take up where he’d left off, Ivan grinned at him and grabbed his chin with his other hand. Didn’t Ivan like—

Before he could finish the thought, Ivan had pressed their lips together again, and Parker couldn’t complain. Didn’t want to complain. He could kiss Ivan forever. Except kissing forever meant they’d never get on to the next, exciting bits.

Ivan’s hand on his chin moved slowly down his torso and tickled at his belly, flicking the top button of his jeans open. Somehow, he held his breath, even as he returned Ivan’s kisses. He’d need more practice to be able to keep two hands and tongue moving all at the same time.

With a swift movement, Ivan delved into his pants, one hand cupping the head of his cock, the other sending fingers sliding across his hole, and Parker moaned into Ivan’s mouth.

Stroking on both sides made Parker squirm. Concentrating on breathing and kissing and feeling and touching overwhelmed him, and he pulled his lips from Ivan’s, panting. The feral look in Ivan’s dark blue eyes trapped breath in his lungs. He’d never had someone look at him like that before, not even when past lovers had been poised with cock at his hole. His balls contracted, and he frantically pushed Ivan away.

Ivan’s molten expression cooled as a frown creased his forehead. “Are you okay? I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have—”

Parker cut him off with a finger to his lips and a shaky grin. “I’m fine. I was about to be… uh… exceedingly fine all over your fingers.”

The frown hung there for a moment before the heat returned. Between the smug smile and the sapphire blue eyes that had no business being so hot, Parker broke into a sweat. How was he supposed to demonstrate any control at all with the temptation of Ivan? He’d have to if he didn’t want this over too soon.

Ivan had other ideas, though. He wrenched Parker’s jeans open and shoved them down his hips. He pushed Parker against the counter and dropped to his knees, swallowing half of Parker’s dick in one smooth move. Proof positive of why Ivan’s marriage had failed, because there was no way he’d never done this before.

Then, there was no more room in Parker’s head for thinking as Ivan sucked him all the way into his throat, burning away all regrets and coherent thoughts in a white-hot burst of pleasure.

Parker arched his back and sent volley after volley of cum spurting into Ivan’s welcoming mouth, tangling his fingers in the short blond hair to anchor himself.

He rested his head against the cupboard as he tried to catch his breath. Ivan continued to lick his sensitive cock, cleaning him, but embarrassment kept Parker from watching. Seconds. He’d lasted seconds under Ivan’s skill and enthusiasm. And now he’d be expected to reciprocate, and as much as he wanted to lick Ivan all over, there would be no disguising that he wasn’t as good at this as Ivan was.

Still, he couldn’t leave Ivan hanging. Biting his lip, he bent his head, and Ivan, sensing the weight of his gaze, looked up. Parker gasped a little. Ivan’s pink lips, slightly swollen from their effort, rested a fraction of an inch from his still shiny dick, and Ivan’s breath was warm on his skin. The odds of getting Ivan to do that again were miniscule, given Parker’s pathetic lack of control, and a new regret blossomed in his chest, because he might never know what Ivan’s lips looked like sucking him down.

Why hadn’t he given in to some of Neil’s friends? Most of them made his skin crawl, but practice was the key to getting better, and he was clearly terrible at sex. No wonder he’d never been able to keep a boyfriend.

“I’m sorry.” Embarrassment strangled the words as they clawed their way out of Parker’s throat.

“For what?” Ivan stood, trailing his fingers along Parker’s belly as he did so. An impressive erection strained the fly of his jeans, while Parker’s own jeans pooled at his feet.

For what? Ivan had been right there in the trenches. Parker waved his hand at his half-hard dick. “For going off so quickly.”

Ivan stared uncertainly over Parker’s shoulders. “I wanted to give you another out.”

“Another out?” Why had having his dick in Ivan’s mouth so abysmally affected his comprehension?

Idly stroking Parker’s collarbone—covering his nape with goose bumps—Ivan continued to avoid his gaze. “One last chance to change your mind. About sleeping with me.”

Crazy swarms of butterflies danced in his stomach, and he blurted out the first thing that came to mind. “I don’t want to change my mind. I want you.” But then he wanted to swallow his tongue; he’d never come out and said that to anyone.

It had been the right thing to say. Ivan finally looked him in the eye, pupils blown out with a desire that arced between them like electricity, shocking Parker’s dick to life once more.

Ivan wiggled his brows. “Besides, it was so fucking hot, watching you.”

Parker laughed nervously, acutely aware of his total nudity. “You watched.”

“Oh, yes.” The words were throaty, deeper than Ivan’s normal tone, and they reached right into Parker’s psyche. He’d probably do whatever Ivan wanted whenever he used that tone.


“I also noticed this.” Ivan licked along his collarbone, making him shiver. No one had touched that area, not with intent, and Parker hadn’t realized how sensitive the skin there was. Or maybe it was just Ivan. Ivan, who stared at him as though he were… delicious.

Ivan moved his mouth back up to Parker’s and kissed him, the lingering saltiness of Parker’s release flavoring his tongue. Parker moaned deep in his throat and pressed himself up against Ivan’s muscular body.

“So, you haven’t changed your mind?” Ivan spoke the words against Parker’s lips, almost kissing while talking.

Yeah, right. If anyone was going to change his mind, it would be the former straight guy.

“No.” Parker’s breath intermingled with Ivan’s, and he suddenly understood why some guys didn’t like to kiss. In many ways, it was more intimate than any other sex act. “Have you? Did you want me to?”

“No. God, no.”

Well, then. “Are you going to fuck me here?” And where the hell had this sexually forward man come from? Neil would be so proud.

Parker did some grinning of his own when Ivan groaned and flexed his hips against him.

“Let’s go.” Ivan stepped back, allowing Parker to step away from the counter. He took another step toward the door and promptly tripped over the crumpled jeans.

Ivan caught him before he face-planted on the floor, but the near miss caused another rush of blood to his face.

“C’mon now. I gave you a chance to change your mind. Don’t go braining yourself just to get out of it.”

Parker laughed at Ivan’s teasing and got a gentle smack on his ass as he continued to the stairs.



landing, Parker paused, Ivan’s footfalls close behind. His bed was bigger and better, but…. An image of him wearing his stupid, noisy, weird CPAP machine pushed him toward Ivan’s bedroom. Sure, the CPAP was a necessary evil, because it made sure he didn’t stop breathing in the middle of the night, but after the teasing Neil had given him, he sure didn’t want Ivan to see him in it. It would be a lot easier for him to get up and leave Ivan’s bed than it would be to convince Ivan he needed to leave, assuming Ivan would even consider actually sleeping next to him all night.

“You sure? The bed’s pretty small in there.”

“You planning on much space between us?” No, really, what had happened to him?

Ivan turned into the feral beast Parker had caught a glimpse of earlier, as he practically stalked across the landing. “Not a fucking inch.”

Parker barely got the door opened before Ivan crowded him from behind, his hands caressing Parker’s ribcage with long vigorous strokes.

When the tips of Ivan’s roughened fingertips passed over his nipples almost without intention, Parker jumped. Nothing Ivan did was wrong. Parker loved everything. Even when Ivan tipped him over on the bed, with his ass thrust up into the air, leaving him vulnerable.

He’d have preferred to have sex face to face, but he’d already had one spectacular orgasm; he wasn’t going to be picky about how he had the second. Not when Ivan was the one distributing them.

But he was mistaken. Ivan rubbed his butt for a moment, squeezing the cheeks, before he urged him onto the bed. Parker lay back and only had to wait a few seconds while Ivan stripped off his jeans and briefs. Ivan crawled up over him from the bottom of the bed like a hungry lion. The complete lack of hesitation on Ivan’s part, at least when it came to naked man bits touching other naked man bits, reinforced Parker’s earlier revelation that Ivan was no novice at fucking guys.

Parker thanked whatever deity that looked out for shy gay boys because if they both had been hesitant, it might have been months of dancing around their attraction before anything happened. In the morning, Parker might have to consider whether sleeping with a guy he barely knew, and his roommate to boot, was good idea, but for now, he wanted Ivan inside him so bad he couldn’t stop his legs from splaying open, his knees drawing up toward his chest of their own volition.

Ivan’s gaze traveled up from his groin, making him both self-conscious and aroused. He didn’t think he’d ever been on display like this, with his partner happy to just look at him. With slow, deliberate movements, Ivan pressed their cocks together, and they both hissed. So hot, so hard. Parker couldn’t stop his hips from thrusting up. Jeez, he wasn’t going to go off again so soon, was he?

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