Covering the Carolinas

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Authors: Casey Peeler

Tags: #romance, #southern fiction, #nicholas sparks, #deathanddying, #reallife, #newadult, #southern american romance, #teen 15 and up, #country and small town life, #caisey quinn

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Covering the Carolinas Box

Crashing Tides, Our Song, & Southern Perfection
Box Set

By Casey Peeler

Also by Casey Peeler

Full Circle Series

Losing Charley (Full Circle #1)

Finding Charley (Full Circle #2)

Loving Charley (Full Circle #3)

Tutu’s & Cowboy Boots (Coming December 29,


Crashing Tides

Out Song

Southern Perfection


Covering the Carolina’s Boxset

By Casey Peeler

Published by Casey Peeler at

Copyright 2015 Casey Peeler

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own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this

This book is a written act of fiction. Any places,
characters, or similarities are purely coincidence. If certain
places or characters are referenced it is for entertainment
purposes only. Any resemblance to actual events, locales,
organizations or persons, living or dead, is entirely

No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any
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brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. The
author recognizes all copyright and trademarks that are mentioned
within this work of fiction

Table of Contents

Crashing Tides

Our Song- A Novella


About the Author

Crashing Tides


April 2011- Spring Break Week/ Junior Year


The basketball team and I got into Garden City
at noon. Now I’m watching the clock hoping coach will wrap it up
soon so we can get cleaned up and head out to find some hot girls
and party.  

Once the meeting wraps up we have dinner with our
families, and Dad lays down the ground rules before giving me the
keys to the truck. Mikey, Diesel, and I climb into the extended cab
pickup and head out to cruise Ocean Drive. The closer we get to the
pier, we see the glowing lights and people lining the

As we drive down Ocean Drive the three of us
do a double take when we see three identical blondes walking down
the street.  Thankfully, the light ahead is red and it gives
us a chance to stare at their matching long legs and Daisy

I look at Mikey and Diesel, “We have to find
out where they are going.”

Looking in the rearview mirror at Mikey, he gives me
a grin. When the girls look our way, one catches my eye more than
the others and instantly I feel a connection. When she gives me an
‘I dare ya’ look, I know she’s the one. There is something pulling
me to her. Looking directly at her, I give her a wink and continue
to drive past, but little does she know, I’m turning this truck
around at the next street.

If she is still around, I plan to make a move, and
who knows maybe her look-a-likes will want to spend time with my
boys. As we approach the spot, I realize she’s not there and my
heart begins to beat rapidly while scanning the crowd for her.
Never in my life have I felt like this about a girl I know nothing
about, but a smile escapes my lips and my heart rate slows when I
see them walking toward us on the opposite side of the street.

Hey pretty girl, want a ride?” I ask with as
much charm as possible. Without missing a beat, she smiles and
walks straight toward my truck.

That the best line you got?” she says with
sass, but that doesn’t stop her from coming closer.

As I apply the break, she locks eyes on me,
confidently approaches the driver’s side, opens the door, slides
across my lap and sits in the middle between Diesel and me. Lord
help me; never in my life have I met a girl so confident and sure
of herself. This girl is different, and I want more. More of her,
more of who we could be together, and more of anything she’s
willing to give.
Pulling my eyes from hers I notice
her sisters are in the back with Mikey.

When she notices me looking at them she makes
the introductions. “I’m Marleigh and these are my sisters Tinleigh
and Carleigh,” she says as she points to them over her shoulder.
“We’re triplets, but I’m sure you’ve figured that out already.”
She’s right. I figured it out, but
never seen triplets up close before. I never understood how one
could be more attractive than the other until now.  Marleigh
just stands out.

Yeah, it’s pretty obvious. I’m Gunnison but
my friends call me GC and these are my friends Mikey and Diesel.
You guys from here?”

We’re from South Carolina but not Garden
City. What about y’all?”
Y’all. That word
on her perfect, southern lips makes me want to rewind and hear her
say that word again and again.

We’re from Pennsylvania, and here for a
basketball tournament.”

Y’all any good?” she asks.

Maybe. You guys should check us out

Maybe,” she says as she glances at her
sisters. “So what’s the plan tonight? We wasting gas all night or
are you gonna show us girls a good time?”

You guys like ice cream?” I ask.

Maybe a little,” she smirks.


Holy freakin’ moly! This boy sitting beside me is
the hottest guy I’ve ever seen. He’s got naturally sun kissed skin
and a smile that makes me giddy inside. But, that’s not what has my
mind racing, all of the sudden I can feel a pull toward him almost
as if he was supposed to crash into my life at this very

As he turns the truck off Ocean Drive, I can
feel Carleigh’s eyes boring into the back of my head. She needs to
lighten up. They aren’t going to hurt us. I swear! Thank goodness,
Tinleigh always has my back. Finding a parking spot underneath the
pier, GC gives me his hand as we exit the truck as his friends help
my sisters.
Damn him and that hot
It’s obvious playing basketball does a body
good. He towers over six feet with an athletic build, but the way
he carries himself is like a hot country boy.

Crossing the road, we walk toward the ice cream
parlor. GC opens the door and we order a scoop of our favorite. He
pauses and looks at me as I cover my cookies and cream with caramel

What? I have a thing for caramel.” I shrug as
he then proceeds to do the same to his peanut butter cup.
Seriously? Is he copying me?
I reach
for a spoon and scoop a bite of his peanut butter and caramel
goodness into my mouth.

Yum! I always wanted to try it that way,” I
say as he stands there speechless and I make my way to everyone
else sitting at a table near the entrance. GC takes a seat beside
me and I catch him watching me multiple times. Each time I do, I
give him a show by eating my ice cream as slow as

We spend the next hour joking around and laughing at
each other, playing I Spy like we’re kids, and having the most fun
I’ve ever had. Noticing we’re being a little loud, we make our way
outside. GC takes my hand and pulls me back behind everyone as they
continue to walk.


Marleigh, can I see you again?” I question as
I place my hand on her cheek and look into those hazel

No,” she says and my heart stops as I begin
to remove my hand. Quickly, she places her hand on top of mine and
as our eyes meet, a smile escapes her lips and she says, “You
better.” I feel my heart begin to beat again. Slowly, I pull her
lips to mine for a kiss that causes the mix of emotions swimming
within me to crash into my soul. Never in my life will I ever be
the same.

The games should be over by six tomorrow,
wanna meet up after that?”

Sounds perfect. I’ll meet ya at the pier
around eight.

The next day I play ball as soon as the sun rises. I
know with each dribble of the ball and tick of the clock I’m closer
to seeing Marleigh. After a brief team meeting, we make our way
back to the hotel with our parents. I take a few extra minutes to
decide what to wear knowing Marleigh will be waiting for me.
Grabbing a pair of AE cargo shorts and a fitted vintage tee shirt I
grab my country boy hat, and meet Mikey and Diesel in the

After climbing the rickety steps at the edge of the
sand, we make our way onto the pier, and I see Marleigh sitting on
a bench under the pier lights with her sisters. The ocean breeze
makes her long hair whip and she tries her best to keep it in
place. I can’t help but laugh at how adorable it is.

As we approach the girls, her hazel eyes meet
mine and she bites her lip.
Whoa, I wasn’t
expecting my body to react that way

Hey ladies,” I say in greeting. We take a few
minutes to make small talk as a band begins to play. They each take
our hands and pull us toward the music. As Marleigh begins to pull
me, I plant my feet.

She turns to me with caution, “C’mon GC! Let’s go
dance.” I shake my head no.

As she begins to pout, I pull her into my lap as I
take a seat on the bench. “I think I’d rather just sit here with
you.” I place a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear causing
her eyes to lock on mine.

And what are we gonna do beside sit?” she
says with a raised eyebrow.

Talk. Mar, I want to learn everything I can
about you.”

Placing her arms around my neck, “Ask away,” she

Favorite color?”

Carolina Blue. Yours?”

Yellow. Favorite movie?”

The Notebook. What’s you’re favorite type of
music?” she asks.

Country.” Then she begins to giggle. “What’s
so funny?”

You’re like a Yankee Cowboy aren’t ya?”
Stunned. Never in my life has a girl called it like she sees it,
and I love it.

Yankee Cowboy, huh?”

Yeah, I mean look at your country boy hat,”
she says with a wink. “I mean now all you need is a horse or two
and you’re good.” I can’t help but laugh. She obviously doesn’t
know what’s funny. “Why you laughin’?”

I pull my wallet from my back pocket, and pull out a
picture. She snatches it from my hand and covers her mouth.

Well, aren’t you just full of surprises.
She’s a beauty. She the only one you got?”

Nah, we have an entire stable full. We own
one of the largest horse farms in Lancaster, Del Valle Farm. Come
on, let’s go for a walk.”

I stand, take her hand and lead her down the

After a few moments of silence I decide to ask about
her plans for the future. “What do you plan to do when you
graduate?” I say looking at her as we walk.

I’m going to Coastal.” I can’t help but grin
at that comment. “I’ve always wanted to study Marine Science and my
parent’s beach house being so close, makes it the obvious choice
for my sisters and me. What about you?”

I want to play basketball at Coastal.” She
stops midstep.

You totally just made that up.”

Sure didn’t. Since I was a kid, I’ve always
loved the beach and Coastal has an awesome team. I promise, I’m not
making this up. You can ask Mikey, Diesel or my

Folding her arms she stares into the sky as if she’s
trying to decide if she believes me. I wrap my arms around her from
behind to keep her warm.

I can’t believe we both plan on going to
Coastal. You know, I feel like we were supposed to meet for a

I feel the same way.”


By the middle of the week, I’ve spent every
free moment I have with Marleigh. The team is giving me hell, and
telling me I’m whipped by a girl I’ll never see again. They don’t
understand. Marleigh and I aren’t just a beach fling. In fact, I’ve
learned more about myself and what I want in life in just a few
days than I have in any other relationship. She’s a girl that
follows through with her actions, leaps before looking and I want
to be the one to catch her when she lands. There is a connection
between the two of us that I can’t figure out, but I know I don’t
want this week to end.

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