Covet (43 page)

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Authors: Janet Nissenson

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BOOK: Covet
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Tessa made a small sound of protest as he lifted his head and moved away a few steps, but he only stroked her hair in reassurance

Hush,” he soothed. “I’m right here, my love. Just lighting the candles
She hadn’t noticed until now the dozen or more votive candles arranged in a semi-circle around the space where she lay. One at a time he lit them until a soft glow filled the otherwise darkened room. She didn’t know what time it was, but could tell from the lack of sunlight in the room that night had fallen outside. She recognized now where she was – the conference room in the office, and the long table on which she rested was the same one used for the meetings. Why she was here, and laid out in this particular position, Tessa had no idea, but oddly had no desire to question the circumstances
The additional light from the candles now threw his face into prominence, and her breath grew a bit more unsteady as she glimpsed the hungry, possessive way he was studying her prone body. His intense gaze upon her felt like a caress, a possession, a claiming, and she knew without being asked that she would willingly give herself over to him, would do whatever he asked of her no matter what. But she also knew – sensed – that he would never push her too far, or demand anything that she wasn’t prepared to give
Without warning, he threaded a hand into her hair, lifting her head a few inches off the table. Tessa almost recoiled at the look in his eyes – a look of smoldering, intense passion – and for a brief moment she wondered if she would actually be able to handle a man like him
But his next words and actions didn’t permit her to have another doubt, or give her the opportunity to refuse him

I’ve wanted to do this since the first moment I saw you,” he told her in a husky voice, just before capturing her lips in a deep, soul-searching kiss
Tessa moaned beneath the firm pressure of his lips, and the bold sweep of his tongue through her mouth. She tugged futilely on her invisible bonds, longing to wrap her arms around his neck and pull him in even closer. The kiss went on for endless minutes, one kiss leading into another, until she began to grow dizzy, her lower body arching upwards in a silent plea

Shh.” He placed a hand on her heaving belly, calming her. “Everything is all right now, Tessa. Everything is finally as it should have been all along. Let me take care of you now, cherish you the way a woman like you should always be adored

Please.” The word escaped her lips raggedly as she pulled at the unseen ties that bound her wrists

Ah. You want me to untie you, is that it?” he asked, chuckling. “But what would I untie, Tessa? Do you see anything holding you in place? Rope? Chains? A scarf, perhaps?” He bent down to whisper in her ear. “There is nothing keeping you bound, my love. Except, of course, your own desire to surrender to me. And if that’s not what you want, all you have to do is think it and the bonds will disappear
She shook her head in denial. “I – I don’t want them to,” she breathed. “I want to – to give myself to you. To surrender
His warm lips moved down the side of her throat. “Of course you do,” he crooned. “And in return for such sweet surrender, I’ll give you everything you want in return. Pleasure like you’ve never known before. Like this
Tessa cried out as he drew one nipple into his mouth, sucking at it deeply. With his left hand, he cupped the other full, swollen breast, his skilled fingers plucking at the sensitive peak until she was nearly mad with sensation
But he was just getting started, it seemed, intent on arousing her so completely that she was all feeling, all sensation, and couldn’t have summoned up a single coherent thought if her life depended upon it. He slid one big hand down over her stomach, and then between her spread thighs, where she was already wet and needy

Ah, God.” She groaned as he penetrated her with two long fingers, hooking them over her pubic bone and pressing the tips firmly into that supremely sensitive spot deep up inside her
He slowly withdrew his fingers, bringing them to his lips. In the glow of the candle lit room she could see the wetness on his fingertips, the wetness he’d drawn from her body. He looked like walking sin as he deliberately licked his fingers, tasting her. She noticed that he’d removed both his suit jacket and his tie, and had unbuttoned his crisp white dress shirt several inches, giving her a glimpse of his tanned, firmly sculpted chest. With his dark hair, tanned skin, and stubbled chin and cheeks, he reminded her of the devil – but a gorgeous, magnificent devil, one whose eyes held promises of all sorts of wicked things

Mmm.” He nearly smacked his lips as he savored the taste of her on his tongue. “Delicious. Except that a small taste like that has only whet my appetite for more
His hands bracketed her hips, holding her in place as though he expected her to lurch off the table otherwise. And as his lips touched her quivering belly before moving gradually lower, she knew what his intent was, knew that he was about to perform the most intimate of acts on her, something that no one else had ever done. But rather than resist him, she merely closed her eyes and let her head fall back in anticipation of the ecstasy that was to come. And at the first faint, almost teasing touch of his lips on

The alarm continued to buzz insistently, rudely awakening her from the first truly sound sleep she’d had in a month. Tessa bolted upright in the bed, one arm reaching out to fumble with the annoying alarm, and somehow managing to turn it off. She wrapped her arms around her raised knees, bowing her head forward as she struggled to still the frantic pounding of her heart. She wasn’t the least surprised to discover the fine layer of sweat that misted her body, or that her breasts felt unnaturally heavy and tender. And as she began to recall the very intimate details of the erotic dream she’d been so rudely awakened from moments ago, she flung herself onto the mattress, groaning as she buried her hot face against the pillow.
“Oh, God, not again!” she muttered, her voice muffled by the pillow. This was at least the fourth – or was it the fifth? – such dream she’d had this month alone. Her hormones must need adjusting, she thought wildly. Otherwise, why would she be having so many of these explicit, arousing, and borderline pornographic fantasies in her sleep?
“Because you need to get laid, that’s why,” she whispered out loud. “You haven’t had sex in a really long time. And, let’s face it, Tessa. What you did have with Peter wasn’t actual sex. It was – I don’t even know what to call it.”
It had been just over a month now since Peter had left for his new job – and his new life – and Tessa had struggled every day since to adjust. And while being alone was certainly nothing new to her after these past two years, the realization that this time he wasn’t coming back changed everything. She was lonely and bereft, finding it just a little bit harder each day to drag herself out of bed and go to work. She was sad and depressed and had to restrain herself multiple times a day from bursting into tears. Even Kevin’s corny jokes and frequent attempts to coax a smile from her didn’t help most days, and she was miserably aware that he and the rest of her co-workers must sense that something was wrong. Thus far she’d been able to fob Kevin off with excuses, not ready just yet to admit that her marriage was over. She’d never been one to discuss her private life at the office, and the topic of her impending divorce was especially sensitive, particularly personal.
She heaved a tired sigh as she got out of bed, wrinkling her nose in distaste as she realized that her cotton nightgown was clinging to her clammy skin. She pulled off the dampened garment and shoved it into the clothes hamper before turning on the shower. With no time to dry her long hair, she hastily clipped it up on the top of her head so it wouldn’t get wet during her brief shower.
Tessa shuddered as her soapy palms skimmed over her breasts, the nipples tender to the touch, and she hoped this wasn’t a symptom of PMS. The last thing she needed right now was to suffer through another heavy, painful period. But PMS might explain why she’d been so
lately, not just weepy and depressed, but, well –
. And maybe, just maybe, it was what had triggered that exceptionally erotic dream she’d just woken from.
It was unusual for her to remember any specific details about a dream, no matter if it was a pleasurable one or a horrible nightmare. But this morning, as she washed herself, she could still recall how it had felt to be touched by
– by the dream lover who looked and sounded exactly like her incredibly hot but ultra intimidating boss.
A gasp escaped her throat as she lightly, almost experimentally, tugged at her nipple. The sensation was like an electric pulse, traveling all the way down to her womb and causing her to shudder in reaction. Her eyes shut, not even noticing when the lukewarm water started to turn cool, as she recalled more details of that stirring dream – how it had felt to have Ian’s lips kissing her deeply, how his hand had fondled her breasts so possessively, how wet she’d been when he had thrust two long fingers deep up inside of her.
Her hand slid slowly, reluctantly, down over her stomach, pausing when it reached her pubic hair. Tentatively, she slid one finger inside of her vagina before snatching it away quickly when she realized just how wet she was. She whimpered in need, reluctant to touch herself that way, but desperately needing some sort of release. She conjured up the image of Ian’s darkly handsome face, imagined that he was here in the shower with her at this very moment, and that it was
hand cupping her damp, aching sex,
thumb whisking over the engorged nub of her clitoris over and over.
When the orgasm hit, it hit hard, enough so that she had to brace her back against the chipped tile walls of the shower to support her shaky limbs. She was breathing heavily as she slowly regained her bearings, burying her flushed face in her hands as she struggled not to feel ashamed at what had just happened.
Tessa had to hurry through the rest of her morning routine, not daring to be late since she had the bi-monthly architects meeting to set up for. But images from the stimulating dream she’d had during the night continued to taunt her during the bus ride to work. She knew it was a sign of some sort, a signal that she really, really needed to get out more and start meeting new people, and, more specifically, finding a new man. But the very thought of getting out there and actually trying to date made her cringe with dread, not to mention baffle her since she had absolutely no idea of where to begin.
As she exited the bus and entered the lobby of the office building, she tried to imagine herself going out to a club or a bar with the intent of meeting someone. Her tummy felt a little queasy as she recalled how frantic and crowded the places she and Peter had gone to that one time with her co-workers had been – the throbbing beat of the overloud music; the nausea-inducing strobe lights; how stuffy and hot it had felt inside each club with so many bodies packed so tightly together. What passed for dancing in those places had seemed more like public sex to Tessa, with couples bumping and grinding against each other in extremely suggestive ways. And while most young women her age might think a night spent hopping from one of those types of clubs to another was the most fun ever, the mere thought filled her with a cold sense of dread.
She knew without being told that Ian Gregson would never even consider setting foot inside such a place. Loud, wild, and crowded dance clubs would definitely not be his scene. Dreamily, Tessa tried to imagine what a date with someone as sophisticated and refined as he was would be like – dinner at a quietly elegant restaurant, followed by the theater or the ballet, or perhaps just a casual, romantic stroll somewhere. He would never dream of doing something as undignified as grope a woman’s ass in public, or make out with her on a packed dance floor, the way she’d glimpsed so many couples doing at those clubs.
‘What difference does it make, though?’ she asked herself in annoyance as she arrived at her cubicle. ‘A man like him is never going to be attracted to someone as insignificant as you, Tessa. So stop daydreaming about him right now, you hear? You’ll meet the right man one of these days. Probably when you’re least expecting it. You just need to think of a way to, well, get yourself out there more.’
But that in itself was a problem, she realized as she booted up her computer. She worked such long hours that she was too worn out to do much of anything besides her daily gym workout before heading home. She rarely left her cubicle during the work day, which left her no opportunity to meet any single men who worked on the other floors. After two years, Tessa knew every male here on the executive floor, and all of them were either married, engaged, or far too old for her – not to mention more or less forbidden by the strict corporate policy of becoming involved with one of the support staff. And the only man who wasn’t married, engaged, or too old for her – at least not in
opinion – was the most forbidden of them all. Not to mention the fact that he barely acknowledged her existence most of the time.
She was so naïve and inexperienced when it came to the opposite sex that she didn’t even know what sort of places she’d be likely to meet someone at. She had ruled out joining a health club or a yoga studio, since her already slim budget had now been trimmed to bare bones with Peter’s departure. So far he’d held up his end of the bargain and had deposited enough money in their checking account to help cover expenses. But Tessa felt guilty in taking his money, and knew that wasn’t a long term solution, just to tide her over until the lease on their apartment expired next spring. And at this point she didn’t even want to think about having to find a more affordable place to live. She had quite enough emotional baggage to carry around for the time being without adding to the load.

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