Covet Not (24 page)

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Authors: Arden Aoide

BOOK: Covet Not
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“Father has hired
another woman,” Jude couldn't breathe from running. “I'm sorry for not

was in the kitchen preparing dinner while Jared had electrical components
arranged all over the coffee table. Jude never understood his obsession with

Selene? Oh. Shit.” Jared stood. They would need to get her to leave. “We could
pay her. See what money she might need. But triple it. Then, drive her to El

we don't know what happened to Selene. We have no idea at all. We can say it's
Father, but even we're assuming. Why would she believe us?” Jude felt like he
was making excuses, but he was truly lost. “Father can charm the pants off of
anyone. And he lies with no effort at all.”

sat back down. “Go wash. We'll talk at dinner.”

looked at Shula. He didn't want to intrude. “Go wash, Jude. There's plenty.”
Shula sounded like how he imagined his mother might. He felt his eyes fill and
he turned his face before walking through their room, and its unmade bed, into
their bathroom, with their underthings strewn about. He was never certain about
how welcome he was, but it was times like these, with their total disregard of
propriety that he felt like they truly didn't mind his company.

had his plate on the now clean coffee table for him. He must've been in there
for a while. It had been several weeks since anyone had cooked anything for
him. It was some sort of beef that had been cooked to the point that a baby
could chew it, but it was very good.

word about Clara?”

It was short and clipped.

not against torture. His, particularly.” Jared said, blandly.

am I, but I'm not a good strategist. That night before I lost it, I showed him
someone different, but I can't get a read on him. I never have.”

one can. His lies are sprinkled with truths and his face stays the same.” Jared
could pull off that face, but Jude was full of expression.

don't know how long he'll keep her from me.” As the weeks passed, he felt less

don't know what he's waiting for.” Jared sat back to sip his beer.

had figured their father was being impulsive, but if this was deliberation,
then everyone was fucked. “Why would he be waiting for something?”

father never does anything without a reason. Even if it's to torment, there's
going to be something worse before the end.” Jared sounded every bit the big

don't think he'd kill her, do you?” Jude could think of nothing worse.

don't think so, no. That ends it. He wants you to suffer still, though I don't
know why. Maybe it's just a reminder to you that he can. Clara is merely caught
in the crossfire.”

you think making her infertile is what he will do? Maybe him taking her was the
bad thing. And maybe making her infertile is the worse one.” He didn't wish any
of that on her, but he could help her heal when she returned.

sounds likely. I can't think what else he would mean by the note.” Jared had thought
about it a good deal. He hadn't the imagination to think of truly horrible

sat in silence before Shula spoke. She hadn't wanted to interrupt them. But,
her own experiences with James gave her a unique perspective. “Do you think he
would harm her that way, when all he would need to do is get her pregnant?
Wouldn't that be easier?”

Jude looked pained. “What are you saying?”

sorry. I didn't mean

She cringed.

fine. I hadn't considered it. I should've. Oh, God. She didn't want children,
yet. She was enjoying not having to deal with her mother every day. To be lazy,
if she wanted. We wanted kids later. Preferably after Father's funeral.” Jude
put his head in his hands. “I hope the man is kind to her. I hope he doesn't hurt
her when she struggles.”

don't think it would be your father?” The question left her mouth before she
could stop it.

lifted his head and frowned. “It's an appalling thought, but she's quite far.
It doesn't seem likely he'd drive ten hours a day for that, though.”

she'll only be fertile

Shula stopped.

I'm sorry. I'm not trying to
make you feel worse. I shouldn't have said anything.

glad you did. It'll give my anger more focus. When I get her back, she's going
to need me. She's going to need help with the baby if she's pregnant. And if
it's my father's, then so be it. It won't change how I feel for her.” Jude
stood and paced. “It's a diabolical plan. For me to be married to a woman
carrying another man's child. No one will care if it was against her will. That
has Father written all over it. He could even blame her. He could call her a
harlot and everyone would believe it.”

shouldn't be surprised, but I am. That sort of evil takes effort.” Jared
exhaled. “It's a wonder we're not completely screwed up.”

wasn't so sure. “I think the jury is still out on that.”

fine, Jude. We aren't him.” It was a mantra for Jared. Some days he believed
it. He needed to believe it for Jude.

sat back down. “I hope she forgives me for not taking her away. It doesn't seem
to be as bad as making her infertile, but it was never about her. She's being
punished because Father knew she was important to me. Somehow he knew.”

not like you had the resources, though. I would've helped, but we've never had
to cover our tracks before.” Jared reached for his computer. “We should
probably have a plan in place for when she returns.”

should have killed him. Why haven't we killed him, yet?” Jude implored.

think because it seemed an incredible idea. But, we need to wait a bit.”

I get her back, we'll do it?” Far too eager.

yeah. We'll take him apart. We can blame it on Mrs. Lionel.” Jared cocked a

are terrible.” Shula laughed. They were sitting around talking about murdering
another man, and Shula approved. It was surreal. “You know, you both kinda
favor her. Is she an aunt or something?

hadn't noticed. She just dotes on Father so much, so I hate her by
association.” Jude seemed to think it was a fair assessment.

probably are. I think everyone is related to the Agnesson's because they like
to spread their seed far and wide. I don't have proof, but I think you're my
sister.” Jared winked at Shula.

it!” Shula kicked Jared's calf.

grabbed her foot.

were silent again and that was always a breeding ground for Shula's
inappropriate questions. She didn't seem to care that it was none of her
business. “So, you were happy with her?”

didn't take offense. He laughed at her audacity. “I was. It was easier than I
thought. Some days are a little difficult, but I genuinely like her. Love her,
even. I do. I worried that I would see her as a sister or mother, but I do
enjoy our intimacy. Probably for all the wrong reasons, but I didn't get a
choice, did I?”

smiled. “She seems so young to me, but she's my age, isn't she? It's strange
how being married for just a short time makes you grow up really quickly.”

guess it's that way for women. We've been grown for a while now, haven't we

assume it's from not having a mother. I wonder what our life would have been
like had mother lived.”

would be miserable. But then, she might've suffocated the man in his sleep and
solved all our problems.”

was a nice thought.

it was a pointless one.



had watched plenty of pornography the previous week, but one touch of her lips
against his and he felt nothing short of God's hand. His mind was wiped clean.

have to get married,” he breathed into her mouth. His hands squeezed roughly at
her back. “Before we do this. Our union must be blessed.”

laughed. “Certainly. Should we do it here in the bed so we can consummate it?”

yes. Is that something that's done? That seems terribly efficient.” He pressed
his face into her neck and licked.

laughed again. Sometimes role-playing was fun. He was brilliant at it.
“Definitely. Some people like to file paperwork, but that takes away some of
the romance. We only need one witness besides each other.”

Josiah hissed. “I can't think of the words, right now. Are there words?”

sighed, and made an agreeable sound as his hands roamed inexpertly. It was
lovely. “Love, honor, cherish...maybe something possibly about death.”

death parts us. But that won't happen for a long time. Love, honor, and
obey...forever.” He sucked at her mouth, tasting her words before she could say
them. “Say it.”

she breathed.

was so innocent, but she was bringing out desire in him that he'd never be able
to fully quench. Eve loved every fucking bit of that feeling. “Now. Undress

wanted to do it slow. Undress you like a gift.”



was in over her head. No virgin was this eloquent. She was going to have to
charge this motherfucker. She lied back on the bed, and shimmied out of her
clothes with his help.

mouth was skimming her belly when her skirt hit the floor. His mouth reverently
traced every exposed inch, tongue tasting and mouth pressing, and when he got
comfortable between her legs, he lapped at her clitoris like he'd been waiting
his whole life for such a treat.

explored a little lower, dipping his tongue inside her, then pressing in with
his fingers.

was his fingers that made Eve question her assumptions. They were probing and
seeking, and very inexperienced. Once he started with a second finger, he
developed a rhythm, but he still fingered her like a boy who'd just been
flooded with testosterone.

ate pussy like a fucking savant, though. It was confusing, but he kept his
delicious mouth on her as he fingered her. His fingers were distracting, but he
removed them and plunged his tongue back in.

face was mashed against her, baptized in her. His tongue dipped down to swipe
over her asshole, but he had moved back up before she could exhale.

wasn't like anyone she'd ever been with. She couldn't get a handle on him. She
needed to know more. “How are you going to want me? On my back like this with
my legs spread wide for you, or do you want to take me from behind? Or I could
ride you. Or did you want to be in my mouth?”

moved upwards and kissed her neck. “Or you could open my ass up with your
tongue and fingers

rutted against her and groaned. “Are you ready for me to be inside you? I put
my fingers in to see if I could fit, but it didn't feel like a whole lot of

tried not to laugh. “I'm positive I can manage. We're meant to bear children.”
She could feel him working on his pants, but it was when his cock fell against
her, heavy and thick, did she really understand.

and how she wanted that thing inside her. “I want it hard, Josiah. Prove that
you want me.”

looked stricken for a moment, like he'd let her down, but he pressed slowly
inside her. She spread herself wider to accommodate him. She wanted to tell him
to fuck her harder, but he seemed to be having a difficult time. His arms were
shaking and his face looked as if he were undergoing some kind of trauma.

wasn't faking this. He was about to come. He really was a virgin. She stroked
his chest. “Open your eyes and look at me.”

did, but it took him a few seconds to focus on her face.

want something specific. Will you be able to give me what I want?” She grazed
his jaw with her fingers. He nodded.

want you to fuck me like you need to. I want that more than anything. It shows
me how much you desire me.” He was pushing in further and she thrust up to meet
him. “I want to feel it tomorrow. I want to be reminded of how much my husband
desires me

started fucking her hard and fast. And it did fucking hurt. But she knew it
wouldn't last long, and she wanted to watch him come undone by his very first

was amazing to watch. He had no finesse, and he fucked with his whole body.
Then, he just came completely apart. If anything in the world had a spiritual
truth, it was tonight in that room.

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