Covet Not (31 page)

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Authors: Arden Aoide

BOOK: Covet Not
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Jude saw them waiting when he
pulled up. He was an hour past their meeting, and they would have come looking
for him soon. He kept his eyes on Jared and his adrenaline took a dive once
Jared saw him.

Jared took
one look at his face and knew she'd been found.

He shook his
head rapidly and Jude could see the litany of negations.

The will to
live bled out of him, and he stumbled back. Raphe grabbed him and held him

Jude stopped
the truck as soon as he crossed the bridge. He kept the truck running when he
stepped out. “Jared! I've got her! She's
, Jared! Hurry! Clara, I
forgot the blanket

Got it!”

Jared didn't
comprehend at first, but once he did, he ran to the truck and immediately
stopped in his tracks.

She didn't
look alive. Caked in mud and naked. He grabbed her wrist to check the pulse.

It was
strong. Of course it was. His knees buckled.

My clothes got soaked retrieving her, so I
turned the heat on full blast.”

Jared took
the blanket from Clara, got in and wrapped her up. He turned and reached for
his brother. There was nothing he could say. There was no way to repay him.

Jude clasped
him on the shoulder. “Take my truck. We'll meet you. We need to get her in the

Jared took
his brother's truck and sped home. He wanted to keep an eye on her, but he
needed to watch the road. The deer were numerous on this stretch of road. He
kept his hand around her wrist.

Once they
pulled in, Jared lifted her, and was mindful of broken bones.

Jude was
already at the door holding it open.

Jared, you're going to need to get in as
well,” Clara said as she ran into the bathroom. “It will be colder than is
likely comfortable, but if we put her in a hot bath, it'll be extremely

Jude took her
from Jared while he stripped down to his underpants. Clara started the bath.

Jared stepped
in and cringed.

We'll gradually make it warmer.”

He sat, and
Jude handed her to him. He reclined and stretched her out so her front was
warmed by him. He rubbed at her back vigorously, spreading the mud with his wet
hands. Shula tensed and so did he. “She just moved.”

There is a gigantic bruise on her back
along with several cuts. She's likely in a tremendous amount of pain,” Clara

I've got something at home. Should still
be good. It was from when that horse got pissed at me,” Jude offered.

Yes, thank you. She'll need to eat a little
something once she wakes. So, she can take it then.” Jared wiped the mud from
her hair as Clara emptied the tub and refilled it.

As soon as
Jude left, Raphe popped his head in. “I can make something if you don't mind
reheating it. Anything in particular?”

Tomato soup. It's her favorite.”

Cheese sandwiches, too?”

Yes, please. Thank you.”

Clara and
Jared watched him leave. “He wants to feel useful.” She wiped down Shula's

He's been very helpful. I would've likely
forgotten to feed her.” He watched Clara for a few moments. He'd never paid
much attention to her. “How long had Father had him, had Raphe, before he took

About six months.”

How are things with Jude?” He cringed at
how personal it sounded when he was only trying to make small talk. To just
fucking come down from whatever head space he was occupying at that moment.

But she
smiled. “Things are good. Surprisingly. I think he's making the best of
something that none of us had any control over at the time. I mean, it is what
it is, and we can react the way your father anticipates, or we don't, even if
it's the most difficult.” She took the stopper out and refreshed the water
again. “We've got to stick together.” She stood. “You should probably see about
waking her. I'm going to put fresh linens on your bed.

Thank you, Clara. She might be angry with
me when she wakes

I'll be here.”






I ain't gonna be able to hide that baby
from Mr. Agnesson.”

He'll come, Mama.”








Raphe was wearing nothing but
a pair of Jude's old boxers when Jude stepped into the kitchen after his
shower. He could hear it still running, and the thought of Clara rinsing off
after being cleaned and loved by Jude made his dick fill out just a bit.

Jude was half
hard, so they either had an intense session in the shower, or Clara wanted to
wait for bed.

It had been a
very scary evening and the relief was almost an aphrodisiac. But then Raphe
could get it up anyway. He was dependable like that.

Can I get you something? I was making hot
chocolate and tidying up a bit because I figured Clara would want to sleep a
bit tomorrow.”

Jude just
stared at Raphe's mouth and he hadn't even been trying.

Raphe had to
play this right. “Did I leave enough hot water?”

Jude looked
up at his eyes. “What? Oh. Yes. It's

He waved his arm toward the bathroom.

Regulated off a spring. It's naturally
warm, but I''s...yeah. It won't run out.

Raphe smiled
and pushed him a mug of hot chocolate he'd been making.

Oh.” Jude looked down into the cup.

Welcome.” Raphe sipped his and turned the
burner off so Clara's wouldn't burn. He was going to have them both tonight.

Clara told me a bit about what happened to
you. How you were taken. And about the babies.”

It was as
good as any conversation starter. “Yes. I found it kind of funny at first, but
these women. I really insist upon consent, and except for the first girl, which
wasn't as disturbing, it was too much for me. It angered me that the people who
took me and kept me didn't know there were other ways to make a baby.”

That's what Clara told me. That you used
your fingers because...she didn't want to betray me.”

Raphe didn't
know what Clara had revealed, so he would nod and smile. “It didn't feel like
that to me. It wasn't because she didn't want to betray you. I mean, she
didn't, but to her the baby, it being not yours superseded that. It was because
she didn't want anyone to be with her like that except you. That act of love.
She was very black and white in that regard.”

Until the last night.”

Shit. It wasn't

I know.” Jude smiled, but it wasn't a
happy one. “It was an act of love. Like you said.”

Raphe learned things when he least expected it. He took knowledge for granted
all the time because his IQ was higher than all of Texas combined, and all Jude
did was throw his words back at him. “She loves you.”

She does.” Jude nodded. “And I love her.”

How is my gorgeous face completely...still
gorgeous right now?”

Jude laughed.
“Because she loves you, too. And I am indebted to you. And today was...” Jude
sighed. “You want to keep the people in your life close. Because you never

Raphe tried
to make light of the situation. “So, you love her and I love her, and she loves
you and she loves me. Where does that leave us all?”
And I like dick and you
like dick.

Jude looked
at his mouth again for a few seconds too long. “Good question.”

What are y'all whispering about in here?
Is that hot chocolate? I always mess that up.” Clara walked in the kitchen in
an oversized tee and nipples peaked.

Hey!” Jude put his cup down and grabbed
her wrist. He pulled her to him. “You can't go around walking like that in
front of guests. I bet you didn't even bother with panties.” He moved his free
hand down and pulled up her shirt, baring her ass.


Jude laughed
and bent down to kiss her. He cut his eyes over at Raphe before reaching for
his waistband. He pulled Raphe flush against his side and his hand moved around
his back to hold him there. Like Raphe would escape.

stomach dropped. If this was going to happen, it would need to be transcendent.
They would need a religious experience, and he was prepared to play the god
they worship.

there would be no going back. Raphe knew he was high maintenance, and if he
were going to ever be talked into something as idiotic as a relationship, he
could not settle for just one. He would always want more and his wants were
indistinguishable from his needs.

didn't waste time with merely wanting. He indulged his needs immediately.

when he dreamed of having a man on each arm, it was because he'd never fathomed
a Clara. 

known women all his life. He'd fucked them as soon as he learned how good it
felt. But, Clara was good. Not because of her god or her upbringing. 

things stifled females in Texas, and Clara, once separated from both, shed all
her useless preconceived notions and became the best friend he'd ever had.

could've stayed in that house indefinitely, though Clara would've never strayed
from Jude if she knew he'd been waiting for her.

didn't consider their last night a betrayal at all. Her making love to him was
a result of her needing tangible evidence of love from a trusted source. He
couldn't imagine the bone-deep agony of never having that again. But, she
wouldn't have if she didn't love him. And she had enough room for both of them.

now that Jude had her back, Raphe wanted him to know exactly how special his
Clara was, with his permission, could he share it with him?

course, his erection brushing Jude's hip might help bring him around if he had
doubts. Though he wasn't behaving as if he had doubts.

could love Jude, simply because Clara did. He wanted to fuck him, sure, but
he'd never just fuck someone Clara was willing to share.

she was. Because she'd fallen in love with Raphe. She'd had no choice.

Raphe brought
his mouth to Jude's ear. “Have you ever seen her pussy in the light, Jude?”

Jude paused
and shook his head. Clara's eyes bore into him. He couldn't read anything from
her gaze. Raphe grabbed her hand.

It's the most amazing shade of pink.
There's not a color like it in nature. The first time I saw it, she was spread
out wide with her dress bunched at her waist. I needed to get her pregnant so
she could come back to you, but all I could think of at that moment was tasting
her. She was opening up like a flower. A sweet honeysuckle. Kneel down.” Raphe
moved behind her and lifted her shirt. He held her tightly and lifted one of
her legs upward. She would feel unsteady, but Raphe wasn't going to drop her.
“Watch, Jude. Watch how she gets wet. Her cunt will swell and open and you'll
see how delicious she looks.”

I know how good she tastes. Last night, I
was intent on cleaning all traces of you from her.”

With your mouth and tongue?”


So, if I was going to taste her, what
would I find?” Raphe asked. He moved his hand down to feel how much her
clitoris peeked from its hood.

Depends how deep you could get. I came
deep. It had been months.”

What if I was to fuck her again? What
would you do?”

Right now? Or after?”

Both.” Raphe slid his fingers further down
and parted her.

Fuck. I don't know.”

Can you smell her?”


Would you let me fuck her?”

Jude stood up
and looked at him. “Yeah.” He looked down at Clara for a split second. “Come to
bed with us.”

Are you sure...absolutely positive

Yes,” Clara interrupted.

Raphe leaned
down and put his mouth to her ear. “You are by far the greediest cunt I've ever
had the pleasure to share a bed with. I really want to fuck you right now. And
I really want your husband to watch.”

Clara broke
away from Jude and walked quickly to their room. Raphe looked at Jude and
grabbed his hand that had been gripping his hip rather tightly. “I want to kiss
you. But not without her.” He brought Jude's hand to his mouth and ran his
tongue from his wrist to the tip of his finger before sucking it into his

Jude's eyes
fluttered closed. “I don’t see how that’s much better.”

Raphe smiled
and bit the pad of his middle finger. “We are so lucky. This is a gift she's
giving us.”

Yes,” Jude whispered, and his face in that
moment showed a decade's worth of pain.

Oh, Jude,” Raphe whispered. To grow up
here and live in a sort of shame that can't be defined except by people who
don't matter. “We need to keep her. We need to show her that we intend to.”

Jude nodded.

Raphe smiled,
dropped his hand, and side-stepped him. “Let's go show her how grateful we
are.” He walked into the room and climbed onto the bed between her legs.

Clara looked
a little nervous, lying back with the shirt barely covering her.

Raphe pulled
his shorts off quickly, and Jude took his time. He sat next to Clara. 

Look at her,” Raphe demanded, and spread
her legs. The light from the bathroom was perfect for them to see. Raphe rubbed
his cock all through her wetness without actually pushing into her.

He looked at
Jude. “Where do you want me to come?”

hesitantly moved his hand down low on her belly. “Right here.”

Mmm. Where are you going to come?”

Jude looked
up at Clara. This was all too good to be true. Dreams didn't come close to
this. “Clara.” He bent and nuzzled her breast. It was painfully endearing.
“Where do you want me to come?”

Clara looked
up at Raphe and he smirked at her while finally pushing all the way inside her.
“I want you to knock that smirk off his face. I want you to come in his mouth
after you've fucked it.”

Raphe hissed
and began to earnestly fuck her.

Jesus Christ, Clara. I'm beginning to
think Father accidentally dropped you at a brothel.” He squeezed his dick and
he watched as Raphe fucked her ruthlessly. Raphe was speechless, and Jude
thought that was a skill only Clara had.

But he could
practice. “When's the last time you had an ass stretched around your cock?”

faltered and whined pathetically. These Texas motherfuckers. “A very long time.
A long long time. I can't even remember.”

I don't have a lot of experience, but hers
is sublime.”

Is it?” Raphe asked through his teeth.

Jude squeezed
harder. “It is. My favorite thing to do is get her soaking wet until it drips
down. Then I feast on her like she's my last meal.”

Fuck!” Raphe pressed Clara's knees to her
chest and pulled out. He wanted to see how wet she was.

See. So wet.” Jude moved closer and cupped
her bottom. His finger moved back and forth over her soaked hole. “Oh yeah. You
have to go slow at first, but once you are all the way in, she can take
anything. Sometimes if I'm really patient, I'll just rock the head in and watch
her ass suck me right in.” Jude moved his head closer to Raphe, so he could see
Raphe's shallow thrusts into his wife's pussy. “Just get it nice and wet.” Jude
pulled one ass cheek away, baring her, but looked up immediately when he felt
Raphe's forehead on his.

So, easy at first?”

Jude tried to
look down without moving. He could see the head of Raphe's cock breaching her
minutely, but just like he'd said, Clara's hole sucked him in and he was
paralyzed. “I thought you wanted me to come on her stomach.”

Ah. Yeah. Change of plans.” Jude pressed
in closer to Raphe and slotted his nose next to his. They didn't kiss, but they
spent long moments breathing the same air.


Clara was
scared to move. She was scared to talk, to breath, to give in to any pleasure.
She was a catalyst, and watching these boys,
beautiful boys, was the
most amazing thing she'd ever seen.

It was two
lost souls and they'd found each other. She was grateful for their devotion to
her, but this was something else altogether. She watched as Jude's hand came up
to touch Raphe's cheek, reverently, like he would disappear if he wanted too
much, but Raphe kissed him then. The sound that came out of her husband's mouth
was breathtaking.

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