Covington, Cara - Love Under Two Lawmen [The Lost Collection] (Siren Menage Everlasting) (10 page)

BOOK: Covington, Cara - Love Under Two Lawmen [The Lost Collection] (Siren Menage Everlasting)
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Colin picked up his glass and then slowly turned to face the men he’d been listening to. An idea had come to him, and he knew how he was going to catch that woman and retrieve his property.

He stepped up to the table. “Can you track them?” he asked.

These men looked rougher than most of the men he’d seen since coming west. Rough was exactly what he needed to get the job done.

“Why would you want to know that, stranger? And why the hell would we care?”

Colin had been right in guessing Bodine was some sort of leader among these ruffians. Displaying a brass he didn’t really feel, he picked up the last remaining chair, turned it around, and straddled it. He knocked back the whiskey in his glass and set the empty down.

“Because that woman is my wife and she stole something from me. And I’ve got five hundred dollars for the man who can lead me to her.”


* * * *


Amanda’s emotions had stretched to the breaking point. Never had she been so excited, so anxious, and so nervous all at the same time. She knew, albeit in the most academic terms, how this evening was going to end. Yet she’d never experienced anything like what was about to happen. Neither had she ever experienced anything like the sensations already running hot through her body.

The sun had burned beyond the horizon, and the night air turned cool. Somehow she hadn’t made it down to the river to bathe, though she had meant to. Instead, she’d relaxed here beside the fire, enjoyed the simple meal Warren had prepared, and fully engaged in conversation with these two fascinating men. That conversation now tapered off. Both men looked at her, their gazes seeking and holding hers, their expressions heated.

Their handsome faces had captured her attention, no question. What she knew of them so far had begun to soften her heart.

She’d never been kissed the way these two men had kissed her. Her body came alive earlier and had been waiting for more ever since.

Waiting for this moment.

Adam got to his feet and walked out of the halo of the firelight in the direction of the horses. She heard the soft nicker of the animals and a little rustling and knew he had opened one of the saddle bags.

Warren said nothing, his expression lacking curiosity, so whatever Adam did was no mystery to him. When the other man appeared, he held a towel and a bar of soap.

He came to her and held out his hand. Part offer, part command, the gesture was impossible to ignore.

He led her to the water, and at the edge of the bank, he set down the small bundle.

“One good thing about waiting until now to get into the water, it won’t seem quite as cold to you.”

“I don’t think I could feel cold at the moment.”

Warren stepped close behind her, and the heat from his body seared her. “No,” he said softly, “I think we’re all pretty hot right about now.”

“We want you,” Adam said. He leaned forward and brushed his lips against hers. The touch felt light, nearly reverent, and she felt a part of herself simply melt. “Will you let us have you?”

“I promised myself I would only ever give myself to a man who made my insides flutter and my toes curl. My mama told me that’s how it should feel, you see, when it was the right man. I had come to believe I would never feel that, because I never did. But I do, now. I have from the first moment I saw you both.” She looked over her shoulder so Warren would know she included him equally. “You both make me feel that way. So yes. Yes, please. I want you to have me. I want to have you both.”

Adam inhaled sharply. In what light existed, she could see the glitter in his eyes. His gaze went to Warren and then back to her.


Together, as if they’d done it all their lives, the men undressed her. As the weight of her clothes left her, so, too, did the weight of her shyness. They would be the only men to ever see her naked. If they decided someday in the future they’d had their fill, she knew there would be no others for her.

She, who had always doubted the existence of love, found she was in love with these two men already. She could never choose between them, and she would never choose anyone else.

Adam murmured and she lifted her arms for him. He slid her chemise up and off. Cool air puckered her nipples while male heat warmed her inside and out.

“You are so beautiful.” Adam bent and placed a light kiss on her right breast. “We’re going to feast on you.”

“I’ll do some feasting of my own,” she promised.

“Wouldn’t have it any other way.” Warren leaned forward and placed a kiss on her left shoulder.

The men made quick work of dropping their clothes, revealing themselves to her without coyness. Warren moved to press against her back, and she felt the unmistakable ridge of his erect cock against the crack of her ass.

In front of her, Adam emerged from his clothing like a Greek god revealing himself to a lusty maiden. His body radiated strength and power. She reached out and placed her open palm on his chest. He felt incredibly hot. The feel of his chest hair under her hand was all silk and heat, and she longed to explore, to touch and taste with equal abandon.

“Come on.” Adam took her hand in his and kissed it.

They led her into the water, and while it felt cool, it lacked the iciness she’d expected. The sensation of sand and pebbles underfoot tickled slightly. The current gently lapped against her knees, and then her thighs.

She sucked in air when the cool liquid climbed to tease her pussy.

“This is deep enough,” Adam said.

Both men scooped water onto her, front and back. The fragrance of roses teased her nostrils as first Warren, and then Adam, lathered their hands.

“Here, darling, hold this.”

Amanda took the soap from Adam and then moaned when he placed both hands on her breasts. Warren’s hands caressed both shoulders, moving down her back to her waist, and then around to her belly.

Together they washed her, their palms and fingers stroking, swirling, making her skin tingle and her knees weak. Adam leaned forward, his mouth opening over hers. His warm, moist lips caressed and sucked, and when his tongue stroked her bottom lip, she opened to him. Thoroughly seduced, she still sought to woo in equal measure. She sucked his tongue, stroked it with her own. She tasted him as thoroughly as she knew he tasted her.

She braced one hand on his neck, and when he lifted his lips from hers, she turned her head, arched back and sought Warren’s kiss.

Their flavors differed, yet complimented so that she couldn’t imagine one without the other. Warren kissed her with the leashed passion she felt vibrating in him, his restraint, she knew, for her.

Knowledge she had possessed for years, but experience only now blossomed. Adam cupped water over her breasts, rinsing the soap from her skin. And then he bent over her and began to suckle her breast.

Oh, God
.” No imagining came close to the reality of this. The heat, the excitement that coursed through her quickened her breath and sped her heart. Despite standing in cool water, she felt a liquid heat begin to gather between her legs as her pussy prepared to receive their cocks. She shivered and then her hips rolled forward, an instinctive motion she wouldn’t have stopped if she could.

“Here, sweetheart.” Adam’s words whispered against the mouth-moistened flesh of her nipple. He smoothed a hand down her belly, his fingers combing through the hair at the apex of her thighs, traveling until they petted her nether lips. Back and forth, he caressed until she moaned and rolled her hips again.

Warren took the soap from her, tossed it to the bank. Then he bracketed her waist, holding her secure at the same instant Adam speared his finger into her.

“Oh!” Amanda cried out as ecstasy washed over her, as shiver after shiver coursed through her body, outward from her womb to her fingers and toes. As the strength left her knees, Warren supported her. Moisture gushed inside her, running down to coat the fingers that continued to move in and out in a steady, provocative rhythm.

Adam flicked his thumb just above where his fingers entered her, and her release resurged, the intensity wringing a keening mew from her throat.

“Mmm, yes. Just like that. Let it take you.” His words made no sense because her mind shut off, the wonderful sensations soaring through her becoming all and everything. As the excitement tapered, Adam scooped her into his arms.

They stood her on the bank and rubbed the drying cloth over her, their actions fast and jerky. Then she left the ground again as Adam carried her. The light of the fire bathed her as he laid her on the pallet and came down beside her on her right. Warren stretched out on her left side, his hand stroking up and down her body, his fingers brushing through her lower curls. He cupped her, and she felt her own heat in his hand.

“Are you ready for us, Amanda?” Warren penetrated her with his finger, just a light touch, and then his hand moved to her leg, pulling it gently toward him, opening her.

She knew there would be more, the breeching of her maidenhead, but she didn’t care, she wanted more. Was she ready? She’d experienced a wonderful release with these men, and she wanted to go there again. “Yes, oh, yes. Please.”

“Hmm, let’s see if we can get you even more ready for us.” Adam’s words caressed her face, and she turned to him. His lips covered hers, wooing and tasting even as his tongue claimed her, took her. She let him have what he would, taking his flavor into herself, drinking him. He eased his lips from hers and began to kiss and lick her neck. She turned her head and sought Warren’s mouth, needing his kiss, the exotic flavor feeding the fire that burned within her.

Hands stroked her breasts, caressed her belly, and petted her pussy. With touches light and fleeting, deep and lingering, they explored her until she lifted her hips and cried out to be filled.

“Adam’s going to have you first. I love him, and I want him to be your first.” Warren whispered against her ear.

Amanda’s vision was filled as Adam rose above her, his legs spreading hers even wider. She felt a hand on her and knew Warren caressed her cunny. She turned to look at him, and the love she saw in his eyes as he gazed at Adam’s face filled her heart with warmth.

Then his gaze met hers as he brought Adam’s cock to her, as he nestled it between the lips of her pussy. When he returned his gaze to Adam, so did she.

“Ours. From this moment on, you’re ours.” Adam’s oath lingered in the air between them as he flexed his hips and pushed his cock all the way into her.






Chapter 9


Ben Bodine took a moment to study the stranger who’d butted in to their private conversation. He’d spent a life time living on the edge, doing what he pleased, and he’d had to learn to size a man up fast.

More than once that skill had saved his ass.

He didn’t much care for the look of the dandy who’d just invited himself to sit at his table, but five hundred dollars was more money than Bodine had seen in a long time. Besides, one thing he’d learned in life was where there was five hundred, there’d be more.

“Your missus ran away from you? Maybe you’re not man enough to keep her.” Bodine tossed that out and waited to see how the stranger reacted to that.

“My daddy always said the best way to deal with a woman was a stiff cock and a stiffer belt,” Ira said.

Bodine snickered at that. “So he did, Ira. So he did.”

“I heard you say you wanted to call out that Texas Ranger, but I guess you were just spewing a line of bullshit for your friends here.”

Bodine sat forward, slowly. “You’re either the bravest man I’ve ever met or the stupidest.”

“Maybe I’m just desperate to get back my property. Two hundred fifty right here and now. The rest when we’ve caught up to them. You can do what you want with the lawman and anyone else in the party. I just want my wife.”

“She might be used goods by the time we catch them.” Bodine knew he was yanking the man’s chain.

“Let me rephrase that, then. I want the book she took from me. Her, I don’t care about. Hell, you can even use her yourself. When we catch her.”

“Well, I do want to get my hands on Kendall.” Bodine made a decision. He didn’t have any irons in the fire at the moment. Plus, he’d already decided to go after the bastard. This way, he got to do what he wanted and got paid for it. “Two fifty now, two fifty when we catch them. And you pay for our supplies.”


“This here is Ira, and the skinny one is Porter. I’m Bodine. They call me Big Ben Bodine, because I am. We’re a team. Look at it this way. You get three men for the price of one.”

The stranger nodded. “Colin Baker.” He held out his hand and Bodine shook it.

Damn Easterner

“We’ll head out tomorrow,” Bodine said. “We’ve got horses, so I reckon you’ll have to get one for yourself. The livery will have what you need. Then some chow, coffee. You staying at the George Hotel, over by the train station?”

“I am.” Baker sat straighter, his eyes darting around the room. Then he reached into his pocket, pulled out his billfold. He counted the bills out, handling the wallet in such a way Bodine couldn’t see into it.

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