Covington, Cara - Love Under Two Lawmen [The Lost Collection] (Siren Menage Everlasting) (21 page)

BOOK: Covington, Cara - Love Under Two Lawmen [The Lost Collection] (Siren Menage Everlasting)
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Unable to form a coherent response, she could only moan and lift her hips again.

“You going to share that tasty treat?” Adam asked.

Warren chuckled, then worked his way up her body. Before she could ask what Adam meant, Warren rose above her, his cock nestled in the wet folds of her pussy. He stretched, kissing Adam with open-mouthed splendor. Then Warren eased back, his gaze on Amanda’s lips.

“Taste yourself on me, sweetheart.” He said to her, and then he kissed her.

Never had she imagined so provocative a kiss. She tasted herself and Warren, a combination that spiked her arousal. Moving her hips one more time, she captured his cock, moaning with pleasure when he thrust into her.

“I want my mouth on your cunt when Adam fucks you. I want to taste you both at the same time.” The whispered words sent her over the edge, her release shivering through her. She felt her pussy convulse around the hard cock seated there, a cock that held still and resisted the siren call of her cunt.

“Oh, God.” Rapture stole every ounce of her strength. Her arms that moments before had fiercely grasped Warren’s neck now slid down to the bed.

Warren withdrew, then rested at the end of the bed on his knees. His cock pointed to the ceiling, looking wet and hard and ready for more.

“That’s just the first, sweetheart,” Adam said.

Adam scooped her close, turning her on her side, then kissed her sweetly. “Come here.”

He lifted her onto him, and his cock nestled where their lover’s had just been. The brush of his hot flesh against the bud of her clitoris should have made her gasp with an overload of sensation. Instead, her arousal began to swirl to life once more.

“Yes, that was just the first. For me.” And she couldn’t keep the smile off her face.

“We men are at a disadvantage,” Warren whispered in her ear. On his knees right behind her, he brushed his cock against her. She knew he’d saved his release so he could take her ass.

She could think of nothing she wanted more. She looked over her shoulder, then swung her gaze back to Adam. “Fuck me. I want to feel you both deep inside me.”

“Then give me your cunt, Mandy.” Adam’s command, raw and earthy, fed the flames of her passion.

Energy surged and she gained her knees, moved her hips, and slid down onto Adam’s hard cock. Hot and thick, he filled her, differently than Warren, yet just as deliciously. When Adam fisted his hands in her hair, she bent down to him, giving him her mouth. She would give him, and their lover, all they demanded, all that she was.

The glide of Warren’s hands on her ass, the gentle tug as he spread her cheeks fluttered deep in her belly. She knew this time the thrill that awaited her. Moaning as she felt his tongue laving her anus, she ground herself into Adam’s cock, then tilted her ass for Warren to plunder.

His cock, longer and thinner than Adam’s, pressed forward, pierced her opening, and slid slowly into her.

“Oh, yes.” The words emerged a whimper, because the sensation of being full and stretched to the limit made her heart pound and her blood race.

“We’re one,” Warren whispered. He leaned over Amanda, his tongue tracing the shell of her ear. “We’re one flesh, the three of us.”

“One.” Adam surged gently under her, and she could only shiver. Beyond the pure physical pleasure, joy swirled within her. She’d never known anything could be like this. She truly felt a part of them. Connected.

“One.” She added her voice to theirs, the word sounding reverent in her ears. And then she clenched every inner muscle she could.

Warren inhaled sharply, his hands trembling as he caressed her back, and then slowly lifted up from her. Adam’s groan of pleasure came just as softly, followed by another lift, another surge up into her.

“Please. Now.”

They answered her plea, each lover moving in tandem, in and out, their pace slow, steady. Amanda sprawled on Adam, her legs spreading even further. She could only let go, let them take, and in that giving receive the most incredible pleasure. Fast and hard, deep and hot, they moved in her until a keening cry emerged from her soul and rapture possessed her completely.

Again and again, the ecstasy cascaded over her, a waterfall of pleasure she felt certain would never end.

Long minutes later, when only racing breaths broke the silence, she shivered, an uncontrollable convulsion that racked her once, then once again.

Warren eased out of her and helped Adam slide her off him so they cocooned her. They said nothing, these men of hers, just held her until the shaking stopped.

“I was afraid. We were walking and I was afraid because I knew I couldn’t keep going much longer.” The words tumbled out of her, words she’d held down, denied. Now they could emerge, a kind of spirit poison that needed to be drawn out, discarded.

“Shh.” Adam kissed her forehead, stroked her back. “We’re safe.”

They held her tighter, their heat infusing her with the greatest sense of comfort she’d ever known.

“We were all scared,” Warren said then. “But we’re here, together, safe. I’m so grateful to have you both. I love you both.”

Amanda gave herself over to their care and the coddling. For this brief moment in time, she’d let herself lean, let herself be pampered, and grow strength from her temporary surrender.


* * * *


Warren wondered if the food tasted so good because of the way he’d spent the two hours leading up to the meal. Certainly, Mrs. Smith and her daughters excelled as cooks, and the food was scrumptious. He slid a glance over at Amanda and Adam. No doubt about it, spending a couple of hours in sensual abandon with his lovers had heightened his appetite for food.

After dinner, they gathered together outside around a fire that burned brightly, giving warmth to the chilled evening.

“Our people are vanishing.” Chief Smith’s voice sounded strong, and sad.

Warren turned his full attention to the man. He’d found the older man reticent earlier. Embarrassed, if one could use such a word, because they’d been attacked by
people. Since Adam knew this man and his people, Warren had remained silent, watching and learning. Chief Smith—Warren had no idea what his first name was—held his pipe, a standard European one, and gazed into the fire.

“I was a young warrior when we set out from Georgia to come to this new land. The trail was long and hard, and many of my people perished. My mother and my sister, and other mothers and sisters. Our chiefs did all they could. Staying in our ancestral home had become impossible. John Ross did all he could for those under his leadership, but no man, Cherokee or White, can make such an undertaking easy.”

Above the crackle of the flames, the chirp of crickets and calls of the night owls provided a symphony to accompany the chief’s story.

“So we came to this new land and formed a new Nation. But memories fade, and once more, I fear, we will be removed. I am too old to lead our people on another such march.”

“I only learned of the removal of your people recently.” Amanda’s hesitant words drew a nod from the Chief. Warren wondered if she understood being given permission to speak was a rare thing for a woman, as the look of shock in the younger women’s eyes testified. Many differences existed between the Cherokee and Whites, but the general attitude toward women seemed eerily similar to him.

“People can be cruel. This I know from my own experience. But when I read the accounts of the removal of your people…it was hard for me to know that people could be that cruel. It shamed me.”

“We were few, and the white man, many.”

Warren wondered at the way the Chief seemed to infer that this simple fact justified the actions of the government.

The Chief continued speaking. “The march was hard. But no massacre had been ordered. We had the chance for life. We left behind our sacred land. Some believe this means we will cease to be. I do not. Only if we forget, will the
Ani-Yun' wiya cease to be.

“Then you must do all you can to ensure no one forgets.” Amanda’s words no longer shivered with hesitancy, but rang with conviction.

“So young and so sure.” He drew on his pipe, then fixed his gaze directly on her. “And unlikely to leave the comfort of Virginia for the open skies of the Cherokee Nation. You are on a quest.”

Amanda looked at Adam, who nodded his encouragement.

“Yes. I seek the legacy my father left me.”

“Speak of it.”

Amanda left nothing out of the telling, including the circumstance of her birth. She related parts of the journal and how she had fled Richmond, hoping her cousin in Waco could be of assistance. Once or twice, Warren thought the Chief’s eyes twinkled in amusement. Amanda’s voice dipped when she related the murder of the enlisted men assigned to her father’s command.

She fell silent, and for long minutes, not a word was said.

“There is a tale told by some near our city in the rocks, Tahlequah. It speaks of a cave, hidden near a stream, where the spirits of white men cry out, where their blood taints the earth. It is called the cave of souls.” He took his pipe out of his mouth. “My people will not enter. You could enter. You could honor the dead. Give them peace. I will draw you a map.”

“I don’t know what to say. Thank you.”

Chief Smith grunted. Then he motioned to his wife and daughters. The women rose gracefully from where they’d been sitting on the ground. They’d put a kettle near the fire earlier. Now they removed it and poured the liquid into clay cups. The scent of fruit teased his nostrils and made his taste buds water.

“We drink
, which the women make each autumn from fruit. Then we will have some of the white man’s Arbuckles’.” Chief Smith smiled, and Warren couldn’t help but return the gesture. He’d thought he’d smelled coffee brewing. “It is the one thing from your people I enjoy above all others. And then we will all enjoy a good night’s sleep.”

Chief Smith said that last with just a hint of sly humor, and Warren couldn’t hold back his chuckle. One of the Chief’s daughters moved the pot closer to the fire, and in moments the scent of brewing coffee combined with the fruity fragrance of the

Warren turned his gaze to his lovers. Adam looked relaxed, at ease as Warren had seldom seen him. On Amanda’s face the reaction the Chief’s generous offer—shock and gratitude—played against her exhaustion. Despite the sleep she’d already had today, he knew she’d need more—at least another full day of rest before they’d venture on their way.

Warren also felt at ease and, for once, didn’t have a single worry about staying with his lovers in the privacy of the small cabin. They would share drink, and maybe a few more stories, and then they all three would sleep very well this night.






Chapter 19


“What’s wrong?”

Adam looked over at Warren, disconcerted to realize that man had picked up on his unease.

“Probably nothing,” Adam lied smoothly. “For a moment, I got the strange feeling we’re being followed. It’s probably nothing.”

Of course Warren had to look behind him. Since leaving the Smith holding earlier that morning, they’d been traveling at a steady pace, the ground less rocky, the landscape gentle hills and dales that Adam knew kept rising toward the plateau St. Louis was built upon. By the time they reached Tahlequah, they’d be several hundred feet higher in elevation than they were now.

Warren turned back to Adam. “I don’t see anyone. Of course with the land undulating as it is…”

“Yeah. It could be it’s just my nerves. After what we’ve been through already, maybe I’m just expecting the worst.”

“Maybe Chief Smith is having us followed at a distance,” Amanda said. “He seemed really upset about our being attacked in the first place.”

Adam nodded, seizing on the obvious to put his lovers’ minds at ease. “That could be it. I know when the Benedicts traveled through here heading to Denison, the Cherokee shadowed them all the way.”

But that had been when Peter and his father had their younger warriors on a training ride. This presence behind him didn’t
like the Cherokee. Least-ways, not the ones he called friend.

“I still can’t believe how lucky we were,” Amanda said. “Not just that your friend Peter happened along, probably saving our lives. But that his father knew of the cave where
father hid the gold, and drew us a map.”

“You’re not used to fortune smiling on you?” Warren asked.

“Not really,” Amanda admitted. “I think I’m more used to fate spitting in my face.”

“Me, too.” Warren laughed. “So maybe we were just due for some good luck. Of course, it is a kind of crude map, so I imagine finding the right cave is still going to be a bit of a challenge.”

“He noted a couple of landmarks that will be hard to miss,” Adam said. “Enough so that I’m feeling pretty optimistic about our chances. I’m thinking we have a dozen caves to search rather than hundreds. If the gold is still there, I believe we have a better than even shot at finding it.”

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