Cowboy Country (13 page)

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Authors: Sandy Sullivan,Deb Julienne,Lilly Christine,RaeAnne Hadley,D'Ann Lindun

BOOK: Cowboy Country
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"We could be here awhile. I'm going to let Brandy out of the trailer for a minute, but I would suggest leavin' the bull right where he is. I don't want to have to fight with him to get him back in," she said, popping her door open. "Care to join me?"

"Sure," he replied as he unbuckled his seatbelt.

She moved around to the side of the trailer facing the shoulder of the road and opened the door. Jacie scrambled inside to release the lead rope so her mare could step out. Immediately, Brandy started munching away at the tall grass.

The bull snorted and pawed on the inside of the trailer.

"What's his problem?" she asked.

"I don't think he likes your mare being out and he's stuck in there, but I agree with your reasoning." He must have seen the look of shock on her face because he asked, "What?"

"I'm surprised you agree with me."

"Why? You seem to be an intelligent woman and you know this road. Why wouldn't I take your advice?"

"Because men don't do that. They have to do this macho thing to make sure the women know they are in charge."

He stepped closer as his sharp, tangy cologne
her nose. Blue eyes the color of a Montana sky on a clear summer day trapped hers, pulling her in.

"I'm not into the macho thing, Jacie. If a woman makes a plausible point, then I'm game. Believe it or not, darlin', you're in charge of this trip, not me."

The stop in Flagstaff couldn't come too soon. Every passing glance, every brush of his fingers and every comment made that could have had a double meaning, did in her mind. Thoughts of getting him between the sheets again took priority. The way he made her feel haywired her brain cells and sent need rushing through her with more regularity than the second hand moving on her watch.

The honk of the big rig behind her brought her attention around. The driver whirled his hand around in a circle indicating they would be moving shortly.

"Looks like they got it cleared faster than I thought. I'm looking forward to Flagstaff tonight."

One finger trailed down her cheek and a I-plan-to-rock-your-world smile, spread across his face. "Me, too," he replied.

Moments later, they had her mare loaded again and were inside the cab. Traffic crept slowly over the next two miles until they cleared the accident.

"How far behind schedule are we?" Tucker asked, his eyes now hidden behind his sunglasses even though the sun had started to slide down behind the hills.

"Not too bad. About an hour is all."

"We should be in Flagstaff by nine?"

She glanced at the clock on the dashboard. Five o'clock. "Probably. Why? Got a hot date?"

He cocked his head as the eyebrow over his left eye lifted. "Yeah, with a pretty, hazel-eyed truck driver in my bed. You might know her. You look an awful lot like her."

"I'm glad you're thinkin' the same way I'm thinkin'."

"A repeat of last night?"

"Sounds like one hell of a plan to me, cowboy. Some dinner and a whole lot of ridin' them hips would make me a happy girl."

"Good. I think I'm gonna like you ridin' these hips."

Her gaze slid down his chest, across his washboard abs to his groin. His cock strained against the front of his jeans and the stiff denim did nothing to hide it from her view.

"Appears to me your already up for some fun."

"If we didn't need to make Flagstaff tonight, I'd say pull this truck over so we rock it a bit."

"We'll have plenty of time once we hit The Hitchin' Post."

"The Hitchin' Post?" he asked with a frown.

"It's where I plan to stop tonight. They've got facilities to board the animals and a hook up area for your trailer so we can have electricity. They even have propane to fill the tank. Besides, I know the owners."

The warm sound of his laugh made her smile. "Is there anyone you don't know?"

"Mmm. A few. I didn't know you before we met in Littleton."

"True. If we'd have met before, I definitely would have remembered. I'm not one to forget a pretty face."

He really thinks I'm pretty? Wow. Even dressed in this baggy shirt, jeans and my dirty work boots? Most men don't give me a second glance unless I'm all dolled up.

She pressed her lips together and didn't say anything else. The proverbial foot in the mouth syndrome came to mind if she opened it again. She didn't want to look stupid—not in front of him.

The stereo blared every country tune imaginable for the rest of the ride into Flagstaff. Her destination sat just off the highway back in the trees; far enough to get there quick but quiet enough you could forget about life for a little while if you wanted to.

"Nice place," Tucker said as they rolled into the yard.

"Yeah. I love this one. Jack and Pam are real nice people too," she replied turning the engine off. "Let's head up to the house to check in first, and then we'll unload the animals."

"Sounds like a plan to me."

She met him at the front of the truck and they walked side by side to the long porch surrounding the front of the house. The light flipped on as the door opened with a squeak.

"Jacie? Is that you, honey?"

"Hey, Pam," she replied. "Yep. It's me in the flesh."

"Well damn it girl. Get up in here so I can give you a proper hug." Pam came from farm stock—hard working farm stock. Big boned, bigger hug and a large bosom swallowed Jacie whole when Pam wrapped her arms around her shoulders. "Well, well. What have we here?" she asked, obviously spotting Tucker standing behind them.

"This is my traveling partner for this trip, Pam. Tucker Marshall meet Pam Brown."

"Nice to meet you, Pam."

"You too, Tucker. How'd you get hooked up with Jacie girl?"

"It's a long story," Tucker replied.

"Well hell. I got lots of time."

"Woman!" Jack yelled with laughter in his voice. "What are you gaggling about now?"

"You shut up your mouth, Jack, and get out here. Give Jacie a hug you old codger you."

Tucker laughed and leaned against the railing on the porch.

Jack pushed the screen open as he pulled her into another big hug. Pam's husband was as skinny as she was wide.

"We haven't seen you nigh on a year now. What are you doin' in these parts?"

"Truckin', of course. I got me a big old mean bull in the trailer and ridin' his ass to dice town. We needed somewhere to bed him and my mare down for the night. You got room?"

"Of course, we got room for you, baby girl. Always. You know that."

"You got one fancy trailer, you're pullin'," Jack said glancing over her shoulder.

"It's his," Jacie replied pointing to Tucker. "Jack, this is Tucker Marshall. He owns the bull."

"Nice to meet you, Jack," Tucker said holding out his hand to shake Jack's.


"We need some electricity for the trailer and a couple of pens for the animals. Nothin' special. Just a place to pull in for the night before we make the last bit into Vegas tomorrow," Jacie added.

"No problem, honey. Park that thing next to the paddock there and let 'em loose. It'll hold 'em until morning. There's a hook up right by the fence. You can leave the trailer right there." Pam's knowing black eyes stopped on Jacie's face. "You sleepin' in the house or in the trailer?"

"In the trailer," she murmured.

"I figured as much. No need to be embarrassed by hookin' up with Tucker, Jacie girl. He's one hot man."

Tucker's laughter cut through the thickening tension, bringing it down to a tolerable level.

"Glad you approve, Pam." She snickered.

"It's about damned time you hooked up with a man not after money."

Jacie narrowed her gaze and shook her head, hoping her friends would get the message. She didn't want Tucker to know more than she'd already mentioned. It didn't matter so there was no reason to tell him.

"We should get some sleep and get those animals out of the trailer," she said changing the subject. She kissed both Pam and Jack before she turned toward Tucker who watched her with a raised eyebrow. "We'll catch you two in the morning before we pull out."

"Sure, baby. Sleep well," Pam replied.

"What was that all about?" Tucker asked as they made their way to the truck.

"Nothin." She quickly hopped into the cab to avoid any more probing questions from him although she wasn't sure she could continue to avoid them if he wanted to know.

Once the animals were secured in the barn, she positioned the trailer next to the hook up and shut the truck off. She exhaled in a rush and put her head on the steering wheel. She didn't like the secrecy between her and Tucker, but the money her parents had including the large trust fund in her name, didn't matter. It meant nothing but heartache for her. If a man wanted her, then he shouldn't care about the money in the bank.

"You comin' or what," Tucker said when he pulled open her door.

"In a sec."

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." She crawled out of the cab carrying Macy and jumped to the ground. "Sorry about all the stuff up there on the porch."

"What stuff?"

"Pam and her big mouth."

Tucker put one finger under her chin, bringing her gaze to his. "We're havin' a good time. Right?"


"Then nothin' else matters." He slid his full lips over hers as he pulled her close to his chest. The cat growled low in her throat. The hum of his groan reverberated through her body, as he tucked her in closer. "I want your hot body under me in thirty seconds flat." He glanced down. "Without the cat."

"Thirty seconds, huh. Could be interesting to make that happen but I'm willin' to try. How about you, cowboy?" She pulled away, shot him what she considered a saucy smile before she spun around, running for the trailer with a hissing cat in her arms. Four large steps from the door Tucker scooped her up in his arms. A squeal and a giggle left her mouth. She smacked his tight butt with one hand and he retaliated with a firm hand to hers. "Ouch."

Within a minute or two, he tossed her in the middle of his bed and followed her across it on his hands and knees. The cat took off like her tail was on fire.

She help up one hand and said, "Tucker."


"What are you going to do?"

"Torture you."

Her nipples pulled tight at the heat in his eyes. "Torture?"

"Yeah. I'm gonna lick every inch of your skin." Shivers rolled down her arms. One hand wrapped around her ankle, pulling her toward him. "Then I'm gonna eat you up until you cream for me."

Her pussy clenched as a heavy exhalation rushed from between her lips.

"When you can't move anymore, I'm gonna slide into your sweet heat and let you ride me clear into tomorrow morning."

"Wow," she whispered, her whole body heating from the inside out. Every touch, every breath and every look, had her on fire for this man.

"Strip for me," he said as he sat on his heels and crossed his arms over his broad chest.

"Strip? Uh…okay." First, she fumbled with the buttons on her shirt until she lifted her eyes to catch the look in his. Need. Desire. Want. All for her. It made her feel sexy as hell. She did a little wiggle of her hips and finished working the buttons loose until the ends parted.

Her hair fell in a curtain around her face, but she could still see him through the thick strands. He licked his lips and heat pooled in her belly. Wet, thick cream slipped from her pussy as a hot achy feeling settled between her thighs.

Pushing the shirt off one shoulder, she peeked through her lashes to see him leaning closer. She decided to heighten things a bit by drawing out the little striptease he asked for. With her back to him, she dropped her shirt off both shoulders, tossed her head and shook out her hair. Cotton material abraded her skin as she let the shirt fall from her arms onto the bed.

Tucker's ragged breathing could be heard in the silence. A strangled moan spiked the sexual tension, but she wasn't sure if the sound came from her mouth or his.

Her bra came off next with a quick flick of her fingers on the clasp. She turned around, but held the lacy material to her chest. Her lips parted in anticipation of his kiss and she swiped her tongue across the parched surface. Heat speared her body starting at the beaded hard tips of her breasts and ending at the knot of nerve endings of her pussy.

A low growl erupted from him. She almost wasn't prepared as he dove across the bed, tackling her to the sheets.

"I didn't get to finish my striptease," she whispered, staring into his eyes.

"Later. I want you now."

Hot, insistent lips found her mouth. Tongues danced, sparred, licked and retreated.

Her bra disappeared with a tug of his fingers before he cupped her breast in his open palm. The slow knead of his hand had her arching her back for more. His index finger and thumb rolled her right nipple, eliciting another tortured groan.

Whimpers spilled from her mouth only to be captured by his. He tore his mouth from hers to skim his scorching lips across her cheek to her ear. "God, Jacie. You set me on fire."

The sensitive skin below her ear became his next target as he nipped at the skin, then soothed it with his tongue. He licked, nibbled and glided over her skin until he reached the aching tip of her breast. The rough pad of his tongue felt heavenly on her sensitive flesh as he ran it over the hard tip.

The soft hair at the nape of his neck slipped through her fingers while she caressed the back of his head, then held him tighter to her breast, encouraging his continued play with soft moans and little whimpers.

His right hand found the button at her waist, flicking it free. Her thighs parted as his hand snuck under the elastic of her underwear and through the curls guarding her sex. The calluses on his fingers drove her crazy. One rough digit glanced off her clit. Tingles of awareness raced down her spine, up her legs and centered where his finger played. "Tucker, please."

The tormenting stopped and she blinked in surprise until he moved away, ripped off his shirt, tossing it recklessly across the room. Next came his jeans in one swift motion. She watched in amazement while his cock bobbed against his stomach.
Good Lord, the man is built.

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