COWBOY ROMANCE: Justin (Western Contemporary Alpha Male Bride Romance) (The Steele Brothers Book 1) (56 page)

BOOK: COWBOY ROMANCE: Justin (Western Contemporary Alpha Male Bride Romance) (The Steele Brothers Book 1)
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“What are you doing?”

I looked up at him and pouted. “That guy out there was being mean. I asked him to get you but he wouldn’t.”

He laughed and ran his hand down my hair. “Some stuff came up with the club. The party ended early. Everyone’s a little on edge, so you’ll have to forgive him if his manners weren’t the best.”

Chewing Tobacco came stumbling in at that moment and pointed at me. “She elbowed the shit out of me. My ribs don’t feel right.”

Stone opened his mouth, but I was already speaking. “You put your filthy hand over my mouth. I saw what you were doing earlier, and I doubt you’ve washed up. No way was I letting that thing rest on my lips.”

The guy looked at Stone like he was expecting Stone to scream at me and kick me out. I smirked. No way was Stone going to side with such an asshole.

When Stone grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder, I screamed from shock. His hand slapped my ass and then rested there while he turned and started walking away. “She’ll be taken care of. Get the rest of the guys ready. We’ll leave in just a few minutes.”

I wiggled and hit his lower back and whatever else I could reach to get him to let me go. “Put me down, you big buffoon!”

“Keep it up and I’m going to have to spank you in front of them to show that you’re going to be respectful of me and the rest of them.” His whispered words quieted me.

I had no desire to be spanked in front of a room full of bikers.

Stone walked with me for a bit more and opened a door before putting me down. He slammed the door shut behind us and turned to glare at me. “This is a motorcycle club.”

I nodded and backed up as he approached me.

“You don’t get to come in and hit people or throw loud tantrums.” He stepped forward again, backing me into a wall. “Those men expect you to be respectful. If you’re not, a lot of them are dangerous. I can only protect you if I’m there. They think you’re just a groupie.”

My back hit the hard wall, and suddenly Stone was pressing against my front. “I didn’t like the way he grabbed me.”

Stone put his hand over my mouth while his other hand rested on my hip. “Like this?”

I nodded and held my breath. I didn’t know where this was going, but it felt too exciting.

He leaned in and slowly trailed his hand from my mouth, down my jaw, and to my neck. His large fingers stroked the sensitive skin there before he lightly tightened them around my throat. “Why aren’t you screaming now?”

My panties were on fire. They had to be with how hot I felt at my core. “I’m not afraid of you.”

His mouth rested against my ear, and his breath was shaky as he lowered his hand until it was resting firmly in the middle of my chest, pinning me to the wall. “Why’d you come back here?”

I swallowed. “I tried to go home. I just…couldn’t. I wanted to see you.”

Stone pressed his lower body against me and grunted. “I hoped you’d come back. It was hard to leave you standing there.”

My mind clicked off at the feeling of his erection pressing into me. It was beautifully large. “Lots of things are hard.”

He laughed and pulled back. “I have to go. Some shit happened with our inventory and I’ve got to handle it. It shouldn’t take long but I've got to go oversee it to make sure nothing's missing. Do me a favor and stay here. My bed’s through that door. You can sleep and I’ll wake you up as soon as I get back.”

I frowned but nodded. “Will anyone bother me in here?”

He shook his head and picked me up like I weighed nothing. I wrapped my legs around his waist and held on tight. “My bedroom is off limits to everyone. You’ll be safe.”

“Hurry back.” I sank into the soft mattress when he put me down and sighed happily when his smell surrounded me.

“Fuck, you’re a distraction. I’ve got to get out of here before my dick takes over. I’ll be back. Use whatever you need.”

I watched him leave and fell back into his bed. It was great, but it wasn’t Stone. I closed my eyes and let myself see the heat in his eyes over and over again. No one had ever looked at me like that before. I knew he wanted me, and that was an intoxicating feeling.

I looked around his room and found he had a bathroom attached. I peeked in it and saw that it wasn’t horribly dirty, so I decided to use his shower to get the makeup off my face. I stripped down and enjoyed his hot water as I scrubbed my face and body. His body wash smelled faintly of leather and nature. He only had a bottle of coconut-scented shampoo that made me raise my eyebrows, but I used it and enjoyed the smell.

By the time I got out I felt more like myself—no more caked on eyeliner. I looked at myself in the mirror and used his toothpaste and my finger to brush my teeth. I looked so much better as myself. I looked a little younger but healthier. When I was finished in there, I looked in his closet and grabbed one of his T-shirts. It had the club’s name on it, and it went down to my knees.

I got back in his bed and rested there, feeling more comfortable than I had in a long time. Even without him there, I still felt safe. I snuggled under his comforter and wrapped my arms around his pillow. I’d just close my eyes and wait for him to get back.

“Wake up!” a low voice whispered harshly in my ear.

My eyes snapped open, and I found myself under the man I’d elbowed earlier. I screamed and he laughed. “What do you want? You’re not supposed to be in here!”

He grabbed me and yanked me out of bed. “You’ve got to learn to respect those above you.”

I fought against him, but he still managed to drag me out into the main area. There were a few other men sitting around on the couches. I searched for Stone but didn’t see him.

“Here’s the bitch I was telling you about.”

I lashed out at him and connected a solid punch to the side of his head. “Get away from me, you sick asshole!”

He tried to hit me, but another guy, the one who’d found me with Stone earlier in the night, caught his fist. “Unless you want to be a dead man, I suggest you don’t do that. You should know better.”

My attacker shoved the new guy away. “Fuck off. We’ve got to teach her to have some respect.”

“Stone took her to church earlier. He likes her. You hit her and he’s going to kill you. I’m not kidding. I saw the way he was looking at her. Ask yourself why she was in his room alone?”

Chewing Tobacco shoved me away from him and stormed away. The new guy held his hand out to me and smiled. “Sorry about that. I’m Killer.”

I raised my eyebrows but still shook his hand. My heart was slowly calming, but I was still wary. “Killer?”

He nodded. “It’s a nickname from when I first joined the club. Don’t ask. It’s not as bad as it sounds. It’s really embarrassing, actually.”

I smiled. “Well, my nickname is Fluffy.”

He tossed his head back and laughed. “How the hell did you get so unlucky?”


“What’s going on?” Stone’s voice rang out in the room, and Killer instantly stepped away from me.

I crossed my arms over my chest and frowned at him. “Your room wasn’t as safe as you thought it was.”

His face was hard as he took in my bare legs and state of dress. “What the fuck happened?”

Killer stepped forward and held up his hands to Stone. “Johnny tried to teach her a lesson of some sort, but she got him with a right hook. He stormed off after that.”

I sighed happily when Stone tugged me to his side. His arm wrapped around my shoulders, and his warmth sent a wave of satisfaction through me. “Killer saved me from getting punched in the face. He’s downplaying how much he helped.”

Stone clapped Killer on the back, but his face was furious. “Get everybody to church.

Killer moved away quickly, barking orders, and Stone moved back to look down at me. “You okay?”

I smiled up at him. “Yeah. I held my own. Thank god Killer came along.”

His eyes flashed, and he jerked me against his body. “I told him to watch out for you.”

It was cute to see him jealous. I reached up and touched his chin. “Hurry up with church. I want to show you how thankful I am to you.”

He hardened against my body and picked me up. I squealed, and my hands shot back to make sure my ass was still covered. “I’m not wearing any panties, Stone!”

He growled in my ear. “Good. It’ll be that much faster, then.”

I thought he would tell me to wait in his room, but instead he carried me into church and sat me down in his chair. I crossed my legs and watched as men filled the room. They were all looking at me in confusion, wondering why a woman was in church and sitting in their president’s chair.

Stone wasted no time in blowing up. “Listen up! This is Fluffy. She’ll be around the clubhouse. Stay the fuck away from her. Johnny, I’ll let you know your punishment later. Any of you lay so much as a finger on her and I’ll break your fucking neck. That’s it. Out. All of you.”

Slowly everyone made their way out of the room, leaving Stone alone with me. Killer was the last one out, and he took his sweet time closing the door. Stone grabbed whatever was closest to him and threw it across the room. The beer bottle hit the door just as Killer closed it and shattered.

He turned to me and the anger faded. “Sorry that you almost got hurt.”

I stood up and toyed with the hem of the shirt I was wearing. “Your bed is really comfortable. How about you take me to it and we can spend some time going over how sorry you are?”

Stone’s large hands grabbed my waist and lifted me easily before spinning around and setting me down on the table. The wood was cold under my thighs, but he quickly moved to stand between my legs, and his warmth radiated out. “Did you know that no one’s ever had sex on this table?”

I leaned back and rested my elbows on the top. “I didn’t know that. How interesting.”

He ran his hands up my thighs before grabbing the bottom of my shirt and slowly working it up. “How sad. That’s what I think you mean. It’s time for it to see a little action. Lift your ass.”

I did as he said, and the shirt slipped over my ass and continued to travel north. My bottom half was completely exposed. “A little action, huh? What did you have in mind?”

My shirt was suddenly ripped over my head, and Stone’s hand was in the middle of my chest, pushing me backward until my shoulders were on the table. He stared down at me and groaned. “You have a tattoo.”

I looked down at the tattoo I’d gotten for a best friend that had died when I was young. The flower wrapped around my ribcage and stood out in full color. “Yeah?”

His hands trailed down to the tattoo, and his fingers traced the edges of it. “You’re wilder than you let on.”

I grinned at him and arched my back so my breasts stood at attention. “I’m just a sweet girl. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

mostly a sweet girl. I just had a wild itch that I needed scratched every so often. I had no doubt that Stone was going to scratch it.

He trailed his fingers lower still until he was hovering right over my core. “Something about you makes me crazy. I just threatened all my guys over you. I just can’t help it, though. The idea of anyone else seeing you spread out like this makes me want to put a bullet in them.”

I reached up and cupped my breasts. They were achy and heavy with need. “You’re possessive. That surprises me.”

His thumb brushed over my clit lightly. “I’m not usually. You’re too good to share, though. Fuck. Your body alone is enough to make a man go insane. You have the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen.”

I blushed but held his gaze. I rested my foot on his chest and lightly pushed. “Show me your body.”

He looked down my body and gave me a lasting look before slowly backing away. He took his leather vest off and threw it over his chair. Next came his belt. His smile was smoldering as he slowly pulled his shirt over his head.

My mouth fell open, and I was two seconds from drooling all over myself. My eyes practically twitched trying to take in all of him.

Stone’s body was a work of art. He was large and covered in muscle that rose and dipped in all the right places. Nearly every inch of his skin was covered in dark ink. An entire chest piece merged with two entire sleeves. He’d left out any color, and the effect was stunning.

I snapped my mouth closed and chewed on my bottom lip. “Now the pants.”

His laughter caused a jolt to hit me between the legs. Casually he unbuttoned his pants and then undid the zipper before pushing them down. They caught on a large erection, and the briefs he wore couldn’t contain the whole thing.

I nodded to the briefs, but he shook his head. “Why not?”

“I’ve got to have something between us or I’m going to just fuck you right now.”

I sat up a bit and licked my lips. “I’m assuming you think that’s a problem. It’s not. You can do foreplay later. Right now the fucking sounds great.”

He grunted and stepped back between my legs. His hand went back down to my core, and he roughly shoved a thick finger into me. “Hot and wet, but tight. So tight. I don’t want to hurt you.”

I adjusted to his finger quickly and rolled my hips. “You won’t.”

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