Cowboy Take Me Away (11 page)

Read Cowboy Take Me Away Online

Authors: Lorelei James

Tags: #cowboy, #romeo and juliet, #family feud, #flashbacks, #mckays, #erotic, #western

BOOK: Cowboy Take Me Away
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But Carson petted and stroked her. Planting sweet, soft, lingering kisses on her quaking legs and kissing the insides of her wrists. That’s when she realized she still had a strong grip on his hair. Her hands fell away. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be. I loved that you didn’t hold back even on your first time.” He kissed her fingertips. “That seems to be the norm with you sugar, and I like it. A lot.”

Carson stood. She noticed his hands shook as he began to unbutton his shirt.

He helped you get undressed; help him. Show him you want him.

Carolyn sat up and reached for his belt buckle.

“I got this,” he said, staying her hand.

“I want to.”

Uncertainty flickered in his eyes but he never missed a button. He tugged the arms free and the shirt fell to the floor.

By then Carolyn had already worked the belt buckle loose. She popped the button on the waistband of his jeans and noticed the zipper tab poked out. After she lowered the zipper to the base, she pulled apart the material and ran her fingers along the hard length.

He sucked in a swift breath.

So she did it again.


“I want to see it.”

Immediately he bent over and shucked his pants and underwear. When he stood before her completely naked, her eyes widened. His manhood was bigger than she expected. Reddish purple at the tip. An angry-looking red. Veins stuck out clear to the base where it disappeared into thick black hair. She couldn’t take her eyes off it.

“Can I touch it?”

“As much as you want.”

She wrapped her fingers around the base. So hard. And hot. As she moved her hand up, she realized as hard as it was, the skin was also soft and smooth.

While Carolyn was touching him, Carson had his hand in her hair, pushing the damn strands away from her face, twisting tendrils around his finger.

“You’re so quiet,” he murmured.

“So are you.” She followed the edge of the head with her thumb. When she reached the front, he hissed and it jerked in her hand. “Is that a good spot?”


Okay. Now what?

His fingers were under her chin and he lifted her face up. “Talk to me. No time to be shy when your hand is on my dick.”

“I don’t know what I’m doing. I don’t know what you want me to do.”

Carson put her hand back down at the base and curled his hand around hers. Then he stroked upward, exerting more pressure than she would’ve dared to try. “Like this. The faster you do it the quicker I’ll come. Usually.”

The more she moved her hand, the more little beads of clear fluid appeared on the tip.


She tilted her head back to look at him. “Am I doing something wrong?”

“No. But I wanna be inside you when I come. Up you go on the bed.”

Instead of trying to crawl backward, she rolled to her knees and crawled forward across the mattress.

Carson growled behind her.

She stopped and looked over her shoulder at him.

He was stroking himself. “I can’t fuckin’ wait to take you like that. Drivin’ into you from behind. Feelin’ your soft ass as a cushion for my hips.”

Carolyn rolled onto her backside, propping herself up on her elbows to watch him.

“Why didn’t that make you blush?”

“I don’t know. I wish I didn’t blush at all.”

“It’s sweet. And I plan to teach you all sorts of other fun stuff that’ll really make you blush.” Then he put his knees on the bed, lowering his head to kiss her ankle. He scattered kisses on her shin, knee and thigh as he moved up her body. He pushed her thighs apart and stopped to run his tongue down her slit to her opening and back up to lightly suck on her clit. “You’re still wet. That means you liked touchin’ me.”

“I told you I did.”

“Mmm-hmm.” He pressed hot, soft kisses in a line up her belly and between her breasts. “Words lie, but sugar, your body don’t.” Carson’s tongue zigzagged across her breasts, from one to the other. Teasing with fast flicks. Making her arch when he sucked her nipple deeply into his mouth.

But he didn’t spend as much time there as before. Those soft, yet firm lips trailed kisses up her neck. Kisses that made her flesh tingle. And she loved having his chest pressed to hers, even when it made it harder to breathe.

Then Carson’s face was above hers, his blue eyes glittering with an emotion she couldn’t name.

“Reach between us and guide me in.”

“But I—”

“I’m dyin’ to be with you like this.”

That’s when she noticed his body was shaking. She arched up, smashing her mouth to his while her hands trailed down his sides and between their hips. After a couple of bobbles she aligned the head of his shaft at her opening.

He eased inside her just an inch.

“Look at me, beautiful.”

Carolyn met his gaze and everything inside her went soft with the perfect and loving way this sexy man gazed at her in this moment.



He slowly pushed inside her, keeping their eyes locked. They were so close they shared the same breath.

“You okay,” he whispered against her lips.

“Very okay.”

“You feel so damn good, Caro.”

She slid her hands over his shoulders and his muscular back, loving the sensation of skin on skin. “So do you.”

When he stopped she knew why he’d gone slowly; he filled her completely.

“Wrap your legs around me.”

As soon as she shifted, her body seemed to open and he pushed in deeper. “Oh.” Her hands found purchase on his butt cheeks. Whenever he angled his pelvis those powerful muscles flexed beneath her hands.

Carson kissed her, bringing her focus to the soft stroke of his tongue against hers.

During the kiss, she felt him start to move, pulling back and pushing forward. Her inner tissues were gripping him so tightly, trying to keep him buried inside.

His lips followed the line of her jaw to whisper, “You with me if I pick up the pace?”


Then Carson’s mouth seemed to be everywhere, nuzzling her throat, leaving sucking kisses on the inner curve of her shoulder, his uneven breath in her ear proved he was as affected by this as she was.

He pushed his body up higher, but his gaze was glued to her face. “Look at you. I’ve imagined bein’ with you like this, but my imagination didn’t do it justice.”

She opened her mouth, but closed it.

Carson stopped moving. “What?”

“We did this last night.”

“Not like this, we didn’t.” He slid his lips back and forth over hers. “Last night was hard and fast and hot as fuckin’ fire, but this? This is me makin’ love to you, sugar.”

And it felt like love; very overwhelming. The rough friction of his chest hair on her nipples, the weight of his body. The hot and sweet kisses that were perfectly matched to his steady surge and retreat rhythm.

She kissed his neck, loving the salty taste of his skin and the musk that smelled too good to come from a bottle.

His strokes became faster and he broke the kiss to stare into her eyes. “I can’t hold back. Are you close?”

Carolyn wasn’t sure; it all felt so good that she just nodded.

His thrusts came hard and fast. Then he threw his head back and groaned.

She watched him shamelessly; his eyes squeezed shut, his mouth slack.

He was even more powerful and stunning lost in passion.

Then he opened those amazing blue eyes—eyes still clouded with pleasure—and teased her with the languorous kisses of a satisfied man.

“What’s the smirk for?” he asked.

“Are you happy now that we did this in a proper bed?”

“Very happy. I could get used to doin’ that,” Carson murmured against her throat. “A lot.”

A dreamy smile creased her face as she trailed her fingers down his spine. “Me too. Though last night in the rain was fun.”

“Mmm.” Carson pushed up and watched her eyes as he pulled out slowly. “Sore?”

“A little.”

“Maybe I’ll have to kiss it and make it better later.”

Her belly flipped. “Okay.”

Carson grinned. “Liked that, didja?”

Even though she was naked just talking about that made her blush and she wanted to turn her head away to hide how much she’d loved that. Or if—when—he’d want her to do the same thing to him. Her gaze slid to his groin. He was still sort of hard. Which made her curious as to what it looked like when it wasn’t hard.

His fingers slipped under her chin, forcing her attention on him. “Got a mighty interesting look on that beautiful face. Whatcha thinkin’ about?”

She squirmed beneath his scrutiny.

“Tell me.”

“Do you want me to do that to you?” she blurted out.

Carson’s eyes widened and then turned fiery hot. “You tryin’ to kill me, woman?”

“N-no, but I thought—”

“Yes, I can’t wait to see these lips around my cock. But I ain’t gonna push you. So how about you let me know when you’re ready to try it.”


“Get dressed before I crawl back in there with you.”

Carolyn couldn’t take her eyes off Carson as he put his clothes back on. It was just as intimate getting dressed together as it’d been getting undressed together.

As soon as they were fully clothed, Carson pulled her into his arms and just held her. No ravenous kisses, no roaming hands. His need for such simple contact with her sent her spiraling to the point of no return.

She knew then that she loved him. After less than a week.

It didn’t feel wrong. Or impulsive. It felt like she’d found where she belonged.

He kissed her forehead. “I probably better go.”

“I thought I was fixing you lunch?” Clasping his hand, she led him to the kitchen. “How about a sandwich? Ham salad on rye bread with pickles?”

“Sounds good. Way better than the bologna or peanut butter and jelly I usually have.”

“There are days when that’s all I want.” Carolyn took everything out of the fridge and started assembling three sandwiches.

“Can I ask you something? Is it hard goin from livin’ in a dorm and havin’ all your meals prepared for you, to comin’ back here and makin’ three meals a day for your whole family?”

She shrugged. “It’s what I’m used to. And without sounding flip, isn’t that what all girls are expected to do? Learn to cook by our mother’s side so we can take care of our own families? I’ll bet your mom cooked for you.”

“There was always food on the table when we were hungry and I didn’t think much about it beyond that.”

“That’s how most men are.”

“Do you like cookin’?”

Carolyn met his gaze. “I love it. There’s something very satisfying about making an entirely new dish or hearing how much a meal is enjoyed.” Feeling silly, she looked back down at her sandwich.

Carson’s callused hand caressed hers. “Hey. You seem embarrassed by that. Why?”

“Some of my friends at school, they want to be nurses and teachers. A couple girls are going to beauty school to become hairdressers. My roommate, Mary Catherine, is attending college to become a lawyer. The wild girl in our class, Mary Claire, is moving to the east coast to become a stewardess. And then there’s me.”

“What about you?”

“I don’t have those kinds of aspirations.”

A pause. “And they all think you oughta be like them?”

She nodded and sliced a pickle in half. “I don’t know what I’ll be doing at the end of the summer. Everyone said it’d be a waste if I live at home and do all the household stuff for my family. My friend Cathy has asked me to move to Chicago. I could live with her and get a job as a seamstress or in a sewing factory.”

“Do you want to live in the big city?”

“I don’t know. My Aunt Hulda has offered me a fulltime job this fall. She pays me pretty well and I’ve learned so much from her.”

“Wait. She pays you to work for her?”

Carolyn looked up at him with a scowl. “Of course she pays me. She didn’t expect me to work for free.” Even when her aunt footed the bill for Carolyn’s Catholic education, she believed in “funding Carolyn’s future”, which would give her options.

“Sorry if you took offense to that.” Carson blocked her against the counter. “The reason you don’t complain about cookin’ and cleanin’, and havin’ a garden is because you really like doin’ that, don’t you?”

“Yes. Everyone says it makes me naïve because if I don’t expand my horizons, how will I know if I really like it or not? But I do like it.”

“Don’t listen to them people. They don’t matter. They ain’t livin’ your life; you are.” He caressed her face with the back of his hand and his eyes were so soft, but his face was so fierce with intent that she felt herself melting into him. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but you are mature beyond your years. You’ve had no choice but to grow up fast and be responsible. There should be pride in that. There should be pride in all the things you do for your family—because you like doin’ them. Anyone who tries to shame you for that ain’t worth your time.”

“Thank you.”

“My pleasure.” Carson peered over her shoulder. “That sandwich almost looks too pretty to eat.”

She gently shunted him aside. “I’ll get the plates.”

They didn’t talk much while they were eating.

After they finished, Carson said, “Best lunch I’ve ever had.” He grinned. “The appetizer was tasty too.”

She blushed.

“As much as I hate to eat and run, I gotta git.” He snagged her hand. “Walk me out to the truck and make me all sorts of promises about when I can see you next, because if you don’t, I’m afraid I ain’t gonna leave.”

Outside Carson leaned against the driver’s side of his truck and pulled her close so she rested against him completely. Then he scrambled her brain with a kiss so steamy she felt him getting hard against her belly.

That’s when he broke the kiss and rubbed his damp lips across her temple. “Thank you for today but when can I see you tomorrow?”

Ridiculously pleased, she said, “I could come to your place tomorrow night and cook you supper?”

“A hot woman and a hot meal? Gonna be another great day.” He pecked her on the mouth and moved her aside. “I’ll hafta draw you a map. My place is a little hard to find.”

Carolyn waited as he dug around for a piece of paper and a pencil. He pressed the paper against the window and sketched out a very detailed map and handed it over.

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