cowboysdream (4 page)

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Authors: Desconhecido(a)

BOOK: cowboysdream
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Chapter Four



For weeks on end she mourned Joe's death. She'd never quite been able to get Joe's murder out of her mind. She looked upon it with confusion wondering why it had to happen.

The drifting cowpokes stayed their distance, though she felt their lingering eyes travel her body on occasion. Nightly she lay in her bed, thinking about them sleeping in the barn, womanless and probably her. She'd envision their bare chests and imagine the thick lengths of their cocks as she slipped her fingers into her pussy. She’d slide her fingers in and out of her hot, moist entrance. But, she didn't want her own fingers...she wanted their cocks, because both men heated her passion. She could almost feel one cock in her ass and one in her squeezing, slick pussy. She'd enjoy the effects she'd have on them too. Such sex might be bad, but it would obviously feel so damned good. She cursed her weakness for the men and forced herself to relax and get sleep for the coming day of hard, hot work.

One day
spent time tidying up the log cabin, trying to keep her wits about herself, ignoring her needs the best way a widow could in the 1870s, while living out in the wilderness.

Like Bo and Silk were sent from heaven, they knew what to do to help without her telling them. They did the heavy work, the work she could not do
had difficulty attempting. They took care of the crops, the cows and the cattle. They chopped wood, mended fences and fed the other animals on the Rocking C. They kept the ranch going so she could pay the greedy banker in
. They looked so good and stirred her pussy like no other men ever had. Not once had they tried to touch her inappropriately.

One afternoon a week the men saddled up and rode to town. They seemed to have plenty of money, but she'd never given them a cent, simply because she didn't have it to give. She supposed they went to the saloons and gambled for pocket money.

They returned late, but by the next morning, they seemed fit, healthy and ready for work. During weak moments, need of their attention burned in her mind and wicked yearnings stirred in her core. She endured bouts of longing desire. After all, they were virile and obviously good men.

Weeks turned into a month then into two months; time whizzed past, and, as her attraction to the men grew, hidden lust threatened to make
known. What would she do if they stayed on? It they did touch her she'd melt like ice in the springtime.
didn't want to think about it.

figured they had twelve weeks of good weather until winter broke loose in all its fury with the snow, cold and wind. She warned them one night when they sat out on the steps, saying "You're welcome to stay. But you need to know if
don't already, some winters the snow rises over the window tops. I'd be jailed up inside the house. I'd not be able to see out the windows for days. It comes down heavy and deep. I
you men might not want to be cooped up with me all winter."

At first they seemingly thought over her words. Bo dropped his head to his fingertips while Silk rolled his eyes skyward and then drew an extended finger under his chiseled nose. The whole time she felt like a clod wondering what they thought of the awkward situation: two men living all winter under her roof, with her. Finally, much to her relief, they nodded like they understood and agreed to stay, relieving her. The three of them living under one roof was embarrassing to mention. They'd have to bunk in the cold, unheated upstairs; she'd stay in her bedroom.

"I usually put away enough jars of canned food, potatoes, apples, beans, salt pork and what have you to get through the bad months." She cleared her throat and decided to finish her statement. "...if you're
' about
' that is. I can put up enough food. At least you're welcome to stay. But I need to know...but, I can't have any cigar
' in the house."

"That's fair enough. We'll talk it over and all, Ma'am. But I guess we will. What do you think,
?" Bo looked at Silk then nodded her way. "It looks like it's a yes."

"Okay. I don't mind
' you. You men came in handy through the warm months and that's why I'm
' you."

"Thank you, Ma'am."




Chapter Five



o and Silk helped her get through the winter months too, doing the heavy chores. They chopped wood and kept the animals alive, well and fed. But, most of all, they gave
company and support.

She found them attractive...very attractive. Each man had his long hair tied back with a small bit of leather. At times she saw them bare-chested.
Gorgeous, strong men.
Once, before it got real cold, when Bo and Silk were chopping wood, she peeked out at them through the lacy curtains. She felt a little flushed and guilty, needing deliverance from her sexual frustration.

Neither man opened up to her about their past; she wondered if she scared them into silence. Even at the supper table they stayed quiet as the winter dragged on. They treated her and each other with respect, unlike most men of the day would have treated friends.


* * * *


One night early the next spring, after the big thaw, but before hot weather set in, they sat on the porch enjoying the mild weather.

Bo cleared his throat a minute or two after Silk had come outside. The three of them stood on the porch.
looked at him and waited, wondering what he wanted to say. Instead, Bo shoved his hands into his pocket and walked toward the barn. Bo returned and faced her squarely. His intense, penetrating gaze took her back, but she stood frozen. As Silk looked on, Bo raised a finger and almost touched strands of loose blonde hair that fell from the bun at the nape of her neck. Shivers of delight undulated down her spine, and the fine hair rose on the back of her neck. Even though he didn't touch her skin, she felt a resulting sexual pull curling deeply within her core. It made her wonder if she would collapse at their feet.

Do they notice what they do to me?

"What?" she asked.

He seemed to open his mouth to talk, but no words followed. Instead he turned and went to the barn.

She fought the battle being waged inside, turned and went inside cursing herself for nearly succumbing to lust. Nothing more happened between them that night, but she felt a big internal thaw coming on.

They worked hard from sun up to sun down, shoulder to shoulder a lot of days; sometimes without speaking. The tangible tension sparked like lightning between them. At night, her fingers had less and less of an effect; fingers could not replace a man's erect cock.

People in the area probably figured they were just hired hands who had come in off the trail
' east from
. Most folks thought they slept in the barn and were helping out until Joe returned. Due to
insistence, they continued sleeping in the house.

One sweltering night,
sat outdoors wearing nothing but a homespun shift in the cooling night air. Dabbing her skin with a cool cloth, she was aware of her nakedness under the thin fabric. Her breasts
high and her nipples hardened, needing attention as cool air swirled through the arm opening of the translucent undergarment.

It was enjoyable to sit outside barefooted after a hard day's work, her breasts freed of their constraints. Bo, who obviously noticed, sat down beside her on the steps, his strong back straight,
body like a slab of granite. Their shoulders touched. Then Silk sat on the other side of her. It was the first time they sat on each side of her, and they touched her simultaneously.

"I think you're hair is pretty as spun gold, Ma'am," Bo said softly.

"Thank you, Bo."

"Can I touch it?" he asked.

"I-I don't know." It was plain, their intentions regarding her.

"I won't...hurt you,
. Neither will

It was also the first time either of the men addressed her using her God given name, and tingles shot down to her core.

"Well, okay."

He began touching her hair gently while Silk brought her finger tips to his lips and kissed them lightly. Womanly stirrings started sparking and twirling within her like the Fourth of July gone crazy. Bo's massaging hand moved onto her shoulders, then back and down onto her spine.
senses charged with need for more as his hands moved over her back through the thin cotton. She could sense that Silk wanted to fondle her breasts. Silk began dragging his finger up and down her upper arm causing her naked pussy to moisten.

Bo’s words entranced and enthralled
. "We're glad you took us in." He dragged her palm to his lips. "We want to stay and help for as long as we can. But..." Bo's voice softened and stopped then put her hand back into her lap.

"We haven't been with a woman for many months, Ma'am," said Silk into her ear.

A long silence followed.

They both want me? Deep down I want them both...and at the same time too, in her
her licking, sucking and fucking her so hard the would rattle. Oh dear God. Can they figure out what I’m thinking?

She cleared her throat.
"I '
your help.
Without it I
wouldn't '
been able to pay the mortgage. I don't know where I' would've--"

"We want to help.
Both of other ways--sexual ways that will benefit all of us."

"What other ways?" she asked as if she didn't know. If she lay with the both men, no one would ever find out, would they? How many visitors came out her way a year?

"In bed, we want to take care of you and do it right," said Bo.


They both sounded serious and hot. "Both of us want and care 'bout you. Can you take both of us? Right now my dick is hard as that rock over there."

"How can two...?" she started to ask with astonishment tainting her tone. It was a dream, and now it was becoming real. Realistically though, she knew and expected what he'd say and do.

Silk's voice gentled the situation further and whispered in her ear, "In bed. We both need your attention. We can make you feel so good."

Oh God Almighty she wanted them in and on her more than she wanted air to breathe.
"I don't know what you must think of me." Her heart stopped as she peered at Silk's ready and willing lips.

"Joe wanted us to help you and take care of your womanly needs in every way possible. And
, we don't think
' ill of you," said Silk.

Bo added, "We can do things for you that one man can't do..."

She looked down into her lap, highly aware that their thighs touched hers.

"You think on it,
," Silk whispered into her ear as he drew her hair behind her ear. He rose then walked to the far end of the porch, seemingly deep in thought. As she looked his way, he brought his harmonica to his lips. Sweet music followed, carrying her away.

During a thoughtful pause she listened while contemplating their risqué idea. A light wind rustled in the treetops. She so very much yearned for what they offered, and it seemed so...natural and inevitable. The tune Silk played stirred her. She wondered if she was losing her mind as she mopped the perspiration from her throat with a damp handkerchief. Long ago she ended her grieving period, so that wasn't a problem. And, after all, Joe sent them to her, not vice versa. She didn't think she could get pregnant, because if she was going to get pregnant she would have long ago with Joe. All of a sudden, she figured she'd lost the will to not have sex with them. In fact, she decided she'd go along. She needed their attention, emotionally and sexually. God would just have to forgive her.

Bo rose to his feet, raised his hands and walked away. "We
' to push you into
' you don't want to do,
. Let us know if you ever want us, and we'll oblige


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