Crain's Landing (14 page)

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Authors: Cayce Poponea

BOOK: Crain's Landing
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“She’s fine, Natalie. Besides, do you think she’d be the first little girl to pee on me? I am a pediatrician after all.” His eyes were so kind and I had to fight very hard not to melt into them. He had charm to spare; I just couldn’t let myself get lost in it. I made myself remember the day I’d found out Holden had left us. That turned a fan on my lusty haze.

The crowd calmed down once both teams were on the field. I insisted Grant set Peyton on his lap while we were sitting down. I didn’t want the people behind us not to be able to see around her.

“Kay-Kay!” Peyton shouted pointing in the direction of the field.

I noticed Kaylin was standing with the cheerleaders. She turned at the sound of Peyton’s voice and waved at Peyton who got even more excited. I watched as Grant stood up and then walked over to the fence with Peyton in his arms. He then lifted her over the fence into Kaylin’s waiting arms. Peyton was so excited she was screaming and giggling, which made everyone laugh at her.

“Sorry, Natalie, I just can’t seem to say no to her.” Grant leaned into my ear and softly admitted.

I looked at him. “What do you mean you can’t say no to her?”

“Calm down, Momma. When I drop Savannah off for Autumn sometimes, Peyton begs me to read her a story. I find it hard to say no to her.” I turned my attention back to my daughter, who was now over the moon as Kaylin had given her a spare set of pompoms and was dancing along with the girls on the field.

“That was a nice thing you did for Drew,” Grant praised me.

“They’re in love.” I shrugged. “People in love deserve to be together,” I responded not taking my eyes away from Peyton.

“I couldn’t agree more.” His voice was husky and full of hidden meaning.

“You do realize by sitting so close to me, our wedding announcement will be in the local paper tomorrow.” I offhandedly told him.

“I have the perfect honeymoon spot picked out,” he replied.

I tried so hard not to look at him after his comment. I failed miserably, but I did try. His cocky grin made me want to laugh, not slap him silly...laugh. This was new. “Thank you for discontinuing your gift giving.”

He licked his lips as he snuggled in closer so I could hear him over the roar of the crowd as the home team made a touchdown. “I didn’t stop, necessarily. I just have a clearer perspective of the type of girl you are.”

Now his arrogance was simply pissing me off. “Listen, Dr. Crain, I realize that I may present some form of challenge to you as I’m not following the behavior of the women you’ve pursued in the past. Let me make myself perfectly clear, I’m not the type of woman who’s going to fall at your feet and beg you to fuck me senseless. Furthermore, you should really discontinue your pursuit of me because it’ll be in vain. I have no desire to be in any relationship with you or any other man for that matter. I’m happy with the way my life is right now and I don’t need a man complicating things. Please, go back to your regulars for your romantic requirements.”

I watched as his eyes became very dilated. At first, I thought it was from anger, but once he opened his mouth and spoke the words I would never forget, I knew it was something much more.

“Let me be perfectly clear on some things for you as well, Ms. Reid. I don’t have a line of regulars, as you so eloquently stated. I’ve found the women in this town to be far too forward and rather disturbingly...uninhibited. I find not a challenge in you, but refreshment and quite frankly, grace. You refusing my gifts, it’s not deterred me, but shown me what your preferences are not. I want to make myself perfectly clear; I won’t stop, not until you agree to just one date with me, Natalie. After one date, I’ll never bother you again if that’s your wish.”

His words affected me more than I wanted to admit. I remained silent in my thoughts for the remainder of the game. Grant respected my silence and watched the game as if I wasn’t sitting beside him. When the football captain was crowned Homecoming King and kissed the beautiful girl in the green dress, I closed my eyes and shuddered. I clearly remembered Holden telling me Vivian was a sloppy kisser. I had been an idiot to believe anything that came out of his mouth.

The game ended with the home team winning by seven points. Carolyn told me to hang around for a few minutes and Morgan would be able to talk with me.

“You could just come to the house if you wanted to. We always have an after game drink once the kids go to sleep,” Carolyn suggested.

“Thank you for the invite, but I have things I need to take care of,” I declined politely.

She hugged me tightly and reminded me I was going to be a guest for dinner very soon, she was not taking no for an answer. Morgan instructed his players to head to the locker room and then made his way to where we were standing.

Morgan was everything I had heard he was. He was big as a brick wall and so very handsome. I had no problem ogling him, as I knew he was married to Lily. He would never be interested in me, so I took in his form in appreciation.

“Ms. Reid, it’s a pleasure to finally meet the girl who has my little brother tripping over his own tongue.”

His massive hand wrapped around mine, his handshake toned down I was sure given our marginal differences. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, as well. Although, I have no clue what you mean by ‘tripping’ your brother.”

He laughed as he pointed to the field behind me. I turned and lost my breath as I watched Grant letting Peyton chase him around the goalposts. She was giggling and yelling, “I get you!” He was laughing just as much. I watched as he finally swooped down, picked her up, spun her around, and then gave her a big hug and kiss. My jaw nearly hit the ground when she burrowed her tiny face under his jaw and had both arms tightly wrapped around his neck. As he turned them to face us, I noticed he was smiling serenely and his eyes were closed; almost as if he was trying to savor the moment and commit it to memory.

“So, you want some of my curtain climbers to volunteer at the library?” Morgan got my attention.

I spun around, dislodging the huge lump that was residing in my throat. We spoke in some detail as to what he would be able to give me. I really wanted some drama students to read to the children during the Saturday children’s hour. He was enthusiastic, telling me he already had several students wanting to volunteer their time for me. He gave me his personal contact info and I gave him mine. By the time we finished, Peyton was dead asleep in Grant's arms.

“Grant, I’m sorry if she was a bother,” I apologized as I reached out to take my baby from him.

“This little angel was no trouble, but I’d like to place her in her car seat, if you don’t mind.”

I reluctantly agreed and he followed me to my car. Once he had her safely buckled in, I noticed the package that contained the music box was still in my car. “Here, I have something for you.”

I rounded the car and opened the passenger side door. With the box in hand, I turned and extended it to him.

Grant knew immediately what it was and only smiled as he shook his head and replied, “One date, Natalie, and then I’ll take it back if that’s what you wish.”

Damn, this man was just as obstinate as I was. If I went through with this blasted date, would he really back the hell off?

“Listen, Natalie.” His voice calm as he leaned his body against my car. “I get that you’re gun shy about me. Hell, with all the crazy antics you have witnessed in the past few weeks, I’m surprised you haven’t moved back up north.” He leaned farther into me, the sweet smell of his breath and lure of his cologne were a deadly combination. “I know what people say about us, about the reason I want a date with you.” I had nearly forgotten the hurtful words I been subjected to in the diner. “It’s bull shit! My interest in you has absolutely nothing to do with the low numbers of available decent women or your newness to our town.” His eyes calmed as they searched mine and I found only truth behind them. “I can see it written on you face, the hurt he caused you.” The reality of what he was saying shoved me back into my senses, away from his charm and handsome face. “Not every guy is out to hurt you, Natalie. Don’t make the rest of us pay for shit we didn’t do.”

I avoided his pitiful looks. I felt foolish for even thinking about agreeing. I opened my door and placed the key into the ignition.

He planted his foot in the door frame, making it impossible to shut the door. “You can’t let him ruin the rest of your life. More importantly you can't let the hurt you feel affect the way Peyton looks at the male sector. By hating all men, you allow the poison to flow to her. She is like a sponge and for a long time to come she will believe that everything you do and say is the sole truth. Don’t let her opinion of the men around her be because her father is a crazy bastard for leaving the two of you.” He removed his foot from the frame and closed the door himself, his eyes telling me this was far from over.

As I drove home, I tried to ignore what Grant had said. But what if it were true? Was my broken heart continuing to hurt not only me, but also my little girl? I knew he was right when he said she was a living sponge, absorbing everything around her. While I worried she would pick up a curse word, could my fear of getting hurt again alter her views of men?

As I turned into my neighborhood, another thought entered my mind. As small as this town was, there was only one person who knew what Holden had done to me. As I shut off my car, the first tear slipped down my cheek.



Those words had been on replay in my mind since I left Grant standing in the parking lot.

For the most part, he hadn’t acted like the egotistical, man-whore I’d assumed he was. He actually seemed down-to-earth, a nice guy. The entire town seemed to absolutely love him. From the bits and pieces I’d gotten from various people, he was incredibly dedicated, and according to his recent actions, goal-oriented, even slightly borderline obsessive. Still, he was a man, with desires and needs—necessities in a relationship I wasn’t prepared to give. In spite of this, I couldn’t deny the feelings that had raced through me as I watched him playing with my baby. He awakened a part of me that had been close to death for many years. It was those very feelings which caused me to break out the locked treasure chest I had under my bed.

Peyton didn’t stir when I’d placed her in bed. I’d even managed to change her clothes and wash her face, yet she never mumbled.

I left the bathroom door open as I filled the tub with the hottest water I could stand. I turned off the lights and allowed only the flickering glow from the candles that surrounded the tub to illuminate the bathroom. Their fresh aroma filled my senses, enabling my mind to drift to pictures of Grant, his face replacing that of the fireman. I slowly slipped out of my clothing and into the foamy bath. I had to take my time, as it was very hot against my skin. I could feel my muscles relax as I slid farther into the steaming water.

I tried to close my mind to the conflicting emotions I now had after spending time with Grant, appreciating his sense of humor and devilish good looks. No one could discredit him when it came to his facial appeal, hell even a devout Nun would label him as fuck worthy. I didn’t want to feel the fire that had started only hours ago. Sitting beside Grant had provided more than just an opportunity for him to ask me out, yet again. The feel of his warmth as he leaned in to whisper in my ear heated my whole body. His cologne gave me the same feeling this hot water did—comfort and relaxation. His voice sent chills down my spine and tingles to my lower core.

Historically, I had to get myself worked up by pinching my nipples and rubbing my hands over my body; not tonight. Tonight, my vibrator slid right in and I nearly came before I’d even turned it on. I closed my eyes as my hand brought the vibrator in and out, allowing the vibration and the nose of the rabbit to work my clit. I arched my back and bit my lip, trying desperately to keep my cries deep inside, yet let the tingling sensation encompass my entire body. I had to hold my breath to keep from crying out in ecstasy. If I had this type of reaction from merely sitting beside him, I had to wonder what would happen if we actually…

“Ugh, stop it Natalie. Get yourself under control.”

I had to stop this line of thought and chastised myself for even allowing my mind to go there. Relaxed, but pissed off at myself, I climbed out of the tub and got myself ready for bed.

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