Crave the Darkness (27 page)

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Authors: Amanda Bonilla

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy

BOOK: Crave the Darkness
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I so wanted this night to end already. I was tired. I was of the games, the social graces, the
. I wanted to change into a nice pair of stretchy black pants and my boots. I wanted to check in with my team to see if they’d seen any sign of Kade. And after that, I wanted to deliver Anya and Dimitri safely back to Xander’s house and go to bed.

A waiter passed by with a tray full of drinks, and I scooped one into my hand. Something a little stronger was in order, but I’d have to take what I could get. This was the first and last function I was going to attend, political or otherwise. How I let myself get talked into coming was beyond me.

“I can’t wait to get you home,” Xander murmured in my ear. He’d come up behind me and wound his arms around my waist, pulling me against his chest. Chills chased across my skin as he placed light kisses up my neck. He stopped at my ear, taking the lobe between his teeth. “I’m going to undress you slowly,” he whispered. “And I plan on taking my time with you. Nothing is going to get in the way of my having you. Not my brother.” He kissed my neck. “Anya.” His tongue darted out to taste my skin as he kissed my shoulder. “Or anyone else. Tonight, you’re

He swayed to the orchestra’s waltz, pulling me along with him. My eyes drifted shut, if only to block out the faces and curious stares of those around us. I’m sure the supernatural community’s elite would have plenty to gossip about tomorrow. Just what I wanted: to be the goddamned center of attention.
Lucky me

My eyes flew open as I was jostled to the side, none too graciously, I might add. It took me a second to gain my bearings as Tyler slammed into Xander, sending him against the wall. He held the king by the throat, his chest heaving with his labored breath. Fuck.
Oh, fuck
. I didn’t think you could assault a king at a dignitary function and just walk away. But, then again, I doubted that Ty actually gave a shit.

“If you don’t want to die, Jinn,” Xander’s voice strained as Ty squeezed his throat, “you’d best take your hands off me.”

The music stopped. The chatter died. Every eye turned to our corner of the ballroom. You could have heard a cotton ball drop it was so fucking quiet. And I just stood there like an idiot, watching.
. Of course, the wards on the building kept Xander confined to his corporeal form and nice and cozy in Ty’s chokehold. Delicate tendrils of frost formed on Xander’s skin as Tyler wielded his power, despite the wards.

“What did you say to her?” Tyler’s voice dripped with menace. “What lies did you tell her to turn her against me?”

“Lies?” Xander sort of laughed/choked. “You broke her heart,
. What did you think, that she’d pine for you forever?”

Tyler shoved Xander hard against the wall, and his kingly head bounced off the marble. “Tyler, stop it!” I shouted, finally coming to my senses. Frantic footsteps echoed in the silence and yeah, the shit was about to hit the fan. I put myself right in the thick of the action, prying Tyler’s hand from Xander’s throat before Raif could intervene. “Tyler, please.” Jesus, he was strong. I could barely budge his hand. “Everyone’s watching.” Anxiety pooled in my stomach, turning to adrenaline. “Why are you doing this?” I tried to make him hear me, to appeal to his better judgment. “Think of Adira.” This can’t have looked good to his date, fighting with another man over his ex. “Raif, I’ve got this,” I said, feeling him at my back.

“You dare lay your hands on my king?” Raif brushed past me as if I wasn’t even there. “I warned you, Tyler, your outbursts would not be tolerated again. Darian’s protector or not.”

“Stay out of this, Raif,” Tyler spat. “Why don’t you let your brother fight his own battles for once?”

“I don’t need anyone’s help to fight you, Jinn.” Xander always used the term, Jinn, as if it were a dirty word. “You’ve already proven you’re not a worthy enough male to hold on to what was yours.”

Oh, boy. That did it. Tyler released his hold on Xander’s throat. And he wiped the superior, gloating smile from the Shaede King’s face—with his fist. The punch landed squarely on Xander’s chin and he reeled backward. It took only a moment for him to recover, though, and he charged Tyler, taking him out in a tackle that would make a linebacker proud. Fists flew as Raif and other members of the in-house security staff attempted to pull them apart. The party had come to a standstill as all eyes were focused on the epic knock-down, drag-out, tuxedo-clad fight.

Until a heart-stopping shriek rent the air.

Chapter 27


he crowd parted like the Red fucking Sea, turning their backs on Xander and Tyler to take in this new drama. It took a moment for my brain to register just exactly what I was seeing, but when everything finally clicked, the leftover adrenaline from Xander and Ty’s scuffle kicked back up—and went into overdrive.

Kade had crashed the party, and he used the ballroom as center stage. In front of him, Dimitri was on his knees, his head pulled back by the grip Kade had on his hair, and a long, shining dagger pressed to his throat. My heart stopped beating for what felt like several minutes and then crashed against my rib cage in a frantic rhythm. I had no way to communicate with my team, and thanks to the wards on the building, any advantage I might have against Kade was null and void.

“It’s been twenty-four hours, Anya,” Kade said in a pleasant, almost conversational tone. “Time to settle up.”

“Kade.” Tears distorted Anya’s voice as she pleaded. “Please, I’ll get what you want. Just . . . spare him.”

“Oh, Anya,” Kade said with irritation. “You should know me better than that by now. I don’t do mercy.”

Panic swept Anya’s features as she met her husband’s gaze. A moment passed between them. Apparently, Kade didn’t bluff. The once-hardened expression set into Dimitri’s face melted away, and his light brown eyes drank her in as if for the last time.
. No fucking way was I going to let this be the last time Dimitri would look upon his pregnant wife. I reached behind my back and slowly slid the silver dagger from the sheath I’d sewn into the seam.

I’d forgotten all about Tyler and Xander as I kicked off my shoes and wound my way through the crowd toward Kade. He seemed to be enjoying his moment in the spotlight and drew it out to heighten the drama. I wondered if any evil mastermind considered the possibility that they’d have more luck without the big production. But right now, I was glad that Kade happened to be a drama queen. I needed the extra time for a sneak attack. A charge into battle wasn’t going to help anyone.

What I wouldn’t give to have my headset right about now. I needed to talk to my team. To coordinate with Raif.
Goddamn it
. But I didn’t have time to contemplate what I needed. This was going to have to be a solo mission. No wishing, no backup. One on one. Me and Kade. Nothing I wasn’t used to. I tuned everything out as I crept closer: Anya’s pleading, Kade’s snarky comebacks, and the apparent mobilization of security as they focused their efforts from one bad situation to another. I could use the distraction, though. Kade would be expecting an assault from the PNT troops. And while he was busy with them, I’d run my dagger through the bastard’s heart.

Right on cue, a team of six PNT soldiers converged on Kade. I recognized their leader, a Fae named Adare, calm and cool as ever with weapons drawn and a look of grim determination on his face. I didn’t think Kade would go down without a fight, but the bastard just stood there, all smug and self-satisfied. Carefully, Adare’s group surrounded Kade; he still had a dagger pressed to Dimitri’s throat after all. Adare squared his shoulders and approached the demon with careful steps.

“I don’t know who you are, or what your business is, but if you try to settle it here, you’re as good as dead.” His moss-green eyes narrowed as he assessed the situation. “You’re surrounded, and the building is warded.”

Kade flashed Adare an amused smile. “Warded?” His incredulous tone bordered on melodramatic. “Fuck your Fae magic. This man’s wife owes me a debt. And I don’t give a shit about your

Adare looked ready to throttle Kade. I didn’t think anyone openly defied him. And tonight, Kade was all about putting on a show. I wanted to kick myself. I should have known he’d want an audience. He’d harried Anya at every turn, but when it came to the big showdown, he wanted as many people as possible to see what he was capable of.

While Kade and Adare squared off, I used the opportunity to make my move. I’d catch him unaware, tackle Dimitri, and get him out of the reach of Kade’s blade. Then, I’d bring the hurt. At least, that was my plan. My ball gown had become a royal pain in the ass, and I’d be lucky to accomplish the maneuver without flashing my boobs to the entire supernatural community. Fucking strapless piece of shit. I ducked behind a group of Fae females who watched the scene unfolding before them with an almost perverse interest that I found a little on the sadistic side. Dimitri’s life hung in the balance and they looked on as if they were watching some kind of reality TV show. So I took a certain amount of grim satisfaction when I burst through their group, sending them careening in different directions.

Using the marble floor for as much traction as my bare feet would allow, I charged Kade while he continued to bait Adare into action. I sprinted toward them, dodging through and around the spectators who apparently couldn’t be bothered to intervene and help Dimitri. I broke through the barrier of onlookers, prepared to dive for Anya’s husband. A powerful energy washed over me, thick and snaking through the air like a chill breeze, causing the tiny hairs on my arms to stand on end. I’d felt it before. I recognized it.

My shoulder slammed into the invisible barrier protecting Kade and Dimitri, and if I were to guess, it enclosed them in a sort of magical bubble. Tyler had cast a similar barrier of protection over me once. Now I knew with certainty why Kade’s energade’s y had felt so familiar. It was Jinn magic that clung to him.
He’s killing her
, Ty had said to me a few nights ago in my apartment. I’d suspected, but this new development confirmed it: Kade had obviously been siphoning Adira’s power.
Ho-ly shit
. This was much worse than Kade simply using Adira for wishes and protection.
Much worse

“Hey, Trouble,” Kade said with amusement. He looked me up and down before his gaze settled on the dagger clenched in my hand. “Nice dress.”

I pulled my arm back and slammed my fist into the barrier. Pain radiated from my wrist up to my shoulder, and I almost dropped the dagger as my limb went practically numb. “Darian!” Adare barked, his gaze sparking with animosity. “This is a PNT matter. Stand down.”

“Wrong, Adare.” I didn’t take my eyes off of Kade, who seemed to be getting off on the whole scene. “This is
business. Not yours. Now lift the goddamned wards so I can kill this motherfucker.”

I honestly had no idea if lifting the wards would help. Jinn magic was stronger than anything in the supernatural world, but there had to be someone here who could at least weaken the barrier. Tyler could, for sure, but thanks to those lovely Jinn rules, he was forbidden from interfering with the bonds of others. Adare gave me a look, not exactly trustworthy, but like he hadn’t really thought about having the wards lifted. He whispered an order to a Fae colleague beside him who took off like a shot through the crowd of onlookers.

“Your wife threw your life away, Dimitri,” Kade mused. He choked up on the dagger’s hilt, pressing the sharp blade into Dimitri’s skin. Blood dripped from the cut, running in a rivulet down his neck. I expected something defiant, a struggle, or threats and curses at least, but Dimitri remained silent. Proud. There was more defiance in his silence than words could express. My heart leapt into my throat as I realized what he already knew: his time had run out.

“Kade!” Anya’s voice broke from her chest in a shrill near-scream. She cried in earnest, tears streaming down her face. Her words came frantic, a stream of sound that I couldn’t understand as she abandoned English for her native Russian. But her tone could not be mistaken. She was frantic, begging for her husband’s life, and if I had to guess, she was trying to strike a bargain. Hell, I bet she promised him the world and then some.

I looked around, my pulse rushing in my ears, for any sign of Adare’s soldiers. How the fuck long did it take to lift the goddamned wards, anyway? Kade graced Anya with a cold, evil smile and she dropped to her knees, sobbing.
Oh my god
. Ohmygodohmygodohmygod.

Kade’s eyes locked on hers, his face a mask of serenity as he slit Dimitri’s throat. Anya screamed, the sound so devastating that it tore my heart to shreds. I slammed my body into the invisible barrier, stabbed at it with the silver dagger again and again. Bodies joined mine: Xander and Raif, fighting like hell to break through the magic that kept us out. Dimitri stared at his wife as he bled out, his brows drawn as he took her in one last time. “No!” I screamed, joining Anya’s mournful wails. “Goddamn you, Kade! Dimitri, hold on! We’re coming!
Hold on!

Dimitri struggled to speak, and what issued from his mouth was a sickening gurgle deep in his throat, followed by a quick string of Russian. As the life slowly drained out of him, he kept his eyes locked on Anya, his expression so full of love and emotion that it stole hat it smy breath. I ached for Anya, shared in her sorrow as Dimitri’s expression went blank. His soft brown eyes became empty, void of life, and as Kade released him, he toppled face-first to the floor.

“I’m feeling generous, so I’ll give you forty-eight hours this time, Anya,” Kade warned. His angelic expression melted away, revealing nothing but calculating menace. “If you don’t give me what I want in two days’ time, you’ll join your husband. And I guarantee your journey to the afterlife won’t be nearly as pleasant as his. You aren’t safe
and you know it. I’ll come for you. Don’t disappoint me again.”

Anya screamed at Kade, a string of profanities and curses that should have killed him right on the spot. He looked my way and flashed a superior smirk before his form shimmered and disappeared. With his disappearance, the barrier that protected him vanished. Anya scrambled to her husband’s side, gathering him up in her arms. With the wards in place, Dimitri had become easy prey for Kade. No amount of supernatural healing could save him now. Blood pooled on the polished marble floor and soaked through Anya’s gown. She held Dimitri close to her, rocking back and forth as sobs wracked her body.

Xander rushed to Anya, going to his knees. Raif joined them, shifting Dimitri’s body away from Anya, and she threw herself into Xander’s embrace. He shushed her as he rocked her in his arms, passing his hand along her hairline and whispering words of comfort in her ear. He looked back at me, the sorrowful expression on his regal face tearing at my own composure.
I failed
. I let Kade get to Dimitri. All she’d asked of me was that I keep him safe, and I failed her.

Another startled gasp and the murmur of excited voices made its way to me from the back of the ballroom. Not wasting any time, I pushed my way through the throngs of useless onlookers to the source of the commotion. In the center of the group, Adira lay on the floor, unconscious. Tyler was there as well, scooping her up into his arms. His eyes met mine, his face hard and his mouth a grim line. “She’s alive,” he said, “but barely. Kade’s draining everything from her. If he takes from her again, she’ll die.”

Jesus Christ
. Could this get any worse? On second thought, I didn’t think I actually wanted that question answered. I
it could be a whole hell of a lot worse. I stormed for the exit, bare feet slapping on the marble floor. The members of my team rushed through the entrance, crossing the foyer to the ballroom. They stopped when they saw me, their faces grim.

“I don’t know how he got in,” Louella said, as if apologizing. “We had every entrance covered, and—”

“I know.” There was no point in hashing out what happened. It happened. Dimitri was dead, Adira was dying, and no amount of replay would change those facts. “He got past us. It’s no one’s fault. Right now, Louella, I want you, Julian, and Myles to escort the king, Raif, and Anya back to his house. I don’t want you guys more than a few feet away from her at all times.” I paused, thinking of Anya’s grief and despair, and amended my order. “Louella, Anya’s going to need a certain amount of . . . space. Don’t crowd her. Watch her,
but don’t be obvious about it. Understand?”

She gave a solemn nod, and I swear, tears glistened in the young Shaede’s eyes. “We’ve got her covered.”

“Ash, you and Liam go with Tyler. I know he’ll try to send you away, but don’t you dare leave.” I eyedve.” I Asher as I spoke. “Be as invisible as you can.” Which I knew was pretty
invisible. “If you see, hear, or even
any hint of Kade lurking around, call me ASAP.”

“Where are you going?” Asher asked with suspicion.

“I’m going to make sure Levi has this meeting set up with his ex. We’ve got forty-eight hours to put Kade down. Keep an eye on Tyler,” I told them as I headed for the exit. “I’ll send someone to relieve you by noon.”

I could tell that Asher wanted to ask me something else, but I didn’t give him the chance. Silky shadows flowed over my skin, and I joined their company as I burst through the heavy glass doors and out into the night. Kade had put an expiration date on Anya’s—and her unborn child’s—life. No way in hell was I going to fail her a second time.

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