Created Darkly (6 page)

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Authors: Gena D. Lutz

BOOK: Created Darkly
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A weak grin ticked up at the corner of his mouth, and the deep furrows between his brows smoothed. “I’m okay with that, I guess…like you said, for now. But there is one thing I’d like to say before we table this. At some point, we need to discuss those feelings of yours. I would also like to know more about the ghosts you say visit you.”

I smiled back at him and nodded once, agreeing to the terms of our temporary truce. “Consider it a date.” I turned around and began to walk deeper into the building, and after a few steps, I realized what I said. “Wait, I didn’t mean a ‘date’ date.”

Rush walked by me, his weak smile gone, replaced with a big grin. “Too late. You’ve committed to going out with me…at least once.”

“You’re actually going to hold me to a slip up?” My mouth dropped open. The idea wasn’t altogether bad. He was extremely nice to look at, but there was the small remaining fact that he was a Council member.

Rush chuckled and kept moving, the sound sending a hot jolt of need straight down to a place that traitorously disagreed with my marking him off my to-do list.

“Good going, Kris. You scored yourself a date with the enemy,” Jude said, walking past.

“You’re enjoying this a bit much for someone who can’t stand the guy,” I said, squirming.

“Sure am.”

“Just so you know, you’re a pretty sucky best friend,” I called after him.

Chapter Ten


e marched stoically forward. I marveled at how the scenery began to change, the farther we progressed down the hall, making the room we’d just left seem archaic in comparison.

The newer part of the building was equipped with all the modern-day conveniences you could think of, and was much more in tune with my idea of the Center’s need for extravagances. My cell phone rang, ripping harshly through the absolute quiet. I took the phone from my front pocket and answered.


A gravelly voice came over the line. It dominated the receiver. It was deep; the words he spoke came out slow and precise. “Necromancer, such a pleasure to finally speak with you. Are you in the right frame of mind to make a deal? No rebellious thoughts that could result in the precious cargo currently in my possession getting hurt…or worse?”

I swallowed a lump in my throat and my fingers contracted, squeezing the cell phone tightly. I drew in a breath and measured my next words carefully. “Yes.” Sweet, simple, and to the point. No need for pretenses. I was at the man’s mercy.

I looked over at the guys and lifted my index finger to my lips, indicating for them to keep quiet. Rush zeroed in on my lips, his eyes shifting back and forth over the gesture, and nodded. Jude gave me a thumbs-up. 

“Good, then feel free to celebrate. So far, you’ve managed to keep me happy, and when I’m appeased, your sister remains safe.”

The firm grip I had on my phone tightened further, and I bit down on the
screw you, asshole
that tried to creep out of my mouth. “I will do whatever you ask of me. Just please, don’t hurt her.”

“Her continued comfort is entirely up to you, of course…a true statement and simple fact.”

Goosebumps formed along my arms and continued to creepy-crawl their way down my spine. That man’s voice was a slow and terrible burn.

“Like I said before, I’m fully prepared to cooperate,” I gritted out.

“Fair enough.” After a short pause, he continued. “There is a room down the hall from where you should have entered the building. The door is clearly marked with the same symbol that is engraved on the dagger that I gave you.” His voice quieted, as if he was waiting for me to say something.

He would be waiting a long time, because my gut told me to keep what Rush told me about the dagger to myself. The freak seemed to know too much about me as it was, so I had to assume he was also privy to my ignorance in regard to my family’s history. I didn’t want him wondering when and from whom I could have gotten that kind of information, as Rush wasn’t supposed to be with me.

“You do have the dagger, don’t you? The one I left for you?” He whispered the question, reigniting a sick feeling in my stomach.

“Yes, I have it, along with everything else.”

“Good, then we can proceed.”

“Finally.” The word slipped from my lips, impatience and indignation finding a way out on its own.

He chuckled. I apparently amused him. “After you enter the chamber, do what you were born to do, nothing more or less. I will call you back shortly. Don’t disappoint. Your sister is very beautiful; her skin glows at me, teasing to be touched. I need only the slightest cause to take my indulgences from her tender body. Time starts now.”

My hand shook as I swiped the
button on the cell phone. It blinked, jumping back to the main screen where there was a picture of my sister and me goofing off in the kitchen. Our smiling faces were smudged with all-purpose flour. We both held wooden spoons up to our mouths like we were singing into to them. I can’t remember what we’d baked that day, but I would never forget how happy we were then. My heart tightened like a tense fist; I had to find her.

“Is Torra okay?” Jude asked, interrupting the flickering stream of maudlin thoughts.

After a final look at the picture, I slipped the phone back into my pocket. “We don’t have much time.”

“Time for what?” Rush asked.

“I wish I knew,” I said, blowing out a breath. “Just follow me.”

They said nothing more as they followed me farther down the corridor.

It didn’t take long to find the door. I removed the skeleton key from my pocket. The lock under the door knob matched the emblem on top of the mysterious key, so after I put two and two together, the door unlocked and swung open effortlessly.

Without hesitation, I entered the room, which was spacious, with built-in shelves on the back and left-hand side walls. All of them were filled with unfamiliar objects. Jars, bowls, and various baskets overflowed with fragrant herbs. The heady scent of sage, menthol, and lavender overtook the space. Other than the storage shelves and a metal table, the room was sparse. The table was backed up against the right-hand side wall, and instead of baring shelf space, like the other two walls had, that one had a large crest bolted to it. It was in the shape of intertwined figure eights, the same design as the dagger. Unlike both those items, however, that symbol was emblazed in fire. 

“This is your family’s reanimation chamber,” Rush explained as he watched me take in the room. “Each one of the three most powerful families has its own.”

“What makes the three families more powerful than any of the others?”

“The power structure is based on how many Creators a family produces over the centuries. Your line has had the most. Then mine.”

“And who’s the third?” Jude asked.

I looked at Jude. He lingered by the open doorway. “That’s a good question. Who is the third most powerful family?” I asked.

Rush sighed. “That’s not my information to share, but I can tell you that their patriarch holds a seat on the Council. It is written that all the three families should rule our kind.”

“So what you’re saying is that Kris is your boss,” Jude said.

It took me a second to realize what Jude already had. Three families ruled the Council, and mine was the most powerful among them. There was no way….

“If she were to embrace her destiny and learn the ways of her people, then yes. She would eventually take over my spot on the Council.” 

“Don’t hold your breath, Rush. You’ll never catch me plopping my happy ass down in that seat, so don’t go getting any stupid ideas.”

Rush lifted his right hand and placed it over his heart. “I wouldn’t dare, darling. You’ve made your feelings on that subject clear. No ass plopping…ever. I got it.”

My phone rang. I stuck my tongue out at the big, sexy oaf and answered it. “Yup.”

“Kristina?” the caller whispered.

“Yes, it’s me. Do you have a name I can call you? Well, besides

There went my big mouth chirping off on its own again. I really needed to learn how to be less provocative.

He chuckled. “I wonder what shade of red Torra’s blood is. Shall I find out? Or can we keep our interactions less personal?”

Unnerved, I said, “No, I’m sorry. I just need to know what to call you.”

“For now, you can call me Wolf.”

“Okay…Wolf, it is. I’m in the chamber.”

“Perfect. Hold tight. I’m about to send someone to you. Don’t worry. He won’t bite, unless you’re bad; then, he can do whatever he pleases. Take my word on this—you’ll want to be on your best behavior. You should consider warning your friends, too.”

My mouth went dry and I almost dropped the phone. How did he know about Jude and Rush? Maybe he didn’t know and was testing me. Keeping my mouth shut was the only option.

“What’s wrong, Kristina? Cat got your tongue?” Wolf went silent, and then let out a huff. “Did you really think I wouldn’t find out about your little entourage? Foolish woman, I know everything. Like I said before, my only rule was no one from the Center. Those two men are insignificant.”

Apparently, he didn’t know
. He didn’t know Rush’s true identity. Wolf’s ignorance was a good thing.

There was no one else in the building, and the door had locked automatically behind us, so I wondered how Wolf’s messenger was supposed to get to us.

“When should I be expecting your friend?”

“He should be arriving any second. Do whatever he says, and Kristina…” There was a short pause, one that sent chills all the way down to my toes. “I will be seeing you soon.” After a click, the line went dead.

“When this is all said and done, I’m going to need a stiff drink…or ten,” I said, putting the phone away.

“What did he say?” Jude asked.

Rush looked me square in the eyes. “He knows about me?”

He must’ve caught some of the conversation. I nodded.

“Did I screw things up?”

Both men stared me down, waiting for me to answer one or both of their questions. I was getting pretty tired of all those questions.

“We’re about to have company.”

As if I summoned a demon with those words, the air in the room dropped about twenty degrees in an instant. Rush’s eyes glowed a muted red, and mine immediately changed, as well. The only time a necromancer’s eyes glowed that way was in the supernatural presence of a vampire.

The air surrounding me began to bow and ripple, distorting my perception of reality, giving the room a warped image. I dropped to my knees, the effects making me dizzy; I cupped my forehead into my palms and shook my head, trying to clear my mind.

“Who the hell are you?” I heard Jude demand. To whom, I didn’t know, because I couldn’t see a thing.

The heavy sound of boots slamming against stone reverberated in my ears, and then a set of firm hands came down on my shoulders. I took in a clearing breath and stood, gun in one hand and the beginnings of my building power in the other. The vampire had somehow thrown me off guard. I’d never seen one of them use the power of teleportation before in my battles with them. The shock quickly wore off, however, and I was ready for him, loaded for bear.

“Throw that ball of power at me, Creator, and your sister is as good as dead,” the monster warned.

I was tired of people threatening my sister. As soon as I found Torra, I was going to lock her up and hide her from the world, so no one could ever hurt her or use her against me again. Convincing the stubborn blond to stay hidden, however, would be next to impossible. Free will was overrated, in my opinion.

“How did you pop in here like that?” I demanded.

The man’s smooth face twisted into a cocky grin. His eyelashes were so long, they fanned out around a pair of deceivingly innocent-looking, child-like eyes. They were a baby blue. Strands of blond, greasy hair poked out and stuck against the youth’s skull. It was as if he hadn’t washed it in weeks. To add to his untidiness, stains littered his grey t-shirt, the dirt and grime spreading down to tint his snug-fitting blue jeans. To put it simply, he was a mess.

“Wolf sent me to supervise you,” the vampire said. He looked around, considering the room, and walked to the overfilled shelves. 

“I hate vampires,” I thought out loud. I calmed myself and then extinguished the power I had churning in my palm. If it took not killing the leech to further the night’s goal, then I’d have to wait.

I’d forgotten about the hand still resting on my shoulder until I felt a gentle squeeze. I looked behind me and saw Rush. His face had gone pale, not a very flattering look for him, and his eyes bulged out round.

“That’s not a vampire, Kris.”

I frowned and looked over at the blond again. “Of course, he is. Our bodies sensed it as soon as he arrived. Our eyes, even now, still glow.”

He shook his head, then leaned in close, sliding his chin over the hand he’d placed on my shoulder. A soft whisper overtook my senses, and I listened to his words raptly. Jude leaned in so he could hear. I imagine we resembled a bunch of gossiping ol’ biddies.

“That’s a phantom,” he whispered.

Jude and I looked at each other, clueless. My head jerked up, face to face with Rush. I blushed when our lips almost touched. Ignoring the sudden jolt of heat that zapped between us, I mumbled, “You’re the only one here who knows what a phantom is. Do you mind explaining?”

With a nervous eye, Rush watched the phantom as he meticulously began setting things up on a narrow shelf at the head of the metal table. He paid us no mind.

“Have you ever watched or heard of the movie
Body Snatchers
?” he asked.

Jude and I both nodded.

“That’s pretty much what a phantom does. After centuries of existing as a restless ghost, they build up enough negative energy to squat inside a human’s living body. They hijack it, taking it over. Think vampire, without a thirst for blood and very little consideration for human life. Most kill their hosts eventually.”

I began to say something, but words failed me. I tried to focus on the phantom, but found my world wasn’t quite as steady as usual. I closed my eyes. Was it possible? There were actually creatures roaming the earth more dangerous than vampires? My head spun at the thought. The only thing I could do or think to say was, “You have got to be kidding me.”

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