Creating Merry Hell (5 page)

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Authors: Emma Wallace

BOOK: Creating Merry Hell
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“Take off the dress.”

“Do I need to remind you who’s in control here, Jack?”

“Take off the dress,” he said, softer this time but still a demand.

Merry smiled a wicked curve of the lips that told him he was in for trouble. “All right, Jack. I’ll take the dress off, but only because I’m feeling a little overdressed for the occasion…” With that she gave the tie at her waist a gentle tug and the material fell open. “Not because you told me to.” A gentle shrug later and the material lay at her feet. Stepping away from the pool of fabric, she let him look his fill.

“You appear to be a little flushed, Jack. Maybe I should give you a few minutes to yourself…”

Jesus, fuck no! Right now all he wanted was to wrap his arms around her and pull her down onto his cock and bury himself deep inside her, again and again and again until they both got what they needed. Then he intended to keep her with him and make love to her as often as they could both stand it until she agreed to stay with him. Always.

“Merry, sweetheart, you’re killing me,” Jack groaned through dry lips.

Merry couldn’t contain her chuckle—a deep and dirty sound that fired his blood pressure up another notch. “Oh, Jack, I haven’t even started.”

Dipping her knees gently to one side and then the other, she swayed her hips in that age-old rhythm, tempting him. She was rewarded by the flare of desire in his eyes. A shot of pure pleasure streaked through her.

It was time to make him suffer a little more.

Running her hands up her body, skimming the heavy weight of her breasts, she teased him further by lightly raking her nails over her distended nipples, the feathery touch making her gasp in relief.

“I want to touch you.” The restraints clanked noisily against the headboard as he gripped the chains, his knuckles turning white. Her eyes fixed on his, Merry caressed the bare mound between her legs.

“Merry, take these fucking things off. Let me touch you.”

“Jack,” she sighed, her voice low in warning, “you promised you would play nice.”

“Wait until I get you in these cuffs.”

“Not going to happen.” She’d never trusted a man enough to allow him to cuff her and she wasn’t about to start now. Turning so that he could admire her back view, Merry looked over her shoulder. “You like?”

“Oh yeah, I like,” Jack ground out between clenched teeth. What wasn’t to like? The view from the front had been awesome, but the back view made his tongue swell, making it even more difficult to swallow. Matching silk and lace panties cut high on the leg so her smooth, tanned buttocks peeked out at him, tempting him with the lush curves. Jack was struck by how relaxed she was in her skin. With Merry there was none of the feigned coyness or the awkwardness of other women he’d known. Before him was a woman who celebrated her femininity, who relished having his eyes on every inch of her body. With her back still to him, she reached behind and unfastened her bra, letting the straps glide down her arms to fall with a whisper at her feet. Bending slightly, she hooked her thumbs in the sides of her panties and began to lower them, revealing her heart-shaped ass inch by excruciating inch. Bending farther forward, she tormented him with a view of her pretty, naked pussy.

Hearing Jack’s hissing intake of breath, Merry slowly turned to face him, letting him drink in every inch of her nakedness. Jack’s face was dark and his chest rose and fell erratically, but the part of him Merry lingered over was his cock. If possible, he was harder than she’d ever seen him, the purple head straining and already leaking pre-cum. Climbing onto the bed, she crawled up his body and spread her thighs wide so that they rested on the outside of his, careful not to touch him but basking in the hunger she saw in his eyes when she looked down at him. Placing her hands on the inside of the posts where he was cuffed, she bent the upper half of her body slowly, ever so slowly, until her breasts pressed against his chest and their lips almost touched. “How are you doing, Jack? Is that control of yours holding up?”

“Doing just fine, Princess,” he lied.

“Really, well I’ll have to see what I can do about that.”

“Do your worst.”

Never one to back down from a challenge, Merry shimmied her hips backward and lowered them so that the hot core of her hovered mere inches above his shaft. The heat radiating from him warmed her slick flesh. Lower, she ground against him once, twice, letting him feel the wet heat of her slide against him. Grunting, Jack jerked his hips off the bed to meet her.

Just out of his reach, Merry asked, “How you doing now, Jack?”

This time he didn’t answer her, didn’t dare move, but his lust-darkened eyes never left hers. “I think that deserves a kiss.” Rocking up and over him, Merry traced the outline of his lips with her tongue before slipping it inside his mouth. A groan of relief was torn from his throat and she rewarded him by deepening the kiss. On and on it went, deeper and deeper until their harsh breaths mingled, their wet tongues colliding, greedily sucking.

Incredibly, Merry managed to pull back. Breathless she said, “I’m going to put that big cock of yours in my mouth now, Jack, but you won’t come will you?”

Holy fuck
! Jack didn’t know how much more of this torture he could stand. She had him halfway down her throat and all he could do was groan and thrust under her. Jack angled his head so he could watch her as she licked his balls, more pre-cum leaking out. Merry chose that moment to look up the length of his body and their eyes locked as her tongue darted out and lapped at his arousal. A moment so intimate it took all his strength not to explode there and then.

He would never get enough of her. He knew that now. Cursing himself for a stupid bastard, he’d asked for a week when he’d really meant a lifetime.

Again and again she brought him to the edge, his hips bucking off the bed, long, low moans torn from his throat.

“Like that, Jack?” Merry crooned. But Jack was so far gone he could only grunt in response.

Sitting astride him, her thighs hugging his hips, Merry said, “I want you to watch, Jack.”

Fisting him gently in her hand, she guided him to her slick entrance and sank down on him. Ever so slowly she began to rock as he rose to meet her. Stroke for stroke they found their rhythm until she was riding him hard, their flesh slapping, their breathless gasps of pleasure filling the room.

“Touch yourself for me. I want to see your hands on your breasts. ”

Cupping the heavy weight of her breasts in each hand, Merry rubbed her thumbs over the tips the way he would have done.

“Jesus, you’re beautiful, bend forward, let me suck you,” he begged gruffly.

Needing to feel the rasp of his tongue on her skin, Merry did as he asked, sobbing in breathtaking agony as Jack’s tongue flicked over the sensitive peaks. Straining closer, he curled his tongue around a nipple, drawing it into his mouth and sucking hard.

pussy tightened, pulling him deeper with every suck of his mouth. She was so close to coming it wouldn’t take much more to topple her over.

“Enough,” Merry panted, rearing backward. Reaching behind her, gripping his legs, she arched her back. The sensation was exquisite, stretching her body, forcing her breasts higher, her clit grinding against him with every down stroke.

Jack’s head punched back into the pillow and his spine arched off the bed, the cuffs jangling loudly as he bucked, his eyes fixed on the spot where she slid up and down on him. “Now, Merry. Come now.”

The rawness in his voice sent her flying over the edge. It was incredible. Surrendering to the vibrations, Merry gasped when Jack’s eyes snapped to hers. Longing, desire and something else she wasn’t ready to put a name to burned in their depths. For her.

Closing her eyes, she blocked out everything but the feel of Jack beneath her. Merry came, sweat rolling down her body as they rocked together and shuddered to a devastating climax. Merry sprawled across Jack’s slick body, too wrung out to do anything else. Jack Campbell had nothing to prove.

Chapter Five


“Afternoon,” Grace chirped, laying a plate of freshly baked scones on the table just in time for a yawning Merry to stroll into the kitchen.

“Hmmm, morning.”
response was far less enthusiastic.

Grace laughed. “It’s gone one o’ clock. Some of us have been slaving over a stove since six this morning.” Now that she had Finn and Emily she was happy to cut back her hours and leave the front of the shop to someone else, which left her afternoons free.

“You love it and don’t pretend otherwise. Besides, feels like morning to me.” At first light this morning she’d sneaked out of Jack’s bed and returned to her own. Waking in her lover’s arms was becoming too pleasurable a habit. It was better to break herself of it now for she would take it hard later. She already knew she’d miss the feel of Jack against her skin when she returned to Edinburgh.

Effortlessly slipping into their routine, Merry fetched a couple of mugs from the cupboard while Grace poured boiling water into the teapot. “Where is everyone?” Merry asked.

“Finn took Emily to the boathouse so it’s just me and you.”

“Hmmm, more yummy scones for me,” Merry said, taking a seat at the chunky wood table.

“Help yourself,” Grace said, pushing the plate across the table.

“Don’t mind if I do.” Having cut a scone in half, Merry was about to plunge a knife into the strawberry preserves when she stopped and picked up the jar and sniffed the contents. “Is this stuff safe?”

“If by that you mean is it magic free then yes, I made it myself.”

“A girl can’t be too sure these days,” Merry grumbled. Nonetheless, she still slathered a calorific amount of jam on the scone and topped it off with a dollop of cream. Considerably more awake now, she eyed her handiwork. “I heard what happened last year, you know. Heard you had them queuing down Main Street just for a taste of your truffles.” Done admiring the confection, Merry took a big, luscious bite.

Laughing, Grace poured their tea. “Who’s been telling tales?”

“Rose. You had her worried,” Merry mumbled, fingers pressed to her lips, holding back the crumbs.

Embarrassed by her mother and desperate to put her heritage behind, Grace had left the island with Merry all those years ago and gone to Edinburgh. A broken heart had brought her home. To this day Rose argued it was destiny. As mother and daughter made up for lost years, Rose had passed on the Woodrow family recipe book. A trained chef, Grace had been eager to put it to use. Unfortunately for her it was no ordinary recipe book and it wasn’t long before she was enchanting the island’s residents with her delicacies.

Grace hugged her hands to the mug, a contemplative grin playing across her lips. “I had myself worried! Don’t get me wrong, it was great for sales. Folks bought cake when they were happy—they bought cake when they were sad. Only it wasn’t so good for their waistlines.”

“You’ve got it under control now though?”

“Oh, yeah. Once we realized what was happening, Mum bound the recipes and I learned very quickly to get a handle on my runaway emotions. If I hadn’t, it would only have been a matter of time before Mum decided to
some more. And while she means well, it’s not always for the best. Speaking of which, how are things going with Jack?”

“Yeah, it’s good. We’re having fun.”

?” Merry asked when Grace merely lifted an eyebrow.

“That all it is?”

“I don’t have time for anything else.” Which was the truth, her life and business were on the mainland and Jack’s life was here on the island. It was an impossible situation.

“I’m just saying you look happy,
really happy.
As in
-out, never-seen-you-like-this-over-a-guy-before happy.”

Washing down the scone with some tea, Merry sat back contentedly in her chair, “You know, I am. Happy that is.” The last few lazy days with Grace and her family had been exactly what she needed. Their generosity and warmth of heart made them a joy to be around. And as for the nights—phew! Jack knew how to keep a promise. She liked to tease him about that first time in the garden but the truth was even then he’d rocked her to the core. Rose sure knew how to work some powerful hocus pocus. No matter how much time she spent with Jack she couldn’t seem to get enough of him. She loved being in his company. Every night she told herself it was just fabulous sex and every night he surprised her anew. Best of all he made her laugh. When she was with him she wasn’t the head of a lingerie empire and she wasn’t the daughter of
woman. She was Merry Lewis—woman, lover, friend. Arms stretched over her head, she gave a satisfied yawn.

Grace grinned at her. “You need to get to your bed earlier.”

Stifling a yawn with the back of her hand, Merry laughed. “Trust me, it’s not the getting to bed that’s the problem.”

“You and Jack are good together.” With a dainty shrug Grace added, “Maybe for once Mum did know what she was doing when she brought you two together. And don’t you dare tell her I said that.
You bring the best out in each other. Give him a chance.”

Merry was starting to get the impression it was no coincidence that it was only the two of them at the table.

“All these years, the other guys you’ve dated, none have made you smile the way Jack does.”

“Have so.”

“Have not.”

“You’re different.”

“I am not,” Merry said defensively when what she really wanted to ask was it that obvious?

“You are, you know.” Scooting forward on her elbows, she scrutinized her friend across the table. Despite herself Merry blushed under the onslaught. “You are different. As in, you’re only calling your office once a day as opposed to the five or six times you did last time you were home. You’re so much more relaxed. Then there’s the big, cheesy grin you have when you think no one sees you. And the sneaky glances at your watch when it nears Jack time. I could go on…”

“God, please don’t. You make me sound like such a

“Don’t be daft, you’re nothing of the sort. It’s good to see you relax. You really like him. Admit it.”

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