Creature of Habit (Creature of Habit #1) (10 page)

BOOK: Creature of Habit (Creature of Habit #1)
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Chapter 18



With my standard props in place I was able to successfully stake out the corner of the business district on what seemed to be a busy Friday night. I'd been here for about an hour, my coffee now cold and my newspaper thoroughly read, color-coded Post-it-Notes in place. Everything was as it should be.

Everything except her lingering scent on my clothes and the memory of the sight of her skin, creamy and white. Oh, and the fact I apparently wasn't only hungry but behaving like a typical, horny twenty-year-old. Other than that it was a regular day in the life of a 115 year-old vampire.

I couldn't believe it when I came down the stairs to find Amelia in the kitchen. I'd held my breath when I left my rooms and attempted to ignore her heartbeat. With Elijah there as a distraction I was doing fine until I stepped into the room and saw her standing there, flushed and red. She was so small, draped in my decimated shirt, so incredibly human—
so female
. I stood still and fought the urge to reach out and rub my finger over smudge of dirt on her face or touch the throbbing vein in her neck.

Thank God Eli nudged me in the back, snapping me back to reality.

Hours later I focused on my job, walking through downtown Asheville, past the lively bars and crowds of people. The small city had a jubilant night life—mostly college students and tourists. The tracking pace I’d determined on my maps indicated the Predator would enter the city limits soon. Probably in the next three days. I cleared my head and listened to the crowds. It was a typical Friday night and most people were determined to have a good time. Humans acted foolish, though, in their quest for fun. The excessive drinking, suggestive behavior, or questionable decision-making always caused more pain than they expected. It all began as light-hearted fun in the minds of young people, but often spiraled quickly out of control.

Wow, I wonder if Amanda saw Robert, he looks really hot tonight…Finally, Friday night! TGIF! Why did I wear these shoes they’re killing me…Now, where did I put my car keys…or my car…

Their voices carried through the night, bouncing off the brick buildings and concrete streets. The last one piqued my interest and I found him after a brief search. He stumbled over a bump in the parking lot across the street. I approached him. He reeked of gin and cigarettes.

"Hey, man, let me call you a cab.” He struggled to find his keys in his pocket. I stood by and watched as he fished them out and promptly dropped them on the ground. It was easy to help intoxicated people since they were not clear enough to notice the differences between me and them.

I quickly picked them up and held onto them. "Who the fuck are you? Gimmie my keys,” he slurred, swiping a meaty hand toward me. I stepped back.

“Just making sure you get home safe.”

“I’m fine,” he replied, swaying to the side. I left him for a moment, struggling to maintain his balance and walked to the curb, waving down one of the many cabs trolling the area. "Come here. Get in the cab,” I directed, making eye contact this time. His obstinate attitude subsided and he allowed me to assist him into the vehicle. I reached in and gave the driver more than enough cash to cover the fare.

The driver nodded and pulled away from the sidewalk. I watched the tail lights as they trailed down the dark road and continued my patrol of the bar district.

I can't believe he was looking at the waitress that way…asshole….spilling his drink on my new dress…I wonder if she'll give me her number…those murders are freaking me out...stupid manager making us park in the back of the lot…

I honed in on the last one and within moments found the girl dressed in a uniform signaling employment at a local restaurant. She darted to her car located in the shadowy corner of the parking lot. She was safe from the Predator tonight, but I kept an eye on her to make sure there were no drunken frat boys around.

She got in her car and locked the doors. I wondered why she chose to go alone. Why didn't she bring a co-worker into the dark night? The danger people put themselves in was usually their own fault. Completely avoidable.

My mind flashed to Ms. Chase and I wondered if she took risks like this. All humans do, but some were worse than others. My stomach recoiled at the thought of her unprotected.

The waitress drove away and I turned behind the businesses, to the edge of the dark alley clustered between the old buildings. It smelled like garbage and the constant wetness gave the whole area a funky, bad odor. I held my breath to keep the disgusting scents at bay.

The night was fairly quiet, as I'd expected, and I realized for the millionth time the absurdity of my policing this area. Why was I, a monster and a murderer, wandering the dark streets helping people to their cars and shoving them into cabs? Why did I leave the comforts of my home and my family to comb the beer-soaked alleys of the inner city? At times it seemed trivial—a waste of immortal life, but tracking the Predator steeled my resolve.

Having purpose was important. For countless years I'd lived in my own world, focused on myself and my needs. After mastering our alternative lifestyle and adhering to the societal rules established by the Council, I assimilated into the lifestyle Miles demanded for members of his coven.

I passed a group of young men and women, coupled off. One of the women looked in my direction, and did a double-take—lured in by my appearance. Her partner noticed me as well but shifted positions with his girl, stepping between us. I nodded in greeting and he gave me a tight one in return. “Hey man,” he said.

“Good evening.”

The girl glanced over her shoulder at me long after they passed. How easy it would have been for me to follow them home, climb into their windows and destroy their innocent world.

Miles and I noticed the trend of rogue vampires hovering around the edge of cities. Although he didn’t like me living on my own, or fronting the Palmer Foundation, both of which he found too risky, we did agree to expand the territory that we monitored. I was determined to go on my own and focus on how to use my supernatural abilities for a greater purpose. There had to be something more than the nothingness from before.  I began roaming the city at night, alone, for the first time in many years. It wasn’t long before I found a person in need. I helped them. Finally, I had a sense of purpose.

The majority of humans needed saving from other humans or from themselves. But vampires still roamed the country—many inclined to feed from the innocent. Their kills were less noticeable to the authorities but fairly easy for me to identify. The deaths appeared random, products of an accident or the fate of living close to an urban area.

As the years passed, I honed my gift and vampire abilities. I finally listened to people instead of tuning out their voices. I learned how to pick up on the subtle differences in their tone, determining what signaled fear and what did not. At first, I was terrible at tracking and was unable to follow the scent or clues left by those I hunted. Eventually, though, I developed a system of physical skills and research that was unparalleled to others of my kind. I used the money I'd earned over the years to fund my mission, and with the help of my family I was able to help more people and save more lives. I was faster and better prepared than those I sought out.

That was how I got to the position I was in currently. Trolling the streets of Asheville on a warm Friday night, blocking out the foul stench wafting from the dank alleys. I waited patiently to help the next poor soul that crossed my path when in need. That was my mission. My life.




Chapter 19



"Amelia, would you like to dance?" Thomas asked, and held his hand out expectantly.

My eyes went to his hand and stared at it for a moment while I tried to come up with an excuse to say no. Too tired? Drunk? Would prefer not to encourage my boring date from hell any further? As I considered my options I realized a fair amount of time had passed and his hand was still out there, waiting for me to take it.

“Amelia’s a great dancer,” Drew chimed in.

I shot Drew a look of “WTF” and he gave me a double thumbs up in return. I narrowed my eyes at him trying to decide if I should thank him or tell everyone he once left a party with women’s underpants on his head. He saved me by coming with me tonight, but not before throwing me under the bus. In reality I
a great dancer, but there was no need to encourage Thomas at that point. 

“Aw, Drew is being too kind. I am an okay dancer, but these babies," I lifted a spiked heel off the ground, "are lethal. To me as much as you. Please, dance without me. I'm happy to sit on the sidelines and watch."

Drew took my permission and ran with it, grabbing Jess’ hand and dragging him into the crowd of sweaty, pulsing bodies. Thomas cocked his head to the side and said, "Are you sure? I don't mind sitting with you. We could talk some more."

And listen to him talk about his costume for Comic-Con next year? Too quickly I responded, "No really, go! I'm totally fine.” I gave him a reassuring smile and waved him off. He gave me one final smile and disappeared into the sea of people. I let out a deep sigh of relief.

Ten minutes later I felt a tap on my shoulder and braced myself for Thomas. I prepped myself for an exaggerated yawn and arm stretch to signal my need to go home, but to my surprise it wasn't Thomas but the girl from the restroom.

"Hey! I saw you sitting here all alone and came over to keep you company." She slid into the bar stool next to me, her bracelets clanking down her arm.

"Sasha, right?" I pushed the empty glasses out of her way and smiled. "I'm Amelia."

Sasha flashed me another blazing smile. “How’s the date?”

I pointed through the dancers to Thomas who was attempting to grind on a small blonde in the middle of the floor.

"My date is occupied, which is honestly more than I could ask for." I laughed. "He really is nice, just not my type."

We watched the dancers for a minute. I could see Drew's huge grin all the way over here at the table. He was really hitting it off with Jess, which I was truly happy about. They had identical looks of infatuation on their faces so I felt the night was a success for both of them. Well, at least one of us had a successful night. I turned to Sasha and said, "I think I'm going to head home. It's been a really long day."

"I'll walk you out. I'm supposed to meet my boyfriend outside."

I darted over to Drew, telling him my plans to leave and asking him to let Thomas know that I had to go. He waved me off, motioning for me to leave, too involved in Jess to really notice. We both knew he owed me for setting him up with an awesome guy and in return he would do a little damage control for me with my less than spark-inducing date.

I met Sasha by the door and we walked out of the air conditioned bar and into the warm night. In the bright lights in front of the bar I could see Sasha clearer than before. Again, I was struck by her features. Strong and…maybe it was the confidence? Standing next to her made me feel awkward and out of place. She was the kind of girl I could see Mr. Palmer with. Long legs, perfect face, super model hair, sleek manicured nails. I wondered for a moment if she liked obsessive compulsive men.

"So you're waiting for your boyfriend?" I asked. “Too bad, I’m pretty sure my boss would be perfect for you.”

"Nope. Taken. We’ve been together forever.” She smiled. “Caleb called while you were saying goodbye to your friend and said he couldn't come. But I told him about you and he really wants to meet you."

"Wait, what did you say? He wants to meet me?"

She stopped and looked at me, her perfect ruby red lips twitched. "Yes. He really does. We can meet him now if you want?"

Suddenly I realized how unnerving it was to be unable to see her eyes hidden behind those tinted glasses. Was she kidding? Or serious? I had no clue, but I did know that the internal alarm system we all have inside was beginning to frantically clang with warning.

I took a small step back and said, in the steadiest voice I could muster, "You know, I realized I have Drew’s keys and I wouldn't want him to get locked out…" My words trailed off into an uncomfortable silence between us.

Well, I was uncomfortable. Incredibly so. Sasha seemed calm. Controlled.


I took another step back while keeping a fake smile plastered across my face. She reached out and touched my arm. I jerked at her touch and my eyes widened. Fear rippled down my back and my stomach dropped.

"Amelia," Sasha said as she took of her glasses and pushed them to the top of her head. "I need you to come with me."

I realized too late that we were alone, near the corner of two buildings that were separated by a small, dark alley. I was looking for my escape when I noticed her eyes in the head lights of a passing car.

Black. Soulless.

I choked back my fear and began to run but she cut me off, stepping in front of me, far too quick for a normal person. She pushed me once, hard in the shoulders, and I stumbled into the shadow of the buildings. Her long red nails dug into my flesh, threatening to break the skin.

"Oh!" I gasped, startled by her strength but not enough to lose my head. I turned and ran again, this time down the alley, since she was blocking the exit. Even in my desperation, the cliché of the moment was not lost on me. I was alone in the dark, cornered by a deranged, sick woman who wore creepy black contacts, who preyed on ridiculous young women.

I stumbled again in my heels, this time scraping my knee and palms on the gritty pavement. Stupid fucking shoes. Picking myself up, I could hear her behind me, slowly following me in the darkness.

"Amelia. Please don't do this. It's no use. Once I told Caleb about you, he insisted on experiencing you himself." Her heels clicked against the pavement. “We both think you’ll be a perfect fit.”

Faint light spilled from beneath the back doors of the bars that used this alley. I dashed in the direction of the loud thumping music. Behind the closed doors, people were nearby. Safety. I reached the door and turned the knob. Glaring music and light poured into the alley. I took a step toward safety and pale arm shot out and slammed the door shut.

Out of breath and scared half to death I let out a slight cry as Sasha leaned in front of me.

"What are you doing?" I whispered between quick, short breaths. “You’re fucking crazy.”

She grabbed my wrist and pulled me forward. She bared her teeth and to my horror she ran her tongue across the front of them before laughing exuberantly. I twisted my arm away, but she held firm, tightening her grip. I buckled under the pressure.

“God, you smell good.” She ran her a finger from her free hand across my cheek. Her lips were so close to mine for a moment I thought she may kiss me. For a heartbeat I wanted her to. That desire passed when she said, "He is going to love you. All yummy and full of fire. He likes his girls spunky, you know. You will make a wonderful addition."

“Please don’t hurt me,” I whispered.

“It will only hurt for a minute, but I promise, the result will be worth it.”

“You’re crazy.”

She didn’t reply as the back door opened, flinging against the brick wall with a bang. Sasha and I were knocked apart. A sharp hiss left her lips. I scrambled away and pressed my back to the wall, rubbing the swollen skin on my wrist.

A man stepped out and filled the space Sasha and I had occupied a moment before. He stood tall and confident. Familiar.

“Mr. Palmer?”

"Amelia, go.” His voice was tight but soft.

Wide-eyed, I looked from him to Sasha. Her eyes were angry, narrowed with rage. His back was to me now and I heard him speak again, with terrifying force, "Now."

I stumbled on the threshold, falling backwards into the open door. I ran down the hall with only a quick glance backwards. Framed in the doorway they faced off. As much as I wanted to know more, now wasn’t the time. I ran away from the dark toward the bright lights, loud music and safety inside.


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