CREE (2 page)

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Authors: LaShawn Vasser

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

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Although her mother died when she was in middle school, she had taught Cree how to sew when she was barely old enough to hold a pencil. Since she had been sewing from such an early age, Cree was now an excellent seamstress and she had never been more grateful. It was a skill that helped bring in some much needed extra cash.

As a matter of fact, it was the order to make Lillian Anderson’s prom dress that gave her the money to refresh the apartment. Cree was able to make a new slip cover for their lumpy and ripped up sofa. The cover hid the spring that had burst through the fabric. Everyone knew not to sit too close to that end. She’d also made a set of matching pale blue and latte colored curtains. She then covered the scratched up trunk that they used for a coffee table with a soft butter cream fabric. She used the same fabric to cover a couple of decorative pillows. Those subtle changes made a huge difference. It almost made the apartment feel like new.

Luckily, she didn’t have to work her part-time job at the gas station this week, so she spent most of her time cleaning. Thank goodness there wasn’t much left to do since she’d been doing little things all week.

Melody had given her a few scented candles to set the mood. Cree put one on the coffee table and one on the card table that they used to eat dinner on. The card table also got a new table cloth using some of the same fabric that was left over from the coffee table.

Cree was proud of herself as she looked around their tiny apartment. It may not be much, but it was their special place. It was home.

Tonight, dinner was going to be a special too. Thank goodness for her discount at the grocery store. Between the blowout sale and her discount, she’d managed to scrape together just enough money to buy a couple of steaks.

It had been ages since she and Cameron had an opportunity to have a nice dinner out, or an evening just for them. Well, that ended tonight. However, if Cree had only one wish, it would have been that she could have refreshed herself too. She exhaled as she looked down at her hands. She’d polished her fingernails, but her hands weren’t soft or feminine looking. Working at the grocery store, lifting and putting away all those heavy boxes, and part-time at the gas station was taking its toll. Cree chewed her bottom lip as she noticed a couple of callouses forming. While she wasn’t able to get a manicure or pedicure, she did the best she could with them.

Lately, the heat and humidity made it almost impossible to maintain any hairstyle. Cameron was used to her wearing it in her signature afro, but last night, she attempted a roller set of her dark and coily tresses. It turned out better than she expected. At least her hair would appear as if she’d gone to the salon. She reached up to touch it. Giggling she thought, “Cameron may not be able to run his fingers through it like some blondes, but he certainly enjoys pulling on it.”

One day she wouldn’t have to worry about this kind of thing. She’d be able to pamper herself and look special for Cameron too. In the meantime, she’d continue to sacrifice and support him until that day came.

Cree quickly went into the bedroom. Time was ticking by and she still had to get a quick shower. She pulled out a soft yellow wrap-around sun dress from her closet along with a brand new lacy bra and panty. Inwardly, she couldn’t help but smile as she tingled all over thinking about his reaction. Cameron hadn’t seen this one. Just looking at it made her feel super sexy. Hopefully, he would get at least a quick glimpse before it came off.


Chapter 2


Cree pushed her left turn signal up as she sat at the four-way stoplight waiting for it to turn green. The Henrickson train station was just a few yards away; she could see it from the traffic light.

Relief swept through her because the 2003 Kia didn’t let her down. This time, it didn’t cause her any problems and that was surely worth a kiss or two. Cree was so excited she was being ridiculous. Instead of kisses, she gently patted the dashboard like she would a pet. She spoke softly to it, “Thank you for not conking out on me.”

Once the light changed from red to green, she turned into the train station parking lot with about ten minutes to spare. There weren’t many other cars in the lot. Most people had probably gotten off in Jackson. Cameron’s train was scheduled to arrive at 7:05 pm. These last few minutes of waiting were going to be the longest of her life.

Her leg bobbed up and down as she gripped the steering wheel. Cree had so much nervous energy. She pulled down the sun-visor to check her makeup
not wanting anything to be out of place. After a quick check, her hair and makeup were fine. Usually, she didn’t wear much make up except for special occasions. However, it had been a full six weeks since she’d seen Cameron. Any wife would consider this a special time.

Absentmindedly, she started chewing on her nails. The moment she realized she was doing it, Cree stopped. Her hands looked bad enough, biting them would just make them appear worse. Maybe listening to some music would help. Cree flipped through the radio stations not actually finding anything appealing, so she turned it off. “Ugh. This waiting is going to drive me crazy.”

While the humidity outside was still a bit uncomfortable, it was much more bearable now that the sting of the hot sun was disappearing as it set. It would be dark in another hour or so.

Cree stepped out of the car to stretch her legs. She walked until the next thing she knew, she was standing on the platform. She stood up on her tip toes craning her neck down one way and then the other attempting to see if she could spot the bright light of the train. As if willing it to make an appearance.

She folded her arms across her body and then rubbed them. The night was far from chilly; it was actually still pretty warm. The tingling sensation coursing through her came from within. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, in the far distance, she could make out what appeared to be, the lights of the 7:05 pm train.

From out of nowhere, several other people appeared flanked to her right and left. The light from the train was getting closer and closer. The safety gates came down, and you could hear the sound of the horn warning people of its impending arrival. The train seemed to be moving in slow motion as it finally pulled up to the platform and stopped. After a moment, the doors opened, and the attendants stepped off at their designated locations.

A blonde woman with two small children stepped off the train first. The kids ran over to the man who’d been standing on her right. A second later, a couple of teenage boys stepped off of the train. They met up with the woman who hand been standing on her left.

Cree couldn’t help but wonder what was taking Cameron so long? She stood up on tip toes looking down the tracks to see which door he might be getting off. After several more moments of an unbearable wait…he finally stepped out of the train. He was much further down the platform than she was.

The orangish night sky was turning purple much faster than Cree had anticipated making it harder to see, but it was him. She would know Cameron anywhere. She would know that
anywhere. This man was nothing if not confident, and it certainly showed even in how he moved.

His six-foot four inch frame walked towards her in a pair of black running shorts and a t-shirt. It covered his wide shoulders and broad chest. There hadn’t been a breeze all evening but as if the gods were smiling down on him, one came through just hard enough to ruffle his dirty blonde hair.

Cameron’s headphones were hanging around his neck as he carried his cell phone in one hand and held his pack over his shoulder. He was home. Cameron was finally home which meant Cree could release the breath she hadn’t even realized she’d been holding. Her legs started moving towards him slowly at first but then almost in a full on sprint. As soon as he spotted her coming towards him a smile lit up his face, and he moved a little faster too.

Once Cree reached him, she almost jumped into his arms. She wrapped them tightly around his neck as he picked her up and held her as if his life depended on it. Cameron breathed her in before eagerly kissing her hard on the lips. In his mind, there was nothing sweeter than the taste of Cree’s lips. They kissed to point of it almost being indecent until the sound of the train pulling off from the station caught their attention.

Reluctantly, they pulled away. However, Cree was still pressed tightly into his chest and suspended in the air all while wrapped safely in his arms. She gazed lovingly into his eyes as she whispered, “I’ve missed you so much.”

His eyes mirrored the same emotion. “Not as much as I’ve missed you, kissing you, touching you…” The look on his face was undeniable. “Is the car far?”

Cree shook her head as she pointed. “No. It’s just over there.”

Slowly, he let her slide down his hard body until her feet touched the ground. Smiling
smile that convinced her to go out with him that very first time, Cameron spoke, “Good, we’ve got six weeks to make up for.”


Chapter 3


Cameron and Cree didn’t waste any time as they almost fell into the apartment, kissing. Laughing at their eagerness, Cameron kicked the door closed once they were inside.

He used his body to press Cree up against the wall. It didn’t take much to nudge his leg in between her silky thighs, however, he wanted to savor and worship her body. Instead, of ripping off her dress and taking her hard against the wall, he beat back those emotions to slow everything down.

Softly, he kissed her forehead as her eyes fluttered closed. Cree was on sensory overload. Every nerve ending was buzzing. He was here…he was close, and he was kissing her with a controlled desperation. Nothing was better than the feel of him kissing her like no one else ever had and pressed so solidly against her core. Even before his lips touched hers, her body was already on fire from the moment the lights of the train came into view. His finger gently caressed the column of her neck as it traced a trail down her feverish mocha skin to her shoulder.

Cree shivered and involuntarily pressed her body into his hardness. She was soaking wet and burning up. Just being this close to him was almost enough for an orgasmic experience.

Cameron’s lips decided to follow the path of his finger. He kissed her tenderly down the soft curve of her neck and shoulders.

She moaned, “It’s been too long.”

He growled, “Too damn long.”

“Can we be gentle later?”

Her request, along with the need and urgency in her voice, was all it took for him to lose control. Cameron went to work untying the dress and then more urgently tearing it from her body. When the dress fell to the floor, his breath was stuck in his throat.

He stared and swallowed, once…twice.

Cree suddenly felt insecure. She looked down at her body as she stuttered, “Is…Is something wrong? You don’t like it?”

Cameron shook his head. “Nothing could be more right. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” He pulled her back into his arms as he began to expertly remove her bra. “I can’t wait to be able to rip these off of you so that I can buy you new ones.” It dropped to the floor.

She bit his bottom lip. “I bought this so that you could.”

A slow smile spread across his face. His eyes flashed with hunger and need. He pulled his shirt off and threw it somewhere in the room before dropping to his knees.

The sound of her lacy panty being ripped away from her body drove Cree crazy. She threw her head back against the door as she planted her palms against it for balance.

His mouth watered, and as if speaking to himself, he whispered, “There’s nothing like tasting you on my tongue. No amount of snapchat can replace this.” Cameron pulled one leg over his shoulder and then the other while using the wall to hold her up before diving in. He knew she’d be dripping wet and ready. He wasn’t disappointed.

Cree closed her eyes and moaned as he teased her with his tongue, “That feels so good.” Her hips jerked unconsciously as he hungrily took her bud into his mouth. Her breath was choppy. The anticipation had been so great that it didn’t take long for the first spasms of her orgasm to appear.

Cameron didn’t think it was possible to get any harder, but the sounds coming from Cree proved him wrong. He pushed his tongue inside her just as she started to convulse. He continued to devour her sweetness as her juices flooded within his mouth.

Panting Cree whispered as she thrashed her head from side to side still coming down from the heights he’d taken her. “You drive me crazy.”

Cameron managed to remove her legs from his shoulders as he stood, wrapping them around his waist and carried her into the bedroom. Tenderly, Cameron placed her on the bed while he undressed. Cree sat up on her elbows watching him. She couldn’t help thinking that this ridiculously sexy man was all hers and she was the woman who made his body come alive. There was no denying his need for her as his manhood stretched up almost to his navel.

Cree let her knees fall carelessly open giving him a bird’s eye view of her glistening sex. She licked her lips. “I love your body.”

Sexily, he smiled as he crawled into bed sliding between the valley of her thighs, “It loves you.”

Cameron took her mouth in a passionate kiss. He swirled his tongue around hers as they eagerly sucked and probed each other. It was wild…hungry. Not only was Cree more than ready for Cameron, he was more than ready for her as the head of his cock brushed up against her swollen flesh. He broke the kiss and hissed aloud, “It should be illegal to feel this good.” His body was strained. He gripped her hair as he kissed the soft curve of her neck.

He kissed her eyelids. “Look at me baby. I want to see your eyes when I enter you. I want to know you’re as desperate for me as I am for you.” Painfully, Cameron waited.

Somehow, Cree managed to find the strength and her eyes fluttered open. Their eyes locked. Almost immediately, he surged into her entrance. She tightened around him. After he was fully sheathed deeply inside, neither was able to look away as he drove into her core over and over again. Cree rose up to meet every thrust as her nails dug into his back. Their breathing grew more and more erratic but didn’t drown out the sound of his powerful strokes. Cameron groaned and gritted his teeth. He continued to stroke hard. Cameron was on the edge of release but refused to come until Cree found hers first. Then, he felt it, the tightening around him.

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