Crossing the Lines (14 page)

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Authors: M.Q. Barber

BOOK: Crossing the Lines
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“Alice says you have a beautiful taste, my boy.”

With careful wriggling, she twisted sideways and slipped partway out of their embrace. Leaving her hips between theirs in Henry’s lap, she toppled to her elbows for a better view.

Henry let her get away with it—a clear sign he wasn’t strictly enforcing rules tonight.

He teased Jay with brief, fluttering movements. A kiss to his upper lip. The lower. The corner of his mouth, first one and then the other. A tug with his teeth. His tongue tracing the seam.

Jay whined, an urgent plea.

Henry nuzzled Jay’s cheek. He dragged his hand across Jay’s shoulder blades. “Open for me, my boy. Let me in.”

He returned his lips to Jay’s for a deep kiss, one lasting forever, renewing itself again and again.

She leaned her weight on her left elbow and idly stroked her belly with her right hand. The soft touch, up and down, grew firmer and spread until she found herself fondling her breast and pinching her nipple.

Which was, of course, the moment Henry and Jay ended their kiss and turned toward her. She flushed, fingers stopping in mid-motion.

thoughtful, Alice.” Henry’s voice conveyed approval. “You see what a lovely treat she has for you, Jay?”

Jay slipped his legs free of their tangled bodies and lay along her left side, dislodging her elbow and leaving her torso flat on the bed. His mouth hovered above her breast. “For me?”

She let her fingers fall away.

He closed his lips over her nipple. His light, steady rhythm echoed the thump of need between her legs. Humming along together like precision-machined components. Gotta respect the master mechanic who’d put them together. Theirs had stilled, silent and intent, his hand warm on her calf and a fleeting smile crossing his face.

What is he…

Henry lowered her legs to the bed and stretched across Jay. On his return, he carried a berry to her lips.

“I believe I’ll need another taste, Alice,” he murmured. “Will you indulge me?”

Eyes on his, she nibbled at the chocolate shell. The sweet fruit. The tips of Henry’s fingers. Chocolate melted as she dined. She sucked Henry’s fingers clean and cracked the sticky-sweet dessert drying on her lips.

Jay tugged hard at her breast, an unexpected surge in his rhythm, and she arched into his pull, eager for more. Henry descended on her mouth, sucking away strawberry sugar and melted chocolate, dipping within to feast.

A hand cupped the inside of her thigh. Jay’s, his fingers not so long as Henry’s but equally firm. The pressure spread her legs wider. Jay squeezed her thigh as his leg tangled over the top of hers and he thrust, his cock rubbing low on her hip.

A second hand. Not Jay’s.

Henry curved his hand over her breast, squeezing in a slow rhythm to match the stroke of his tongue against hers. She wanted him closer, but he kept his distance.

She squirmed, raising her hips and sliding her feet along the sheets as she struggled to touch him the way she touched Jay. To turn her aching anticipation into confirmation of his hard desire. Wet, needy heaviness pulsed between her legs.

Jay’s hand migrated from her thigh to her sex, covering her, unmoving.

Henry kissed her jaw. “Will you offer Jay a true taste of your sweetness, Alice?”

The fingers covering her teased her lips. Rocking her hips, she tried to coax them into a firmer touch. Begged them to enter and give her some small measure of relief.

“Strawberry juice is a poor imitation for the wetness he wants coating his tongue, my girl.”

Jay ground himself against her hip. He lifted his mouth from her breast, anticipation plain on his face and impossible to deny. “Please, Jay.”

She floated with the sensations. Jay’s mouth and fingers between her legs. Henry’s mouth on her neck, his hand at her breasts. In no time at all her hips rocked steadily with the motion of Jay’s tongue. Long, flat licks and a quick suck of her clit repeated with building speed and intensity.

“My lovely, lovely Alice.” Henry augmented the pleasures of Jay’s fixed attention with murmurs in her ear. “Will you come for Jay? Flood his mouth with your satisfaction? He wants dearly to please you. For me, my girl? I want you drenched and open when I take you tonight.”

Sharp breaths burned her lungs, turning to pleasurable cries as they left her mouth. Intensity rippled through her, climax swift and sudden at Henry’s urging.

She lay boneless afterward, shuddering with the heat of Jay’s breaths across her clit a stimulating echo of his performance.

Henry pressed a kiss to her forehead and called Jay’s name.

Anticipation embraced her. Fuck yeah, he deserved a reward. The sweep of Jay’s matted hair departed from her slick thighs.

The bed shifted. A drawer opened. The nightstand. Condoms. First Jay, and then Henry, because hadn’t he said he’d take her tonight?

But no eager, wiggling Jay topped her. No desperately thrusting Jay. The bed dipped to her left. Jay, his face inches away, his mouth wet and shining, lay calm at her side. Had he come on his own, and she’d missed it, wrapped up in her orgasm?

“Kiss?” he asked.

She stretched toward him, and he closed the gap. Even his gentle kiss held no hint of urgent need. Usually his anxious, eager attitude forced Henry to rein him in. But when their lips parted, he snuggled at her side, seeming content to wait.

Before she found words to tease an answer free, Henry rolled into the cradle of her hips. His hard cock slid between her lips. Not entering.

He moved over her sex with steady patience. Her labia parted easily, gripping him with a wet squelch. The sound of her body wanting his.

“You offered Jay a taste, Alice.” Henry settled his arms to either side of her, one sandwiched between her body and Jay’s. His weight fell lightly atop her. “Will you offer me more, sweet girl?”

His coaxing tone had her raising her knees before she’d even answered the question.

“Will you offer me your hidden depths, Alice?” He rubbed her clit with the head of his cock, bumping and catching with only a thin latex barrier between them. She tilted her hips toward him, a silent plea for his entrance.

“Yes, Henry. Please. I need to feel you.”

The compulsion to phrase her answer as anything more than yes lacked logic. Need demanded his cock inside her. Feelings, beyond the physical sensation, had nothing to do with it. But his soft smile in return made her miss a breath.

“My magnificent girl. You please me so…very…much.” He slid inside her as he spoke, one slow thrust to his full depth, her body open and welcoming.

She gripped his back with her legs. He took his time, slow thrusts as he watched her face. He leaned in to kiss her at intervals she couldn’t predict. Satisfying a need of his own, maybe, or reading cues in her face. Did his purpose matter when he made her feel so comfortable with him?

“Two nights in a row,” he murmured. “What a lovely gift you are, Alice. A special treat.”

Three, unless he planned to reschedule their night tomorrow. Three nights in a row with Henry and Jay.
Don’t get used to it

Even the nagging voice in her head couldn’t touch her arousal now. Need wasn’t a bonfire or a live wire or a storm raging in her. This grew gradually deeper, as if she’d dipped her toes in and found the water inviting. Arousal flowed up her calves and her thighs. Over her hips and waist. Deeper and deeper until she breathed her last rebellion and sank to the bottom.

She waited, breathless, her body rocking. Henry slid in and out, his mouth at her face, her neck, her collarbone. Eager for his lips and tongue, she bared more of her throat.

“That’s it. You’re almost there, Alice. I feel it in you, your body tightening, the tension where you grip me, the slick wash of your excitement flowing out around me with every push.” He parted her hair, fingers lying over her ear. “Will you share this with me tonight? Come for me so sweetly?”

Palm cupping her jaw, he rubbed his thumb over her cheek. “You needed to feel me, my dear. Do you feel me? Will you let me feel you?”

Yes, yes, want to feel this, warm and tender and so good.

She might’ve told him so if she’d had the breath. But her throat tightened. Frozen in place, her chest strained. Her body coiled with energy in the darkness at the bottom of the water.

His hand gripped hers and pulled with strong fingers that wouldn’t let go. She surged to the surface with desperate need, thrusting her head into the bright light above the water and calling his name.

Her shudders lasted longer, clenching around Henry’s cock, hard and unmoving. He didn’t chase a climax of his own. Did he find contentment feeling hers?

He kissed her and traced her cheekbone. Poised. Controlled. Waiting for her to settle, maybe. For her body to relax, for the last of her orgasm to slip away.

“All right, Alice?”

“Better than.” Lazy satisfaction thickened her voice.

“Good.” He kissed the bridge of her nose before facing Jay, who lay snug at her left side.

“Such wonderful patience you have tonight, my boy.” Henry nuzzled Jay’s cheek with his nose. “It ought to be rewarded, hmm?”

He kissed Jay, slow and lingering. Buried inside her, his cock throbbed.

She curved her hips to bask in the fullness. A good feeling. Special, to be part of the connection between Henry and Jay, to feel Henry’s desire for his lover. Jay needed to feel that. For all his flirting and sexual bravado, he lacked confidence underneath.

Henry gave Jay approval and unconditional acceptance within boundaries he needed. What he thought she needed, though… Six and a half months, and certainty eluded her. But she’d grown attached.

Emptiness entered her when Henry pulled out.

He rose and knelt between her spread thighs. Laying a hand on her hip, he offered a soothing caress before he stripped off the condom. Beautifully hard, his cock stood thick and dark, flushed with excitement. The thin ridges of veins formed a raised blueprint begging for her tongue to trace his lines and curves.

Maybe he’d used an unlubricated condom to avoid unpleasant aftertastes and he’d let her watch Jay suck him off. If Jay didn’t come from that—he might, as much as he enjoyed it—Henry would give him manual assistance. Jay would come like a fountain then. Or Henry might let Jay take her afterward. He’d left her well-satisfied, but she wouldn’t turn Jay away.

Unhurried, Henry accepted a tissue from Jay. No commands, no praise, not for either of them. Just his silent attention as she and Jay lay on their backs side by side. Shifting to straddle Jay’s leg, Henry leaned forward and planted his weight on one hand between her shoulder and Jay’s. He tossed the tissue-wrapped condom in the bedside wastebasket, freeing his other hand to plant on the far side of Jay.

Henry knelt over Jay on hands and knees, their faces aligned. The intense kiss that followed didn’t surprise her. But the slow lowering of Henry’s hips as his legs stretched out. The way his cock brushed Jay’s and both jumped. The low groan when Henry’s weight settled on Jay. Those things were new. And not so much surprising as arousing.

Maybe she ought to have slipped away to give them privacy. But with Henry lying atop Jay and their mouths fused, she couldn’t force herself to retreat an inch. She rolled on her side and propped herself up for a better view.

Henry’s ass flexed as he ground his hips down on Jay’s. His shoulders curved over and around Jay’s body. Elbows holding his weight, Henry brushed Jay’s hair off his forehead and traced the tips of Jay’s ears with his fingertips.

Jay caressed Henry’s flanks and moved up to grip his biceps. Henry nudged Jay’s head with his own and descended on the offered throat he received in return, licking and sucking with surprising gentleness. When his mouth wasn’t occupied, Henry crooned to Jay with patient, sweet words.

“My good, good boy. You’ve been working so hard to please me, Jay. And you have. Beyond even my expectations.”

Jay squirmed beneath Henry, his hips rocking, thighs spreading, letting Henry’s weight fall more securely over his groin. Not so different from her behavior.

“You’ve thrown yourself into your tasks with such joy, formed a beautiful new bond with Alice, hmm? It pleases me that you play so well together, my sweet boy.”

Aside from Jay’s constant stream of whimpers and moans and whines of Henry’s name, of course. She tended toward silence. Although that seemed to be changing, the more time she spent in Henry’s bed.
Must be Jay’s example
. She stifled a giggle.

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