Crossroad To Love (Fab Five Series) (29 page)

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Authors: Anna Kristell

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Crossroad To Love (Fab Five Series)
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He looked at her as if she were an alien from outer space.
“You did what?”

“I thought about what you said and decided I had nothing to
lose. I have no one to answer to and if I want to move to Texas, what’s
stopping me? Alex was all for it. I’m a free, healthy, relatively young woman.
I decided to call your bluff.”

“You gave up your entire life to move here because of what I
said? Why would you do that?”

“Why not?” she asked as she glared into his eyes, noticing
immediately the gold flecks were on fire.

“Did you know about this?” He looked at Shane. Shane nodded.

“Why wasn’t I told?”

“You may be my boss as of today, Ryan, but you really had no
say in the matter before that. In fact, you really have no say in anything I do
other than when I’m at work, now do you, Ryan? I believe that was a decision
that you made.”

The lady had a point. He could not argue with logic.
Befuddled as he was that Katy had actually taken this step, he remembered his
promise to Shane not to make her life difficult if she took the position in the

With all the charm he could muster, Ryan said, “I guess I
may have underestimated you, little lady. Let’s go into the office and go over
your salary and benefit plan. Welcome to O’Grady Enterprises.” He reached over,
shook her hand, and led the way back to the office. Shane and Chloe had made
themselves scarce, as had the rest of the staff.




Working with Ryan daily was a challenge, but Katy found that
she enjoyed it. He was a sharp businessman and all the new plans were exciting,
to say the least.

“Katy, come here and look at this. I want your opinion,”
Ryan said as she walked past the office one morning.

She loved the fact that he had come to value her opinion. As
she stood next to him and looked at the layout for the New England restaurant,
she said approvingly, “Oh, I like that. That is so much better than the way it
was going to be before Michael changed it.”

“That’s what I was thinking. I’ll let Michael know we’re
going with this second idea rather than the first.”

His arm accidentally brushed hers as he moved the plans. The
rush of familiar feelings warmed her entire body, but she had learned early on
not to let him see how he could still affect her.
How can he not feel the
currents of electric fire flowing through my veins when he touches
He could have me right now, right here… Does he not realize that?

Ryan quickly moved his arm, rolled up the plans, and picked
up the phone to call Michael. That was her cue. She was dismissed.

He hung up the phone.
That was a close one,

Ryan had not had a woman since he had met Katy. He had no
desire to see anyone these days. Dating had become a thing of the past for the
former playboy. Katy had changed his way of thinking. Working with her had been
a joy. He had never in a million years thought they could pull it off. But she
was bright and good at her job. She had been an asset to the company with her
fresh ideas. Chloe had been wise to offer her the position. And Ryan had been a
selfish fool to worry about seeing her on a daily basis. It was tough,
especially when situations occurred like just a few minutes before, but he
would not trade his days at work with her for all the women in Texas. He got up
and went in search of her, finding her in the kitchen with Chloe.

“I called Michael and he’s going to adjust the plans, Katy.
Thanks for your input.”

“No, problem, glad I could be of help.” Katy smiled,
determined not to let him see she was still recovering from his accidental
touch. Her love for him was like that last smoldering ember on a campfire… It
just would not die.

Chloe watched the interaction between the two and smiled to
It won’t be long
now. They can’t go on like this much

A few days later, Katy was working on designs for the same
restaurant in New England when Ryan happened into the office to look for

“What are you working on so intently there, Katy?” he teased
her as she looked up from her sketches.

“The color scheme is giving me a few fits. Can’t quite get
the shade I want for the restrooms,” she replied with a sigh.

“Let me see the choices.” He took the color palette from her
hand and she pointed to the two she was having difficulty deciding between.

“I’d say go with this one, it’s a more relaxing shade.” As
he handed the palette back to her, her hand brushed his. He held on for just a
moment before she quickly drew it away.

“Thanks, Ryan. That’s the one we’ll go with. You’re right,
it is more relaxing.”

He found what he was looking for and made a quick exit.

There were other similar incidents but still the
star-crossed lovers would not reveal to each other the truth that everyone
around them could see.

Katy was learning her way around the area and enjoyed being
close to Marianne and Chloe. She was even able to visit with Lizzie when she
came out to work. Katy loved her apartment and had put the finishing touches on
the decorating. She tried to make a life for herself with her friends outside
of work to relieve the tensions of being in such close proximity to Ryan every

Winter passed and spring was in the air. There had been
times she had wondered if she had made the right decision. Those moments of
doubt had been on the days when the obvious tension between Ryan and herself
were the most noticeable. For the most part, they were able to work pleasantly
alongside each other. But every time he accidentally brushed against her in the
office, sparks of electricity shot through her entire body, touching every
nerve ending. She wondered if he felt it.
How could he not
? If he did,
he never let on. He was cordial and pleasant. He was a good boss. She had been
afraid he would try to make life miserable for her, but he had not.

They never mentioned last fall or any of what had happened.
They did not mention what had not happened either. Life was rolling along and
Katy was content, for the most part. The only thing that could have made her
new life more perfect was Ryan O’Grady in her bed. But if this was all there
would be, she was grateful to be a part of at least one facet of Ryan’s life.
She would learn to contain her desires and the urge to kiss him every time he
looked across the desk at her while working on a project. After all, this was
the path they had chosen, wasn’t it? Co-workers and friends, but not lovers.

Late one balmy evening in the early summer, everyone had
gone home except Ryan and Katy. Katy had taken the day off for an appointment
and had come in late to catch up on some work for the next new restaurant. Ryan
had sent a very exhausted Chloe home early and had told Shane to go home with
her. He had offered to lock up.

As Katy sat at one of the tables, in the private dining room
with her work spread in front of her, Ryan watched quietly from the doorway.
She was concentrating intently on the sketches and they were obviously giving
her some problems.
God, she’s beautiful when she’s working on something. Oh,
hell, Ryan, she’s beautiful all the time.
He continued to watch her for a
while and then it hit him.
This must have been what it was like for Marnie
and Joe, working together every day.

Closing his eyes, he silently spoke to his dead wife, “I
understand now, Marnie, and I forgive you. May you and Joe both finally rest in
peace.” He also said a silent prayer for Bill, Bree, and the lovers lost so
long ago on a rainy Chicago highway.
Closure… at last.

Knowing what he had to do next, he went into the kitchen.
When he returned, he walked to the table where Katy was working and set a cup
of herbal tea in front of her. “You look like you could use this, you were
concentrating awfully hard on that set of designs. Giving you problems, is it?”

She looked at him gratefully and took a sip of the tea,
“Thank you, Ryan. Yes, I just can’t get it right. It’s for the restaurant in
Florida, actually. I’m trying to come up with ideas and, having never been to
Florida, I’m just not getting it.”

“Well, maybe we need to take a field trip to Florida, then.”
Ryan laughed as he reached over and took her hand.

He walked behind her and began to massage her weary
shoulders. She could feel the tension easing out of them. “Um… feels good.”
could get used to this,
she thought as she sipped the tea and began to

Dragging herself back to reality, Katy said, “Oh, you’re
just talking crazy, now, Boss.”

He stopped massaging and walked back to the table. He sat
down and, taking her hand in his again, he said, “Ah, but you see, my yellow
rose, I am crazy. Crazy about the little gal from Chicago that I once said blew
into my life like a Texas tornado.”

Am I dreaming? Have I died and gone to heaven? What is
going on?
Speechless, she could only look at him as he continued.

“Katy, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, lately. I love working
here with you. I love how your eyes crinkle when you laugh at something one of
the staff says. I love how you come in all sleepy-looking before you’ve had
your coffee. I love how excited you get when an idea comes together for you. In
fact, I love just about everything about you. I have since that night last fall
when you walked into this restaurant with your friends. I’ve been a damn fool,
my sweet, sweet Katy. I’ve wasted months fighting a battle that was never meant
to be fought. I know now, with all my heart, that we belong together.”

Ryan had not called her his yellow rose since last fall.
Katy started to speak, but he stopped her. He dropped to his knees, turned her
toward him and took both her hands in his. With tears in his eyes, he looked up
at her. “Kathryn Barron, will you do this foolish man the honor of becoming his
wife? If you say yes, I’ll even throw in a honeymoon to Florida.” He smiled up
at her, gold flecks sparkling.

Katy answered with a simple reply, “Yes,” and fell into his
arms, finally free to unleash the desires she had been denying for months. She
matched his passion with every kiss and tender caress. Katy gave herself to
Ryan with no qualms about whether or not it was meant to be. He was her soul
mate in every way. She knew it and he knew it.
He will be mine forever.

Later, as she lay in his arms, she knew,
I am finally
my happy ending.

About the Author

Anna Kristell is a small town gal from southern Indiana with a passion for romance. She has lived in Ohio, Oklahoma, and Texas, but
returned to Indiana in 2005, where she resides with her husband. An avid
romance reader since her teen years, it has always been her dream to create
love stories of her own.

Crossroad to Love,
her first novel, will be published
in January, 2013 by Lazy Day Publishing, followed by
The Road To Her Heart
in March and
The Road To His Soul
in May. Anna is planning to continue
the series with several more romances in the coming months.

Rebel Ink Press will be releasing
Unlikely Lovers
February and
Sunny’s Love
in April. New characters and storylines
continue to find their way into her thoughts and as long as they do, Anna plans
to keep sharing them with you.

When she is not writing, she can be found at her day job in
the billing department of a local community mental health center, reading,
traveling, or spending time with family and friends. Anna has a grown daughter
and son and three grandchildren.

You may contact her at:
and check out her weekly blog articles at
Anna can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

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