Crux (The Aurora Lockette Series) (11 page)

BOOK: Crux (The Aurora Lockette Series)
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It came back to me as the shock quickly wore off.

I felt my lungs coughing hard, expelling dust, but I couldn’t hear it. My ears were ringing so loud I couldn’t hear anything.

I saw shadows moving, rocks settling.

I saw splashes of bright red blood.


I saw body parts that weren’t attached to what they were supposed to be. I saw smoldering hunks of Shyama. Demons. Like me.

I remembered what Keith said
: Live.

I am. And I will.

I stood up on shaky feet, grateful for the strength of my legs under me. My pulse throbbed through my entire body. I felt the pull of the sky, begging me to come home.

So I flew.

I soared through the air, free of the debris cloud, free of the death that surrounded me.

Goodbye, Keith.

I soared towards the bright stars that were showing up on the horizon. I was free, but I
wasn’t. The shock and pain was like a weight around my neck. I was angry at Keith, that he didn’t leave me a choice. That he’d made that choice.

I was angry he took his own life, even if he killed several dangerous Shyama and freed me in the process.

I was relieved to fly. My body hummed through the air and floated toward the stars.

I was free.

Which meant…



We were pulling up to the dirt road that
led to the shack when all our walkie talkies suddenly squawked to life.

We’ve got movement at the location,” a feminine voice said—one of the twins, I think.

What’s going on?” another voice over the walkie—Dennis—asked.

Two black SUVs have just pulled up,” she said, “and… Oh, my God.”

I snatched up the walkie. Konstantin pulled over on the dirt road, shutting off the headlights.

“What is it!” I yelled through walkie.

Something’s happening. They’re converging on the property. Dozens of them and—”


A big orange ball lit up the horizon in the direction of the house.


The walkie-talkie was quiet for a moment, then it was a flurry of voices speaking over each other. Trying to raise the twins. Asking for visuals on Aurora. Asking for visuals on Keith.

Konstantin took the walkie-talkie from my hand, turned it down, and then spoke urgently into it. One of the twins was speaking again, but her voice was scratchy and rough. “It was an explosion. The house is destroyed. Blood is everywhere,” she said. “No survivors.”

She kept talking, her methodical reports interrupted by fits of coughing, but it faded into the distance. I couldn’t hear it
anymore because something was roaring into my ears. The car was suddenly tiny and pressing in on me on all sides. I flung open the door of the SUV, going out into the desert night. A faint, wispy plume of smoke blocked out the stars in the direction of the explosion.


Was she gone? She couldn’t be gone.


Anything but that.


My legs started pumping. I was running, running fast as when I was star of the track team in secondary school.

No, she couldn’t be gone.

I tried to quiet my soul and listen for her song. Surely I would’ve sensed it if she was gone, but I couldn’t sense anything but my own panic. I wasn’t a warrior like her. I was just a man, a man that loved her more than…


I ran, my lungs bursting with air. I’d find her.

I vaguely heard an engine roaring up behind me. It got louder and louder. It took me a few seconds to realize that Konstantin was pacing beside me, screaming at me through the window to get back in the car.

But I didn’t. I had to get to her.


I stumbled on some low brushes. I fell hard, barely having time to put my hands in front of me to catch myself.

I picked myself up and moved. I was only a few
hundred yards from the wreckage now. All of our people were already there, picking through the mess, quickly hiding and dispatching of the Shyama remains.

Car brakes squealed behind me, then skidded on the gravel. Konstantin and Carmen sprinted past me into the wreckage. I circled around, too, looking for a telltale flash of brown hair in the smoldering chunks of debris.

Now Konstantin had his face pressed into his hands. He was crouched over a mangled body, his shoulders shaking. Carmen stood behind him, her face was a mess of tears.

Dennis and his team were picking through the wreckage, rolling over bodies to look at their faces.

My legs were jelly. Where I had just felt like I could run a hundred miles to save her, I couldn’t even hold the weight of my own body now.

I dropped to my knees and wavered, back and forth. I couldn’t handle this. The weight of all the pain pressed in on me.


I was about to collapse, to lie on the dirt and wet the ground with tears, when I heard the most beautiful sound in the world.

“Gavyn!” Aurora’s voice reverberated through my being.

I jumped to my feet and spun around. She was soaring through the air like the most beautiful angel I’d ever seen. She was coated with dirt and her clothes were bloody and torn, but she was alive, and she was here. The weight of the world lifted off my shoulder
s as she pummeled into me, wrapping her arms around me.

Gavyn!” she screamed again. She was in my arms, her body pressed into mine. I could feel the warmth of her skin, and I tangled her long brown hair in my hand. My heart exploded with joy.

Aurora.” I cupped her beautiful face, drinking in her big grey eyes full of sorrow and hope. I couldn’t find the right words to say. I couldn’t figure out how to tell her that she was my world. That my life had stopped when she disappeared. That I hated myself every second she was gone. That I had missed her so much it hurt my soul. That I saw my future in her eyes. That she was the only woman in the world.

Instead, I kissed her.



Gavyn kissed me. I couldn’t believe I got to feel his lips again, that his strong shoulders were under my fingertips. The world righted itself, putting me back where I was supposed to be. I was just a tiny speck of matter in this giant universe, hurtling on a spinning planet through infinite darkness, but at least I had him.

I kissed him back, pouring all my joy and sadness into this moment. I almost forgot the terror of my captivity, the knowledge of death, and Keith’s suicide. Almost.

I pulled back so I could see Gavyn’s face. His handsome features were tattooed on my brain forever, but I’d forgotten how perfect he was—almond shaped amber eyes, crazy black hair, and smooth mocha skin.

I was so overwhelmed, I didn’t even know where to start.

“Keith,” I whispered. “He…”

I know. We know. I’m sorry, babe.” Gavyn glanced to his left, and quickly back to me, begging me with his eyes not to look. It was too late though, I’d already looked, and now what was left of Keith’s crumbled, bloody body on the ground filled my heart with sorrow. He was surrounded by our people, sad and mournful as they gathered his remains to bury.

Oh, God,” I sobbed into my hands. I stumbled towards Keith’s body, Gavyn a shadow at my side, his hand resting on my hip. “Keith,” I plopped down next to his remains on the ground, “I’m so sorry.” My tears hit the ground.

I looked up at Konstantin,
who was standing next to me. He started when he finally realized who I was. “Aurora! Thank the gods!” He pulled me to him, crushing me in a hug. “Are you okay? Please tell me you’re okay.” His Romanian accent was so thick in his haste I could barely understand him.

I’m fine, just a little bruised.”

Carmen pulled me in
a hug, more tears joining the river on her face. “Oh, honey, I’m so glad you’re okay.” She pulled back, then cupped my cheeks with her hands. “I love you so much.” Her aqua eyes tensed. My mind was still a jumbled mess, but with her gift, she could undoubtedly see much of what I was thinking: the capture, the inhumanity of Mr. X, of how I was beaten to near death, of Keith’s injury, and his last act.

Oh, no.” Her hands clasped over her mouth as the horror of it all reached her. “You poor thing.” She gently patted my face. “We’ll get through this together.”

Aurora!” Dennis appeared in full para-military gear, armed to the teeth. He hesitated for a minute, holding out his hand. I took it, and he pulled me for a hug. “Good to have you back,” he said gruffly into my ear. He stepped out of our hug, awkwardly resting his hand on his sidearm. “Are you injured?” he asked briskly.

Minor,” I said. “I’ve already mostly healed myself.”


I’ll help with the clean-up. Authorities will be here soon,” I said.

No, you will not. You will get in the car with Gavyn, and you will leave this site.”

No, I’m fine, really.”

That’s an order!” he barked, then he walked away.

I look at Konstantin and Carmen and back to Gavyn.

“He’s right,” said Konstantin. “You need to recover and be debriefed.”

Okay,” I said, my shoulders sagging again. I was useless. I was confused. I was keyed up and angry. Loved and happy. Tired and energized.

And call your mom!” Dennis yelled over his shoulder.

Oh, shit. You called my mom? She knows I was missing? She’s going to get herself killed!” I said to Gavyn.

Of course I did, and you know I would never let anything happen to her. She’s safe.”

Gavyn hooked his
arm through mine and gently led me through the debris. I picked through it as carefully as I could, trying not to think of how much of the debris was body parts, human and Shyama. It wasn’t anything anyone should have to see.

I slid into the passenger seat of the SUV, still sore in my legs, ears ringing from the blast. I buckled my seatbelt.

Gavyn was silent as he started the car and drove down the bumpy dirt road, but he rested his hand on my thigh.

I lay back on the seat as the scenery flew by. I was ready to ask where we
were, but the lights of the Strip exploded on the horizon and answered my question. “So we were this close to Vegas, still? All this time? Keith thought so.”

He squeezed my leg.

I looked around. I couldn’t believe I was safe. Twenty minutes ago I’d been in captivity, plotting my escape with a very alive and improving Keith. I’d been ready to die trying to get out.

It all crashed down on my head, and I felt it all. I collapsed forward and cried. I didn’t want to cry because I’m a fighter, and fighters don’t cry, but I cried anyways. I sobbed into my hands.

Gavyn pulled over and held me tightly, patting me gently. He didn’t probe, he didn’t pry. He listened, letting me grieve in my own way.

After a while, the tears dried up. My chest still heaved, but then slowed. Finally, the crying stopped. Calm soaked into my chest, mixing with the pain and fear and leftover ick.

He kissed my tear-soaked temple.
“Are you okay?”

I will be, now that I have you,” I said with a shaky voice.

Not now, but someday, I need to know everything that happened.”

I know.”

He pulled back, reluctantly starting the car.

He flipped on his blinker, staring at the side view mirror, one hand firmly resting on my knee. I covered his hand with mine. I never, ever wanted him out of my sight again.

Keith killed himself to save me,” I whispered. My eyes filled with tears again, though I have no idea how it was possible to cry any more.

He shut off the blinker then turned to face me.

“What?” He unbuckled himself and scooted next to me. “What happened?”

They were getting ready to move us, move us somewhere where we would never come back. My captor, Mr. X—” I covered my mouth with my hand and took a deep breath. “He wanted to hurt me before I was transported. We only had one shot, maybe a ten second window to escape. Keith blocked the Shyama, then detonated a grenade so I could get out.”

I closed my eyes. My heart pounded in my head, teetering on the worse headache I’d ever had.

Gavyn rested his forehead against mine. “That’s shocking, and horrible, but I know he would not want you to feel bad about it. The best way to honor him is to live.” He wrapped his arms around me and I sobbed again. I sobbed for the loss and the heartache and the senselessness of it all.

Through my tears, I heard his voice, but he wasn’t talking to me.
“Thank you, Keith.”

We both cried together in the darkness. The earth was falling
apart around us, but we were together.

We finally stopped, clinging together in silence and stillness.

Finally, he loosened his grip. “I’m sorry, but my back is ready to split in two. I’m twisted really weird to hold you like this,” he growled in my ear.

Right.” I leaned back and bit my lip to keep from smiling.

Oh, Jesus Christ, that bloody hurts!” He slowly unwound himself. “Sorry, love. I shouldn’t be complaining.”

I stifled a giggle, a small piece of joy that I genuinely felt.
“Unwind your spine, dear. And take us...home?”

Right-o.” He saluted me.

I had a lot of healing to do, but I was still me, and we were still us.



Gavyn pulled into the driveway of small, boxy house. Its pale siding and worn roof were almost identical to every other house on the street. It could’ve been a barn for all I cared. I was free. “What is this place?”

Safe house.” He shut off the headlights, turned off the ignition, and removed the key. “You must be exhausted.”

I am.” I was tired in every way: worried mind, troubled soul, exhausted, and hungry.

The house was empty. Our footsteps
clomped on the tile entry. “Do you want food or sleep first?” he asked.

My shaky hands and hollow stomach screamed for food.
“Food. Definitely food.”

Coming right up.” He rested his hand on the small of my back and gently guided me into the small kitchen. It had similar cheap linoleum as my desert prison.

I shuddered. Gavyn noticed
and squeezed my waist. “Flashback?” he asked quietly.

I didn’t say anything, just pulled away and sat at the table. He swallowed with effort, no doubt pushing back his questions
. He found a clean plate in the dishwasher and loaded it with food from take-out boxes in the fridge. He covered it all with a paper towel and shoved it in the microwave.

I didn’t know where to look, so I stared at the plate circling in the white microwave. It looked like enchiladas and brown rice with pinto beans. It sizzled, and the scent of cumin filled the air.

He put it in front of me, and I waited while he dug through the drawers to find a fork.

It was the best food I’d ever had. I could almost feel the energy running through my body as I ate. Gavyn sat next to me, watching me with worried eyes. He looked desperate, almost like he needed something to do.

“Can I have some water?”

He jumped up and returned with a bottle from the refrigerator. I drank the whole thing, then put it down. He got me more while I finished my food.

When I was done, I scooted back from the table. My belly was full, body sated.

I stared at Gavyn, so thrilled to be back with him. He was truly a magnificent creature. The
gods must have taken extra time to sculpt his face and give him such a beautiful, pure soul.

Then I remembered. I remembered that I’m a demon.

I thought of Keith, giving his life so freely for mine. There wasn’t a shred of anything bad in his soul.

My head hung low. I couldn’t feel anything else today. I was done.


Aurora looked so thin and frail as she sat at the table. She wasn’t weak, though. No one would ever mistake her for that. Her face was strained and her chin dropped to her chest. I couldn’t imagine the horrors parading through her mind.

“You need to rest.” I approached her quietly and gently rested my hand on her shoulder.

I have to talk to Dennis. I found out some…things. Very bad things. Things about who we are and what the Shyama are.” Her lips were trembling.

It would have been a mistake to argue with her at that moment, so I
didn’t. “Yes, we do. But they’re not here right now. They’ll be here soon.”

We could call them.” She shifted like she was going to stand up.

I gently draped my arms over her to keep her seated.
“No. We are going to clean up, then you are going to lie down. Please. They’ll be here soon enough.”

Her shoulders tensed, like she was going to argue, then they dropped again.
“I’m very tired.”

Let’s get you in some water.” I pulled her out of the chair. She came willingly, squeezing her body against mine like she didn’t want me out of her sight.

We went to the bathroom across the hall from the room I’d been sleeping in. She tugged at the hem of her shirt. I helped pull it over her head, biting back
the rage when I saw her body.

She’d lost a lot of weight. Muscles still defined her abs, but I could see every one of her ribs. Much worse were the green and blue bruises across her torso and ribcage. The
Gifted don’t bruise easily, and when they did, they healed fast. Seeing the faded, large bruises all over her body betrayed the brutality of her treatment. I couldn’t imagine how terrible they were when they were fresh. I wanted to kill whatever or whoever did this to her.

But I couldn’t right now. I hid my shock, and smiled gently at her. I peeled her dirt-stained p
ants gently down her legs, then helped her step out of her cotton panties.

I turned on the shower and let it heat up before I pulled back the plastic shower curtain. She stepped in, braced her hands on the wall below the shower head, and then leaned on the tile under the running water. The water moved through her long tangled hair, over her closed eyes, and down the length of her too-thin
, bruised body.

I’d always
thought of her as a tough, impenetrable, immortal. But she wasn’t. She could die. She could be hurt. She could be damaged.

I stripped off my clothes and stepped in with her. She turned
and pressed her face against my chest and cried for a while. I held her tightly, wishing I could take away the pain from her thoughts and make them my own.

BOOK: Crux (The Aurora Lockette Series)
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