Crymsyn Hart (7 page)

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Authors: Storm Riders

BOOK: Crymsyn Hart
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Chapter Ten

George wasn’t sure what was going on between her and Landon. The spark that flared between them passed through her system and made her shaky. The attraction she felt toward him was stronger than what she had felt for Wyatt, but not by very much.

Wyatt was more the dangerous type and Landon was more controlled. He could deny all he wanted that he wasn’t the man who had rescued her when she was a child, but they both knew it was true. She remembered him. She remembered his eyes and his soft touch. He had kept her safe and that feeling had never left her. Now it was creeping back over her again.

“What’s going on? How are you doing this?” he asked. He slid his hand a little further up her arm. Even this little contact had made the hairs all over her body stand up and take notice. It made her mouth water. Seeing him there, with his salt and pepper hair, the worn jeans hugging his muscular thighs and his broad chest which made her want to see and touch what was underneath the wrapping.
I have to get my head out of the
gutter. I slept with his partner last night and now I’m ready to jump him.

“Whoa. I’m not doing anything. You touched me, remember. The only other person this has ever happened with was Wyatt last night and that was weird enough.

Now please stop lying to me. I don’t know how it was you, but you were the one who saved me. The twister was barreling right at me, but you were safe from it. The winds didn’t even remove your hat. How is that possible?” 60



“It’s not possible. You don’t remember anything about it.” His expression darkened. Another strong surge of energy moved up her arm. Her head got a little fuzzy, but she shook it off.

“Of course I remember it. How could I not? You—” Before she could react, he pulled her into him. She pushed him back against the couch. His mouth met hers in a frantic kiss. George couldn’t stop kissing him as she nibbled at his lips. His mouth had an earthy taste to it with a hint of lemon. She loved lemon. She straddled him and ran her hands over his face into his hair. When she did, she felt the static charge. A bolt of energy crept down her spine. There was a storm coming and it was going to be close.

Normally, she would have listened to her instincts and chased after it, but the attraction between them was beyond animal. She had to be with him. She tried fighting her body’s urges, but couldn’t. He wasn’t either.

The heat between them ignited when he raked his fingers along her sides. Landon worked his lips along her throat biting here and there. George fought to catch her breath, but she wanted to feel all of him. They were coming together like two violent storms and merging into one. After a moment, she pulled away and took in a deep breath. She had to look away from his enticing eyes. His lips glistened with their shared saliva. His cheeks were red and she was warm.

“I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I don’t normally jump guys and smother them with kisses.”

Landon trailed his fingers down her back slowly. She felt the energy trails and it made her back arch. “I’ve never reacted this way with a woman who has just slept with my best friend. George, we shouldn’t do this. I think Wyatt really likes you and that’s a huge step for him. I think you should turn your back on the two of us before this goes any further. Walk away and forget that you ever met us. It’s too dangerous.”
Dangerous. What’s he talking about?
“I don’t care. I can’t fight this. Having Wyatt touch me it’s like I’m electrified and with you it’s even more intense. Deeper.” She began kissing his neck and nibbling on his ear. Landon pulled her shirt from her jeans and slipped his hands underneath it. His deft fingers pinched her nipples and hardened 61


them instantly. Her heart increased its rhythm. She felt his cock growing harder the longer she sat on top of him.

“We can’t. We shouldn’t.” He kissed her neck running his tongue along her jugular vein. His voice deepened taking on a husky tone. She undid his belt, and then the zipper of his jeans. He didn’t fight her. After that, she took her shirt off and dropped it on the couch next to her.
I can’t believe I’m doing this. Two guys in less than twenty-four
hours, but it feels so right. What would it be like to get them together? How would I react to
both of them touching me?
The idea made her shake and she was wet. She began to grind against Landon’s cock feeling it stir. He pressed his face to the valley between her breasts, above her heart and held her for a moment.

The air around her crackled. His palms rested against the small of her back. His tongue and mouth enclosed one of her breasts. He bit down on her nipple. It seemed they were both struck by lightning. The jolts of energy passing through her made her hot and near to losing her mind. She began unbuttoning his shirt to feel the toned muscles underneath. His tongue flicked over her nipple hardening it even more. She closed her eyes to the sensations wracking her body. Her gift stirred more. The air was moving around them. His free hand slid under along the waistband of her jeans. Her nerves were a maze of passion that ignited everywhere the air passed over her. Landon bit down again. The bolt of pain was so pleasurable that she clenched her thighs together to keep from having an orgasm.

“We can stop,” her voice wavered.
God, I don’t know if I can stop.
The longer they were together, the more it seemed they were fusing together on a greater level. She was being engulfed by a feeling of serenity just from being in his arms. It was almost as strong as when she was one with the storm. She opened her eyes and looked at his chest. Two inch jagged scars were scattered all over his torso. She traced one of them feeling the smooth skin of the mark. Landon stopped. “What happened to you?”

“Nothing. Forget it.” The mood was broken. He pulled his shirt together, but she caught his face between her hands. She stared into his eyes and saw them darken.

“Tell me,” George whispered.




He doesn’t want to tell me. Whatever it is, it must be the reason he’s warned me to stay
away from him and Wyatt. God help me I can’t. I don’t know why, but I have this feeling I need
the both of them in my life.
“You can trust me.” She kissed the side of his neck working down to one of the scars. Once her tongue touched the one directly over his heart, Landon bellowed a groan. The muscles rippled in his chest. Wind kicked up around them. He guided her mouth back to his lips and un-zippered her pants. She got up and broke her kiss for a moment to slip out of her clothes. When she did, she shimmied down his jeans and boxers releasing his fully engorged cock. She took it in her hands for a moment, feeling the fullness and loved how round and large it was. He was bigger than Wyatt was, but not as long.

“Do you want to fuck me?” she asked.

“Yes. I don’t have any protection. I wasn’t—”

She should have cared, but she didn’t. She needed to feel him skin on skin with no barriers. Her mouth sought his and captured it. Whatever her power was, it washed over her burning along her skin. The current between them seemed hot enough to spark a lightning fire. The breeze kicked up. She heard the rustling of paper falling to the floor. Her tongue met his and twined together in a French kiss. His hands settled on her hips and guided her down onto his full cock. At the moment he entered her, she knew their pairing was right. It rattled in her bones that he was a part of her, but there was something missing. Before she could realize what, he drove his length deep inside of her. A wave of ecstasy washed over her and she was lost. He began kissing her breasts once more teasing one nipple and then the other. Biting and suckling until she was crying out. The rhythm between them was slow, but every time he lifted her up, he hit her buried bud and drove her into more of a frenzy. She grasped his forearms while he began to increase his tempo. George let go and when she did a charge so immense gripped her that she thought a twister was going to come barreling through her house.

“Landon, faster.”

He obliged her until he was pounding into her so fast she could barely hold on.

Her skin was on fire. He groaned and gave her one final thrust. At that moment, she 63


came and collapsed against him. George felt safe in his arms. She breathed in his musky scent and was satisfied. The weighted sensation she got when a storm was coming hadn’t left her. She brushed it off and trailed her fingers over a few of his scars. She couldn’t imagine what kind of a weapon made them.

“I didn’t come here for this you know.”

She kissed his chest, swirling her tongue around his erect nipple. “I know. I didn’t plan any of this either. Tell me what happened to you.” He hugged her closer. She heard the far away tone in his voice. “These are for going against everything that I pledged. I got these for saving a little girl a quarter of a century ago. For some reason, she was standing in the middle of the path of a humongous storm. One of the hardest ones I’d ever ridden to contain. I saw her while I was spinning and spinning almost trying to take off into the middle of the cloud. I don’t know what it was, but something about her struck me. Her innocence I guess. I couldn’t let her die as I had others in the past. Something tugged on my consciousness. So I took form and protected her all the while her father screamed behind me to save her. The funnel cloud passed over us and the little girl clung to me. Something passed between us I didn’t quite understand. Honestly I haven’t been able to get her out of my head all this time.”

“Why would you be punished for saving me?” She searched his eyes.

His fingers wound through her hair. “Because you were supposed to die that day.

When I saved you, I messed around with the Universal Law. For six months, they held me captive. And—” he hesitated.

“Tell me the rest of it.”

He shook his head. “I-I can’t. I’ve told you enough already. I fear if I tell you more there could be severe repercussions. I don’t want them to know about you. We have to figure out what’s happening. You touching me and what’s flowing between us. It shouldn’t be this way. I feel… I don’t know what I feel.” She bit her lip. “Does it feel good?” She clenched her thighs together feeling him still inside her.



He laid his head back and thrust up into her once again. “It feels wonderful. You feel wonderful. Better than anything I’ve ever felt. I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I can tell you that I don’t want to let you go. And—” he stiffened. When he did, a weight descended over her shoulders. The air switched. She unwound from his arms and gathered her clothes. Her entire body was heavy. He stood up and gathered his wits.

“There’s a storm coming.” They both said together.

“Wait.” Landon said. “How do you know that?”

George shrugged. “I’ve always known when a front blows in. I can’t explain it. I feel it deep in my bones. The weight of the air and the static electricity. My bones ache from the drop in the pressure. This one’s going to be a whopper. It’s turning all ready in the atmosphere. Spinning.”

She opened her arms letting the power of the storm fill her. She tilted her head to the right feeling the squall drift that way. A shiver of sheer delight encompassed her.

Besides the storm, Landon’s aura rubbed against her larger than life. He reached out and touched her, forcing her to open her eyes. When his fingers collided with her flesh, a jolt of pure bliss and pain rolled through her. She doubled over. When Landon took his hand away, the agony receded. It had been like this with Wyatt. The colliding and the receding of a storm.

“I know what you are. You’re very rare.”

“What am I?”

“You’re a human barometer. A weather witch. I wonder if that’s one reason why you react the way you do around us.” He shivered. “I have to go. The storm is calling.

And it’s my job to keep it under control.” He took her face between his hands and kissed her. George was shocked by the sudden admission and the quick kiss. It sent bolts of ecstasy along her already sensitive nerves.

“Can I see you again?”



Landon turned from the front door and smiled. “Oh yeah.” She didn’t hear his car start. When she looked outside, he’d vanished but his truck remained.
Where the hell did
he go?

A blast of cold wind went by her and she heard a whinny. She raced onto the porch and heard the echo of hooves on the road. Glancing up at the cloudy sky, she knew that the storm wasn’t coming toward her, but she prayed for the people caught in its path.



Chapter Eleven

Landon patted Whirlwind when they were back in their enclosure. Exhilaration flowed through him. Wyatt was brushing his steed. The most recent storm had been a doozy. It had spawned two tornados which meant they had to tag team to keep them in motion and turn the storms. All the while he was wrangling, his mind was on what to do about George. She was one of a kind. He understood now why his body had such a violent reaction to her and how she made him feel. Since she was a true weather witch, her body was sensitive to the drop in atmospheric pressure. Science hadn’t proven that humans could foretell the weather. He had met a few in his day, but none exactly like her. It seemed she was tuned in to the raging storms on some elemental level. His mount nipped him lightly because he stopped his patting. She also sent him a vision of a heart and then one of George standing on the porch of her house with the wind whipping around her. Landon smiled seeing her and feeling the rush of such emotion.

It had been a long time since he’d felt that way about anyone. He never believed in love at first sight. Or love at first touch, but she had him hooked.

“Yes. I guess I’m in love.” He glanced at Wyatt and that complicated things.
Shit. I
have to talk to him about this. In all fairness, he did hook up with her first. This was never
something I expected and he really cares about her. I wonder if that’s why he has such a stick up
his ass. Either that or he’s pissed at me for making him take care of the storm chasers. Whatever
it is, I’ll drag it out of him.

Whirlwind bumped her head against his shoulder and gestured over toward the barn. He slapped her rump lovingly. “Fine. Leave me and go get something to eat. I’m 67



sure Gina will have a treat for you. If not, you’ll use your persuasive powers on her.” His steed nickered a few times and shook her head, laughing.

Landon watched the beauty still marveling that he was hers. Not that he could claim ownership to the force of nature that the horse truly was, but it was nice to know they went so well together. Tempest trotted behind his mare and they were getting a little more playful than normal.
Wonder what that’s all about?
Wyatt stood at the edge of the field staring at the sky.

I was too hard on him.


His fellow Rider turned. He saw the tight line on his lips and the haunted look to his eye. He knew the look all too well. Wyatt had it in the first days when they’d just met and he would talk about his wife. He understood the deep scar her death had left on his partner’s soul. It had been a long time since he had seen the sadness in his eyes.

“What happened?”

“Raul came to me today after I found one of the storm chasers and erased his memory. He wanted me to take care of the other one.”

“Well that’s a good thing. I know seeing him can be daunting. Look, I wanted to apologize for being a hard ass about this. I didn’t want you to end up the way I did or Paul. That’s all. You’re a good guy. We’ve been together a long time. You’re like my brother and—”

“That’s not all he said to me.”

“What else did he want?”

“He ordered me to take care of the other storm chaser who was there. If I don’t he said he’s going to kill her.”

“Well just erase her memory and be done with it. Then he won’t have to be involved and you don’t need to feel conflicted about her death. It’s as simple as that.

Look, I need to talk to you about George. I went to see her today. While I was there, something happened between us. I wasn’t planning on it, but one thing led to another, 68



things got heated and before I realized what was happening she and I ended up making love on her couch.”

Wyatt’s eyes widened. Landon hated being the cause of pain for his partner.

He knew something would have to be worked out because he didn’t want to lose his friendship or trust. All at once, Wyatt was on top of him. A fist connected with his eye and another one with his lip. Landon pushed his partner off him and scrambled to get up before he was punched again. This time Wyatt’s boot connected to his gut. The air was knocked out of him. He rolled and got out of the way before another kick came down.

“Wyatt, stop. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“How could you, Landon!” he spat.

Landon made it to his feet, caught Wyatt’s arm on the swing, and wrapped it around his back immobilizing him. “Enough. I don’t want to hurt you. There’s no reason to be fighting.” He released him and walked away wiping a trickle of blood from his mouth. The side of his face hurt from being punched, but the pain was fading because of their fast healing abilities.

Wyatt glared at him. “No reason to be fighting. You slept with the woman I’m falling in love with. That’s reason enough. You pushed her out the door in the morning and you fuck her in the afternoon. What the fuck! Did you use your boyish charm and woo her? Or was she really jonesing for you all along?”

“It wasn’t like that. She wasn’t expecting me at all. I wasn’t expecting it. She’s special.”

Wyatt seethed and got right in his face. “You’re damn right she is. I won’t let you spoil it for the two of us. Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for a woman I could love since my Patricia died? Do you know how dead my heart has been this last century? I won’t let you or Raul take her from me!” He began to walk away.

Raul. What the hell does he have to do with it?
He caught up to Wyatt. “What about Raul?”



“I was doing as you directed and was going to wait for the other storm chaser until I found this.” Wyatt pulled out the photograph from his pocket.

Landon took it and saw the two people in the picture. One was a woman he didn’t recognize and the other was George. His stomach dropped. “This is a joke right?” Dread washed over him. If Raul knew about George then there was more to her than just being a storm chaser. She was involved with them now. He had saved her.

Does this have something to do with my rescuing her all those years ago? Or is this some
twisted quirk of fate?

“It’s no joke. She’s not a storm chaser. She’s a Meteorology Professor at the college.

She was doing some experiment on how to forecast storms earlier so it could save people’s lives. I-I can’t do it. I’ve thought about it since this morning. I—” he shook his head and balled his fists together. He yelled into the open field.

Landon understood the frustration and the betrayal he was feeling. “Let me talk to Raul. I’ll see if we can do something. Wyatt, about George, you said that when you touched her your powers went out of control. The same thing happened with me. I think it’s because she’s a weather witch. She can predict storms. Her research makes sense.”

“I don’t care about her research or what she is. I just want to hold her and protect her and the thought that you were with her. Is that what brothers do? You’re right, we’ve been together for over a century, had some pretty good times over the years. But this is the lowest thing you’ve ever done to me.”


“Go fuck yourself, Landon.” He stormed off to the barn.

Landon knew better than to follow him.
Let him cool off, we can talk again later.

I understand why he’s upset with me. I would be too. Shit.
He kicked a clod of dirt and spied Gina in the driveway throwing bags into the back of her pickup. He sighed knowing he had to smooth things over with her.
Why do I get myself into these messes?
He headed toward the ranch manager.




She stopped and glared at him. “What do you want? Come to pick another fight the way you did with Wyatt? Let me guess it was all over that girl from this morning.” He looked down at George’s smiling face on the picture in his hand. He couldn’t let her die either. He’d protected her once and he would do it again. He slipped her photo into his pocket. “Yeah. It was about her.”

“All of a sudden you’re not gay for her the way you are with me. Or did she suddenly grow a dick and that’s why you’re interested?”

“I deserved that.”

“Damn right you do. You lied to me, Landon. You and Wyatt. I can’t work for a bunch of liars. I’ve kept my mouth shut about the strange shit I’ve seen around here.” He touched her shoulder. “I know we lied to you, but there are reasons why we did. The whole gay thing. That was Wyatt’s idea and by the time I had the balls to tell you it was too late so I just kept up the ruse. You’re a good friend. Please stay with us.

We need you here. Especially when we’re gone.”

He could use his power on her, but he didn’t want to resort to that. He’d never forced her to do anything against her will and he didn’t plan on starting, but he couldn’t tell her what he was.

“You guys really have a thing for this chick, don’t you? I heard the way you were arguing in the paddock. I think the whole ranch did. I’ve never seen you too go at it like that.”

“I never meant to harm you in any way or hurt your feelings. And yes this is about the woman from this morning. It’s complicated. Please will you stay? We need you around here.”

She sighed. Landon knew she was melting. “I want a raise and I want you to hire someone else to work with me. I do a lot around here which you guys don’t even know about. I also want another week’s vacation.”

She was really pushing it. “Fine, but the raise is negotiable. You pick out a couple of candidates and Wyatt and I will discuss it.”



“Well that might be hard because I already hired him. He’s been working with me for the past two weeks. His name’s Cliff. He’s been working part-time learning the ropes. He’s in school. I’ll bring him around later to meet you.”

“What about all the crazy stuff you saw? Will you tell him?” Gina bit her lip. “You hurt my feelings, Landon. I hate to admit it, but I’ve had a crush on you for a long time. I’ve told myself it was stupid since you weren’t available.

Whatever else you do, I’m sure can be overlooked with the right amount of money.

Deep down you’re a good guy. Wyatt is too, but I’m at my wits end right now. Make it worth my while.” She patted him on the shoulder and strolled past him heading back to the barn. He shook his head and laughed seeing how easily she had manipulated him.

Blackmail is more like it, but it isn’t like I can’t afford to pay her more. Being around for a couple
of centuries builds up one’s bank account.

He slipped his hand into his pocket and took out the picture. His next problem was dealing with Raul.


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