
Read Cuffed Online

Authors: Kait Gamble

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Cuffed
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Table of Contents

Legal Page

Title Page

Book Description


Trademarks Acknowledgement

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

New Excerpt

About the Author

Publisher Page






©Copyright Kait Gamble 2015

Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright August 2015

Edited by Faith Bicknell-Brown

Totally Bound Publishing


This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Totally Bound Publishing.


Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Totally Bound Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.


The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.


Published in 2015 by Totally Bound Publishing,
Newland House, The Point, Weaver Road, Lincoln, LN6 3QN


Totally Bound Publishing is a subsidiary of Totally Entwined Group Limited.




This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has a
heat rating
Totally Burning
and a













Kait Gamble




Being cuffed together is a bad thing…isn’t it?


Scarlett never imagined that she would be famous from her YouTube channel, but to be popular enough that a rival decides to cuff her to someone else as part of a publicity stunt? Ludicrous! Most unexpected of all is her attraction to the man she’s chained to—fellow YouTuber, Jackson.


Jackson has always thought Scarlett was an attractive woman, only he never thought she felt the same about him. So when he realizes she isn’t totally against being cuffed to him, Jackson decides to take advantage of the situation and see just how far he can push her limits.


It turns out that handcuffs are the best kind of torture.






For GY.



Trademarks Acknowledgement



The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:


YouTube: Google, Inc.

G.I. Joe: Hasbro, Inc.

Comic Con: San Diego Comic Convention

Halo: Microsoft

Twitter: Twitter, Inc.

Sailor Moon: Toei Animation Co., LTD.

Avengers: Marvel Characters, Inc.

The Little Mermaid: Disney Enterprises, Inc.

She-Ra: Mattel, Inc.

Obi Wan Kenobi: Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd. LLC

Darth Maul: Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd. LLC

League of Legends: Riot Games, Inc.

The Joker: DC Comics, Inc.


Chapter One




There were only a few time and place convergences on the planet where a person could walk into a room and see
The Joker
hanging out with Ahri from
League of Legends
The Team Fortress
guys flirting with GI Joe’s The Baroness. The magical madness of Comic Con was never lost on Scarlett.

A blinding burst of camera flashes slowed her pace. It took a moment of blinking before she could see past the spots in her eyes.

“Scarlett! Oh, my God, it’s really you!” A gaggle of teens swarmed around her. “Will you take a pic with us?”

“Of course.” Scarlett immediately found herself surrounded and quickly blinded yet again by flashes. After a flurry of weird poses, a rotating carousel of selfies and much squealing they dispersed to share pics and upload to the social media site of their choosing.

Only one of the girls hung back and stared at Scarlett. It was obvious there was something she wanted to say, but she just couldn’t work up the nerve.

Scarlett smiled. “These things are always insane, aren’t they?”

Her face lit up. “Yeah. Have you been to many?”

“The past three, actually.”

Color flushed her cheeks. “I knew that. I’m a huge fan. I’ve watched all of your videos at least three times. Especially the one where you call out Jackson Reach for being an asshole. I mean, his channel, Reach Round? What even is that?”

Scarlett laughed. “That was quite a while ago. Jackson and I have come to an understanding.”

Her eyes widened. “So he believes that you’re a gamer now? Just like that?”

Scarlett leaned in and whispered, “I might have destroyed him in Halo a few times.”

The girl burst into laughter. “That’s amazing. You’re awesome. I’m thinking of starting a channel. Was it hard to do?”

“Nope. Just be you and make sure to keep it up even if no one’s watching. The viewers will come. If you tweet or email me the link, I’ll bring you up on my next show, if you want.”

Scarlett could almost count the stars in the teen’s eyes and she bounced excitedly in a little circle before throwing her arms around Scarlett. “Thanks so much! You’re amazing!” She let go and squealed her way back to her friends.

Moments later, there was a collective scream and more flashes. It was quickly followed by a string of Twitter alert chimes from her phone.

Feeling good, Scarlett wandered around more. She wasn’t due to be on a panel for a little while so she didn’t see the harm of roaming and soaking in the atmosphere. It felt great to be around people who were interested in similar things.

Then she saw something that made her stop dead in the middle of the heaving mass of people. It took all her faculties to forcibly stop herself from pointing and giggling herself off her feet.

Amid all the costumes, one figure stood out from the rest. It might have been the perfect black tuxedo, or the figure that filled it out so nicely, but the rose top hat and mask just put the costume into the realm of ridiculousness that made the wearer stand out like a sore thumb. Scarlett had to grab the wall to keep from falling over in laughter. Not only because it was the silliest thing she’d seen in a long time, but because of
was in it.

She strode straight over to the YouTuber and feigned a swooning pose. “Oh, Tuxedo Mask, throw that rose and save me!”

Several people walking past smirked. More whooped it up right in his face. A few took photos and were immediately tapping away on their phones. Her phone chimed again with a burst of Twitter alerts. It looked like she and her fellow YouTuber had been recognized.

The scowl on his face told her he was less than thrilled by his notoriety at that moment. “Scarlett.”

She mimicked his monotone greeting. “Jackson.” She circled him slowly, biting her lip to keep from snickering as she pulled out her phone and took a few pictures. “That’s quite the costume. I never pegged you for a
Sailor Moon

He growled something unintelligible, but quickly adopted a dazzling smile when two little girls shyly edged toward him.

“Tuxedo Mask?”

“I am.” Jackson bowed gallantly. “What can I do for you ladies?”

“Can we get a photo with you?”

“Of course.” Jackson swept the cape back with a dramatic thrust of his arms and he kneeled. He struck several poses, each making them giggle more with delight.

Scarlett had to admit that something inside went a little mushy as she witnessed the scene. She quickly shoved the feeling aside. This was Jackson, a man who had relentlessly taunted her when she’d first started her blog. He’d called her out on his YouTube channel countless times. And all because she was a female who dared to declare herself a gamer. Sure, his tone had changed over the years. His respect for her came through now, and she’d slowly gotten over the hurt that his words had caused her in those early days. It wasn’t hard to see—once you got to know him—that his persona on the videos was a façade. The guy underneath wasn’t so bad.

The early acrimony had turned into more banter from their differing views over the years, but they never passed up the chance to get in a few barbs whenever they could. It made them quite a hit on YouTube and the gaming blog world.

“At least I made an effort to join in the spirit of things.” He winked at the girls in parting, drawing more giggles as they dashed off, and sighs from a few women who were nearby.

“Please.” Scarlett unzipped her jacket to reveal a black T-shirt with the words ‘Make Me A Sammich, Bitch Boy’ emblazoned across her chest in a bright red that perfectly matched her upswept shock of hair.

“Nice.” And by the smile on his face, he meant it.

Chapter Two




Scarlett looked amazing. She might not have been dressed up in costume, but she definitely stood out with that hair, that body. He really had to work not to stare too long at the words on her chest. Even though the way her nipple poked through the hole in the ‘A’ in ‘Make’ had him drooling. Was she wearing a bra? If she was, it was delightfully thin. Not that she needed one, as small and pert as her breasts were. He dropped his attention to her jeans that had the enviable job of tightly cupping the delicious curve of her ass.

His dick twitched. Damn, he had to stop thinking about her tits and ass or he’d embarrass himself even more than he already had with the costume.

They hadn’t had the best start as far as friendships went. And they were friends, now. He regretted being dragged into a debate about whether girls were ‘real gamers’. Scarlett had been caught up in it right as she was gaining a following, and he could have totally ruined her YouTube career with a few thoughtless words. He did admire her for not giving up or letting a bunch of macho imbeciles run her off. Scarlett might have been elfin in looks, but she was tougher than any guy he knew.

In fact, she was a great gamer. She’d had him running for his money in more than a few games and they’d become pretty good friends over the past few years, though they’d only met up at less than a handful of conventions like the one they were at now.

And with each meeting, she got hotter.

This time around, they were even on the same panel. Who would have thought that they would have such popular channels? Or that that they would be asked to be part of a panel discussing how to recreate their success?

He let his gaze wander over her once more, starting at her feet. Everything about her outfit, from her biker boots, her jeans torn in some very interesting places, the combative shirt and the shock of red hair, screamed
Stay Away!
but he was tempted to do the opposite. What he wanted to do was strip her of the façade and get to the woman underneath—literally.

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