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Authors: Ginger Simpson

Culture Shock (30 page)

BOOK: Culture Shock
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She leaned away from the kiss. "Wow, you made my knees weak."

Her eyes sparkled when she was happy, and he loved being the one to put a smile on her face. She was the perfect choice. After all, he knew her as well as he knew himself. 

She collapsed to the sofa, held her hand in front of her face and admired her new jewel. "It's so beautiful, Alex, but how did you know my size?"

He laughed. "You've got to be kidding. I wore your jewelry for two weeks. Why wouldn't I know?"

"How could I forget?" she asked. "I guess it's the shock of the moment."

"Whoa," he cautioned. "Be careful how you use the word 'shock'. It conjures up some bad memories."

"They weren't all bad were they?"

"No, not all of them," he admitted as he sat next to her. He cupped her chin and turned her face toward him. "But I have to say, I'm much happier looking at a beautiful woman than I was being one.”


The End




About The Author


Ginger lives in Tennessee with her husband, Kelly and both are retired…sort of. Ginger views writing as her second career and loves the voices in her head. As transplants from California, both have accepted that in the south, you get a side of gravy with everything you order in a restaurant, and humidity is far worse than dry heat. Preferring the slow Tennessee pace to the hustle and bustle of California, they’ve decided being close to their only grandson is a good enough reason to stay. When asked how long she plans to keep writing, Ginger will always say, “as long as the Good Lord allows me.”


Ginger Simpson books also published by Books We Love


Sarah's Heart

Sarah’s Passion

Ellie's Legacy

Embezzled Love

First Degree Innocence

Time Invested

Time Tantrums

A Novel Murder



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BOOK: Culture Shock
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