Read Cultures of Fetishism Online
Authors: Louise J. Kaplan
Tags: #Psychology, #Movements, #Psychoanalysis, #Social Psychology, #Social Science, #General, #Popular Culture, #Sociology, #Women's Studies
Hindenberg, Paul von, 168 Hitler, Adolph, 168
“hobbyist”, 80
see also
“Amputee Love” Hoddeson, David, 98–9
Holden, Stephen, 69, 175
Holy Family, The
, 164–5
House of Usher, The Fall of the
, 66 house arrest, Derrida, 114, 190
humanoid, 158–60
hunter-gatherers, 69–73, 75
Barundi, 71
Dakota (Sioux), 72–3
Kau, 75
Nbembu, 72
Tiv, 73
Hussein, Saddam, 4, 31
Huston, John (
The Misfits, The Asphalt Jungle
), 55, 57
Hysteria, 51–2, 59, 63, 159
IBM, 164
I, Asimov
, 156
I, Cyborg
, 176
I, Robot
, 156
I, Robot
(film), 166
i Robot (factory), 157
see also
Brooks, Rodney Id, 118, 124
iPod, 3, 175
In My Skin
(film), 9
character in: Esther;
see also
Holden, Stephen (review)
initiation, rites of, 71–3 Dakota Sun Dance, 72 Virgin Ritual, 73
see also
anthropologist, hunter- gatherers, writing on the skin
Iran, 31, 35
irony, 111–13
Isakower, Otto, 116–18 Islamic Republic of Iran, 33
James, Henry
Edel’s biography of, 95,
burning of letters and papers, 101 Japan, Land of the Robots:
Honda (Asimo), 162 NEC (Pe Pa Ro), 165
Osaka (Repliee Q1), 165 Sony (Aibo), 63
(Qiro), 64
Waseda (Robita), 165
Jeremiah, 155
Jones, Ernst, 19
Kaplan, Fred
archive fever of, 102–3
Gore Vidal
, 102–3
reviews of, 102–3
Karl, Frederick, “The Long and the Short of It.”, 105–6
on brief biographies, 105–6
on James Atlas biography of Saul Bellow, 106
on Mary Gordon biography of Joan of Arc, 105
on Edna O’Brien biography of James Joyce, 105
Kautzky, Karl, 137
Keats, John, 122, 124, 182, 190
see also
certainty/uncertainty, negative capability
Keller, Helen, 74
Kepcher, Carolyn, 150
Kernberg, Otto, 114–15, 119 Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah, 32 Kidman, Nicole, (
Eyes Wide Shut
), 61 Kirsner, Douglas, (
Unfree Associations
113, 113n, 116
Kismet, (robot/android), 160–6
characteristics of, 161, 163, 166 drives (social, stimulation, fatique),
facial expressions, 161–2 interactions with humans, 161–2 participant in
, 160
speech comprehension, 163
Klosterman, Chuck, 152–3, 158–9
knot of not-knowing, (Dimen), 124, 190
Korot, Beryl, 159
Kris, Anton, 119
Kris, Ernst, 119
Kris, Marianna, 119
Kubrick, Stanley (
Eyes Wide Shut)
, 61–8
L Word, The
, 30 Latent content, 125–6
Lear, Jonathan, 123 knowingness/unknowingness
lesbian, 30
Levi, Primo,
The Periodic Table
Carbon, 171–3, 182
Zinc, 182–3 Lewis, Sinclair
biography by Mark Schorer, 99
(reason) as compared with
(human desire)
libido, 24
Lincoln, Bruce, 72
Lingis, Alphonso, 75, 82
Lo, Vincent, 146
Lotus (sizes and shapes of bound foot), 41–5, 76
Golden, 43
Silver, 43
Iron, 43
New Moon, 43
Phoenix Head, 43
LOVE, 19
Madonna, 3
Mahler, Margaret, 122–3 Male sexuality
feminine identification, 28 identification with father, 29 repudiation of femininity, 29, 30
masculine protest, 30
manifest content, 125–6
Marx, Jenny (nee Baroness von Westphalen), 141
Marx, Karl, 6, 93, 101, 130–43
archive fever, 132, 138 compared to Engels, 134–6 Dialectics, 137
dialectical motion, 136 personal characteristics of,
relationship with Engels, 134 Writings:
“Alienated Labour”, 133, 142
Capital Vol. I., 6, 131, 134, 137
“Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon”, 136, 189
“Fetishism of the Commodity and its Secret,” (in
), Vol. I), 6, 131–4, 140
“On Fetishism”, 133
The Holy Family, with Engels, 134 “Manifesto of the Communist
Party,” with Engels, 136 “On the Power of Money In
Bourgeois Societies,” 133 “Speech on the Anniversary of the
People’s Party,” 6, 93, 153,
157, 172
“The Working Day,” (in
Vol. I), 6, 142–3
Maturana, Humberto, 166–7
see also autopoiesis
matches, child labor in manufacture of, 142–3
see also
“Working Day”
Matrix, The
, 61
Maurois, Andre, 99 transference to biographical
McGregor, Ewan
(The Pillow Book)
, 87 memorial, to horror of castration
(fetish as), 16
memory, retroactive, 125
menstruation, 75–7
Miller, Arthur (
The Misfits
), 55–7 Ming dynasty, 36
Misfits, The
(film), 54, 55–7, 60–1, 90 characters in: Gay; Guido; Perce;
Mobius strip, 74–5, 78, 90, 128, 171
Money, 126–7
Monroe, Marilyn, 53–8 (
Asphalt Jungle, The, Niagara, Misfits, The
aka Norma Jeane, 57
as cultural commodity, 58
as female, female impersonator, 53 as sex goddess, 53
Morganthaler, Hans, 124
Mother-infant dialogue, 184, 187 Mother Nature and apocalyptic fantasy,
58, 60, 90, 92, 184, 187
Muslim, 85
Nafisi, Azar, 32
Nature morte
see also
Pronk, 13 necrophilia, 6–7, 62
as fourth principle of fetishism strategy, 14, 122–3
negative capability, 122–4, 182, 190
neo-confucianism, 36–7, 177
New York Psychoanalytic Institute, The, 113, 113n, 116–17,
(film), 54–5, 60–1, 90 characters in: Cutler, Polly; George;
Loomis, Rose; Ted
Norwich, William (“Rubber Maids”), 3 Nostalgia, 188
nu shu
, 35
oedipus complex, 22–3
Oedipus Tyrannus, 123
Ollman, Bertell, 137n, 138
Oneness and Separateness: From Infant to Individual
, 60
, 51, 54
orgasm, 7
Ostow, Mortimer, 60, 119
Ovid, 63
Pahlevi, Muhammad Reza Shah, 31 Painter, George D., 104
biography of Marcel Proust
(Vidal memoir), 103 penis, 16
penis envy, 29, 30
Periodic Chart of the Elements, 169 Peters, Jean (
), 55
Piano Teacher, The
(film), 68 character in: Ericka
Pichler, Hans (Freud’s surgeon), 18–19
Pillow Book, The
(film), 84–92 characters in: Hoki; Jerome; Nagiko;
Nagiko’s father; Publisher; Nagiko’s writings on the skin, 88–9; Book of the Lover (made into Publisher’s pillow book), 89; Book of the Dead, (Publisher’s sentence of Death), 89
Sei Shonogan, author of original Pillow Book, 86
Plea for a Measure of Impurity, 184, 190
Potters, “Working Day”
Poe, Edgar Allen (
House of Usher
), 66 Probst, Jeff, 149
Pronk (
, 12, 13
Proust, Marcel, 104
Pygmalion-Galatea fantasy, 163, 165
Qing Dynasty, 36
Race for the bottom, 144–5 Race for the top, 145 Reaganomics, 13, 177
Real World, The
(RW), 151–3, 158–9
Reality TV, 5, 14, 147–53
Reich, Steve, 159
repetition compulsion, 137, 189
see also
“Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte
abilities, 167
derivation of name (rabota-Czech), 155
energy supplies, 166
muscle fibers as fuel cells, 167 forms of, 156
difference from androids, 156
three ethical rules Robotization of humans, 153, 179
Romeo and Juliet
The Pillow
), 88
Ross, George, 147
Rossum’s Universal Robots
, 155
see also
Salome, Lou-Andreas, Freud’s letters to, 20, 24
Samurai, 82
Sarandon, Susan (
Thelma and Louise
), 59
Schorer, Mark, 99
biography of Sinclair Lewis, 99 transference to, 99
Schnitzler, Arthur
translated as “Dream Story,”: basis for
Eyes Wide Shut
; Albertine and Fridoline: basis for; Alice Harford and William Harford
see also
Kubrick, Stanley, Kidman, Nicole and Cruise, Tom
Schowalter, Elaine
Sex and the City
, 10
scutching mills (“Working Day”), 143
(film), 68 character in: Lee
, 82
Service Employees International Union, 143
Sex and the City
, 10, 11, 30, 38
Sherry, Norman, 102
biography of Graham Greene, 102 transference to Greene, 102
shift system (“Working Day”), 143 Shiite, 31
Smith, Dinitia, 10, 102
shopping, compulsive, 183
Silicon, 168
compared with Carbon, 169–73
skin, 74, 80, 171
dermis–epidermis, 78,
Mobius strip. model of, 75, 171
mutilation of, 73
texture of, 84
writing on, 69
see also
Anzieu (
A Skin for Thought
); tattooing
Skin Museum, 89
Sokolowski, Robert, 170–1, 185
Stern, Andrew, 43
stigma indelible
, 16
Stiletto, 2, 3, 7, 10–12, 183
(Cox), 11
Strachey, Lytton, 94, 100
Eminent Victorians
, 94, 100
Queen Victoria
, 100
writings about biography, 94, 95, 97,
100, 107, 172, 187, 190
little bucket for collecting data, 94 strategies for “attacking” the
subject, 100
personality, as seen by Edel, 100 homoeroticism, as interpreted by
Edel, 100
Stranglove, 65
structural model, in psychoanalysis, 109, 109n, 125
surplus labor, 6, 131, 138–9 and first principle of fetishism
strategy, 138
and vampire mentality, 131–2, 139 superego, as compromise
formation, 121
Swift, Jonathan, 140
Tattooing designs, 81
traditions of contemporary design, 81 Bushido, procedure, 82
see also
skin; dermis; epidermis Technology, 179–80
Technology-driven culture (world), 173, 175
, 82
see Alien
Thelma and Louise (film), 58–61, 90
characters in: Louise; Thelma
, 189
see also
Death Instinct
Denby, David (review), 69 three ethical rules of robots
original, Campbell but attributed to Asimov, 156
variations, 166
Three Tales
, 159
see also Hindenberg, Bikini, Dolly
Thurman, Judith, 4
Topographical model, in psychoanalysis, 109, 109n, 125
Transference, in biography, 96, 96n, 97–9, 112, 125
see also
countertransference transhumanism, 169
Trauma, 59–60, 124–6, 188
Trump, Donald, 146, 149, 176
Turner, Victor, 72
Uncanny, 13
, 13
underwear as outerwear, 3 Updike, John
essay on biography, 104–5
vagina, 43
vampire (bats, birds), 131–2, 140
vampire principle, 6, 139
relationship to surplus labor, 6, 139 as “secret” of commodity fetishism,
6, 139
Van Gennep, 71
Varela, Francisco, 166–7
see also autopoiesis
Venus envy, 30–1
Vidal, Gore, 102–3
see also
Kaplan, Fred Vienna, 65
Vita-More, Natasha, 168–71
creator of Primo, 168, 171
director of Extropy Institute, 168–9
see also
Wachtel, Paul, views on Psychoanalysis, 127
consumerism of parents, 127–9, 179 consumerism of patients, 127–9
Wallach, Eli (
The Misfits
), 56 Warwick, Kevin, 176–7
Warnaco, 144
Williams, Roger, 144
Willis, Ellen, 104 Wilson, Edmund
To The Finland Station
, 140 on Engels, 141
on Marx, 140–1 Wineapple, Brenda
“Mourning Becomes Biography”, 107
Wise Man Takes All
, 146 Wittman, Blanche, 51–2 Wolff, Wilhelm, 141, 141n Woolf, Virginia, 94–5
Flush, 95
Orlando, 94
views on biography, 94–5, 187
“Working Day, The”, 6, 141–3 Writing
bridge between computer and human brain, 170
bridge between artificial and natural intelligence, 170
on the skin, 38, 71–91, 175,
178, 184
transformative power of, 38, 185–6
magical thinking and, 185 and therapeutic zeal, 92, 185 Nagiko in
Pillow Book
, 186
see also nu shu
Writing Lives, Principia Biographica, ix
, 97
see also
Edel, Leon
Wu, Vivian (
The Pillow Book
), 86