Cum For Bigfoot 10

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Authors: Virginia Wade

Tags: #orgy, #threesome, #erotic romance, #erotic horror, #voyeurism, #anal sex, #explicit, #erotic fantasy, #bigfoot, #gangbang, #double penetration, #monster sex, #sex with monsters

BOOK: Cum For Bigfoot 10
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Cum For Bigfoot 10


By Virginia Wade



Copyright © 2012 Virginia Wade

All Rights Reserved.

Published by I Love Stacy

Smashwords Edition


Virginia Wade



[email protected]



All characters appearing in this work are
fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is
purely coincidental.


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Chapter One




I lifted my dress over my head and sat next
to Mike. “So, what did you have in mind?”

“This.” His hands cupped my breasts. “I
should suck these.”

Leonard puffed from the pipe, watching me
with hooded eyes. “I guess you could, if you want.”

“Oh, I want, all right.” He tugged on a
nipple, sucking it into his mouth. I sprayed milk almost

“Mike,” I breathed.

His hands fell to my waist, which had now
regained its former shape. All the hiking and starving had given me
my figure back, although stretchmarks remained. It would take a
long time for those to go away. I threaded my fingers through his
damp hair, feeling the heat coming off his scalp. While he sucked,
his hand drifted lower, sliding over my pussy, which felt
astonishingly wet.

“Oh, honey.”

I tingled everywhere, my body hadn’t been
pleasured since the fire began, and I could feel the promise of
bliss calling to me. “Get your cock out.”

“We’re demanding tonight.”

“I don’t care. I need it.” I practically
burned where he touched me, his finger driving deep into my swollen

“Yes, ma’am.” He unzipped his shorts, letting
them drop. “Anything else I can help you with?” His smile was
endearingly lopsided.

“The shirt needs to go.”

“I guess so.” He tossed it aside, revealing
firm pecks and a defined tummy. “You seem to like what you

I grabbed his cock. “I want this.” I closed
my lips around it. I worked him vigorously, the point being to
lubricate him enough so it would slide in effortlessly. “Do me
now.” I got on my hands and knees. “Now, Mike.”

“So much for foreplay.”

“Hurry. Fuck me hard.”

“Good God,” he chuckled.

His shaft dipped into my wetness. I backed up
impatiently, taking him fully. “Oh, yes! More. Do it fast. Do it
now!” My eyes met Leonard’s; the stoic ape sat with the pipe in his
mouth, puffing furiously.

“It’s so good, Porsche.”

He fucked me vigorously, his cock sliding to
the hilt, balls smacking my pussy. I gasped with pleasure,
clenching my muscles around him, thereby increasing my own

“Yes! Oh, shit, yes!”

It seemed as if the entire tribe had stopped
what they were doing to watch us. Zelda had returned from her bath,
and Pooky sat with Bubba and Dale. It was naughty to have an
audience, but such was life during an orgy. We would inspire them
to partake in round two soon, no doubt. My boobs jiggled from the
aggressive thrusting on Mike’s part, and I held onto the grass,
clutching it to keep steady.

“Honey! Oh, Jesus.”

“Don’t pull out! I’m so close.”


I gasped, feeling the convulsions gripping
me, robbing all thought from my mind. “Mike!” I shuddered, the
sensations producing pleasurable pinpricks that left me tingling
everywhere. “Oh, God, Mike!”

Knowing that I had cum, he pulled free,
jetting a creamy string of semen that landed on my lower back.
“Ooohh…Porsche…” He sounded pained. “Ooohh…God…honey.”

I glanced at our audience, and I was slightly
surprised to find that they weren’t staring at us any longer.
Something over our heads seemed to have their attention. I sat back
on my feet, wondering what the attraction was.

“That was wonderful, honey.”

“What is that?” My focus was towards the
woods and the shape that stood within the trees no more than ten
feet away.


I pointed. “That?”

Mike followed my finger. “Whoa…shit…”

“Ggrrooaarrr…” Leonard and Bubba sprang to
their feet, the hair on top of their heads standing on end.

I stared at the strange Sasquatch, finding
the creature to be different from all the other apes I had seen.
This one wasn’t as tall or as burly looking, and there was
something delicate about the way it was shaped, especially in the
chest area, which looked as if it had breasts, big hairy breasts
with nipples on each end.

Then it hit me. This was a female



“That’s a she.”

“I think so.”

“They’re not supposed to exist.”

“So I’ve been told.”

The apes were in a frenzy, their cocks
distended. Bubba stomped the ground, as did Dale. Leonard growled,
spittle dripping from his teeth. The female ape had disappeared
into the woods, but she wouldn’t be alone for long. Every ape in
the camp took off running, leaving Mike and I and Leslie and Zelda
alone by the fire.

I glanced at Leslie. “Oh, shit.”

She shook her head. “Wow.”

Our party was over. “What the hell is going
on?” I had sperm all over me, and I shivered, grabbing my dress.
The sound of Sasquatch howls drifted to us.

“It was a female ape,” said Zelda. “I’ve
never seen one before. This sure is a game changer, guys.” She
looked concerned. “We’re awfully far north. None of us have ever
been here before. If it wasn’t for the fire, we woulda been further

We had almost no supplies, losing everything
while fleeing from the blaze that had killed Rusty. I tossed the
dress over my head, not caring about the sperm that was drying on
my back. “Shit.”

Mike had gotten dressed. “Come here.” I went
to him, and he held me. “It’s gonna be all right. They’re making
hay with the little lady. They’ll be back.”

“That shithead.” Leonard and I had only just
reconciled. He had forgiven me for having Mike’s baby, and now
this. “It sure didn’t take much for him to leave me.”

“He didn’t leave.” Mike’s lips brushed my
ear. “They’re just curious about the girl.”

“What if she leads them to her tribe and they
ambush them?” That was a worrying thought. “They could all be
slaughtered right now.”

“Maybe her tribe died in the fire. We weren’t
the only ones affected by the disaster.”

Leslie looked worried. “Damn horny
Sasquatches. They won’t need us anymore, now that there’s a

“We don’t know what’s gonna happen,” said
Zelda. “I think I hear something.” She scrambled to her feet; her
long, dark hair hung down her back. “They’re coming.”

Mike’s arms tightened around my shoulders. I
was so grateful he was here. Leonard had shared me with him, and
things had been looking up. I didn’t want anything to jeopardize my
relationship with the fathers of my children. Lendal needed his
daddy, and Daisy needed hers. I wanted us all to be a crazy, hairy,
mixed-up family. How did a female Sasquatch fit into these

Several apes stepped from the trees, and I
recognized Dale and Pooky. Leonard was next, followed by Bubba, who
had the lady Bigfoot over his shoulders. Others, who were lower in
the order of the tribe, straggled behind. The female seemed quiet,
although her eyes were wide, as she took us in. Bubba set her on
the ground.

“You stay here,” he rasped.

She was shorter than the males, but just as
hairy, her fur a deep brown. Long, thick lashes surrounded glinting
black eyes. Her nose was black and flat, and the mouth was darkly
colored and puffy looking. Her feet were apart, arms at her sides,
but I sensed her anxiety. The hair stood up on her head, indicating

“Who are you?” Her tone was soft and slightly
raspy. She’d articulated her words perfectly.

“Me Bubba.” The leader of our tribe pointed
to his chest. “This is Leonard, Dale, and Pooky.”

She sniffed the air. “You come from far

“Bad fire made us leave.”

She nodded. “It killed my tribe.” It was
absolutely astounding that her speech was this excellent.

“Are there more of you?” asked Zelda.


“What’s your name, hon?”

“Kat.” She glanced at Mike and me. “This is a
strange tribe. You have white people.”

One of the Sasquatches threw logs and
branches into the fire, igniting the flames that had dwindled.
Despite being summer, the air was mildly chilly. I sat with Mike,
glancing anxiously at Leonard, who seemed interested in the
newcomer, yet slightly detached.

“You want something to eat?” asked Leslie.
“We have leftover biscuits.”

“What’s that?”

“Food. Like bread.”

“What’s bread?”

“I’ll go get it, and you can taste for

Bubba picked up his pipe and sat against a
tree, lighting the end with a burning twig. The smell of cannabis
filled the air. “Leslie,” he rasped.

“Yeah?” She held several biscuits. “Here you
are.” Kat took them, staring at the food in bewilderment. Leslie
sat next to Bubba, his arm going around her possessively.

There weren’t any pelts for us to sit on, so
Mike and I were in the grass against a tree. “Sit down,” I said.
“Make yourself comfortable. We don’t have much at the moment. I’m
sorry. It’s usually better than this.”

She eyed me curiously, her interest lingering
on my long blonde hair. Nibbling on the biscuit, she fell to her
knees, scooting closer. She smelled nearly the same as the
Sasquatches, gamey with a hint of dog, although her odor was not as

“I think she likes you,” murmured Mike.

“You gotta be kidding.”

“It’s your coloring. She’s probably never
seen a human woman before.”

“I have,” she said, surprising us.

“Your tribe had humans?” I asked.

“No. We knew some. They taught us your
language.” She chewed on the food. “This is good.”

Having a female Sasquatch in our midst was
absolutely astounding. She could talk and understand us. Some of my
fears had been alleviated, but new questions remained. It wasn’t
until Bubba’s expanding cock suddenly ended up in Leslie’s mouth
that the atmosphere around the fire began to hum with the
undercurrent of sex. Kat’s eyes flew wide at the sight, the hair on
top of her head falling. Her look smoldered.

Things were about to get freaky.



Chapter Two




“Gggrroooaaarrr…” rumbled Bubba; Leslie
worked his ever-expanding phallus making wet, sloppy noises.

I glanced at Leonard to gauge his reaction,
and he stared at me, his black eyes glinting. I wasn’t the center
of attention anymore, because all eyes were on Kat. Everyone was
waiting, wondering what her reaction would be. Mike’s arms went
around me, his mouth near my ear.

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