Cursed Fate: Cursed Series #4 (9 page)

BOOK: Cursed Fate: Cursed Series #4
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“Steve, stop, I’m ticklish,” she giggles while attempting to roll onto her back.

“I know how ticklish you are, Ashley; it’s something I love about you.”

Her body stops squirming and with a quick movement I flip her onto her back. Now straddling her hips I brush the pink strands of hair from her beautiful face.

Staring into one another’s eyes, I think back to all the times, the little moments like this that I’ve missed. She’s everything I’ve ever wanted and I won’t let another day go by without spending it along side of her.

“I want…no, I need to kiss those lips, Ash.”

Continuing to watch one another, I stop waiting for what I want from her, I take this moment as a step moving forward. No more thinking about what I should do, I’m diving in and taking her as mine.

Leaning forward, I place a hand on either side of her face. I can’t take my eyes off of hers; I’ve been captured by her soul and it’s time for us to be reunited as one again.

She lifts her head closer to mine as I capture her lips with my own. The feel of her soft, wet lips against mine is tantalizing. A tingling sensation overrides my senses as I lick the seam of her mouth, pushing my tongue to meet hers. She doesn’t fight me, instead she deepens the desire I feel for her by sucking my tongue into her mouth. A moan escapes me while she begins to trail her nails up and down my back, pulling me in closer to her body.

There’s no doubt now that she has me hard as a rock, my cock pushing against her warmth in just the right spot.

Pulling away from the kiss, she stares back into my eyes.

“Steve, I’ve missed you…I’ve missed us so much.”

“I love you, Ashley, that’s never changed. I’ll promise you right here and now that you’ll never have to miss me again. It’s you, it’s always been you.”

Reaching down, I remove her panties, tossing them to the floor and positioning myself to hover over her trembling body. Lifting her hips to rock my raging hard on against the wetness of her pussy, she watches me…waiting for me to make the next move.

“I want this, Ashley, please don’t ever doubt that.”

“I need you, Steve, all of you.”

Pulling at her hair, I press her head back down onto the pillow kissing her with everything that I have. Never will she have worry how I feel about her.

The last time she uttered those words to me,
I need you, Steve, all of you,
behind the shop I froze. Instead of staying with her, being with her, and giving her what we both wanted, I was a dick and left her alone. I was a coward and walked away, leaving her in the dark and in a vulnerable way. It was just another time of my life I wish I could take back. I was scared of giving myself to her again, not sure what would happen, but now I know more than ever that I’ll never let her go.

Gliding my hand against her smooth skin, I follow the curves of her body from her hips to her stomach leading to her beautiful tits. With little effort I break free of our kiss and lean my head down, taking a taut nipple in my mouth. Her body begins to squirm from beneath me as she pushes her hips up, grinding her wetness into my cock. The harder I suck the more she begs. The sounds of her passion echo through the bedroom, it’s almost too much. I can’t wait another minute to slide into her and find my home.

Lifting my hips, I position myself at the front of her soaking wet lips. As I look into her eyes I can see she wants this as bad as I do. Without waiting another moment I push myself into her tight pussy, the walls constricting with every inch I push into her. Never looking away from her hazel eyes, I feel her, embrace her, and rock into her until I’m filling her completely.

She bites down on her lower lip and I suck on it until our lips are connected.

In this moment, I feel nothing but her and me as one. Slowly I pull in and out of her, the overwhelming feeling sending bolts of electricity through my body. Our rhythm begins to pick up; she meets my thrusts as sweat falls from my forehead onto her chest. The harder I push into her, the tighter her grip becomes against my cock.

Her eyes begin to roll into the back of her head and as her walls begin to clamp down onto my length, I know she’s about to fall over the edge.

With one hand, I tease her clit with my thumb, her moans becoming louder as her legs begin to shake. Just as she starts to scream out my name, I, too, find my release as I fill her with my cum.

Falling down onto her body, I pepper kisses along her jaw. I love this woman with every part of my being. It’ll always be the two of us to conquer our demons, without her I’d be left in the darkness of my ways. She’s the one that is worth fighting for, today…tomorrow…forever.


Chapter 10

For the rest of the day, Steve and I spend every moment wrapped up in one another’s arms. Being with him again brings such happiness to my spirit and heart.

Listening to him say he loves me is something I never thought I’d hear again.

I can still remember the first night we spent together, our first kiss, and the first time we made love like it was yesterday. Our souls have been so aligned from the first day we met; I don’t know why I allowed myself to think that there was someone better for him than me. I was young, naïve and stupid. Looking back, after all that he and I have been through, I still regret walking away from him, now more than ever. We’ve lost so much time from one another, I can only hope we can make it up. A lot happened in the years we were apart. I’d like to think we learned and have grown from our pasts, making us the people we are today.

Steve has fought so hard to hide his pain from all of us and now he’s willing to break free and let go of his past once and for all. No matter how hard times may seem, I’ll never let him fall again. I’ll stand up for him, strive to help fight his battles from within, and be with him through whatever life throws our way.

It won’t be easy, change can’t happen overnight, but I know he’s a good man. I’ve seen him at his best and at his worst, there’s not a doubt in my mind that together our strengths will overcome our weaknesses.

Lying in his arms, with my head on his chest, I hear his stomach begin to growl. A giggle escapes me as I turn my head to look up into his dark eyes.

“Hungry?” I ask, while peppering kisses along his jaw line.

“I’m hungry for only one thing and that’s you,” he replies with a wicked smirk.

With a sudden movement, he’s flipping me onto my back and straddling my body. My eyes devour his magnificent form. His chest is marked with a tattoo of a red cross, black wings on either side and in the scroll the words
one love, one life, one chance
. I was there the day the ink was marked onto his chest by Cricket. As I watched the expert hands of our mentor, I couldn’t believe he was etching such a beautiful piece onto the man I loved.

One love…he was mine.

One life…we’d always share together.

One chance…at first sight, I knew that I’d always be his.

Steve watches as I look over his body. I’m in complete awe of the man on top of me; he’s willing to change, to make himself become a better man, for me.

How can I ever repay him for all that he’s willing to do for me?

With a smirk, he clears his throat and leans down onto me. His lips begin to trace kisses along my jaw, my neck, and my collar bone. He knows exactly what to do to build my desire for him; it’s as if he’s memorized every inch of my body and the spots that will drive me crazy, for him.

“You’re insatiable, Steve.”

“You make me this way, Ashley, only you.”

He shifts his body, holding himself up with one arm while grabbing one of my breasts with the other. As he sucks my nipple into his mouth, I let out a moan of pleasure. Biting down on my taut flesh, he pulls at my nipple ring with his teeth while he uses his free hand to massage and tweak my other nipple. Desire begins to course through my body as the feeling of anticipation surges through my core. I buck my hips up to him, feeling his rising manhood against my soaking wet panties.

I can feel the dampness between my legs as he spreads my thighs with his knees. Moving his hands from my swollen breasts, his fingertips linger over my hot body leading down to the one spot I desperately need his touch.

As I look up at him, his gaze meets mine. His dark eyes are full of passion, for me. Leaning his head down to mine, our lips crash together. Without a second thought, I open my lips inviting his tongue to dance with mine. My hands pull his head in closer to mine as our teeth hit, urgency bringing our mouths together as our tongues tangle and twist as one.

I can barely stand the need to touch him, lick him, and consume his body. Breaking away from the kiss, we stare into one another’s eyes, both of us breathing erratically.

He moves his head back down to my breasts, paying each one the attention that I crave. Popping my nipple out of his mouth, he begins to nip along the side of my neck below my left ear. If I thought I was ready to burst before, his licking and kissing this sensitive spot may very well send me over the edge.

His hand slides down from my breast and lingers along the side of my body, grabbing onto my ass. I can barely contain the need to slide his cock into my warmth. Anticipation is building the longer he pays attention to my neck. Trying to slide my hands between us, I need…I want to touch him.

“Steve…please!” I moan.

“Please what, sweet girl, tell me.”

Panting, I can barely form a sentence. My clit is pulsating, my breasts swollen and my toes curling from the pure bliss he is creating.

I raise both of my hands, placing them on top of his shoulders and push downward.

“Talk to me, Ash. I can’t read your mind,” he groans as I push my hips into him.

“Down, Steve. I want you down there.”

“Tell me more, what do you want me to do down there.”

I let out a groan as he glides his tongue along my neck, nipping at my ear lobe. My fucking world is spinning, I can’t control myself. If he doesn’t do something soon, the adrenaline in me is liable to flip him over and ride the fuck out of him till he’s screaming my name.

“God damn it, Steve. I want your mouth on my pussy. Eat my pussy…now!”

“That’s my girl, you’re wish is my command.”

Slipping down the bed, he looks up to me with desire burning through his eyes. As he runs his fingers down my quivering body, he takes either side of my panties in his hands and pulls them down my legs. Pulling my body to the edge of the bed, he positions my legs over top of his shoulders and moves his head to my aching mound.

My hands fall on top of his head as I push his face to where I need him the most. His tongue moves gently from my anus to my clit in one sweep. My ass cheeks tense and I want so much more.

“Suck on my clit…finger my pussy…God fuck me, Steve.”

The need for him to consume me is raging through my entire body, I want him so badly.

He inserts two fingers into my channel and begins to pump them in and out while curling them into my G-spot, bringing me closer with each thrust of his hand. I can feel my walls closing down on him the faster he fucks me with his fingers. As he bits down on my clit, he slides a third finger in and goes to town bringing me to my ultimate climax.

“Oh God yes…yes, Steve, holy fucking shit…YES!!!” I scream over and over again with my eyes sealed shut.

My entire body begins to shake as I squeeze my legs against his head. As I begin to come down from my high, my eyes open and I look toward a very pleased man in front of me.

“I want your cock in my mouth,” I state moving to sit.

“As much as I want to watch you suck on my cock, I’d rather feel your tight pussy around me.”

With a few strokes of his hand, I watch momentarily as he strokes himself, taking pleasure in looking down at what is finally his.

Hot damn, I’ll never get tired of seeing him touch himself like that. Positioning himself in front of my wetness, he leans over me and slowly slides his cock, inch by inch, into me.

“Fuck, Ash, you’re always so tight. Mmm, God, you feel so good.”

“More, Steve, give me more. I want you to fill me, baby,” I purr into his ear.

Once I feel him completely, I start to move. Our rhythm is in sync as our bodies slam up against one another. As he’s thrusting himself in and out of me, I dig my nails into his back pulling him closer to me. I can’t get enough of him, the way he feels, and the pleasure he brings to me.

“I’m close, Ash, come with me,” he pants.

“Faster, Steve….good lord yes, just like that. Harder…I want it harder,” I scream.

I can feel him hitting my G-spot as his balls are banging against my ass. My vision is becoming blurred knowing very well that another intense orgasm is about to hit me.

Our pace is so fast, so hard I don’t know if I’ll be able to hold on much longer. I move my hands, grabbing onto his ass as he pushes harder into me. With a quick movement, I slap him hard on the ass cheek as my walls tighten around him and our climaxes hit us both at the same time. I can feel my walls milking everything out of him while he screams my name and our mouths connect. He sucks my tongue into his mouth and my eyes roll to the back of my head.

BOOK: Cursed Fate: Cursed Series #4
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