CursedLaird (21 page)

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Authors: Tara Nina

BOOK: CursedLaird
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Slow, long swipes along the inside of her thighs made her
cry out, “Please.”

He smiled as he lifted to look up her body to her
lust-darkened eyes. “Please what?”

“I need,” she gasped, inhaled then continued on a stuttered
breath. “I need you, Struan. Please help me.”

“Aye, mi
.” Struan sampled her slit with a
deep flick of his tongue. She bucked, trying to rush his efforts. But he would
not be hurried.

He delved into her sheath with the tip of his tongue,
tasting all that was Caledonia. Over and over, slow mixed with quick as he
licked, suckled and drank from her healthy fountain of desire. Struan could
have lingered within her folds forever but her pleas stilled his movements. Had
he heard her correctly?

“Straun, please, please fuck me. I can’t take it. Please
fuck me,” she begged.

Instantly, his balls contracted and his cock strained heavy
with need to be inside Caledonia. Resistance failed. He battled the urgency
rushing through his veins, lifted from his feast and blazed a path of kisses
and nips up her body.

“Say it again, Caledonia,” he breathed against her lips as
he hovered a hairsbreadth apart. “Tell mi what ye want.”

She gathered his face in her hands and stared directly into
his eyes. “Fuck me, Struan. Fuck me hard. I need you.”

The barrier of resistance snapped. He plunged deep within
her in a solid stroke as he captured Caledonia’s mouth in a roughly passionate
kiss. She lifted her hips, pumping into his, matching his rhythm, fast and
furious, harder and harder. Though he knew she’d be bruised from the forceful
pounding, he couldn’t stop. Neither would she let him. If he slowed, she dug
her heels into his rear, demanding he increase the pace.

Caledonia’s nails scratched down his back and he sensed she
would have drawn blood if not for his tunic. His kilt bunched up around his
waist didn’t hamper his ability. Yet he was thankful he’d removed his claymore
upon entering the van. That on his back would have been a tad uncomfortable as
he fucked his wildcat, especially when she somehow managed to flip him onto his
back without breaking their connection.

Like in his dream, her hair curtained them. It tickled his
nose as she rode him. He grasped her hips as she ground into him repeatedly.
Struan grappled for control. His beautiful wildcat rode him into oblivion. The
sight of her breasts bouncing as she arched while rotating her hips tore at his
soul. He couldn’t take it anymore. Struan sat upright, seating her fully on his
cock. He clasped onto one of her breasts and tugged at her nipple. She screamed
his name as he felt her sheath clench his shaft.

Finally, he’d pleasured his
. Struan lost
himself in their mutual release. His seed pumped into her, mixing with the
cream of her orgasm. He maneuvered them so he could lean against the wall with
her cradled in his arms and still seated firmly on his sated cock.

He kissed her brow then rested his head against the wall,
eyes closed, as he whispered, “Mi
fèilleil fiadh-chat
, ye have ruined mi
for any other.”


Ruined him.

Hell, she didn’t think she’d walk again, much less have sex
comparable to this with anyone else ever. Too weak to move, Caledonia snuggled
closer, breathing in his earthy, masculine smell. A combination of underwater
scents mixed with Struan’s essence, which appealed to her basic needs in life.
Family and diving.

Headlights from the traffic behind them gave limited light,
but it was enough for them. With her cheek pressed to his chest, she realized
she was the only one of the two completely undressed. Her eyes widened, taking
in the sight of his tunic. His kilt was raised, leaving him, technically, still
clothed. Weakly, she sat upright. He’d teased her breasts unmercifully, eating
her pussy until she came, and then made love to her in a rough and wild bout of
hot sex. He turned her on beyond belief.

No orgasm in her short sexual history ever shattered her
system like this one. Though he’d refused to let her touch him while he teased
and tasted her, he’d quickly eased her concern with his touch and soft words
and gained her trust. He’d driven her to the edge of ecstasy with his foreplay,
and then brought her home with a fast and furious fuck. Every ounce of her
shivered from the sensations still flowing through her body.

Caledonia searched his face. Masculine and at peace with his
eyes closed, he looked the portrait of innocence. She knew he wasn’t or at
least thought he wasn’t, especially with the way he’d fucked her. He definitely
fell into the category of an experienced man in that department. She bit back
the smile that threatened her lips.

What else did she know of him? Very little other than what
Mary told her. Caledonia touched her watch and lit the dial. They had at least
another hour before home. Now was as good a time as any to talk. Reluctantly,
she reached for her shirt without leaving his lap. Struan’s arm circled her
waist and stilled her movements.

“Something wrong, mi

She returned her gaze to his face. A questioning concern
filled his eyes and warmed her heart. “Nay, Struan. I think it’s best if I get
dressed in case we stop. I don’t think Percy would be delighted to catch us
having sex in the back of the van.”

Even though he probably heard them. The thought brought a
flush to her cheeks, making her grateful for the dim light. If she were lucky,
Percy wouldn’t say anything even though in her gut, she knew he knew. The radio
volume increased when she screamed Struan’s name earlier in her heated moment
of passion. Oh god, she hoped he wouldn’t tease her about this.

“Percy is no concern,” Struan replied, handing her shirt to
her. “It is the anger o’ your father which would bother mi. Percy I can handle,
but your father has a mean right hook.” He shot her a wink that made her laugh.

“That he does,” Caledonia managed to say as she adjusted her
bra and slipped into her shirt. The jeans were another issue. It meant getting
off his lap and losing the snug comfort of his cock nestled inside. Though he
no longer was hard, she was still aware of his size and placement. He didn’t
deflate to nothing immediately. Nope, he remained a decent girth and length,
enough so that he didn’t just slip out once they were done. She bet if they
wanted they could stay connected, snuggled together as they slept in each
other’s arms. Unfortunately, that was a theory she’d have to wait to test.

On a heavy sigh, she lifted from his lap and gathered her
panties and jeans. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him right his
clothing. Once dressed, Caledonia’s conscience sprang into play as she sat
beside him. This was awkward. What did she say? How did she say it? Again,
she’d managed to fuck him without any thought or inhibition. She leaned back
into the wall. He must think she was some major sort of whore, especially after
she’d followed his sexual instructions without hesitation.

He gathered her hand in his and soothed the tension she felt
blooming in her chest. How did he do that with simply a touch? Caledonia stared
at their hands. His deep brogue caressed her ears as he spoke.

“Who is this Kip? Is he your husband as he claimed?”

Was there a hint of jealousy in his words? A smile teased
her lips but she managed to suppress it. “No. Not anymore. Kip and I were
married. It didn’t work out so we got divorced.”

“He was a fool to let ye go,” Struan stated as if it were a
worldwide fact. Caledonia had difficulty swallowing past the lump that swelled
in her throat. His fingers caught her chin and turned her to look at him. “Ye
are the most beautiful being I have ever met.”

“Thank you,” she replied weakly. His thumb absently caressed
her lower lip as if it were the natural thing for him to do. His darkened gaze
seemed mesmerized by his thumb’s actions as he spoke.

“Ye claimed this Kip stole from ye. What did he steal and do
ye want mi to get it back?”

“He did steal from me. After tonight, I doubt he’ll do it
again.” She had difficulty thinking straight with his thumb teasing her lip as
she answered, “Besides, I already have what he took.”

For a moment he seemed to be mulling over that information
before he asked his next question. “How did I come to be in Edinburgh? Last I
remember, I watched the sway o’ your gorgeous bottom as ye walked out o’ the
shed right before the curse took mi. The next, I woke in a strange place
surrounded by a couple o’ thugs.”

He watched her arse. Oh lord, Caledonia couldn’t breathe.
That was the largest part of her and he’d been watching it jiggle as she
walked. His fingers changed position, sliding along her cheek and into her hair
as he turned to face her. There was nowhere she could focus but his face.
Flickering light from the headlights behind them gave his eyes a sensual

“Ye’ve got a fine arse, mi little wildcat. And I like it.”
He kissed her lips. Not passionately, not intended to light another fire of
desire, but caringly. Caledonia relished his taste, the gentle tease of the tip
of his tongue, which glided across her lower lip as if sampling her every

Breathing him in deep, Caledonia gathered the courage to ask
him something that nagged at the back of her thoughts. “Struan, I’m sorry the
curse is not over. The words I spoke to free you is only half a freedom and I
can’t imagine how painful that is to tolerate.”

Struan sat back. Absently his fingers stroked through her
hair as he stated, “This is not a fault caused by ye, Caledonia. Don’t be thinking
ye caused any o’ this pain o’ which I suffer from this curse. If not for ye, I
would never have experienced the pleasure o’ the dive.”

Caledonia slid closer to him and took his hand in hers. All
the way to her soul she wished her touch eased his angst as his had done for
her. “Hopefully, when we get you back to Castle MacKinnon, one of your brothers
might know the answer.” She bit her lip against the words but failed to halt
them as they tumbled through anyway. “Then maybe, once you’re freed, you can
continue your dive training.”

Silence fell between them for several long minutes. She knew
this was hard on him. This being torn between doing something he loved like
diving and this desperate need to be rid of the curse. Which she understood.
Hell, if it were her, she’d probably have collapsed from the weight of the

She cut a sideways glance his way as something else popped
into her head. What did he feel when he returned to stone? Could he hear her
talk to him? Could he see?
When he returned to stone.
That sounded so
awful. Before she stopped her mouth, words fell out that she prayed didn’t make
him uncomfortable.

“Does it hurt when you change back into statue form? Do you
see or hear anything? What do you remember?”

Struan lifted her hand and kissed her knuckles before he
answered, “I remember your arse.” He stroked her nose playfully with the tip of
his finger, which made her smile and roll her eyes at the same time.

“That’s it. Nothing else.” She sensed his hesitation. It
seemed as if he chose his words.

Struan’s voice lowered, sadness dripped from his words.
“Heat controlled mi spirit and burned mi soul, then I could not move. I could
not see nor hear. I felt trapped within mi flesh, until an angel filled mi mind
and guided mi to inner peace.” He touched her cheek and smiled. “Ye were mi
guardian angel. Now tell mi, how did I get to Edinburgh?”

“Oh,” Caledonia sighed, loving his poetic words at the same
time realizing she never answered his question. “Kip stole you, put you in his
van and drove you to Edinburgh. He sold you and planned to exchange you for the
money at the storage unit, where we found you.”

His brows bunched and she knew he processed the information
and prepared another round of questions. His eyes widened as he realized something.

“I’m what Kip stole.”

“Aye, handsome. That you are,” Caledonia teased. “I just
wish I could have seen his face the moment you shifted from stone to man. That
must have been a jaw-dropper for him.”

“He was not pleased to see mi when he opened the doors,”
Struan stated. His chest puffed and a hint of humor laced his tone. “I woke in
a place I did not know. You were not there. He opened the doors. I had mi sword
drawn, ready to attack. The one ye called Kip ran and hid behind one o’ the
other men.”

Caledonia snorted. “Sounds like Kip the coward all right.”

Struan nodded and continued. “The first guy jumped mi from
behind so I slung him as far as I could. He hit the wall, headfirst, and did
not move again. Ye know the rest. That’s when ye rushed to mi rescue.”

“It wasn’t much of a rescue,” Caledonia said. “You had it
under control when we got there.”

“Aye, but I would not have known where to go when I left.
Without ye, I would have been lost.” He turned and kissed her lips. Pure heat
shot straight from her lips to the tips of her toes. Damn, did they curl? It
sure felt as if they did.

They separated and it took all she could do to concentrate
on anything other than jumping his bones again. She cleared her throat and
focused on learning more about the man other than the size of his cock and his
awesome ability to kiss.

“Tell me about your home and your brothers.”

She sensed his pride the moment he spoke. “Mi
and I are close. Mi sister, Akira, is the only female o’ the brood. If what
Mary said be truth, two o’ mi older
are free. Gavin and Ian.”

“Is Akira the baby?”

“Nay, the twins, Donnell and Dour, are the youngest. Their
mother was mi father’s second wife, Siusan.” Struan leaned closer to her and
added with a laugh as if a memory tickled his brain, “Now those two were a
handful. Not a day went by that they did not get into some sort o’ trouble.”

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