Curtis's Dads 23 (13 page)

Read Curtis's Dads 23 Online

Authors: Lynn Hagen

Tags: #Romance, #Mm, #Vampires, #Contemporary

BOOK: Curtis's Dads 23
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“I guess I’ll go take a shower since you don’t want to fool around.”

Chauncey stood, blocking Curtis’s progress to the bathroom.

“Now hold on. There’s no need to be hasty.” Okay, so he wasn’t as good at this game as his mate was. To hell with it. He wanted.

Chauncey grabbed Curtis around his waist and hauled him over his shoulder, depositing him onto the bed. He watched Curtis bounce a few times, his cock bobbing as well. Chauncey winked at his mate as he began to undress. He had another game to play, and he knew it would drive Curtis up the wall. He pulled his shirt over his head and then pinched both nipples.

Curtis licked his lips.

Chauncey snaked one of his hands down his abdomen, unsnapping his pants.

Curtis licked his lips.

He had to fight back the chuckle. His mate was sitting there panting, holding his cock with a death grip. The poor thing was going to be strangled to death if Curtis didn’t ease up. Chauncey slid his hands into the waistband of his pants, sliding them down ever so slowly. Curtis’s eyes were glued to every movement he made. The grassy-green irises darkened as Chauncey’s cock sprang free.

Curtis licked his lips again.

Chauncey took his pants off, kicking them aside as he curled his fingers around his own cock. He stood there naked, resisting the urge to jump on the bed and devour his mate. “Now, what was that you asked me?”

Curtis blinked up at him. “You want me to think right now?” he asked incredulously.

Chauncey grinned as he nodded. “Yep. I want you to tell me where you want my cock.”

Curtis blushed as he licked his lips once more. “You decide.” Oh no. It wasn’t that easy. Chauncey had been hard most of the day. He wasn’t going to let his mate pass the buck. “If you don’t tell me, I’ll put my pants back on.” Ah-hah! Now the tables were turned.

Chauncey was basking in the glow of his accomplishment. He was a smart man.

“Then I’ll put mine back on, too.”

Chauncey gaped at Curtis. No fair! He wasn’t supposed to one-up him. To hell with it. Chauncey growled and pounced, pinning Curtis under him. “You asked for it.”

Curtis grinned as he spread his legs, inviting Chauncey to have his way with him. It was an invitation the bear planned on taking his mate up on. He grabbed his cock, tracing Curtis’s body with it, leaving a wet trail behind as he gazed into his forever.

Curtis rolled under Chauncey, getting to his hands and knees, jutting his ass out. Chauncey leaned back, circling his cockhead around the tight star, watching his pre-cum kiss his mate’s hole. “Now that is an offer I can’t refuse.”

Curtis wiggled his ass, pressing back slightly as Chauncey gripped the base of his cock, stopping his load from exploding. Damn it!

Curtis was driving him mad. Chauncey reached over, grabbing the lube from the drawer, practically dumping the whole bottle on his mate’s backside. He tossed the bottle aside and then skated his fingers through the cool gel, getting them nice and wet before plunging them into Curtis’s back entrance.

He growled appreciatively when Curtis yelped. Chauncey worked his fingers in his mate, stretching and scissoring them as he used his other hand to grab Curtis’s cock. The shaft was rigid and long, making Chauncey’s own cock jerk with anticipation.

Chauncey pulled his fingers free, released his mate’s cock, and then flipped Curtis over. “Ride me, honey bunny.” Curtis blushed but climbed on top of Chauncey. He planted his feet and then placed the palms of his hands on Chauncey’s chest, playing in the hairs that decorated his upper torso. He knew how much his mate loved his hairy body. Chauncey reached down and curled his fingers around his cock, holding it steady as Curtis lowered himself. He hissed through his teeth as Curtis bottomed out. He blew out a breath as Curtis lifted his hips and then plunged back down. His damn eyes rolled back as he grabbed his mate’s hips, helping him along.

Chauncey glanced down, seeing his mate’s cock bob up and down with his every move. He wanted to suck Curtis’s cock but didn’t want to move an inch from where he was laying. “Fuck, hon, that feels so damn good.”

Curtis began to ride him harder, faster. Chauncey lifted his feet, planting them on the bed as he rammed his cock deep into Curtis’s ass. He repeated the move over and over again, making them both cry out. Curtis fell forward, capturing Chauncey’s lips as he tried to suck Chauncey’s tongue out of his damn mouth!

Chauncey reached underneath Curtis, feeling his cock slide in and out of his mate’s ass. He groaned as Curtis wiggled around, pushing his cock into Chauncey’s hand. Chauncey grinned into the kiss as he circled his fingers around Curtis’s cock, jerking it as he fucked his mate senseless.

Curtis cried out, his seed warming Chauncey’s hand as he power drove into Curtis’s ass, stiffened, and then roared. His body convulsed with his orgasm as he held onto his mate, fearing that he would knock him off.

Curtis sighed as he lay on Chauncey’s chest. Chauncey smiled as he lay there, holding onto the one man that made his sun rise.

* * * *

Pa yelled for them to come down to breakfast. Curtis didn’t want to move. He was comfortable right where he was, being suffocated by a big bear. Chauncey grunted but didn’t move. He extended his arm, shoving Curtis further under him.

Curtis laughed as he pulled away. “If I keep missing any more meals, I’m going to shrivel up and blow away.” This got his mate’s attention. Chauncey rolled over and planted his feet on the floor, yawning and stretching. It was a wondrous sight. Chauncey truly was a big man. He looked like a real bear as he scratched his back.

Curtis had an urge to give him a pot of honey. He mentally laughed. After last night’s romp, he had. Once they were dressed, Curtis and Chauncey walked downstairs. He inhaled deeply at the smell of bacon. Pa’s breakfast smelled much better than Curtis’s had.

It made his mouth water instead of making his stomach roll.

“Morning, Pa,” Curtis said as he took a seat at the breakfast table.

“Morning, son,” Pa replied as he set a plate of pancakes the size of Texas on the table. Curtis’s eyes widened at the golden mountain sitting in front of him. How the hell did the man do it? They looked perfect.

“Eat up before the rest of the men get down here. There won’t be anything left if you wait,” Pa said as he took a seat, stabbing at three or four. Curtis watched in amazement as his mate grabbed about five or six. How the hell did these bears eat so much? Curtis grabbed one and a few strips of bacon, pouring the syrup over his plate.

“Is that all you’re going to eat?” Chauncey asked as he practically dumped the syrup bottle onto his pancakes.

“I’m not a bear. I’d be five hundred pounds if I ate all of that.” He pointed to Chauncey’s plate and then Pa’s. Chauncey slapped the table, letting out a hoot of laughter as he set the container down.

“Us bears love our sweets,” he said and then wiggled his eyebrows. Curtis felt his face heat up as he looked down at his plate.

He didn’t care how intimate they had become. He was still shy as hell.

Curtis shoved a forkful of the fluffy pancakes into his mouth so he wouldn’t have to say anything. Chauncey seemed to know what he was doing.

“That’s a nice shade of red you’re turning.” Chance chuckled as he walked into the kitchen and then stopped, his eyes widening.

“Unless you’re choking!” He ran to Curtis’s chair, lifting him up and hugging him around his ribs, applying pressure to the point Curtis spit his breakfast across the table.

“He’s not choking!” Chauncey shouted as he grabbed Curtis from Chance. “Dumbass, he was blushing.”

Chance grinned as he released Curtis. “My bad.” Curtis rubbed the palm of his hand over his sternum as he glared at Chance. “I’m glad I wasn’t choking. You suck at the Heimlich maneuver. I think you broke a rib.”

Chauncey growled, batting a hand at Chance. “If you hurt him, I’m going to throw your hide out in front of the fireplace!”

“Boys,” Pa warned. “He’s fine, take a seat.” Curtis wasn’t too sure about that, but he immediately sat down at Pa’s commanding voice.

Pa chuckled. “I wasn’t talking about you, Curtis.”

“Oh.” He blushed again.

“See, there he goes again,” Chance said as he pointed to Curtis.

“You’re not allowed to blush while you eat. New rule.” Curtis felt his face getting hotter. Why was he being singled out?

All he wanted to do was eat breakfast. He shoveled another forkful into his mouth when Riley came stomping down the steps. That bear was hard to figure out. He was always so quiet, so serious looking.

“I just got a call from the neighboring farm. Someone is in our back pasture, letting the herd loose,” Riley said before slamming his hand into the screen door and walking out of the kitchen.

Forks hit plates as the men ran from the kitchen, including Curtis.

“Oh no, you stay here, Curtis,” Chauncey said as he ran toward the barn. “Keep my breakfast warm.”

Curtis stood there with his mouth hanging open. Keep his breakfast warm? What did he look like, a maître d’? Curtis stormed back into the house, flopping down in a chair as he pouted. He didn’t like being left behind.

Chapter Eleven

Chauncey pulled the reins on his horse as he looked at the men letting their cows loose. He was baffled. Why would someone do something like that? Pa raced past him, pulling his shotgun from the sheath that rested on his saddle. He aimed high, firing a warning shot.

The strangers looked up, smiling wickedly as they took off.

Chauncey knew he couldn’t go after them. The cows were in a panic and rushing out of the fence that had been cut. It was utter chaos.

“Gather them up,” Pa shouted as he kept on riding. Chauncey didn’t like the fact that his pa was going alone. He knew the rest of his brothers would be here shortly, but he just couldn’t let his pa face those fuckers alone.

“I’m going to help Pa,” Chauncey yelled as he took off. He could hear Riley shouting for him, but Chauncey ignored his oldest brother.

He wasn’t going to let his pa wander into the unknown. There were four of them who had cut the fence. After about a half a mile, Chauncey caught up with his pa.

“I thought I told you to round them up?” His pa sounded pissed, but Chauncey didn’t care. He wasn’t going to leave his pa to handle this alone. Family backed up family. “Riley has them. The others will be there shortly.” His pa nodded as they rounded a small hill, spotting the bastards who had cut the fence. They were sitting in the back of a truck, laughing and bragging about a job well done. Chauncey slowly climbed down from his horse and began to strip. His pa waited until Chauncey had shifted before making an appearance.

“You boys mind explaining to me why you cut my fence?” his pa asked, looking like a grizzly bear, sitting on top of Muffin, his black and white gelding.

Two of the men stood, puffing their chests out. “Billy was our friend. We’re just paying you back.” Chauncey was shocked. No one was supposed to know about Billy, let alone these yokels. He pushed up from the ground, letting out a big roar as he walked toward the group of men. If a bear could laugh, he would have. The men scrambled to climb into the cab of the truck, pushing each other out of the way.

Pa pulled his cell out, talking to Lewis as Chauncey walked around to the front of the truck, stopping them from leaving. He kept up his
I’m going to eat you
performance until he saw flashing lights.

Pa dismounted, walking over to Chauncey and tapping him on his back. “You can go now. Go help Riley.” His pa ran his hand over Chauncey’s head, making him almost purr. “Thanks, son.” Chauncey trotted away, feeling mighty proud of himself. He shifted, got dressed, and then went to help Riley. Olsen, Bryce, and Chance were already there, the job of getting the cows back into the pasture complete. One of them had brought the wire to mend the fence as well. Guess his day’s worth of work was done.

“Catch them?” Riley asked as he tightened the wire.

“Yep. Pa’s having them arrested even as we speak.” Chauncey rode back to the house, feeling very happy. His mood soon changed when he saw Curtis sitting on the front porch with a scowl on his face.

He dismounted, taking care of his horse and then going to see what was wrong with his mate.

“And why does my honey bunny look mad enough to eat me?” Chauncey asked as he dropped down onto the swing.

“Because a certain bear relegated me to the kiddie table.”

“Who? I’ll kick his ass,” Chauncey teased as he set the swing into motion. He was trying to lighten Curtis’s mood. He didn’t want to have an argument with his mate. It would be their first, and Chauncey really wasn’t into arguing. He liked laughing much better than pouting.

“Gee, I don’t know. A certain bear I’m sleeping with,” Curtis snipped.

Okay, so his honey bunny was acting more like a sourpuss.

Chauncey wasn’t sure how to handle their first argument. “I know you’re mad, but we didn’t know what was going on. I can’t have you running out into danger. Would one of your pack let you?” Score one for him, whoop, whoop. Damn he was quick on his feet.

“I thought you were my pack now. Thanks for clearing that up.” 

Chauncey’s exuberance died quickly. “Oh come on now, Curtis. You can’t really be mad at me?” he asked as he scooped his mate off of the swing and sat him on his lap. He placed his fingers on Curtis’s chin and turned his head, making Curtis look at him. Chauncey stuck out his bottom lip.

Curtis tried hard not to smile, but Chauncey could see the sides of his lips were tugging as he yanked his face away. “You owe me.”

“And what does my honey bunny want for payment?” Chauncey asked as he turned Curtis around until his mate was straddling him.

Curtis slid his hand into Chauncey’s shirt, playing with his chest hairs.

“I’ll think of something. But for now, I need to get to work.”
Damn it.
Chauncey thought he was going to get some morning nooky. He sighed as he stood, his cock as hard as steel. “I’ll take you if you give me road head.”

Curtis laughed as he walked down the steps. “I do have my own car, you know.”

“I do know how to remove the spark plugs,” Chauncey countered as he trailed behind his mate.

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