Read Cyrosphere 2:: Lives Entangled Online

Authors: Deandre Dean,Calvin King Rivers

Cyrosphere 2:: Lives Entangled (2 page)

BOOK: Cyrosphere 2:: Lives Entangled
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Ginger responds, “Big time.”

Stacey tssk and says, “Sounds important. Let me jump in the shower. Give me ten minutes.”

Ginger nods and replies, “Okay. I’ll be in the study trying to block out the world.”

Stacey laughs and answers, “Remember to breathe. Things always look worst from your perspective. Why they say get a second opinion or second set of eyes to glance over things. Cheer up Ginger.”


She nodded and walked down the hall to the study.


Aaron’s office had tons of books, but the study was the smaller version of the library in this house. And not to mention the hundred of books on Stacey’s book shelves. This family loved to read, another part of the reason she fit in so well.


Taking a seat and grabbing a book of poetry was just the remedy. She picked up an anthology of Lucille Clifton’s to read. This woman had style and spunk. Ginger dived in, waiting for Stacey to shower and change.


Chapter Five:


Sitting and reading, Ginger lost track of time when Stacey came in. She placed a bookmaker in the book to keep her place, while Stacey pulled a chair up close to the love seat Ginger sat in.


Stacey asks, “So what did you want to tell me?”

Ginger replies, “I don’t know where to start.”

Stacey nodded and says, “You can tell me anything.”


Ginger nods, takes a few deep breathes.


Stacey responds, “It must be bad. No you would’ve told me if bad. It must be huge, that’s for sure.”

Ginger blurts it out, “I am living a lie.”

Stacey answers, “What do you mean sweetie?”

Ginger mumbles, “My parents were liars. I am a demon because somebody feed me blood transfusctions, and it seems both my parents are witches. Making me a full fledge blood witch. I might be the girl from the prophecy.”


Stacey gasps but recovers quickly by stating, “That is a lot to process. For one the prophecy says a full blood witch with indigo powers, so could be either of us. Or Penny.”


Ginger chimes in, “What I am worried about. Penny has enough on her plate as is.”

Stacey responds, “Then again, it could be another person. What if someone completely different. Or, how about a guy. We all assume a woman. It wasn’t clear, and we just might be misinterpreting.”


Ginger laughs and replies, “I know you’re right. I just wouldn’t want to leave that burden on anyone else’s shoulders. You know what I mean?”


Stacey answers, “Totally. We have our whole futures before us, but with this destiny business does that limit our life expectancy?’

Ginger shrugs and says, “God, I hope not.”


Stacey laughs and states, “Maybe we’re get lucky and escape fate’s cruel punishment.”

Ginger responds, “I hope so. I got more to tell you.”

Stacey squirms in her chair and asks, “There’s more?”


She nods and spends the next twenty minutes recounting her day with all the road-bumps of knowledge she ran into.


Chapter Six:


It turns out Stacey has a contact that might be able to help Ginger find this demon step-parent. Dinner was uneventful, but somehow it felt like she has a huge secret she was keeping from Yvette and aaron. 

Well technically she did.


She sighed as she headed upstairs to write in her journals. Ginger needed to process everything, while Stacey called whoever it was she knew. Writing was her saving grace, as she dived in for a good ten minutes and lets the words fill the pages.


Before Ginger could relax even more, Stacey knocked on her door. All the ease of writing, and contemplating everything in her life was mind-clearing. She smiled, patted her bed when Stacey sat down.


Ginger asks, “You find anything out?”

Stacey said, “I didn’t, but my friend says we can meet and see what pops up.’

Ginger says, “Is this good news or bad?”

Stacey shrugs and replies, “We’ll see tomorrow. Oh, and by the way we are going to a huge club.”


She didn’t finish the sentences for Ginger to guess, sultry and ready to ease information with her “other” natural assets.


They laughed and Stacey swore she’d invite Guadalupe and Peter. Ginger felt she was making a little progress, like with turtle speed. She laughed at her own joke.



Chapter Seven:


The next day after breakfast, Ginger sat as her new family filed off to go about their everyday life. She’d be starting school in a little under two months, but into then she decided to spend her leisure time in pleasure. So she go work-out.


Ginger thought, “First let me clean the kitchen.”


It took about an hour, but every surface of the kitchen was sterile and sparkling. Ginger cleaned, scrubbed, and glistened that room. She felt so proud of herself, thinking her mom had taught her well.


Now she went to the gym room. Tackling a few push-ups, chest press,  pull-ups, and crunches after she stretched. Ginger finished with foam rolling to ease all the tension and knots in her body.


She was still energized, so she grabbed her Ipod and decided to go for a run. A few miles around the neighborhood would do her some good.


An hour and twenty minutes later, Ginger had just finished her seventh miles. She jogged back, and outside the house she collapsed on the yard. The grass was dry, luckily Aaron watered at night-time.


Hesitantly, she got up and sipped the water hanging lose at her waist. After taking a drink, she let herself inside to shower and change. It was only a little after one, as she was getting dressed.


Ginger wondered, “How is Penny? I better check up on her.”



Chapter Eight:


Ginger paced the living- room wondering the proper protocol to visiting a vampire.


She asked herself, “Do vampires sleep during the day? She knew Jurnee was different from other vampires, but how much so? Do I bring over a gift or what?”


Ginger sighed and thought, “Screw it.”


No worrying about it now, as she headed for the door. Amazingly, Stacey had left her car again, so Ginger decided to drive over instead of using her powers.


On the way over, Ginger still had some money left over from the insurance policy. Maybe, she should invest in buying a car.


Once outside the mansion, Ginger grabbed her phone and shot off a quick text to Frost to see about finding a cheap, used Toyota like his. Getting out of the car, she walked up the steps and slipped her phone in her back pocket. Ginger knocked and waited.


There was no anxiety, or concern about being outside the house of a powerful vampire. In fact, it felt normal. A tiny ping of familiarity. The door swung up to a giggling pair of women, Jurnee and shockingly Penny. The tall Amazonian Jurnee still was as stunning as the last time Ginger saw her. The poise woman needed to be on the cover on a magazine.


The stressed and upset Penny Belkins she remembered looked refreshed, also a ton happier. This care-free version of Penny isn’t the same as the woman she met just days ago. Ginger felt as if she had barged into something intimate and private at that moment.


Ginger thought, “Don’t be ridiculous. They’re just stunned by my unannounced arrival.”


She plastered a fake smile on, as both women looked worried.


Ginger says quickly, “Oh, shit. No! Everything is okay. I just came by to see how you are.”

Jurnee replies, “That’s a huge relief. I thought our plans were going to need to be canceled, and I had some serious ass to kick.”


Penny laughs as she swats her arm. She answers, “Don’t mind her. Come on inside, and that is so sweet of you to be concerned about me.”


Ginger was pulled in by both these smiling women.


She wondered, “What were they doing when I got here?”


Chapter Nine:


The answer was surprisingly simple and unexpected.




They were playing Scribble when she walked into the mansion pasted the foyer into the grand dinning-hall.


The place was still breath-taking, and Ginger had no idea how a person could not be rendered speechless of this astounding beauty. The view was out of this world. It was phenomenal and made her grin like a fool.


Each room was so grand, and wonderful. Like it was a fairytale of art. She didn’t quite want to wake up from this imaginary place. This wasn’t her world, but Ginger enjoyed the tiny glimpses into it none the less.


Ginger asks, “How are you, Penny?”

Penny answers, “Wonderful. I’ve been sleeping ten hours a night, like a comma patient. I have also been drawing. I missed my passion, which I forgot makes my soul sour. Work takes up so much time, I think this break was a nice change.”


Ginger gasps and replies, “Wow. That sounds great.”

Jurnee responds, “Oh, it is. She just needed someone to remind her  of all her childhood loves.”


Penny smiles and states, “True. Most definitely a change from the girl kicking and screaming to be here in the first place This change in scenery and responsibilities has allowed med to focus and reconnect what’s important in my life.”


Ginger claims, “I am so jealous. You seem so different. ”

Penny answers with a grin, “Like a whole new person.”

Jurnee says, “Exactly.”


Ginger wonders, “Is that so bad? Or, perhaps Jurnee hypnotized her or something.”


I definitely need to ask Stacey about this later. They chatted some more before Ginger left to go read at a café.


Chapter Ten:


Twenty minutes later, Ginger sat in a non-descript building drinking tea. She wanted peace and quiet, and found it here in this secluded place. It wasn’t overly busy, and had comfy seats to allow her to get lost reading in peace.


She didn’t have head-phones, but didn’t need them to block out all the normal traffic and noise customers brought in places like Starbucks or Coffee-Bean. She smiled to herself, as she opened up her copy of Christopher Pike’s Thirst. This man sure knew how to write, and provoked such enlightening, profound thoughts for her.


Ginger looked up to see the same guy from yesterday, grinning at her as he tries to hide his smile by sipping coffee. She stepped in before the test, and she remembered he was reading a romance novel called Broken by Chloe Walsh. He was almost done today, and she loved that author as well. She casually got up, ready to leave.


She thought to herself, “Be brave. Be bold. Be strong,”


Ginger walks over to his table, takes a seat. Placing her book on the counter and smiles at him. He looks up from the page her was reading, and grins. He acts like her bold move didn’t phase him at all.


He says, “Hi, I’m Leo. And you are?”

Ginger stutters and answers, “Ginger. Were you staring at me a moment ago?”


He looks lost.


Ginger asks again, “Where you looking at me?

Leo replies shockingly, “What?”

Ginger smirks and responds, “Just now. Like less than five minutes ago. Right, over there.”


She points to her table she just vacated.

BOOK: Cyrosphere 2:: Lives Entangled
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