Daddy's Boss

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Authors: Kelsey Charisma

Tags: #kelsey charisma daddy daughter boss sex adult fuck bathroom

BOOK: Daddy's Boss
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Daddy’s Boss



Kelsey Charisma






Kelsey Charisma on Smashwords


Daddy’s Boss

Copyright © 2013 by Kelsey Charisma

ISBN: 9781301670444


[email protected]




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Olivia slipped away in
the middle of her father’s stuffy dinner party when his boss, the
CEO, entered the bathroom, where she’d hidden to smoke a joint.
With all the confidence of a man never turned down, he helped
himself to more than the last of her stash.





Other Titles by Kelsey


























As Olivia looked around the bathroom, seeing
24K gold specks in the wallpaper, better than museum-quality art,
and wealth beyond what a half bathroom deemed necessary, she sucked
in smoke from her joint before holding her breath. She hated
nothing more in the world than her father’s fortune. Little
reminders of each dollar earned and spent had her thinking of all
the lost memories. She didn’t even know who her father was, not
really. Yes, he was the man downstairs, sitting at the end of a
long table and attending his stuffy dinner party with members of
the board, but she rarely spoke to her father. They had nothing to
say and no interests in common; it had been that way since her mom
died, though deep down she wished things were different. That was
why she resented hiding in a bathroom that was larger than most
people’s bedrooms, glaring at the bidet as if all her
disappointments came from that one fixture.

She turned her head toward the open window
and exhaled heavily. While sitting on a marble countertop, she
leaned back against the wall and brought her feet up to cross her
legs in a very unladylike manor, but she ignored her appearance
because she was alone.

She didn’t know why she went to such great
lengths to conceal her habit. The east wing of the fourth floor was
never used, except for when she smoked or needed to get away. She
could be in her old room, where she’d stay when she wasn’t away at
boarding school, and smoke pot in peace. But she was one of those
girls who tried hard to please her father, no matter how
impossible. What really made her kick herself was she knew for a
fact that half the men downstairs, including her father, had done
much worse while overseas. They were all as crooked as politicians,
and most of the board had several of those in their back

Olivia sighed when the affect of the
marijuana settled in, and she relaxed while deciding her thoughts
were far too heavy. She practically kissed the end of her joint as
she took another hit. She was being careful not to wet the end of
the paper when the door to the bathroom open. Beside her eyes
darting to the entrance, she didn’t stir. Maybe it was her
rebellious side that forced her not to budge when CEO of Lytes
Universal, Douglas Truman, glanced into the room.

He smiled when seeing her with a joint in
her hand and on the marble counter top of what Olivia had always
assumed was some kind of dresser. Without a word, he slipped into
the bathroom and closed the door. Olivia finished sucking in while
she stared at him, surprised he’d bother to join her, but it wasn’t
the first time she’d had his private company. Besides being a
decent, respectable man, Douglas was also good-looking, but with
his wealth he could afford to always look his best. The fact that
he was in his mid-forties and had all his hair made him look
younger, and somehow stress defied to give him gray. In a way, he
looked a lot like her father, which always drew her to him. Like
her father, Douglas was tall with a light complexion, handsome, but
still had a stern appearance as if he knew he controlled the world,
or at least his world.

Douglas kept his hand on the door handle
before finally locking it, and then he slowly made his way toward
her with his eyes on her open legs, panties, and joint. He stopped
when he was a couple of feet from her and continued to give the
same debonair, confident smile that Olivia was sure got him laid
more times than she cared to know about.

When she dropped her hand to her knee with
the smoldering white paper snugly wrapped around her drug of
choice, he slid his hand over hers in an intimate touch she
couldn’t ignore. He took the cannabis between two fingers and stole
a hit while looking into her eyes. She finally smiled, even quietly
laughed although she found his action sensual, not humorous. At
least now she was certain he wouldn’t mention her habit to her

Olivia couldn’t help but notice Douglas
really did have a way with women. He was charming, gave her all his
attention like she was the only woman in the world and all the
while he oozed masculine sex appeal. What thrilled her most was his
silence. He usually waited for her to draw him into a conversation,
and she had to admit she liked the initial chasing.

“How did you find me? Were you searching
rooms, or did you get lucky?” Truly, she didn’t think he was
tracking her down and was grasping for a sexy way to start a

“I haven’t been fortunate enough to get
lucky yet,” he said in innuendo. He watched her carefully for a
reaction as he breathed out, and then he transferred the joint from
his lips to hers. When his fingers brushed along her lips as if to
feel the softness of her skin, she knew that was the first time
he’d touched her so sensually. He watched his fingers lightly tug
at her lips, and she swore that he was moving slowly because he was
debating kissing her. His eyes drifted up to hers before letting
his fingers drop. Then he winked at her before adding, “There is
another reason for coming into a room like this.”

“Don’t let me stop you,” she challenged,
knowing there were plenty of other lavatories downstairs.

He swept his eyes over her body. Maybe he
was assessing her in a moment to decide if she was serious. Then he
flashed a cocky grin after reaching a decision, and she watched him
unzip his pants.

“Admit it. You wondered where I was.” She
smiled, knowing full well she’d caught him looking at her cleavage
when he didn’t think she’d notice, but he’d never actually acted on
it—not really. But tonight he touched her lips in a way that led
her to believe he’d kiss her.

“After a dinner with my board, I can’t
wander around?” He grinned and pulled his dick out of his pants,
giving a real attempt to relieve himself.

She raised a skeptical eyebrow, still not
believing him. Then she dared to glance down at his family jewels
and forced herself not to lick her lips. He was flaccid but still
impressively long. In fact, her last boyfriend was his length while
hard. Double the size, and she supposed he fucked women with at
least nine to ten inches. No wonder so many gorgeous females were
willing to screw him behind his wife’s back. She pried her gaze
away when she felt the signs of curiosity creep between her legs in
a subtle but noticeable heat. She had no right looking at him
anyway. She was practically inviting him to ask her to help him
cheat, not to mention he was her father’s boss. She didn’t even
want to know what her father would think if she’d let a man, even
dared a man, to pull himself out in front of her.

She went back to smoking and even looked out
the window while Douglas deflated her ego a bit by proving that
some of the best imported wine in the world apparently sent him
walking to get away and find a far-off bathroom.

“Where is your wife, anyway?” Olivia asked
to point out the inappropriateness of them being alone in a
bathroom together—especially with his pants open.

“At our villa,” he said coolly, “with our
gardener. Supposedly, he’s landscaping the country estate, but it
wouldn’t surprise me to find he did nothing but fuck my wife.”

“You don’t sound bitter,” she said
facetiously. Though, surprisingly, she got the impression he didn’t
seem to mind at all.

“Actually, I’m not. We’re married for our
children, and when Jessica is eighteen we’ll divorce. We’ve been
separated for six years, but few people know that. We keep up
facades for our children.” He washed his hands and towel-dried
them. Then returned to her and leaned against the counter she sat

By his closeness, Olivia could tell he was
waiting for her to hand him the joint, or maybe he wanted something
else. She jumped to a lot of conclusions about men liking her, when
in actuality they weren’t interested in her or were intimidated by
her father. Then again, men often pretended to want her because of
her father. But a man like Douglas Truman didn’t need a career

So it baffled her that he swept his eyes up
her body slowly enough that she could tell he was mentally
undressing her. He’d probably get her all wrong. She hadn’t worn a
bra, and he was probably guessing it matched her panties. And how
was he to know the exact shape of her areoles or size of her
nipples? She tried to suppress her smile, because unlike him, she
glimpsed his sex and knew he was bare and larger than most.

“What about you? Where is your

“You’re looking at him,” she said, meaning
she didn’t have one.

“Are you asking me out, Liv?” For comfort,
he unbuttoned his fitted jacket, which caught her eye, and once
again she started to stare at him.

Her attention drifted up to his stellar
smile, and somehow she had the wit to say, “You’re too old for

“How old are you?” he asked.

She knew he had the answer but amused him
anyway by answering, “Twenty-one. And you’re forty-six. We’re both
smart enough to know that doesn’t add up.”

Douglas watched her bring the joint to her
puckered mouth, and as she inhaled, he set his hand on her knee.
The way he brushed his thumb along her inner, soft skin, she knew
he meant it to be enjoyed, and it was. She in turn watched him,
studying him, because he was brazen tonight with his touching. She
didn’t understand the meaning of it.

He leaned in close to her, inching toward
her lips. His dark eyes locked onto hers. She was sure he was about
to kiss her. Olivia’s heart began to race and in an instant she
decided she’d let him devour her in passion if he wanted. But right
when she forgot to breathe because his mouth was less than an inch
from hers, she let out her air in a trembling exhale. She couldn’t
believe how nervous she was. Maybe she wanted to kiss him more than
she realized.

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