Daddy's Boy (17 page)

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Authors: Samantha Grady

BOOK: Daddy's Boy
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Forgetting about Shark for the moment I stepped into Mason trying to hear what was being said on the phone.

“No nothing here. Where are you going now? Adam’s is that really a good idea? I don’t know Jonah maybe because you were shot only two hours ago. Fine just be careful.”

“They haven’t found him?” I asked Mason, already knowing the answer.

“No.” Mason said pushing his phone back into his pocket. “They’re going to Adam’s. We need to get to Adam’s before they do something stupid. Jonah’s not doing well and Denny is so pissed I wouldn’t be surprised if he killed Adam.” Mason said letting go of Shark’s neck. “But as soon as we have Olivia and Lucca back you and I are going to talk.” He hissed at Shark.

“Fine.” Shark said regretfully. “But Olivia can’t know I’m talking to Nick. If Olivia knows it will get her killed.”

I didn’t think my blood could run any colder. Whatever Shark was involved in with her brother it was dangerous enough that it could lead to Olivia getting killed. What the hell where they up to?

“Please Rachel I need your promise that you won’t say a word to Olivia?”

“Will you tell me what is going on?”

“I’m sorry, I can’t.”

Now was not the time to argue when I had to get my baby boy back and right now stopping Denny from killing Adam. “Fine you have my promise but only if you take me with you to Adams.” It was a lie no way was I going to keep quiet. Whatever Shark was doing it was putting Olivia in danger and that was not ok with me. As soon as I had my family back I was going to find out what was going on.






Two of Adam’s goons lay on the floor bleeding courtesy of Jonah. Oh yeah my boy remember who took his girl a couple months ago. Screw the gun shot graze, the dizziness and loss of blood once Jonah saw Adam’s bodyguards, the same two that hurt Olivia, Jonah went off on that screw that was loose in his head. Now Adam sat in a chair with my gun pointed at his heart. “I’ll ask one more time Adam where did Darcy take my son and Olivia?”

Wiping the blood out of his beard Adam smirked up at Jonah. “Darcy who?”

Jonah surged forward cold clocking Adam in the jaw.

“Wrong answer Adam.” I said pulling Jonah back before he could hit him again. Once Jonah was out of the way I made a big deal of clicking the safety off my gun. “One more bullshit answer Adam and I will fucking shoot you.”

A cold hard laugh burst from Adam’s bleeding lips. “You have no clue what’s going on do you?”

“Start talking.” Jonah growled.

“Fine I’ll give you something but only because it will be priceless to see the look on your faces.”

“Stop fucking around Adam.” I yelled, the small hold on my sanity slipping.

Barking out a laugh Adam looked me straight in the eye. “Guess who Darcy is working with?” Adam said with a shit eat grin. “Oh and it’s not Mika I’m talking about.”

Losing it I pushed the gun under Adam’s chin hard enough to make his head jerk back. “I said stop fucking around. Who the fuck is Darcy working with?”

Letting a little fear slip into his eyes Adam answered fast. “Your son’s uncle.”

“Jace?” Jonah and I said at the same time as my world closed in a little tighter.

“Why is Jace working with Darcy?” Rachel said from behind me.

Whipping around I saw Rachel, Mason and Shark standing behind Jonah and I honestly didn’t know which one I was going to kill first. Why fuck would they bring her here. “What the fuck are you doing here?” I said pushing the gun a little harder into Adam’s chin as I yelled.

  “Watch what you’re doing with that thing.” Adam screeched trying to pull away from me.

“We know Darcy is working with Jace” Shark said, “we also know Darcy was sent by Mika to get Jack. Darcy was meant to take Jack to Mika as soon as she found him but Darcy and Jace aren’t following Mika’s rules anymore. But you already knew that.”

Son of a motherfucking bitch.

“Of course the drug officer knows. Are you here to take me down Agent? Or maybe you’d like to do something about the person holding a gun to my throat.” Adam squeaked, his voice restricted with the gun pressing into his throat.

“Sorry Adam, you’re too low down on the food chain for me to care about. As for the gun in your throat I don’t give a fuck if Denny kills you.” Shark shot back.

Before I could process this new information or my head could explode, Rachel grabbed Mason’s gun and moved so fast none of us saw her until she was standing in front of Adam the gun pointed to his temple. “Shark is not your concern Adam, I am. Now tell me where my fucking brother is keeping my son or I swear to God I will shoot you.”

Holy fuck, darting my eyes from Adam to Rachel I slowly raised my hand to the gun pointed at Adam’s temple. “Give me the gun Rachel.”

“No.” Rachel screamed, a single tear dropping from her eye. “He talks or I shoot him.”

Shit, she wasn’t lying, Rachel was ready to shoot him right here, right now. But no matter how bad we needed the information I could not let Rachel shoot Adam.

“Give me the gun baby.” I said tightening my hand around her hand on the gun.

“He’s not going to tell us anything if I don’t do this.”

“You don’t have to do this sweetheart. This is my job.” Locking eyes with her I pleaded. “Trust me baby.” For Lucca I would be anything and everything. But goddamnit I wasn’t Vinnie and I would not let her ruin her life by taking Adams life. For the first time since Vinnie’s death I saw the difference between us. Vinnie would let Rachel wreck her life without giving it a second thought, hell Vinnie would kill Adam the second he didn’t give him the answers he wanted. But Vinnie wasn’t here anymore, I wasn’t Vinnie and I sure as hell wasn’t going to let myself turn into him. Yes I would take Adam’s life to get my son’s back but only as a last resort, but what parent wouldn’t.

Nodding to Rachel she let the gun go, Jonah quickly pulled her back. Adam tried to make his move but before he could move I aimed the gun at his knee and pulled the trigger.

Adam screamed in pain as the smell of blood and burnt skin filled the room.

“You’ve forgotten who you’re talking to Adam, I’m Denny Garcia and I let no one touch what is mine. You thought I was over protective of Vinnie’s business well that is nothing compared to what I will do to protect my family. I wouldn’t kill for Vinnie but you better fucking believe I will kill to make my family safe. You should start talking right the fuck now Adam. I want to know everything you know or the next shot goes through your heart.”

Grunting in pain Adam cleared his throat twice before his weak and pained filled voice echoed around the room. “Jack knows something Mika really wants to know. He sent Darcy after him, which worked out perfectly for that crazy bitch because she is out for Mika’s blood.”

“What does Jack know? Is it about the Russian who betrayed him?” I asked.

“Something much better than a betrayer.”

“What’s better than that?” Shark asked his voice cracking with what I thought was panic.

Breathing deeply Adam squeezed his eyes shut. “I don’t know I just know it’s big.”

“What does Jace have to do with any of this?” Rachel whispered her voice shaky and tear filled.

“That little fucker was screwed from the beginning.” Adam laughed weakly, “Darcy had him long before she needed him to get Jack. She even promised him he could kill me after they took care of Jack.”

“Darcy picked him up right after you beat him. Darcy’s the reason you beat him.” Jonah yelled.

The evil look shining in his eyes confirmed it. Darcy and Adam had played Jace. “We had other plans for him but this was so much better. Actually truth be told we were going to have Jace seduce Olivia until you messed everything up Jonah.”

“You little fuck.” Jonah roared pushing Rachel away and lunging for Adam. Mason moved in quick pulling Jonah back.

“Darcy has Jace and Jack what the fuck does she want with Olivia and my son?” I snapped bringing the conversation back to the reason we were here. Harsh I know but right now I didn’t care for why or how I just wanted my boy back.

“Darcy thought Jack would talk if he thought she was going to kill Jace. Turns out Daddy Jack saw through her plan.”

“So Darcy took my son to make Jack talk.” I hissed fucking disgusted that someone would use a child like that. Not just any child my child.

“What does she want with Olivia?” Jonah asked sounding as broken as I felt.

“For someone reason Mika has made Olivia off limits. No one is to touch or harm her; it’s been that way since the day Shark took Alex’s life.”

Holy fuck.

“Alex Rees died of an overdose.” Jonah yelled pushing against Mason’s hold. “Is it true, did you kill Alex?”

Stepping away from Mason struggling to hold Jonah Shark’s body hit the door hard. “Now is not the time or place Jonah.” 

A burst of laughter from Adam had us all looking back at him. “You are all chess pieces being played in someone else’s game.”

Slapping Adam across the face I gripped my fist into his shirt. “Where the fuck did Darcy take them. I want the address right now or I’m putting that bullet through your heart.”


Chapter 18


The three cars stopped across the street from a dirt road that led to Adam’s safe house. The house was in the middle of nowhere and a good five miles away from the closest neighbors. He didn’t know it yet but Adam was going to pay for helping Darcy like this. Inside Adam’s safe house Darcy and Jace were holding Olivia, Lucca, Jack and Ryan or JD as he was really known. We knew why Darcy was holding Olivia, Lucca and Jack, JD was the only one we didn’t have a reason for.

Jumping out of the car I made my way straight to Rachel. Gripping her arm I pushed her back into the car.

“Denny what the hell?” She screeched at me.

Sliding my hand to the back of her neck I grabbed her hair pulling her head back so I could see her face. “Stay in the car and do not move. If none of us come back in ten minutes you get your ass in the driver’s seat and drive to the nearest police station.” Not waiting for an answer I kissed her like it could be the last time, not stopping until we were both out of breath. Pulling away I slammed the door and took off towards the safe house.

“You do know she is not going to stay in that car don’t you?” Jonah asked jogging to keep up with me.

“Yeah, which is why we need to do this fast.”

Mason and Shark were taking the back while Jonah and I stormed the front. Four of us, two of them and if I had it my way those two wouldn’t be leaving alive.

With the house coming in to view Jonah touched my shoulder. “After this mess is cleaned up and we have Olivia and Lucca back Sharks a dead man.” Jonah hissed.

“You think he killed Alex?” I said looking over at him, Jonah nodded so I continued talking, “ok, but remember dead men don’t talk.”

“If he killed Olivia’s brother he’s already dead.”

Nodding and wincing internally at the shit storm that was to come I pushed it all away and focused on getting Lucca back safely to his mother.

Crouching behind a bush Olivia carrying Lucca was visible through the massive window dominating the front side of the safe house. My heart sped up at seeing them but damn if it didn’t want to drop to the floor and thank someone for them both looking unharmed.

In that moment Olivia screamed dropping from view as a gunshot rang out. Not waiting for Jonah I took off running for the glass window. Without giving it a second thought I put my arm over my eyes and flung myself threw the glass. Like an explosion the shattering glass and splintering wood cut painfully through my skin and the sound ripped through my ears.

As soon as my feet hit the ground I opened my eyes to complete chaos. JD lay in the middle of the room bleeding, Olivia with Lucca in her arms was trying to pull away from Jace but Jace was too strong and brought Olivia’s forearm down over his knee breaking the bone instantly. Olivia screamed out as Jace made a grab for Lucca. Jack and Darcy fighting for control over a gun fell into a glass table shattering it as Darcy screamed for Jace to run. Jace looked up making eye contact with me. For a full second we stared at each other amongst the chaos. In that second I saw him make the decision to pick Darcy over his family and in that second I knew I would be killing him by the end of the night.






Sitting in the car was hell; every little noise had me jumping out of my skin. Finally I could take it no more. I wouldn’t go into the house no, that would cause Denny to lose focus, I would just go close enough to hear what was going on.

Running through the dark I made my way down the drive as a scream so full of pain broke through the night. In a split second I forgot everything and found myself climbing through a broken window. My father and JD both lay on the floor bleeding, Jonah was carefully lifting a crying Olivia, her arm in an unnatural position. Denny wasn’t in the room and neither was Lucca. For the second time I completely lost it. Shaking violently and having to push the vomit back down my throat, I sank down to my knees on the broken glass screaming, “Where is Lucca? Where the hell is Lucca?” I was about to yell again demanding someone tell me where my little boy was when a gun was shoved into the side of my head.

“If I knew you would just offer yourself up like this Rachel I wouldn’t have taken the little brat.” Darcy said laughing.

“Why us Darcy?” Olivia said brokenly through pain and tears. “Why do you keep coming for us?”

Laughing a cruel laugh Darcy pushed the gun even harder into my head. “No us Liv, just you. You brought this to their doorstep. You and Alex.” She spat his name making it sound like a dirty word.

“What did Alex ever do to you?” Olivia asked surprise taking over some of the pain.

“It’s what he didn’t do that’s the problem. I was in love with him but he wouldn’t even look at me because of that goddamn bitch. He couldn’t even have her!” Darcy screamed hitting me with the gun as her hand started to shake. “No one can have something that is Mika’s.”

“All of this is because my brother didn’t want you?”

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