dakota_trace_his_christmas_gift_myrnas (9 page)

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Touching her shoulder, he turned her towards him.
“Look at me, sweetheart.”

Her blue eyes were shadowed and bleak. The slump of
her shoulders made him feel like he’d kicked a puppy.

He gave a sigh of frustration. “Do you trust me,

Her chin trembled even as anger replaced the fear in
her eyes. “Why should I? You’re going to drag me into a scene I don’t want…”

His growl seemed to come from the depths of his soul.
The idea that she thought he’d force her stung. “I have never, nor will I ever
force a sub to participate in a scene!” He turned away from her before reaching
for the keys. Pulling them out, he pocketed them. “How long have you known me?”

There was a hesitation before she finally answered.
“Forty years – give or take.”

“In those forty years have you ever, even once, heard
of me or witnessed me abusing a slave?”

Her hands twisted and turned on her lap before she
shook her head. “No.”

Reaching over, he stilled her hands while looking
into her eyes. “So why do you think I would start with you?”

Her eyes darted away before she shrugged her
shoulders. “I’m scared.”

“…Of me?”  When she didn’t answer, he sighed. Even as
frustrated and horny as he was, he couldn’t make her decision for her.

“I’m sorry if I scared you, Myrna.” His ire returned
when she ignored his statement. “Honestly though, I don’t think you’re scared
of me. You’re scared of yourself.” He pushed the door open. “You aren’t acting
like the strong woman I’ve known and loved for years. If you see that woman,
tell her I’m waiting for her inside, just as I have waited for the last thirty
plus years – but my guess is she’s buried under so many layers of denial, you
won’t be able to find her even if you try.”

Slamming the car door, Amery strode across the
parking lot even when he heard her door open and she cried out his name.
Walking away from her was the hardest thing he’d ever done, but it was better
than inflicting more pain when she was already hurting. For the first time in a
very long time, Amery felt every one of his sixty-three years. He wanted her,
but the way it looked now, unless she came to him, he was doomed to never have
her. He wouldn’t beg and he was damned tired of her refusal to accept him as
her master, especially when it was obvious he was what she needed.

* * * *

Sitting in Amery’s cooling car, Myrna fought the
tears begging to be released. She’d never meant to accuse Amery of abusing his
subs. He was one of the most in-demand Masters in Ireland. His well-balanced
consideration and domination of those under his training and auspices had
Masters and submissives near and far seeking him out.
If all those other
people can trust him, why couldn’t I admit I was scared of myself when he
asked? Why did I sit here and let him assume the worse? He even admitted he loves
Euphoria briefly obliterated her unhappiness until she remembered how
she’d let what had happened with Grant rule her for all these years.
Grant screw my head up so much that I’m not even willing to try to fix what’s
wrong with me? Dammit! Enough is enough. I refuse to let Grant do this to me
any longer. If Amery wants me, even for the briefest of times, I’d be a fool
not to take what he’s offering.

With a determination she didn’t realize she
possessed, she opened the car door to call him back. “Amery!”

Instead of slowing, he entered the building without a
backward glance. She stopped, then watched as the door shut behind him. She
stared abjectly at the closed door. If only he’d waited for her, but instead
he’d gone into the club. The same place it’d taken all her gumption three days
ago to enter. When a cold winter wind pushed at her, she hurried across the
parking lot.
God, I can’t believe I’m doing this.
But even when her hand
wrapped around the handle, she refused to stop.
I guess I’d follow that man
through hell – so what does that say about me?

The warm air caressed her cheeks as she stepped into
the vestibule. Tugging off her gloves, she was in the process of unbuttoning
her jacket when a man she’d never seen before stepped into the small space with
her. His lean body was dressed entirely in black – the same attire that Sanders
had been wearing three nights ago. The only differences were the wicked scar on
the man’s left cheek, his tar black hair, and the dominating presence Sanders
had lacked. This man was no mere bouncer. He was a Dom, she thought wildly. She
tried to calm herself but even as his dark eyes showed concern, fear had her
mouth drying when he stepped closer.

“I’m sorry but the club doesn’t open until this
evening. I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

Her heart sped up at his words. “Ah…there was a
man…Amery…I mean Master Alastar...” She couldn’t believe she was stumbling over
her words like a young school girl.

“Shhhh, calm down – no one is going to hurt you.”
When he placed his hand over her shoulder, she jumped back. He held his hands
up in a gesture she was sure that he thought was reassuring, but the sight of
his raised hands had her visibly flinching.
This is why I never come here.
There are too many Dominant men who can hurt me.

”I’m here to see Master Alastar,” Myrna blurted out
before the man became tired of her theatrics and decided to throw her out. At
the mention of Amery, the man stopped.

“Master Alastar doesn’t see just anyone off the
street, ma’am, and I’m not sure he’s even here this morning.”

Crossing her arms over her chest, Myrna tried to
compose herself. “I know he’s here, I rode with him…”

The man opened his mouth to argue when the door
behind him opened once more, as Master Simon stepped into the already crowded

 “I’ll take care of it, Master Liam.” Simon nodded
towards the door. “We’ll be starting shortly. Why don’t you grab Marissa and
head back to Amberboch Room?”

The man, who Myrna assumed was Master Liam, without a
word turned and exited the vestibule, leaving her alone with Simon. The silence
dragged on as Simon coolly took in her appearance.

When she opened her mouth to speak, Simon held up a
hand. “Don’t speak, just listen. I don’t claim to know what exactly is going on
between you and Amery but I know him.”

She stiffened in response. “We’re friends…”

“Silence, Mrs. Doherty!” His eyes flashed angrily.
“Your membership here is hanging by a thread – push and I’ll sever it.”

Shutting her mouth, she bit down on the hot retort
about what he could do with her membership. Frankly she didn’t care about the
membership - but she did care about Amery and she had a feeling she’d hurt him
earlier. A hurt she had to make right.

She watched as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Are you going to listen now?”

She nodded.

“Good. As I was saying, I know Amery and I’ve never
seen him as downhearted as I did when he came in a few minutes ago.”

“I’m sorry.” Her whisper had Simon’s nose flaring.

“You can’t follow orders worth a damn, Myrna. You’ve
been away from the scene too long. I don’t know why Amery bothers with you, but
nonetheless I’m not the Dom who has to put up with your rebellious ways, or
remind you why you’re supposed to follow protocol.”

Her jaw hardened as anger filled her.
How dare he
treat me like a disobedient child! I’m old enough to be his mother. I was in
the scene for ten years before he entered, and he has no earthly idea what I’ve
been through!

“Before you go thinking I know nothing, you should
consider I’ve been both a friend and student of Amery’s for nearly thirty-five
years. As such, Amery has confided in me often. I know you went through hell
with Grant, but what right does it give you to treat Amery like this? He’s done
nothing more than care for you. I’m tempted to have you removed from the
premises. Amery even agreed to let me make the final decision if you did find
the nerve to come in…”

Her shoulders slumped as finality of what her foolish
actions had caused washed over her. Twisting her hands, she lowered her head.
“I apologize, Master Simon.” She turned to leave when Simon gave a long rough

“I’m not the one you should be apologizing to,

She nodded. “I know. Ask Amery…I mean Master Alastar…
if he’ll give me a call when it’s convenient for him.” She wasn’t sure how she
managed it, but she kept her voice soft and obedient as a submissive should.
humility is something I need to be reminded of, but damn if it doesn’t sting.
This is probably one of the worst days of my life. I should’ve stayed in bed.

She moved to open the door when a long arm shot over
her shoulder to slam it shut. “Are you that much of coward, Myrna? You give up
too easily.”

She went rigid. “I’m not a coward, Master Simon, but
I am a practical woman. I realize you’re both physically stronger and much
larger than me. There is little chance of my overpowering you. I’ll not be
entering the club if you decide to bar me.”

“Very astute, Mrs. Doherty. While I said I was
tempted to escort you from the premises, there is one way I’ll allow you to enter
today. The question is, though, are you willing to pay the price?”

Her head pounded as the meaning of his words sank in.
How far was she willing to go to make things right with Amery?
As far as
need be.
Horror filled her before she found her voice.

“Yes, Master Simon.”

His expression turned thoughtful. “You aren’t even
going to ask what the price is before agreeing?”

She shook her head. “Whatever it is, it’s worth it,
Master Simon.”

With her head bowed and her back to him, the silence
grew as she waited for him to speak again. Hopefully showing him that she could
be submissive would help her cause.

“Perhaps there’s hope for you yet, Myrna. Come with

She turned and let him lead her into The Sanctuary’s

Chapter Seven

Holding a hot mug of Irish coffee seated in the
Amberboch Room, Amery watched the other members trickle in. He gave a brief nod
to Master Liam, the Dom in charge of the dungeon playrooms, as behind him, his
slave Marissa trailed after him. He watched as Liam sank into his chair and
Marissa knelt at his feet, ready to serve her Master. His loins jumped at the
thought of what would occur by the end of the meeting as the rest of the
Masters settled down in their chairs. It wasn’t uncommon for the founding
members to indulge in play with their submissives, once the business end of the
meeting was finished. More than once the Founder’s Meeting had devolved into a
BDSM voyeur’s paradise.

The idea of having Myrna at his feet while they
watched the other submissives please their Masters had been his intention all
along. It wouldn’t matter if he and Myrna did nothing. He had wanted to give
her a glimpse of his world and prove to her that she’d always be safe at his
side, that even in the presence of overt BDSM she could trust him. But after
his disastrous conversation with her, attending a Founder’s Meeting was the
last thing he wanted to do. Instead, he’d been so angry he’d left the decision
of whether or not she’d even be permitted to enter the club with Simon. A
decision he now regretted, as he thought of her sitting in a cold car while he
was warm and comfortable inside the club.
I should’ve at least left her the
keys, so she could turn the car on. But then again she might have abandoned me
here if I had.

Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his keys
before flagging down the server who’d just brought in a large tray heaped with
food for the breakfast buffet.

“Ryan, could you do me a favor and take these keys
out to the woman sitting in my car?”

“Of course, Master Alastar.” The young man reached
for the keys when Simon appeared behind him.

“That won’t be needed, Ryan. Please go help Greta
bring in the last tray.” The young submissive froze - torn between obeying
Amery and Simon.

Amery glared at Simon before giving the young man a brief
nod. “Go, do as Master Simon suggested. I’ll take care of it.” Setting his
coffee down, Amery rose to his full height. He wasn’t going to argue with Simon
about this. Even if she was breaking his heart, he wasn’t going to let Myrna
freeze in his car – that’s if she was still waiting for him. He wouldn’t put it
past her to head out on foot.

He moved to follow Ryan from the room, when Simon
grabbed his arm.”I’m not going to let her freeze out there, for God’s sakes,”
he snapped.

“I wasn’t asking you to. Come with me before you jump
to conclusions, Amery. You need to see something.”

Amery frowned. “Can’t it wait?”

“No. I’m afraid if you make her wait much longer,
she’ll loose her nerve. Not to mention she’s not that well-trained yet.”

Wiping a hand down his suddenly tired face, Amery
wondered how to get himself out of this predicament. More than likely Simon had
procured a newly trained submissive to attend him during the Founder’s Meeting.
It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence but unlike the past, this morning he wasn’t in
the mood. Suddenly he couldn’t stomach the thought of being the patient Master
he was known to be with any woman other than Myrna.

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