Dalakis Passion 3 - Stefan's Salvation (29 page)

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onto the bed next to her. His lungs were working like a bellows as he wrapped his arm
around her and pulled her tight against his chest. "Mine," he uttered with absolute
He could hear her gasping for breath as her body continued to shiver and shake. He
could feel her pleasure and it sent another spasm shooting though his own body. They
were still connected in so many ways even though he was no longer inside her. That
connection would grow stronger over time. They were truly part of one another now.
Laurel Rose squirmed against him, moving closer until she found a spot she liked.
Grasping his hand in hers, she placed it over her heart. He could feel its steady rhythm
against his palm as it grew slower and fainter. Her breathing evened out and he knew
she was almost asleep.
He knew he should ask Laurel Rose if she was all right, but thought and speech
were beyond him. Nothing in his life had ever felt as right as being with her. Using the
last of his energy, he mentally checked every window and door in the house, making
sure they were all closed and locked tight. A quick mental command closed and locked
her bedroom door. With the heavy curtains closed and the extra blanket over the
window, the room was pitch black. Satisfied that they were both safe, Stefan relaxed.
Dawn was yet a few hours away, but he was content where he was. Cradling his
woman in his arms, Stefan allowed sleep to take him.
Chapter Thirty
Laurel Rose snuggled deeper into her pillow, not wanting to wake yet. She'd been
having the most wonderful dreams. Sighing, she tried to stretch but found she couldn't
move. A large male body was wrapped tight around her, effectively caging her in place.
She stilled and her eyes popped open. It hadn't been a dream. They'd really done all
those things.
Heat crept up her cheeks as she remembered her screaming and pleading with
Stefan to fuck her. She could still feel his long, thick fingers inside her pussy as he
pushed his cock into her from behind. It had been painful at first, but it had also felt so
amazingly good. Stefan had filled her body with himself, driving her to heights of
ecstasy that she'd never even imagined. She squirmed at the thought, her breasts
swelling and her nipples puckering, and she stifled a groan as her muscles complained,
reminding her of the unfamiliar activity.
"How do you feel?" Stefan's breath teased her neck as he placed a soft kiss on the
Laurel Rose wanted to bury her head and hide, not quite ready for the morning
after--or evening after, as the case may be. Fighting the instinct to just burrow under
the covers and feign sleep, she turned in his arms so that she was flat on her back
looking up at him as he propped himself up on one heavily muscled arm and loomed
over her.
How did she feel?
She gave his question serious thought before replying.
"I feel like myself, only more. Does that make sense?" She couldn't quite explain
exactly what she was experiencing, only that she was changed. Yet she was the same. It
was confusing.
Stefan picked up a strand of her hair and began to stroke it over her arm. The man
did seem to love to play with her hair. "Yes. It makes sense. You're still Laurel Rose,
still the same person you've always been." He allowed the dark strand to sift through
his fingers and fall across her breasts. "But now all your senses are more developed.
You're more powerful, have greater abilities than you can even imagine."
She frowned and he immediately rubbed away the frown lines with the pad of his
thumb. "Do not worry so. We have all the time in the world for you to discover and test
all your new powers. Your land is safe and the threat to you is gone." His features
hardened, his eyes glowed as he spoke and she knew he was remembering what had
"It's over now." She stroked her hand over his chest, the need to comfort him
overwhelming all else. He carried so much responsibility on his broad shoulders. But
she did not want to be a burden to him. She wanted to share his burdens with him.
A smile played around the corners of his mouth. "You could never be a burden.
You are a joy."
"You're doing that mind-reading thing again, aren't you?" She sighed deeply,
pretending to be exasperated with him. In truth, she found she didn't mind the fact that
they could share each other's thoughts. She knew he would not trespass
indiscriminately and that she had her own defenses. Time would enable her to block
her thoughts completely if she chose to. It was only the fact that she was relaxed and
wanted contact with him on every level that her mind was an open book for him.
"Hmmm." Ignoring her question, he lowered his head until their noses were almost
touching. "As much as I'd like to continue this conversation, right now we have another
slight problem."
"What?" Her heart began to pound. Did he sense a new threat to them?
"My family is waiting below."
Expecting something totally different, it took her a second to digest his words. She
shot up, clunking her forehead against his as she shoved her hands against his chest
and jumped out of bed.
Stefan groaned dramatically and fell back against the mattress, pressing his hand
against his forehead. "I think I'm mortally wounded." His laughter was rough and
Laurel Rose was torn between her delight at his spontaneous laughter and her
horror that his family was downstairs waiting for them to appear. She knew that he
seldom laughed and the fact that she had been responsible for it pleased her to no end.
But on the other hand, his family was downstairs in her home waiting to meet her. And
they were all vampires. She rubbed her hands over her face, trying to get a grip on
"They are not so frightening, my love. They are just like you and me." Sprawled
across the bed with the covers kicked off him, Stefan was a truly impressive sight. He
took up the entire bed as he stacked his hands under his head and watched her with a
familiar gleam in his eyes.
"Oh, no you don't." Realizing she was as naked as he was, she plucked a sheet off
the bed and wrapped it around herself. It still amazed her just how quickly she'd gotten
used to being naked around Stefan. It felt totally natural and right.
"Of course it is natural." Reaching down, he stroked a hand over his rather
impressive erection. Laurel Rose licked her lips and was leaning toward the bed before
she shook herself.
"You are such a bad influence." Frowning at him, she hugged herself, suddenly
feeling cold. "That's your family down there," she hissed. What if they didn't like her?
She wasn't sure she knew how to fit into a family anymore. She'd been on her own for
so long.
Stefan rolled out of bed in one quick motion. All traces of humor were gone.
Framing her face in his hands, he stared down at her. "They will love you because I do."
Taking a deep breath, she plastered a smile on her face. There was no escaping this.
The best thing to do was to just get it over with. Stefan sighed and planted a quick kiss
on her lips. "I can see that we will have no peace until this is done. Get dressed and I
will take you down to meet them."
Laurel Rose had the worst of her nervousness under control by the time she walked
down the stairs beside him. A quick shower had rejuvenated her and given her time to
plan what she would say. His palm rested on the small of her back and she drew
strength from that contact. It didn't really matter what these people thought of her. She
liked who she was and so did Stefan. That was enough.
Stefan gave an exasperated sigh as he all but pushed her into the living room. Two
men, dressed impeccably in black pants and silky black shirts, were flanking the
fireplace. There was no mistaking the fact that they were Stefan's brothers. They were
both large men with midnight black hair. But it was the similarity in their facial features
and their brilliant green eyes that marked them as family. They had been with Stefan
when he'd rescued her.
Stepping forward, Laurel Rose held out her hand. "I'm Laurel Rose McCaffey.
Welcome to my home." The man on the right stepped forward and closed his fingers
around hers. Instead of shaking her hand, he raised it to his lips, placing a kiss on her
knuckles. Feeling slightly uncomfortable, she gave her hand a quick tug and was
grateful that he immediately released her, although she could see him trying to hide his
smile. "Thank you for helping Stefan rescue me."
The man gave her a short, formal bow. "It was our pleasure. We could not allow
such a threat to you to continue to exist. I am Cristofor Dalakis."
So this was the oldest brother. She replayed everything Stefan had told her about
him. He was the one who lived in the castle in Transylvania just like a real vampire.
Stefan tried to stifle a laugh next to her, but failed miserably. She elbowed him in the
stomach. She would not allow him to embarrass her in front of his family.
Stefan leaned down and whispered in her ear. "We are all real vampires, my love."
She shot him a quick scowl, letting him know she wasn't pleased with him before
turning back to the other man. This had to be the middle brother. He stepped toward
her with a smile on his face and gave her the same courtly bow that Cristofor had given.
These men certainly had impressive manners.
"I am Lucian Dalakis and I am pleased to meet you." He did not put out his hand,
but she sensed that he was waiting for her to do so. Sighing, she reluctantly held it out
to him. Once again, she received a kiss on the back of her hand rather than a handshake.
These men would be lethal among the female population with their dark, handsome
looks and their Old World charm.
"I'm glad to meet Stefan's family."
Soft, feminine laughter came from the sofa and Laurel Rose turned toward the
sound. She recognized the woman in the blue jeans and soft blue wool sweater who was
rising to stand. Laurel Rose thought that she didn't look like a vampire. In fact, she
appeared perfectly normal.
"I know we can be overwhelming, but we just wanted to meet you and make sure
you were all right before we went home." Laurel Rose found herself smiling at the
woman. Her natural friendliness was infectious. The fact that she was dressed casually
in jeans made Laurel Rose feel less self-conscious about her own appearance. "In case
you don't remember, I'm Delight, Lucian's much better half."
Laurel Rose offered her hand to Delight and as their eyes met, she sensed a kindred
spirit in this woman. After all, she had been human until recently as well. Laurel Rose
had so many questions she wanted to ask. But that would have to wait. There were still
more people to meet.
Another woman stood and offered her hand. This woman was a little older than
herself and was dressed in a pair of light brown wool trousers with a matching jacket. A
camisole of rich chocolate brown peeked out from between the lapels. Everything about
this woman screamed class. Once again, Laurel Rose was aware of her own appearance.
She was definitely beginning to feel underdressed for the occasion. Stefan growled low
in his throat. Both women ignored him.
"I'm Johanna Dalakis, Cristofor's wife." The minute she smiled, Laurel Rose
relaxed. Once again, she felt a gentle kindness flowing from the other woman.
"I'm pleased to meet you, Johanna." And surprisingly, she meant it. The more time
she spent with them, the more she was beginning to relax.
Stefan wrapped an arm around her shoulders and tucked her under his arm as he
turned her toward another man who was standing in a far corner of the room. This man
was wearing blue jeans and boots with a white cotton shirt. His features were harsh and
she had a feeling that his shrewd blue eyes saw everything. "That's Sam Cassidy. He
hangs around so much, we consider him family."
The tall blond man smirked at Stefan before offering her a charming smile. "Ma'am,
it's a pleasure to meet you." He inclined his head but made no move toward her.
"Mr. Cassidy." Laurel Rose returned his greeting, wondering how he was
connected to the Dalakis family. Stefan, as if sensing her unasked question, answered it
for her.
"Cassidy is a police detective in New Orleans."
"Oh." She arched a questioning brow.
Cassidy laughed. "I met the Dalakis brothers a few months back and my life hasn't
been the same since.
Laurel Rose smiled as she glanced up at Stefan. "I think I know what you mean, Mr.
"Just call me, Cassidy, ma'am. And I just came along to help out and to make sure
this crowd didn't get into any trouble." The Dalakis brothers scowled at him, but
Cassidy just smiled. "I thought you'd like to know that Aaron Higgins and Clem Simms
were arrested and are now in jail alongside Cyril Jenkins. Both of them are more than
willing to share what they know in hopes of a reduced sentence for their own crimes.
Jeremiah Stoner is missing, but the police are searching for him." There was no need for
anyone to confirm that he'd never be found. It was ironic that his final resting spot was
beneath a church.
"Thank you." And she meant it from the bottom of her heart. She was glad that this
nightmare was finally over and she could start to live again. Begin her new life with
Stefan. Now that the introductions were all made, Laurel Rose wasn't quite sure what to
do next. She really wasn't used to having company.
It was Johanna who took the problem right out of her hands, taking charge of the
situation. "We won't stay long. I just wanted to reassure you that your land was safe.
One of the family companies now owns a large enough chunk in RW Hotels to prevent
them from being a problem."
"How? Why?" Laurel Rose couldn't fathom why they had done such a thing. The
amount of money that they must have spent to acquire a large share of that company
was simply mind-boggling.
Cristofor put his arm around his wife, his pride in her obvious in the adoring look
he gave her. "My wife is quite the force to be reckoned with when it comes to business,
Laurel Rose." He captured her with his laser green gaze. "But as to why, well, you are
family. And a Dalakis protects family above all else."
A sense of rightness, of belonging, of security settled over Laurel Rose. These men
were the real deal. They were the type of men you could rely on to do whatever it took

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