Dalton (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (13 page)

BOOK: Dalton (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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“I don’t know if I can,” I say of the small
woman cowering behind me. She’
s pressed to my back with her tiny fist holding my shirt.
“You have no choice. Your mother always has a cho
ice, but she will choose wrong.

His hand pounds the desk in time with his words.

I promise to make it easy on you. If you can’t perform I have a solution. But you will perform for your sister’s sake.”
“What does Spyder have to do with this?”
“Your mother no longer has any control over you. She spent the last of her visi
tation time. Plus now that you’
re a married man and business owner it is ridiculous that we keep fighting over
you. S
he offered me your sister. She’s fourteen. I’
m a sick bastard, but not that fucking sick. Look at
your sadistic grandfather- he’
s practically salivating at the thought. Do you know why that bastard is always here? It’s not my doing- it’
s hers.”
“Please, Dalton.” He closes his eyes in pain. “Just fuck your wife. Knock her up. It
’s either that or your mother is giving me
baby sister.”
“You don’t have to. No one will force you.” I say in shock.
“He wi
ll.” He points at Pierre. “I’
m the head of Las Vegas, I can’t look that weak. She will force me to do it because he will force her
to do
“You know what she’
s trying to do to us, right?” I ask my father.
“Yes, it’s only a matter of time. She thinks she is a better puppet master than he is.”

My grandfather smirks at us knowing full and well that we are speaking of his demise. It’s too bad he is too physically fit to keel over from a heart attack.
Until this moment
I have been blind to the inner-
workings of my parents’ relationship. I thought my mother a victim as she allowed me to be hurt because she didn’t know what else to do. I just learned that my father, while not a victim per say, was the one forced to do bad things.
“Fine, but please do not watch.”
“I don’t plan on it
nor does Stanton. It’s a requirement of the contract. He didn’t trust that you would go through with it. Good luck getting Pierre to look away. I had to negotiate for two days to keep Jon out of the room. You don’t want to know what I had to do for that.”
Tony looks at some papers on his desk and Stanton joins him in my seat.
I recognize the paperwork. It’
s the contract for businesses in the New York area. My marriage just became a merger. I stare down Pierre and he smirks at me. Nothing will make him look away.
I walk the green mile with my bride holding the back of my shirt. I pull the foldaway from the wall and sit with my back to the room and my knees at the wall. Bianca sits next to me.

“You okay with this?” I hold her warm eyes and try to get her to submit. It will be easier on her if she bends to my will. I wish I had someone to bend mine.
I decide on the fast approach. Even after countless encounters with Sandy over the years, I just can’t do foreplay with a woman. I kiss her softly as I
run my fingers up her thigh. I’
m thankful that she wore a dress. It will cover what we need to do.

Her legs part as my fingers skim
higher up her thigh. I work my fingers under the edge of her panties and try to make her comfortable with my touch. She moa
ns softly against my mouth. We’
re no longer kissing, just resting our lips against each other.

Her hand rubs at my groin through my pants as I swirl my f
ingertips around her clit. She’
s silky smooth and highly responsive to my touch. I slip a fingertip inside her and groan- not in pleasure- frustration.
“You’re legal, right?” My father managed to find me a damn virgin. It wouldn’t surprise me if the crime lord wed me to a child bride.
“I’m nineteen,” she says shyly.

I resume kissing her and fondling her gently. I try to get into the mood as her hand rubs me just the way I prefer. It isn’t having the desired effect since I can feel the pervert
glaring intensely at our backs. I think if Pierre wasn’t in the room I would enjoy my wi
fe. She’
s submissive and mine. I like the idea of
controlling her and giving
her pleasure. I can tell she actually desires me. The feeling mentally turn
me on, but Pierre’s presence is keeping my dick soft.

Bianca climaxes quietly as I touch her. I thought I would be serviceable before she found her release. It makes me feel even more frustrated.
“It’s Pierre. I would have no issue if I didn’t feel him staring at us.” I say over my shoulder.
“I’ll call Jon,” Pierre says with a wicked gleam in his eye.
‘No,” I yell in fright.
“I’m sorry, Dalton. It was part of the bargain. Jon has what will help you. If you hadn’t needed the help Jon would have stayed in Bruno’s office.” Tony says sadly.

While Tony was explaining
Pierre was happily chirping into his cell phone.
Jon walks in and my world falls from my feet. I stifle my cry of alarm.
“Jon, don’t torture us anymore than we already have been. Just sit next to your boss. Sebastian, service your Master.”

Sebastian walks over to me and slides down the wall to kneel at my feet. His hands reach for the fly of my pants and I grab his wrist.
“No,” I shake my head in denial.
He shows a rare burst of dominance. He pulls the colla
r of my shirt until we are face-to-
“You have to do this. I can’t tell you what comes next. Just let me help you and finish this.” He hisses furiously in my face.

I resign myself to my fate. I pull Bianca back to me and kiss her softly. I pull her panties off her and work two fingers inside her in preparation. I don’t wan
t to hurt her. I’
m large and not what a virgin needs.
I know Sandy l
oves what I can offer, but she’
s a seasoned whore. I don’t want to hurt the tiny female next to me.

I’ve been whored out just for my cock. I show them
promising that they will have the pleasure after they sign whatever contract Tony sent me with. After the papers are signed I don’t allow them to touch me thanks to Bruno as my backup. It works as punishment too. Tony has me enter the room aroused and the accused male offers all their information.
Tony offers more protection than my mother. She whores me out at Kink. Men and women alike pay top dollar to suck me off.
wife is beautiful,” Seb says. “What’s her name?”
“Bianca,” I say fondly. I already feel attached to her as I do Sebastian.
Not as a wife- as someone that needs me to take care of them

I hiss at the first sexual contact I’ve ever had with Sebastian. We have kissed and I’ve touched him, but never direct contact. I pull my wife to me and moan as his mouth smoothes over the head of my cock.
I nearly cum when he rolls his eyes up and looks at me through his lashes.
He looks at me with desire and it confuses me and turns me on. His gaze holds a wi
ld, almost hysterical edge. He’
s desperate for this to work.

My innocent wife surprises me. She hungrily takes three of my fingers as she watches Sebastian service me.
“Thank you, we’re both ready,” I say in a craze to Sebastian. I pull his curls until he releases his mouth from my cock.
I draw Bianca to the floor between the wall and the bed. I use the bed for cover
so that no one in the room except
for Sebastian can see us. Sebastian sits on the bed blocking us further. 
I try to be as gentle as possible as I consummate my marriage to my wife. I slowly enter her and wait for her to accept my girth. She whimpers for me and I can tell it isn’t from pain.
I twine our finger above her head and do my duty.

“I need you to scrunch up in this corner and stay safe. Can you do that for me?”
I whisper in her ear after we’
re finished. She shakes her head yes in agreement flashing me the trust in her big, brown eyes.
“In a few minutes Sebastian is going to take you to a man to keep you safe. I need you to trust him. His name is Devlin Conrick. He looks scary, but I promise you he will protect you. He’s six
and a half feet tall, black, and completely bald. If that isn’t a good enough description then
for his eyes. They are so pale blue they look white. You listen to everything he says and obey him until I come back for you.”
“What are you going to do?” Her fingers tighten in my shirt trying to keep me with her.
“I refuse to live like this anymore. And I will never allow anyone to treat you this way. It’s for our future
so we can coexist in peace.”
I cup the side of her face and take a long, last look at my wife. I may not live to see her innocent face again. I’ll try to keep her innocent.

The chiming of my phone draws
me from reliving the memory. I’
m so thankful that they broke me from my reverie before I got to the bloody finale.
“Dalton,” I say into the phone.


my sweet wife’s voice is weary.
“How come you didn’t tell me? We talk several times a day and not once did you tell me you were coming. Where are you?”
“She forbade it. I’m calling you against her wishes. I know you saw Seb
astian and would assume I was
here too.”
“Who is your husband
? You listen to me- never her. I’ve protected you for three years no thanks to her.”
“I’m s
orry. With you so far away she’
s able to bend me. She does the same with Sebastian.” Her sweet voice pleads me to understand.
“I don’t know what game that bitch is playing, but I want my damned life back. I know I can’t go home and be me, but I want you with me. If I could get some control over myself I’d have Sebastian with us as well. Where are you staying?”

I’m at
Devlin’s apartment. It’s some huge place in a building called Edge.
It’s like three apartments in one. We all are here- Devlin, Olivia, Sebastian, Spy, and me.

“Who is taking care of business?”

s in charge. I can work from here as you’ve been all this time.”
“Alright, as long as everything is running smoothly.
I want to see you- it’s been three
“Do you think you will ever be able to go home?”
“No, even with the x off my back I wouldn’t go back there. I’d like to start a life here if I don’t ruin my ties with Restraint by being Thompson. We’ve been managing okay for the past three years. Bruno won’t fail us because he’d see it as failing Tony.”
“Dad offered to send some trusted people to Vegas so that I could stay here with you.
He’s happy that I’m back in the city and can see him.
I know it would have to be in secret
if I stayed
. I could come to the club as a submissive. It wouldn’t blow your cover. I know how difficult it’s been for you.”
“I’ll call Sta
nton later in thanks. I’
ll thi
nk about your offer. I don’t know if you could handle seeing me as Thompson. I’m not sure I could handle watching people touch you.” 
“I could be your
. You’d have to give them permission.”

“I’ll think about it. Have Devlin bring you to me in the morning. I can’t be seen going to Edge-
Zeitler territory.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Bianca.” 
“Think about my offer.”






It was my Master’s idea for me to be an asshole to the members of Restraint. I’m going to take my Dad’s advice. My Master makes poor choices and I’m not going to be one of those choices. I refuse to put the members and me through the strife my bad behavior causes. The last straw was when I had to have my Dad punish me for the heinous things I said to Katya. I’ve lived through similar torments. It makes it that much
to use her like that… And I’m not going to do it any longer.
I’m taking Whitt’s advice, too. He said there were people I could count on. It’s time to make a real difference and count on some people. It never mattered how bad I treated them they alwa
ys treated me with respect. After
I was strung up on the rack and beaten, each and every member came to see me. It’s time I count on them in my quest for answers.
Advice three that I’m taking is also from my Dad. Whoever the leak is most likely is doing it to save
their own
ass. Maybe if we can prove we
can protect them, they will help us instead.

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